White Warrior Who Punched Black Disrupter At Trump Rally: "Next Time We Might Have To Kill Him"

And why would someone have to be *killed* for protesting a Trump rally.

You fuck are getting a little scary.

Ya think? Trump supporters are just a cross burning, nigga hanging, latino attacking inch away from being called US NAZI'S on steroids.

Wow scumbags of the Earth unite. What a coward the old guy is, there is a 'game' teens have been playing the last couple years called the knockout game where they walk down the street and hit someone that has their guard down and isn't expecting it. That is what this old man did, he played the knockout game as cowards do.

In real life its called assault and this old idiot should be charged and sued. Being at a 'rally' does not excuse one from the laws of the land. Except of course for conservatives who think 'laws' are really just suggestions, like the Constitution.

Gotta love a country that gets off on this shit.....the same white fucks calling muslims and illegals violent.....but here's the deal....had this happened at a dem rally or had some old black guy sucker punched a white boy.....again, this country reeeeekkkks of hypocrisy and should this brother in this SYG state, find that white coward and whip his ass into yesterday, black guy goes UNDER THE FUCKIN JAIL...Listen, you white people are brave in groups, just be careful, minorities in this country are only gonna take so much shit!!....well at least the nigga's that ain't fucked ol Becky yet anyways!!
Oh please. Shut up already and bring it on. The white guy was near 80 years old. The fat pussy black guy shouldn't show up is he's that fragile.

yep, the majority of the citizen's are freaking FED UP with you so called, protesters. Plants sent in by the snake Democrat party. these Lamestream medias are Also to blame for spreading this garbage.

WTF ever, bitch this is America, where protest is legal and punching mf's get you in jail. You keep that sentiment in mind the next time you hear of some nigga fuckin over one of you, k?

Wow scumbags of the Earth unite. What a coward the old guy is, there is a 'game' teens have been playing the last couple years called the knockout game where they walk down the street and hit someone that has their guard down and isn't expecting it. That is what this old man did, he played the knockout game as cowards do.

In real life its called assault and this old idiot should be charged and sued. Being at a 'rally' does not excuse one from the laws of the land. Except of course for conservatives who think 'laws' are really just suggestions, like the Constitution.

Gotta love a country that gets off on this shit.....the same white fucks calling muslims and illegals violent.....but here's the deal....had this happened at a dem rally or had some old black guy sucker punched a white boy.....again, this country reeeeekkkks of hypocrisy and should this brother in this SYG state, find that white coward and whip his ass into yesterday, black guy goes UNDER THE FUCKIN JAIL...Listen, you white people are brave in groups, just be careful, minorities in this country are only gonna take so much shit!!....well at least the nigga's that ain't fucked ol Becky yet anyways!!
Oh please. Shut up already and bring it on. The white guy was near 80 years old. The fat pussy black guy shouldn't show up is he's that fragile.

yep, the majority of the citizen's are freaking FED UP with you so called, protesters. Plants sent in by the snake Democrat party. these Lamestream medias are Also to blame for spreading this garbage.
Listen, I'm not mad...Obama has done good, I love the guy, my gas tank is full, I got a nice job, I'm good....but I agree with you, however, the GOP is not, I repeat, NOT the solution!!

This is out of left field, however, when speaking specifically on the issue of economics I completely disagree - if you want to talk social shit, SSM and what not I'll agree.

On the other hand, Trump isn't an R so it has no bearing really. He might be running on the R plat, but he's an I, that's why the staunch R's are shitting kittens because they know that if he wins their party is going to change fundamentally.
Listen, economically, yes this country suffers substantially with low pay, longer hours, corporations really calling the shots, I get it. However instead of harnessing that anger toward those responsible...everybody wants to blame the black guy, Obama and that's some bullllll shit. Both houses are led by republicans, they promised you nuts the world last election and has given you nothing....and once again, its Obama's fault???? I suggest all you nuts take a long hard look in the mirror and find your beast of discontentment. As for Trump, don't want to test him in the white house...nuff said.
I agree the people disrupting these events are out of hand as far as the number of times they disrupt an event. Once or twice and you get heard, more than that and you are in fact trying to stop other people from expressing their free speech as well.

