#WhiteGenocide signs pop up in Asheville

Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post

Oh, and the white deaths outnumbering births? Did you read the article? The difference between white births and deaths was less than 13k. And there was another tidbit you apparently missed: "The decrease was offset by 188,000 white immigrants, most from Canada and Germany but also from Russia and Saudi Arabia. And non-Hispanic whites remain the single largest group, making up 63 percent of the country." In other words, the white population still grew by 175,000 people.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post
You racists can simply classify Hispanic people as white and all your problems are solved. :thup:
Thanks for showing that being worried about white genocide is racism to the racist anti white bastards. :) You are the enemy and will be dealt with accordingly.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post

Your own link proves my point. "A Census Bureau analysis of the 2010 count showed that the number of non-Hispanic whites rose over the decade from 194.5 million to 197 million, but the 1.2 percent growth rate fell far short of the national increase of 9.7 percent. Non-Hispanic whites are now 64 percent of the population, down from 69 percent a decade ago.".

We are a smaller percentage of the population, but the numbers went up.

According to this site, the population of non-hispanic whites in the 2000 census was 211,460,626. And the non-hispanic whites in the 2010 census was 223,553,265. This shows an increase of just over 12 million white people in the US.

And by the numbers in your own link, the black population is barely growing, while the hispanic and asian populations are soaring. So your hatred of blacks is misplaced.
jesus christ....you really can't be this dumb...you can't its fucking impossible...when YOUR RACE is being BRED out of existence by OTHER RACES on top of OTHER RACES being bused and allowed into white countries THAT IS GENOCIDE. Now run along with your tail between your legs and go hate some more white folks...nothing more pathetic than a white anti white.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post
You racists can simply classify Hispanic people as white and all your problems are solved. :thup:
Thanks for showing that being worried about white genocide is racism to the racist anti white bastards. :) You are the enemy and will be dealt with accordingly.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post

Your own link proves my point. "A Census Bureau analysis of the 2010 count showed that the number of non-Hispanic whites rose over the decade from 194.5 million to 197 million, but the 1.2 percent growth rate fell far short of the national increase of 9.7 percent. Non-Hispanic whites are now 64 percent of the population, down from 69 percent a decade ago.".

We are a smaller percentage of the population, but the numbers went up.

According to this site, the population of non-hispanic whites in the 2000 census was 211,460,626. And the non-hispanic whites in the 2010 census was 223,553,265. This shows an increase of just over 12 million white people in the US.

And by the numbers in your own link, the black population is barely growing, while the hispanic and asian populations are soaring. So your hatred of blacks is misplaced.
jesus christ....you really can't be this dumb...you can't its fucking impossible...when YOUR RACE is being BRED out of existence by OTHER RACES on top of OTHER RACES being bused and allowed into white countries THAT IS GENOCIDE. Now run along with your tail between your legs and go hate some more white folks...nothing more pathetic than a white anti white.

"white anti white" is code for "Not an ignorant racist".

No, I am not dumb. I showed you US Census firgures that shows the US population of whites is still growing. It is simply not growing at the rate other races are growing.

In other words, what I showed was that the "white genocide" you whine about is not happening. If a population grows by almost 13 million people it is not declining. It is only declining as a percentage of the total population. Those are two very different things.
White children will become a minority of children under age 18 well before 2020, and, soon thereafter, the white population as a whole is projected to begin to decrease.
"Around the time that President Kennedy went to Germany and gave his 'Ich bin ein Berliner' speech, Europe represented 12.5 per cent of the world's population. Today it is 7.2 per cent, and if current trends continue, by 2050 only 5 per cent of the world will be European," states Russell Shorto in the New York Times.

Nope not decreasing at all!
Similar disparities exist in Europe. In 2005, 64,000 children were born in Norway of two foreign-born parents in comparison with only 13,800 children born to native Norwegian parents. Immigration in combination with higher non-European birth rates has resulted in projected transformation of majorities into minorities.

Is The Caucasian Race Dying
"Around the time that President Kennedy went to Germany and gave his 'Ich bin ein Berliner' speech, Europe represented 12.5 per cent of the world's population. Today it is 7.2 per cent, and if current trends continue, by 2050 only 5 per cent of the world will be European," states Russell Shorto in the New York Times.

Nope not decreasing at all!

WTH? Can you not read? I have posted the actual numbers in the population. You are talking about percentages of populations. They are two different things.

Let me try and explain it with numbers you can grasp.

If there are 100 people, and 60 of them are white and 13 of them are black, that would give you 60% and 13% respectively. If that population grew by 50 people, and now 81 people are white and 27 are black, it would give you 54% and 18% respectively. But the population of whites grew. It did not actually decline, except as a percentage of the total racial makeup of the population.

This is why your claims are a lie. The white population is growing, not declining. It is simply not growing as fast as some other races. But black populations are barely doing better. Hispanics and asians are the ones changing the racial makeup.

