White Woman Calls Police on 8 Year Old Black Child For Selling Bottled Water

Have you ever called the police on someone who wasn't breaking the law just to cause them trouble?

  • Yes but I was mistaken - I thought they were breaking the law

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes and I'd do it again

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 6 85.7%

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Why is this in the racist sub forum?
Where would you prefer to see it?

He doesn't want to see it. He wants to be able to unload all of his racism about us in an echo chamber where other whites can do the same and we are to say nothing. Now here comes the usual reply of how I am race baiting or a black racist.
Forget race. She is a Liberal asshole trying to enforce big government. The norm for San Francisco.
This happens all the time to all kinds of children. It has nothing to do with race. But black people never let an outrage go to waste.

Gads but these people get more obnoxious by the day, by the hour.
This happens all the time to all kinds of children. It has nothing to do with race. But black people never let an outrage go to waste.

Gads but these people get more obnoxious by the day, by the hour.


And we will stay obnoxious as long as filth like you exist.
This happens all the time to all kinds of children. It has nothing to do with race. But black people never let an outrage go to waste.

Gads but these people get more obnoxious by the day, by the hour.

Even with a bright red fire truck parked nearby, it wasn’t enough proof that firefighter Kevin Moore was legit as he worked checking for debris that could contribute to a fire as racists instead took issue with his very presence.

“It’s extremely unfortunate,” said fire Capt. Damon Covington, president of the Oakland Black Firefighters Association.

“From the outside, it certainly appears to be unfair and unwarranted. The fire service is a microcosm of the world. Racism exists in the world, and it exists in Oakland and everywhere else.”

****It’s become commonplace for white people to confront unassuming black people and call the police on them****. Even when they are working, black people are scrutinized. Recently a white woman called the police on a black realtor who visited a home he had a contract on. And the case of the two black men who had the police called on them by a white Starbucks manager and arrested while waiting on a business associate created a national outcry and forced the retail chain to reassess their dealings with customers and create new policies and procedures.

In this case, it’s routine for Oakland firefighters to check for hanging tree branches, and other hazards that could contribute to a fire. It called vegetation-management inspections. Moore was wearing his full uniform and was equipped with his radio and clipboard.

“I try to put myself in other people’s shoes, like if I see someone in my yard, I’d ask what they’re doing,” Moore said. “That’s why I always call out, ‘Hello! Hello! Oakland Fire Department!’ Because I want to be heard. I just don’t want somebody to look out their window and see somebody in their backyard. I’m not trying to be incognito.”​

His colleague, firefighter Megan Bryan, an acting officer, said 911 contacted her to verify the situation.

“I knew that he (Moore) was the one on that street,” Bryan said.

Bryan, a white woman, admits that she’s never had the police called on her for doing her job.

Moore said he approached one home and the resident was in his face videotaping him.

“He kind of startled me,” Moore said. “He says, ‘Well, what are you doing here?’ I say, ‘We’re here doing our annual vegetation inspection.’ Then he asks for ID. I say no problem. He takes a picture of my ID and says I need to get a different one. I’ve had that ID for years. It’s kind of dark, and I’m more of a dark-skinned black guy, but you can still see me.”

Moore said he suggested that the resident look at “a big red fire engine is right there.”

Then a resident emailed Vince Crudele, who supervises the inspection program, some security video showing Moore’s face and he canvassed the area and rang doorbells to notify residents of his presence.

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