But physical violence on people? No way. The guy who got punched was leaving and the old guy sucker punched him, and now the old guy is being charged with assault which he should be. Trump though, should come out and say I don't condone that. Escort them out but you don't get any free passes to harm people.

And please don't compare people at trump events to anyone else. No one else's supporters are violent like that or speak like they do. They are a step away from being brownshirts. Let us hope this event shows them its time to cool the rhetoric. If not then I hope they have plenty of room at the jail.

Again, BLM? They stole the stage from Sanders, completely removing his right to speak at his own event. I don't like Sander's economic policies but I still feel he's got the right to speak, 'specially at his own event. I'm not going to lie and say that if someone had punched em, I wouldn't chuckle about it. Again, we know it's wrong, and we don't particularly condone it, but still...

You're going straight for the faux outrage angle with the "Trump supporters are violent" talking points in order to influence votes - you've completely missed my point.

As for your latter comment, son, I'll make any damn comparison I wish, your opinion is your own and you're welcome to think it and more than welcome to disagree with me, but here's the thing - and this is what I'm talking about - you have no right to tell me I "shouldn't" be saying /my/ opinion, regardless if you tack a facetious "please" on it. That is a hairs breath from "shut up if you don't agree with my opinion" stance and quite frankly people are sick and tired of. If you'd like to debate something with reasonable discussion, I'm all for it, but you don't want to discuss anything here, you just want me to stop talking. I strongly disagree with that "idea" regardless of which side, or whom, is doing it. It's exactly what is "wrong" with these rally disrupters, they think that they have the "right" to disrupt something simply because they disagree with what's being said. No, in America /everyone/ has the right to speak, all opinions are "equal" and none have the right to suppress the others from being heard.

This is something that goes to the heart of nearly every problem in the country; OWS feels like wall street doesn't listen to them, BLM feels like the police don't listen to them, Rednecks feel like the government don't listen to them, Christians feel like the government doesn't listen to them, anti-global warming folks feel that the government isn't listening to the other side of the story, and so on through nearly every issue you can find a link. We as a society need to stop telling people to shut up.

Not sure what this is about, you spoke your mind like everyone else. What do you want to see people do/not-do? I generally agreed with half your points and was generally cordial. :dunno:

Of course you don't, you're ears are not open because you're too busy thinking about your opinion rather than anyone else's. Saying "Please shut up" is still telling someone to shut up. If I'm polite and tell someone to "Please shoot yourself" does adding "please" make it okay? Not really. Kind of like saying "he got what was coming to him" isn't the same as saying you'd have punched the guy in the mouth.

How can you take literally Trump's statement that he'd like to punch someone in the face and run with "he's violent" on one hand and then /not/ see how you basically just told me to shut up simply because you don't like my opinion?

You need to relax. I'm too busy thinking about an Egg McMuffin right about now.
go for the biscuit, them muffins in like rubber foam over an egg
What will it take for a Trump supporter to condemn anything he or his supporters do? Trump could rape Nancy Reagan's corpse on stage and his supporters would say she was asking for it. And his poll numbers would only increase as he was balls deep in Ronald's dead wife, to a cheering crowd chanting "Make America great again!"
I agree the people disrupting these events are out of hand as far as the number of times they disrupt an event. Once or twice and you get heard, more than that and you are in fact trying to stop other people from expressing their free speech as well.

But physical violence on people? No way. The guy who got punched was leaving and the old guy sucker punched him, and now the old guy is being charged with assault which he should be. Trump though, should come out and say I don't condone that. Escort them out but you don't get any free passes to harm people.

And please don't compare people at trump events to anyone else. No one else's supporters are violent like that or speak like they do. They are a step away from being brownshirts. Let us hope this event shows them its time to cool the rhetoric. If not then I hope they have plenty of room at the jail.

