Whites are in decline, regardless of what non-whites do


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Look, white people had a great run, they really did. I do not deny that.

But, looking at white society today, what do you find?

Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on.

All of these are signs of a society that has peaked and cannot recapture its former glory, which leads its people into various sorts of individual, futile, self defeating pathologies.

All we non-whites have to do is get out of the way and let them implode.
White society may indeed be declining, I don't really know, but the one thing that has been proven for sure is that American black society with it's current mindset, proclivities, and stupid, will never reach a height to decline from.
Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on
You have just described your average hood dwelling welfare case....
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It's a good thing Planned Unparenthood clinics operate almost exclusively in minority neighborhoods.

Less imbeciles like the OP, the better for humanity.
Look, white people had a great run, they really did. I do not deny that.

But, looking at white society today, what do you find?

Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on.

All of these are signs of a society that has peaked and cannot recapture its former glory, which leads its people into various sorts of individual, futile, self defeating pathologies.

All we non-whites have to do is get out of the way and let them implode.
That list could include any country and any race of humans..
Look, white people had a great run, they really did. I do not deny that.

But, looking at white society today, what do you find?

Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on.

All of these are signs of a society that has peaked and cannot recapture its former glory, which leads its people into various sorts of individual, futile, self defeating pathologies.

All we non-whites have to do is get out of the way and let them implode.
That list could include any country and any race of humans..
If the Queen had balls she'd be King.
Look, white people had a great run, they really did. I do not deny that.

But, looking at white society today, what do you find?

Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on.

All of these are signs of a society that has peaked and cannot recapture its former glory, which leads its people into various sorts of individual, futile, self defeating pathologies.

All we non-whites have to do is get out of the way and let them implode.

Yet blacks kill blacks, go figure.
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Every problem you mentioned is a symptom of the decline of western civilization in general and certainly not exclusive to any one race. The fact that there exists so many people like you who are happy to see society rapidly decay is both a symptom and a cause.
Look, white people had a great run, they really did. I do not deny that.

But, looking at white society today, what do you find?

Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on.

All of these are signs of a society that has peaked and cannot recapture its former glory, which leads its people into various sorts of individual, futile, self defeating pathologies.

All we non-whites have to do is get out of the way and let them implode.
I wish I could present a cogent argument but, sadly, what you've said is all too true.

Contemporary White culture has become spoiled by decades of intoxicating success and is clearly manifesting symptoms of the same sickness that brought about the fall of Ancient Rome.
Yet blacks kill blacks, go figure.
Blacks kill Blacks here in America for precisely the same reason they kill each other in their homelands -- the tribal imperative. They form tribes which they call "sets," and which we call gangs, and their DNA takes them to war. It is as natural as rainfall.

Whites are no different. We have outgrown the earlier impulses by two or three centuries of refinement, but we eventually get around to what comes naturally in a much more civilized, organized, and scientifically advanced manner. We don't bust a few caps in drive-bys on a few niggas who are standing in the wrong place, or wearing the wrong colors. We do it with monster bombs that wipe out whole towns and are getting bigger all the time.

Bigger and bigger.
Look, white people had a great run, they really did. I do not deny that.

But, looking at white society today, what do you find?

Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on.

All of these are signs of a society that has peaked and cannot recapture its former glory, which leads its people into various sorts of individual, futile, self defeating pathologies.

All we non-whites have to do is get out of the way and let them implode.

thats racist
by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
White society may indeed be declining, I don't really know, but the one thing that has been proven for sure is that American black society with it's current mindset, proclivities, and stupid, will never reach a height to decline from.
While the decline of worldwide White imperialism is plainly and increasingly manifest, mainly in its European bastions, it is not only annoying to see and to hear the eager anticipation by Blacks of the ultimate demise of White world dominance, it gives one pause to wonder if those White-hating Blacks, many of whom do have legitimate cause for their murderous antipathy, ever consider what lies in store for them when Whitey is forced to hand over the keys to some conquering ethnicity. Can it be their tormenting resentment of the Blue-eyed Devil has prompted them to fantasize the rise of Black world dominance?

