#WhiteGenocide signs pop up in Asheville

White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
Dude, all due respect, but Haiti is a mess whether there are a few whites there or not.
Haiti got on the wrong side of Whitey in 1804:
"The Haitian Revolution (1791–1804) was a slave revolt in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, which culminated in the elimination of slavery there and the founding of the Republic of Haiti.

"The Haitian Revolution was the only slave revolt which led to the founding of a state.

"Furthermore, it is generally considered the most successful slave rebellion ever to have occurred and as a defining moment in the histories of both Europe and the Americas. "
Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Me and my wife have decided to not live life by what material items we have but what we can provide our race which are white children who will grow up to be white warriors and mothers. So far 1 son and 3 daughters and no one where near done.
I think there are several decades of difference between our ages; I came of age during the final days of legal segregation in the US. Whenever events of revolutionary social change occur within a society, it is often the military of that society that leads the way, and that is exactly how the end of legal white power ended in this country. The US military integrated and the civilian society had no choice but to follow. If you are being truthful about how you are raising your "white warriors", don't forget their suicide vests.
When and where did the "white race" first appear?

"Summary of The Races of Europe[10]
Coon's 1939 book concluded the following:

  1. The Caucasian race is of dual origin consisting of Upper Paleolithic (mixture of sapiens and neandertals) types and Mediterranean (purely sapiens) types.
  2. The Upper Paleolithic peoples are the truly indigenous peoples of Europe.
  3. Mediterraneans invaded Europe in large numbers during the Neolithic period and settled there.
  4. The racial situation in Europe today may be explained as a mixture of Upper Paleolithic survivors and Mediterraneans.
  5. When reduced Upper Paleolithic survivors and Mediterraneans mix, then occurs the process of dinarization, which produces a hybrid with non-intermediate features.
  6. The Caucasian race encompasses the regions of Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, the Near East, North Africa, and Northeast Africa.
  7. The Nordic race is part of the Mediterranean racial stock, being a mixture of Corded and Danubian Mediterraneans."
Carleton S. Coon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Coon is a monkey that cant be trusted to tell the truth. There were no white people until 10K years ago.
Let us shed a tear for white people.

Let us shed a tear for white people.

And when the white people become a minority in America, then watch what the non-whites will do to this country. Go check out Haiti for starters. Enjoy your created cesspool when it comes. You will be wishing white people were the majority again.
When all the racist whites are gone Haiti will prosper. We will make sure of that. I seriously doubt anyone wants whites to be the majority except you cave monkeys.

Dude, all due respect, but Haiti is a mess whether there are a few whites there or not.
Hati is a mess for the same reason some parts of Africa and south America are a mess. White people with their policies which support dictators and corrupt leaders. When whites are not in power these countries will prosper.
Me and my wife have decided to not live life by what material items we have but what we can provide our race which are white children who will grow up to be white warriors and mothers. So far 1 son and 3 daughters and no one where near done.
I think there are several decades of difference between our ages; I came of age during the final days of legal segregation in the US. Whenever events of revolutionary social change occur within a society, it is often the military of that society that leads the way, and that is exactly how the end of legal white power ended in this country. The US military integrated and the civilian society had no choice but to follow. If you are being truthful about how you are raising your "white warriors", don't forget their suicide vests.
I am 30 so yes very far apart in age. I don't mean raising them to murder people I mean raising them to defend their people and eventually their white wives and kids. No person I have EVER talked to including my parents and all my grandparents aunts uncles etc has ever said its better now that it was then.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.

Nah, there is no transformation here. Yes, we have some racist hate-mongers. But they are routinely ridiculed by most of the USMB posters. (as they should be)
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.

Nah, there is no transformation here. Yes, we have some racist hate-mongers. But they are routinely ridiculed by most of the USMB posters. (as they should be)
One has to wonder a the psychological failures in one's life when the only salvation is a pipe dream of "der motherland" smh.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post
You racists can simply classify Hispanic people as white and all your problems are solved. :thup:
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post
You racists can simply classify Hispanic people as white and all your problems are solved. :thup:
They only classify hispanics as white if it furthers their cause.
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post
You racists can simply classify Hispanic people as white and all your problems are solved. :thup:
They only classify hispanics as white if it furthers their cause.
Yep, and this would be their perfect opportunity :lol:
Its always good to see my Folk stand up for their own. Enough of this bilge that every group gets to push its own interest, EXCEPT for Whites.
Another fearful cave monkey joins USMB.
Yes...the transformation of USMB into the new stormfront is near complete.
Your anti white hatred is well known. Move along racist troll.
White fear is hilarious.

What I find most amusing is the way that the dominant race spent decades telling minorities that they were equal and that you could succeed if you worked hard. They told them it was not about race but about the individual. Now, when the tables might be turned, they freak out. If minorities were not wiped out before, the minorities (whether they be whites, black or whatever) will not be wiped out in the future.
You do realize that the white race IS disappearing right? I am sure you don't even care though. You would probably welcome some coon or **** into your family. The truth is right in your own posts but somehow you are missing it entirely.

Where is the white race disappearing? There are more white people now than there have ever been. You are just pissed because whites do not outnumber other races by as much.

It is pure bullshit that the white race is disappearing.

And do I care about races and some "we must keep the white race pure" nonsense? No, I don't. You see, unlike you, I don't think I have the right to tell anyone else who they can love and who they can have sex with. Which is what that boils down to, with your little band of hate mongers.

None of my kids has ever dated a black person. Not an issue, it just hasn't happened. I judge the person by their own merits, not by the color of their skin.

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Where in the hell did you ever get that whites numbers are increasing? Quite the opposite actually.

White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post

Your own link proves my point. "A Census Bureau analysis of the 2010 count showed that the number of non-Hispanic whites rose over the decade from 194.5 million to 197 million, but the 1.2 percent growth rate fell far short of the national increase of 9.7 percent. Non-Hispanic whites are now 64 percent of the population, down from 69 percent a decade ago.".

We are a smaller percentage of the population, but the numbers went up.

According to this site, the population of non-hispanic whites in the 2000 census was 211,460,626. And the non-hispanic whites in the 2010 census was 223,553,265. This shows an increase of just over 12 million white people in the US.

And by the numbers in your own link, the black population is barely growing, while the hispanic and asian populations are soaring. So your hatred of blacks is misplaced.

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