#WhiteGenocide signs pop up in Asheville

Whites do need to join together as a culture. We will never be genicided out of existence. A lot of the migrations and immigration policies are foolish from both sides of the political spectrum.

I like the Latinos for the most part. I think they will make a excellent addition to America. Yes, they will go through some nonsense, as every ethnic has. In the end I think they are a plus.

They will easily surpass the blacks and have almost replaced them in the workforce.
Technically, latinos are Caucasians.
WhiteGenocide Signs Pop Up In Asheville - WLOS - Asheville Top Stories - ABC

Love spreading the word! Pretty good article...love getting the attention and word out.
It seems now days that almost everyone has an agenda of some sort. We see all kinds of people expressing all kinds of messages, and most of them are aimed at religion, race, politics, war, taxes, employment, unions, teachers, law enforcement, health care, and illegal immigration. We have almost seven billion people on this Earth, and almost that many views and opinions on every subject imaginable. The old truism that says you can't please all the people all the time, is more true today than at any time in history. While diversity may be good, and in most cases, beneficial, it can also be divisive and harmful. Even though hate may not be expressed in many agendas, it's certainly implied when talking about race, nationality, and religion.

Freedom of speech, and/or free speech, allows one to express themselves openly and without fear, but at the same time it can be emotionally hurtful and socially harmful. In some cases, this privilege leads to public outcries resulting in riots, protest marches, and violence. On the other hand, we wouldn't be where we are today as a nation if it were not for the right to disagree and express that disagreement through public exhibitions of outrage. We don't have to agree with, nor condone, certain causes, but we must allow those with what they feel is a cause, to openly express their concerns. Non-violent and peaceful displays of disagreement is a strength, and not a curse. Much blood has been shed to protect our right to publicly disagree.

Oh yes! We simply must allow bigots and racists to have an unfettered forum....free of rebuke or consequence. If we all just nod our heads gently and take pride in our free speech rights.....bigots and racists will come to appreciate those they hate and have a self-inspired change of heart!

If we oppose their message, we are only giving them fuel for their burning fire of hatred!
Actually, yes...you must simply allow bigots and racists of ALL stripes an unfettered forum...free of rebuke or consequence. When you start singling out certain stripes of bigots and racists for censure, and others for free expression, then we lose all freedom of expression. Whether you like, agree with, or otherwise think that any specific expression of opinion or thought is agreeable to you, is irrelevant. All of us have the freedom (so far) of expression guaranteed by our Constitution. Like it or not, those you label "racists" and "bigots" label you likewise. They are no more out-of-line than you are. Suck it up, buttercup.

No, dummy. There will be consequences. You and your wannabe bad ass friends always make that mistake. The consequences are not legal in nature. They are established by OUR society. Nobody will jail you for being a bigot. But...there is a reason why you and your pals hide your hate from those around you. You don't want to deal with the consequences. Ya fucking coward.
canton? or waynesville?

i dont really have any trouble with traffic in the town till i hit downtown......other than that...main roads move pretty fast and i still like to go tunnel road just for old time's ....

i dont see how you can call it a shithole...has a lot of art...and the biltmore house...etc and so forth

Whites do need to join together as a culture. We will never be genicided out of existence. A lot of the migrations and immigration policies are foolish from both sides of the political spectrum.

I like the Latinos for the most part. I think they will make a excellent addition to America. Yes, they will go through some nonsense, as every ethnic has. In the end I think they are a plus.

They will easily surpass the blacks and have almost replaced them in the workforce.
Technically, latinos are Caucasians.
No. Those from Mexico are of mixed European/Indian blood...
Kinda like the poor Indians and it's there country. Crap, crap and more crap. They got conquered, out maneuvered, out lasted and just plain lost. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. So sorry.

It's a lame argument.
Kinda like people too stupid to use the correct homonym when making a factually incorrect statement...
90% of the countries that white people live in were populated by a non-white indigenous population...are you really this stupid???

Oh yeah, your choice of homonyms clears that question right up...

If mother Nature is cruel and you want to accept that fact then stop crying like a little bitch about an imaginary genocide of white people.
Whites do need to join together as a culture. We will never be genicided out of existence. A lot of the migrations and immigration policies are foolish from both sides of the political spectrum.

I like the Latinos for the most part. I think they will make a excellent addition to America. Yes, they will go through some nonsense, as every ethnic has. In the end I think they are a plus.

They will easily surpass the blacks and have almost replaced them in the workforce.
And poor white trash...
As soon as these foolish white cave chimps expose themselves they will be dealt with. Hopefully they will try something before I pass away from old age. Theyve been predicting this revolution for almost 40 years now.
History is on our side. =)

And your white so please refrain from negrosity tough guy. It's embarrassing.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?

I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.

Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.

If you would work on your reading comprehension that would help a lot. I am not guilty of anything. The fact that I look at people as individuals and do not blame an entire race should be obvious. Elitist? lol Yeah, if that is what you see....

Your nausea is not my problem. And no, I am not going to shut-up. That much should be obvious. So why don't you try and form some actual points concerning the OP and skip the ignorant personal attacks.

Whatever you say, whitey.
You are a Jew. You are NOT white.
stop , asshole
Whites do need to join together as a culture. We will never be genicided out of existence. A lot of the migrations and immigration policies are foolish from both sides of the political spectrum.