As each prognosticating card is dealt is becomes increasingly clear that the future belongs to the yellow players -- the ones with the big bombs. And with that inevitable prospect looming in plain view it is time those White-hating Blacks understand they are better off with Whitey calling the shots. Because it's entirely possible for them to drop from the frying pan right into the fire.
I wish to add my two cents to this serious topic.

1. A few years ago, the federal government announced that based on current birth rates and immigration arrivals, Caucasians will cease to be the majority of the American population by the middle of this century. (They will continue, however, to be the largest single group for a little longer.)

2. Quite possibly, your grandchildren's grandchildren's children will be living in a country in which Caucasians have become the third most populous single group.

3. If anyone (regardless of ethnicity) is celebrating this possibility, s/he is making a terrible mistake. Your grandchildren's grandchildren's children will NOT be celebrating.

4. IMHO (repeat: IMHO), Caucasians (for all their faults and there are many) are the glue that holds this country together.
Look, white people had a great run, they really did. I do not deny that.

But, looking at white society today, what do you find?

Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on.

All of these are signs of a society that has peaked and cannot recapture its former glory, which leads its people into various sorts of individual, futile, self defeating pathologies.

All we non-whites have to do is get out of the way and let them implode.
I wish I could present a cogent argument but, sadly, what you've said is all too true.

Contemporary White culture has become spoiled by decades of intoxicating success and is clearly manifesting symptoms of the same sickness that brought about the fall of Ancient Rome.
When a minority becomes a majority, oh how they hate a minority.
Northern Europe imposes birth control on its native population more strictly than does China. By far the majority of white births are "unplanned," out of wedlock, and only allowed to take place because the pregnancies were too late to terminate.

Sweden's rape statistics are a disgrace, and meanwhile white people are unable to replace so much as replace themselves by natural procreation.
White society may indeed be declining, I don't really know, but the one thing that has been proven for sure is that American black society with it's current mindset, proclivities, and stupid, will never reach a height to decline from.
While the decline of worldwide White imperialism is plainly and increasingly manifest, mainly in its European bastions, it is not only annoying to see and to hear the eager anticipation by Blacks of the ultimate demise of White world dominance, it gives one pause to wonder if those White-hating Blacks, many of whom do have legitimate cause for their murderous antipathy, ever consider what lies in store for them when Whitey is forced to hand over the keys to some conquering ethnicity. Can it be their tormenting resentment of the Blue-eyed Devil has prompted them to fantasize the rise of Black world dominance?

As each prognosticating card is dealt is becomes increasingly clear that the future belongs to the yellow players -- the ones with the big bombs. And with that inevitable prospect looming in plain view it is time those White-hating Blacks understand they are better off with Whitey calling the shots. Because it's entirely possible for them to drop from the frying pan right into the fire.

The majority of black people have families to support, jobs to go to, the responsibilities of living day to day and do not waste their time anticipating the "demise of the white population".

The majority of white people likely have the same order of priorities.
American city...


What blacks do to their neighborhoods in American cities...


Don't look for you colored people to be TAKING OVER any time soon. You RUIN practically everything you touch.
Look, white people had a great run, they really did. I do not deny that.

But, looking at white society today, what do you find?

Narcissism, greed, selfishness, infantile behavior, aggressiveness, substance abuse, mental illness, celebrity worship, incompetence, cultural, social, and class divisions, media hyperstimulation, problems with child development, failure to take care of their old and sick, refusal to believe in consequences, the list goes on.

All of these are signs of a society that has peaked and cannot recapture its former glory, which leads its people into various sorts of individual, futile, self defeating pathologies.

All we non-whites have to do is get out of the way and let them implode.
How come some days people argue with me that Mexicans aren’t white but now everyone is calling nick Cruz white? And remember George Zimmerman? I say he’s a white dude but whites didn’t want to claim him.

Let’s be honest most Mexican Americans walk around as whites. If you didn’t know their last name you’d think they were white.

So whites are only a minority if you separate us into groups.

What constitutes white?

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