Again, BLM? They stole the stage from Sanders, completely removing his right to speak at his own event. I don't like Sander's economic policies but I still feel he's got the right to speak, 'specially at his own event. I'm not going to lie and say that if someone had punched em, I wouldn't chuckle about it. Again, we know it's wrong, and we don't particularly condone it, but still...

You're going straight for the faux outrage angle with the "Trump supporters are violent" talking points in order to influence votes - you've completely missed my point.

As for your latter comment, son, I'll make any damn comparison I wish, your opinion is your own and you're welcome to think it and more than welcome to disagree with me, but here's the thing - and this is what I'm talking about - you have no right to tell me I "shouldn't" be saying /my/ opinion, regardless if you tack a facetious "please" on it. That is a hairs breath from "shut up if you don't agree with my opinion" stance and quite frankly people are sick and tired of. If you'd like to debate something with reasonable discussion, I'm all for it, but you don't want to discuss anything here, you just want me to stop talking. I strongly disagree with that "idea" regardless of which side, or whom, is doing it. It's exactly what is "wrong" with these rally disrupters, they think that they have the "right" to disrupt something simply because they disagree with what's being said. No, in America /everyone/ has the right to speak, all opinions are "equal" and none have the right to suppress the others from being heard.

This is something that goes to the heart of nearly every problem in the country; OWS feels like wall street doesn't listen to them, BLM feels like the police don't listen to them, Rednecks feel like the government don't listen to them, Christians feel like the government doesn't listen to them, anti-global warming folks feel that the government isn't listening to the other side of the story, and so on through nearly every issue you can find a link. We as a society need to stop telling people to shut up.

Listen, I'm not mad...Obama has done good, I love the guy, my gas tank is full, I got a nice job, I'm good....but I agree with you, however, the GOP is not, I repeat, NOT the solution!!
You type hyphenated people are the disease of this country. Trump and his patriotic White army of supporters will be the cure!

The last 2 times you nuts looked for a cure, it got you Bush Jr. and then it got you this last GOP majority, how's it working out for ya? No disrespect, but everything you conservatives white minions touch, blows up in your face......:blowup:
Actually, I can see ol white dude on the ticket, toothless dirty hillbilly redneck, representing whites as VP...yeah, I say go for it. That's 99% of Trump supporters anyway.

Actually, I can see ol white dude on the ticket, toothless dirty hillbilly redneck, representing whites as VP...yeah, I say go for it. That's 99% of Trump supporters anyway.


There's gotta be a black baby in that picture somewhere, after all this is the south, eh?
Actually, I can see ol white dude on the ticket, toothless dirty hillbilly redneck, representing whites as VP...yeah, I say go for it. That's 99% of Trump supporters anyway.


There's gotta be a black baby in that picture somewhere, after all this is the south, eh?

The black baby is in the red cooler on wheels. It's called a white trash escort.
See, there you go. Hes just a crazy old man. Cant blame Trump for the actions of insane people.
Hell, if I were the guy who got hit, I'd be suing Trump for inciting violence at his rallies.

Wow scumbags of the Earth unite. What a coward the old guy is, there is a 'game' teens have been playing the last couple years called the knockout game where they walk down the street and hit someone that has their guard down and isn't expecting it. That is what this old man did, he played the knockout game as cowards do.

In real life its called assault and this old idiot should be charged and sued. Being at a 'rally' does not excuse one from the laws of the land. Except of course for conservatives who think 'laws' are really just suggestions, like the Constitution.

