#WhiteGenocide signs pop up in Asheville

Yeah, these signs were not put up by any people of color. This is another "Us white people are under attack!" bit.

It is hard to take these genocide comments seriously when whites make up more than 50% of the population and the overwhelming majority of every position of authority in the nation.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?
No. Some of us scanned that story you posted as "what the future will look like". Bad juvenile fiction about white warriors destroying everyone who isn't white. If your goals were simply saving the white race, why would you be so thrilled about modern military aircraft bombing villages in Africa? Your group wants everyone else dead. You do not value independence or individuals. You think skin color is what counts for the most.
Creators and people associated with the White Genocide Project are completely different. I just happen to support and participate in both.

Nice dodge. I don't care who belong to what clubhouse.
No dodging. Its called you have no idea what each group,belief etc believes in...WGP doesn't believe in only the white race being left on earth. Open your eyes you might learn something.

Ok, so the people posting signs don't want to murder everyone who isn't white? Well, that puts them one step above your group of misfits and miscreants.
There is also a problem with this whole "White genocide" nonsense.
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

According to this website, 409 white people were murdered by blacks, while 189 blacks were murdered by whites. (2013 numbers with single offender/single victim)

The population in the US for 2013 was around 316,497,531, with 77.7% being white and 13.2% being black. That means that blacks murdered 0.0002% of the white population. (It is going to take them a while at that rate) That also means that whites murdered 0.0005% of the black population. So the overall effect is greater on the black population.

Oh, and if you want to worry about the white race being wiped out, stop focusing on blacks. White murder victims were killed by other white people 83% of the time, and by blacks only 14% of the time. Maybe you should start blaming other white people for this white genocide?
from: FBI Statistics on Murder by Race Prove Michael Brown Supporters Wrong

well then everything is just hunky dory then

try to explain that to the victims families

ps what about rape , assault, etc?

I don't know about rape or assault. But I suspect the issue for Odius is more about race than reality.

I would be happy to explain it to the victims families. I am very sorry their family member was killed. But he was killed by an individual, not by a race.

Yeah, these signs were not put up by any people of color. This is another "Us white people are under attack!" bit.

It is hard to take these genocide comments seriously when whites make up more than 50% of the population and the overwhelming majority of every position of authority in the nation.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?

I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.
There is also a problem with this whole "White genocide" nonsense.
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

According to this website, 409 white people were murdered by blacks, while 189 blacks were murdered by whites. (2013 numbers with single offender/single victim)

The population in the US for 2013 was around 316,497,531, with 77.7% being white and 13.2% being black. That means that blacks murdered 0.0002% of the white population. (It is going to take them a while at that rate) That also means that whites murdered 0.0005% of the black population. So the overall effect is greater on the black population.

Oh, and if you want to worry about the white race being wiped out, stop focusing on blacks. White murder victims were killed by other white people 83% of the time, and by blacks only 14% of the time. Maybe you should start blaming other white people for this white genocide?
from: FBI Statistics on Murder by Race Prove Michael Brown Supporters Wrong

well then everything is just hunky dory then

try to explain that to the victims families

ps what about rape , assault, etc?

I don't know about rape or assault. But I suspect the issue for Odius is more about race than reality.

I would be happy to explain it to the victims families. I am very sorry their family member was killed. But he was killed by an individual, not by a race.


Hypocrite? lol How am I being hypocritical?
Yeah, these signs were not put up by any people of color. This is another "Us white people are under attack!" bit.

It is hard to take these genocide comments seriously when whites make up more than 50% of the population and the overwhelming majority of every position of authority in the nation.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?

I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.

Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.
Yeah, these signs were not put up by any people of color. This is another "Us white people are under attack!" bit.

It is hard to take these genocide comments seriously when whites make up more than 50% of the population and the overwhelming majority of every position of authority in the nation.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?

I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.

Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.

If you would work on your reading comprehension that would help a lot. I am not guilty of anything. The fact that I look at people as individuals and do not blame an entire race should be obvious. Elitist? lol Yeah, if that is what you see....

Your nausea is not my problem. And no, I am not going to shut-up. That much should be obvious. So why don't you try and form some actual points concerning the OP and skip the ignorant personal attacks.
No. Some of us scanned that story you posted as "what the future will look like". Bad juvenile fiction about white warriors destroying everyone who isn't white. If your goals were simply saving the white race, why would you be so thrilled about modern military aircraft bombing villages in Africa? Your group wants everyone else dead. You do not value independence or individuals. You think skin color is what counts for the most.
Creators and people associated with the White Genocide Project are completely different. I just happen to support and participate in both.

Nice dodge. I don't care who belong to what clubhouse.
No dodging. Its called you have no idea what each group,belief etc believes in...WGP doesn't believe in only the white race being left on earth. Open your eyes you might learn something.

Ok, so the people posting signs don't want to murder everyone who isn't white? Well, that puts them one step above your group of misfits and miscreants.
Nope they don't. I do though. :) Its no secret.
No. Some of us scanned that story you posted as "what the future will look like". Bad juvenile fiction about white warriors destroying everyone who isn't white. If your goals were simply saving the white race, why would you be so thrilled about modern military aircraft bombing villages in Africa? Your group wants everyone else dead. You do not value independence or individuals. You think skin color is what counts for the most.
Creators and people associated with the White Genocide Project are completely different. I just happen to support and participate in both.