I like the Latinos for the most part. I think they will make a excellent addition to America. Yes, they will go through some nonsense, as every ethnic has. In the end I think they are a plus.

They will easily surpass the blacks and have almost replaced them in the workforce.
And poor white trash...

Don't hate the truth bro. latinos outclass the blacks in about every way. Except self pity and self hatred
Kinda like the poor Indians and it's there country. Crap, crap and more crap. They got conquered, out maneuvered, out lasted and just plain lost. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. So sorry.

It's a lame argument.
Kinda like people too stupid to use the correct homonym when making a factually incorrect statement...
90% of the countries that white people live in were populated by a non-white indigenous population...are you really this stupid???

Oh yeah, your choice of homonyms clears that question right up...

If mother Nature is cruel and you want to accept that fact then stop crying like a little bitch about an imaginary genocide of white people.

Last vestige of the weak. That's just comical. I'm not crying a bit. Yer the one who sounds all butt hurt bro.
El wrongo!

Everyone other then whites flock to white countries. It's a fact. From whatever terd hole they are from. That's fine by me, but the illegals have to go.

What a stupid statement...

When's the last time you heard anyone say....that's it we are moving to Africa to start a new life? How many people float on junkets across a open sea to sneak into Africa for a better life?

Gimme a break. The truth is what I said. They come to our nations because we offer so much more then whatever terd holes they currently occupy. So much that they will risk it all.....just for the chance. Fact.

Even Russia...Russia has a high immigration population.... If mofos wanna go to Russia just to work. That speaks volumes.
Kinda like the poor Indians and it's there country. Crap, crap and more crap. They got conquered, out maneuvered, out lasted and just plain lost. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. So sorry.

It's a lame argument.
Kinda like people too stupid to use the correct homonym when making a factually incorrect statement...
90% of the countries that white people live in were populated by a non-white indigenous population...are you really this stupid???

Oh yeah, your choice of homonyms clears that question right up...

If mother Nature is cruel and you want to accept that fact then stop crying like a little bitch about an imaginary genocide of white people.

sounds like white people are superior according your definition
Kinda like the poor Indians and it's there country. Crap, crap and more crap. They got conquered, out maneuvered, out lasted and just plain lost. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. So sorry.

It's a lame argument.
Kinda like people too stupid to use the correct homonym when making a factually incorrect statement...
90% of the countries that white people live in were populated by a non-white indigenous population...are you really this stupid???

Oh yeah, your choice of homonyms clears that question right up...

If mother Nature is cruel and you want to accept that fact then stop crying like a little bitch about an imaginary genocide of white people.

sounds like white people are superior according your definition
Your lack of intelligence would lead you to such a flawed opinion...
Kinda like the poor Indians and it's there country. Crap, crap and more crap. They got conquered, out maneuvered, out lasted and just plain lost. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. So sorry.

It's a lame argument.
Kinda like people too stupid to use the correct homonym when making a factually incorrect statement...
90% of the countries that white people live in were populated by a non-white indigenous population...are you really this stupid???

Oh yeah, your choice of homonyms clears that question right up...

If mother Nature is cruel and you want to accept that fact then stop crying like a little bitch about an imaginary genocide of white people.

sounds like white people are superior according your definition
Your lack of intelligence would lead you to such a flawed opinion...
You people are incapable of following a thought to its logical conclusion, you know.
El wrongo!

Everyone other then whites flock to white countries. It's a fact. From whatever terd hole they are from. That's fine by me, but the illegals have to go.

What a stupid statement...

When's the last time you heard anyone say....that's it we are moving to Africa to start a new life? How many people float on junkets across a open sea to sneak into Africa for a better life?

Gimme a break. The truth is what I said. They come to our nations because we offer so much more then whatever terd holes they currently occupy. So much that they will risk it all.....just for the chance. Fact.

Even Russia...Russia has a high immigration population.... If mofos wanna go to Russia just to work. That speaks volumes.
When's the last time any country with open borders did not see white people moving to it???...
Whites came in droves to every country I previously posted, that destroys your idiotic statement.
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Whites do need to join together as a culture. We will never be genicided out of existence. A lot of the migrations and immigration policies are foolish from both sides of the political spectrum.

I like the Latinos for the most part. I think they will make a excellent addition to America. Yes, they will go through some nonsense, as every ethnic has. In the end I think they are a plus.

They will easily surpass the blacks and have almost replaced them in the workforce.
And poor white trash...

Don't hate the truth bro. latinos outclass the blacks in about every way. Except self pity and self hatred
Take your own advice...your days of being the only rest room attendant are numbered...
Yes and we came, we conquered, we built, we exploit, we enslave, we've done it all. Twice. And we are very, very good at it. We will even drop a atomic bomb on you. And then rebuild and turn it into a economic powerhouse.

You know nothing of our culture.
Yes and we came, we conquered, we built, we exploit, we enslave, we've done it all. Twice. And we are very, very good at it. We will even drop a atomic bomb on you. And then rebuild and turn it into a economic powerhouse.

You know nothing of our culture.
The ignorance displayed in your posts is the genesis of declining lower class white power in this country...
the bellowing of a dying group

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