Gotta love a country that gets off on this shit.....the same white fucks calling muslims and illegals violent.....but here's the deal....had this happened at a dem rally or had some old black guy sucker punched a white boy.....again, this country reeeeekkkks of hypocrisy and should this brother in this SYG state, find that white coward and whip his ass into yesterday, black guy goes UNDER THE FUCKIN JAIL...Listen, you white people are brave in groups, just be careful, minorities in this country are only gonna take so much shit!!....well at least the nigga's that ain't fucked ol Becky yet anyways!!
Oh please. Shut up already and bring it on. The white guy was near 80 years old. The fat pussy black guy shouldn't show up is he's that fragile.

yep, the majority of the citizen's are freaking FED UP with you so called, protesters. Plants sent in by the snake Democrat party. these Lamestream medias are Also to blame for spreading this garbage.
Of course whites are the majority. Blacks aren't. They are only 12%. There are fewer blacks today than there was in 1920. There are more Hispanics than blacks.

Now we know. They multiracial experiment was a failure.
... and charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct. Not to mention the civil suit that you know is coming.
Assault and battery with the smallest bond possible. The old guy was out in about 15 minutes.

There will likely not be a civil suit. 80 year old white man v black fat fuck. That would be a real short trial.
... and charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct. Not to mention the civil suit that you know is coming.
Assault and battery with the smallest bond possible. The old guy was out in about 15 minutes.

There will likely not be a civil suit. 80 year old white man v black fat fuck. That would be a real short trial.
Out on bond. He still faces jail time, fines and a potential civil suit.
... and charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct. Not to mention the civil suit that you know is coming.
Assault and battery with the smallest bond possible. The old guy was out in about 15 minutes.

There will likely not be a civil suit. 80 year old white man v black fat fuck. That would be a real short trial.
Out on bond. He still faces jail time, fines and a potential civil suit.
He won't go to jail. He might have a small fine but there will be no civil suit.

If fat fuck black guy is in fear of his life from an 80 year old, ffbg just wasn't hit hard enough.
... and charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct. Not to mention the civil suit that you know is coming.
Assault and battery with the smallest bond possible. The old guy was out in about 15 minutes.

There will likely not be a civil suit. 80 year old white man v black fat fuck. That would be a real short trial.
Out on bond. He still faces jail time, fines and a potential civil suit.
He won't go to jail. He might have a small fine but there will be no civil suit.

If fat fuck black guy is in fear of his life from an 80 year old, ffbg just wasn't hit hard enough.
That you think that scrawny guy is fat speaks well to your mental instability.
... and charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct. Not to mention the civil suit that you know is coming.
Assault and battery with the smallest bond possible. The old guy was out in about 15 minutes.

There will likely not be a civil suit. 80 year old white man v black fat fuck. That would be a real short trial.
Out on bond. He still faces jail time, fines and a potential civil suit.
He won't go to jail. He might have a small fine but there will be no civil suit.

If fat fuck black guy is in fear of his life from an 80 year old, ffbg just wasn't hit hard enough.
This is tipsy's idea of a fat guy....


... tipsy, after the lunacy you've been posting, did ya really think more evidence you're a flamin' fruit cake was necessary?
I can't wait when Trump
Listen, I'm not mad...Obama has done good, I love the guy, my gas tank is full, I got a nice job, I'm good....but I agree with you, however, the GOP is not, I repeat, NOT the solution!!

This is out of left field, however, when speaking specifically on the issue of economics I completely disagree - if you want to talk social shit, SSM and what not I'll agree.

On the other hand, Trump isn't an R so it has no bearing really. He might be running on the R plat, but he's an I, that's why the staunch R's are shitting kittens because they know that if he wins their party is going to change fundamentally.
Listen, economically, yes this country suffers substantially with low pay, longer hours, corporations really calling the shots, I get it. However instead of harnessing that anger toward those responsible...everybody wants to blame the black guy, Obama and that's some bullllll shit. Both houses are led by republicans, they promised you nuts the world last election and has given you nothing....and once again, its Obama's fault???? I suggest all you nuts take a long hard look in the mirror and find your beast of discontentment. As for Trump, don't want to test him in the white house...nuff said.
I can't wait when Trump is president where I can take your black ass out to the wood shed and put a bullwhip to you. You type people are going to have a rude awakening pretty soon boy.

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