Nice dodge. I don't care who belong to what clubhouse.
No dodging. Its called you have no idea what each group,belief etc believes in...WGP doesn't believe in only the white race being left on earth. Open your eyes you might learn something.

Ok, so the people posting signs don't want to murder everyone who isn't white? Well, that puts them one step above your group of misfits and miscreants.
Nope they don't. I do though. :) Its no secret.

No, it isn't.
Yeah, these signs were not put up by any people of color. This is another "Us white people are under attack!" bit.

It is hard to take these genocide comments seriously when whites make up more than 50% of the population and the overwhelming majority of every position of authority in the nation.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?

I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.

Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.

If you would work on your reading comprehension that would help a lot. I am not guilty of anything. The fact that I look at people as individuals and do not blame an entire race should be obvious. Elitist? lol Yeah, if that is what you see....

Your nausea is not my problem. And no, I am not going to shut-up. That much should be obvious. So why don't you try and form some actual points concerning the OP and skip the ignorant personal attacks.

Whatever you say, whitey.
I think that dumbass crackers should not be able to opine on matters of race, just as progressive nutjobs believe that the only people who should be allowed to opine on matters of abortion are women who get abortions.

Whatya think?
Yeah, these signs were not put up by any people of color. This is another "Us white people are under attack!" bit.

It is hard to take these genocide comments seriously when whites make up more than 50% of the population and the overwhelming majority of every position of authority in the nation.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?

I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.

Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.

If you would work on your reading comprehension that would help a lot. I am not guilty of anything. The fact that I look at people as individuals and do not blame an entire race should be obvious. Elitist? lol Yeah, if that is what you see....

Your nausea is not my problem. And no, I am not going to shut-up. That much should be obvious. So why don't you try and form some actual points concerning the OP and skip the ignorant personal attacks.

Whatever you say, whitey.
You are a Jew. You are NOT white.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?

I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.

Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.

If you would work on your reading comprehension that would help a lot. I am not guilty of anything. The fact that I look at people as individuals and do not blame an entire race should be obvious. Elitist? lol Yeah, if that is what you see....

Your nausea is not my problem. And no, I am not going to shut-up. That much should be obvious. So why don't you try and form some actual points concerning the OP and skip the ignorant personal attacks.

Whatever you say, whitey.
You are a Jew. You are NOT white.

I'm not a jew, you dolt. I'm a Southern Baptist.

Regardless, what does have to do with the fact that winterborn is a whitey who should keep his stupid comments to himself?
I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.

Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.

If you would work on your reading comprehension that would help a lot. I am not guilty of anything. The fact that I look at people as individuals and do not blame an entire race should be obvious. Elitist? lol Yeah, if that is what you see....

Your nausea is not my problem. And no, I am not going to shut-up. That much should be obvious. So why don't you try and form some actual points concerning the OP and skip the ignorant personal attacks.

Whatever you say, whitey.
You are a Jew. You are NOT white.

I'm not a jew, you dolt. I'm a Southern Baptist.

Regardless, what does have to do with the fact that winterborn is a whitey who should keep his stupid comments to himself?
koshergrl eh?
Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.

If you would work on your reading comprehension that would help a lot. I am not guilty of anything. The fact that I look at people as individuals and do not blame an entire race should be obvious. Elitist? lol Yeah, if that is what you see....

Your nausea is not my problem. And no, I am not going to shut-up. That much should be obvious. So why don't you try and form some actual points concerning the OP and skip the ignorant personal attacks.

Whatever you say, whitey.
You are a Jew. You are NOT white.

I'm not a jew, you dolt. I'm a Southern Baptist.

Regardless, what does have to do with the fact that winterborn is a whitey who should keep his stupid comments to himself?
koshergrl eh?

It's a pun.

kosher = correct/right.
WhiteGenocide Signs Pop Up In Asheville - WLOS - Asheville Top Stories - ABC

Love spreading the word! Pretty good article...love getting the attention and word out.
From the OP:
"For several decades, White people across many majority White countries have been subject to genocidal conditions by a loose collection of small but powerful groups which have a monopoly over the media and politics."


  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation."

Is genocide the best word choice here?
Yeah, these signs were not put up by any people of color. This is another "Us white people are under attack!" bit.

It is hard to take these genocide comments seriously when whites make up more than 50% of the population and the overwhelming majority of every position of authority in the nation.
Shut up, whitey, who asked you?

I posted on a public forum. Don't like it? I'll try and set aside a few minutes next month to give a shit.

Shut up whitey, your sad, elitist, white guilt makes the rest of us nauseous.

If you would work on your reading comprehension that would help a lot. I am not guilty of anything. The fact that I look at people as individuals and do not blame an entire race should be obvious. Elitist? lol Yeah, if that is what you see....

Your nausea is not my problem. And no, I am not going to shut-up. That much should be obvious. So why don't you try and form some actual points concerning the OP and skip the ignorant personal attacks.

Whatever you say, whitey.

Obviously incapable of discussing the issue. Ok.

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

North America for the indigenous populations;
South America for the indigenous populations;
Hawaii for the indigenous populations;
Australia for the indigenous populations;
Pacific Islands for the indigenous populations
Africa for the indigenous populations...

So why are white people in those countries???...yet losers chant some factually incorrect mumbo jumbo about white countries for everyone else.

Anti-Racists is plain English that losers don't like...

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