It is more and more obvious that your hatred is based on your own fears rather than on actual facts.
He may be right. According to the people that originally defined what "white" means, they are indeed a vanishing breed. Its inevitable due to genetics which is why you now hear phrases like Black caucasian and other foolishness like the Black guy classified as white due to being from Egypt.
Coon is a monkey that cant be trusted to tell the truth. There were no white people until 10K years ago.
Professor Coon has his detractors:
Sherwood Washburn and Ashley Montagu were heavily influenced by the modern synthesis in biology and population genetics. In addition, they were influenced by Franz Boas, who had moved away from typological racial thinking.

"Rather than supporting Coon's theories, they and other contemporary researchers viewed the human species as a continuous serial progression of populations and heavily criticised Coon's Origin of Races.

"The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and changing social attitudes challenged racial theories like Coon's that had been used by segregationists to justify discrimination and depriving people of civil rights. In 1961 non-fiction writer Carleton Putnam published Race and Reason: A Yankee View, a popular theory of racial segregation.

"The American Association of Physical Anthropologists voted to censure Putnam's book. Coon, who was then the president of the association, resigned in protest, claiming the action violated free speech.[27]"

Carleton S. Coon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Coon is a monkey that cant be trusted to tell the truth. There were no white people until 10K years ago.
Professor Coon has his detractors:
Sherwood Washburn and Ashley Montagu were heavily influenced by the modern synthesis in biology and population genetics. In addition, they were influenced by Franz Boas, who had moved away from typological racial thinking.

"Rather than supporting Coon's theories, they and other contemporary researchers viewed the human species as a continuous serial progression of populations and heavily criticised Coon's Origin of Races.

"The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and changing social attitudes challenged racial theories like Coon's that had been used by segregationists to justify discrimination and depriving people of civil rights. In 1961 non-fiction writer Carleton Putnam published Race and Reason: A Yankee View, a popular theory of racial segregation.

"The American Association of Physical Anthropologists voted to censure Putnam's book. Coon, who was then the president of the association, resigned in protest, claiming the action violated free speech.[27]"

Carleton S. Coon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Its amazing the gymnastics employed by white people to assert superiority isnt it?

Caucasian race - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The term "Caucasian race" was coined by the German philosopher Christoph Meiners in his The Outline of History of Mankind (1785). Meiners' term was given wider circulation in the 1790s by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German professor of medicine and member of the British Royal Society, who is considered one of the founders of the discipline of anthropology.[7]

Meiners' treatise was widely read in the German intellectual circles of its day, despite muted criticism of its scholarship. Meiners proposed a taxonomy of human beings which involved only two races (Rassen): Caucasians and Mongolians. He considered Caucasians to be more physically attractive than Mongolians, notably because they had paler skin; Caucasians were also more sensitive and more morally virtuous than Mongolians. "
No person I have EVER talked to including my parents and all my grandparents aunts uncles etc has ever said its better now that it was then.
I believe most of us white Americans would agree with your family; however, most black Americans, I believe, would beg to differ. It has been fifty years and a single day since Martin King and 25,000 followers completed the "Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights Trail" as it's known today. It required 2000 soldiers of the US Army and 1900 troops from the Alabama National Guard (under Federal command) to prevent thousands of marcher from going the way of Jimmy Lee Jackson.

The decline your family members speak of is just as real today as racial segregation was in 1965. In fact, it was just a few years later when the US middle class began seeing a separation between their productivity and their wages.

It's probably no coincidence that those whose share of national income over the last fifty years has tripled use race as a wedge issue to prevent 90% of Americans from seeing their true adversaries.
living an two hours north of asheville...i find it to be a very diverse city...trendy and happening...with a great vibe...
too bad this is happening anywhere
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post
You racists can simply classify Hispanic people as white and all your problems are solved. :thup:
Thanks for showing that being worried about white genocide is racism to the racist anti white bastards. :) You are the enemy and will be dealt with accordingly.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post

Your own link proves my point. "A Census Bureau analysis of the 2010 count showed that the number of non-Hispanic whites rose over the decade from 194.5 million to 197 million, but the 1.2 percent growth rate fell far short of the national increase of 9.7 percent. Non-Hispanic whites are now 64 percent of the population, down from 69 percent a decade ago.".

We are a smaller percentage of the population, but the numbers went up.

According to this site, the population of non-hispanic whites in the 2000 census was 211,460,626. And the non-hispanic whites in the 2010 census was 223,553,265. This shows an increase of just over 12 million white people in the US.

And by the numbers in your own link, the black population is barely growing, while the hispanic and asian populations are soaring. So your hatred of blacks is misplaced.
jesus christ....you really can't be this dumb...you can't its fucking impossible...when YOUR RACE is being BRED out of existence by OTHER RACES on top of OTHER RACES being bused and allowed into white countries THAT IS GENOCIDE. Now run along with your tail between your legs and go hate some more white folks...nothing more pathetic than a white anti white.

AKA he used your own bullshit to make you the internet fool...
Your silly outburst was a stunning example of failing to address the facts that bit you in your ass...

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