Whites Died to Free Blacks They Tell Us.

You’re a lying goober.
STFU you stupid shit. Show me one, just one editorial prior to 1861, from a Northern paper, exposing an opposition to slavery.

You must be a stupid ass yankee, that clearly explains your ignorance. Can you explain Kentucky? How about the slaves in New Orleans? Lincoln's proposal to Texas? Hell, the bankers and insurance companies in New York City made more off the backs of slaves than plantation owners ever did. Reparations, when the hell are they going to pay up?

I mean you people don't flippin get it. Almost all the revenue of the US government, prior to the 20th century, came from tariffs. And for the most part, the brunt of those tariffs was placed on the Southern Plantation owner. Have you ever heard of the 16th amendment? When, and maybe more importantly, why was it passed?

Nope, you worthless ass yankees parade around with some pretend moral superiority, when the truth is, you are just as much to blame for slavery as any Southern plantation owner, maybe more so. Until you realize that, well we will continue to be plagued by blacks that think they deserve something. For generations, the federal government, the Northern business establishment, and yes, the gentry of the South, climbed on the backs of the Negro slave. But today, the descendants of those very slaves are more than willing to pile on the backs of those long dead slaves to get them some free money. It is disgusting. It is time they finally fawking manned up. Took responsibility for their actions. Wake up, clean up, stand up.
You admit to the other twelve states. Thank you. That is what I was hoping for.

The Kentucky exception kills your entire argument.
How the hell do you get that. We are not talking about the motivation of the Southern States. We are talking about the ignorant claim that the North fought to end slavery, and yet there it is, Kentucky, who still had slaves after the Civil War ended. Damn, just another stupid yankee.
STFU you stupid shit. Show me one, just one editorial prior to 1861, from a Northern paper, exposing an opposition to slavery.

Suck a couple of bags of diseased dicks, you scumbag. I won’t show you anything.

The question was whether it is a “lie”!to contend that white men died to end slavery. It isn’t. It’s absolutely true.

And the civil war and all the deaths of all the northern soldiers constitutes compelling proof that it’s not a lie.
Go bloviate somewhere else you rancid gasbag hack.

Go practice holding your breath underwater until you pass out. Make sure you’re way down deep.
How the hell do you get that. We are not talking about the motivation of the Southern States. We are talking about the ignorant claim that the North fought to end slavery, and yet there it is, Kentucky, who still had slaves after the Civil War ended. Damn, just another stupid yankee.
Your ignorant claim that South fought for every other reason than to defend slavery is moronic. The slave states wrote that slavery was why they left the Union. You know it, I know it, our readers know it, and you are a laughing stock.
Well yeah, some white men died to end slavery, but not that many. Most of the Yankees fought to keep the nation undivided. Read the newspaper editorials in the North, prior to the war. They didn't give two shits about slavery, they just wanted the profits from that slavery to continue to flow north. It was the threat to open duty free ports in the South, mainly Charleston, that initiated the war. I mean what was the purpose of Fort Sumter.

Did the Civil War end slavery in Kentucky? Nope, so if the purpose of the war was to end slavery why did it not end in Kentucky at the conclusion of the war? Lincoln told Texas, keep your slaves, just don't join the Confederacy? So again, how was it a war to end slavery? The Emancipation Proclamation, did it free the slaves in Union held New Orleans, nope, just freed the slaves in Confederate held territories, which actually means it didn't do jack shit. Biden should issue an emancipation proclamation, freeing all the sex slaves in Russia, same damn thing.

I am sick and damn tired of flippin ass Yankees trying to play the holeyer than thou card, and yeah, the sick ass Republican party, "We freed the slaves". Assholes ran the damn slave trade for more than 100 years. Providence, Rhode Island dominated the slave trade in the 18th century, Brown University financed and established from the trade. When do we shut the doors to that Ivy League university?

Yankee land don't get a free pass on slavery simply because of the Civil War. Tocqueville even observed it, racism was far more rampant in the North than the South. My entrance in this thread, Thomas Day, any wealthy successful black businessmen in the North in the early 19th century, I am open for examples. The draft riots in New York City, I mean hello. I mean come on, the entire Missouri Compromise was not about keeping slavery out of the Western states, it was about keeping black people out, free or enslaved. To this flippin day, Illinois is the center of the white supremacist movement.

STFU you stupid shit. Show me one, just one editorial prior to 1861, from a Northern paper, exposing an opposition to slavery.

You must be a stupid ass yankee, that clearly explains your ignorance. Can you explain Kentucky? How about the slaves in New Orleans? Lincoln's proposal to Texas? Hell, the bankers and insurance companies in New York City made more off the backs of slaves than plantation owners ever did. Reparations, when the hell are they going to pay up?

I mean you people don't flippin get it. Almost all the revenue of the US government, prior to the 20th century, came from tariffs. And for the most part, the brunt of those tariffs was placed on the Southern Plantation owner. Have you ever heard of the 16th amendment? When, and maybe more importantly, why was it passed?

Nope, you worthless ass yankees parade around with some pretend moral superiority, when the truth is, you are just as much to blame for slavery as any Southern plantation owner, maybe more so. Until you realize that, well we will continue to be plagued by blacks that think they deserve something. For generations, the federal government, the Northern business establishment, and yes, the gentry of the South, climbed on the backs of the Negro slave. But today, the descendants of those very slaves are more than willing to pile on the backs of those long dead slaves to get them some free money. It is disgusting. It is time they finally fawking manned up. Took responsibility for their actions. Wake up, clean up, stand up.

Yeah I'm guessing you're right in that there wern't many bankers and Insurance representatives who eneded up on the wrong side of a musket ball, or died out in the field but hundreds of thousands of others did. The war we all know, had other incentives to be fought but in the end a sacrifice was still paid... and that sacrifice very much... sped up the emancipation of black Americans. I don't believe you actually know enough to say....."there were very few who did" Its pretty easy to marginalize the deaths of those people today. But honestly, all this time later.... we should be way past this. Simply honor those who died on both sides of a war and just let it go. Whatever sins those people had they paid for in more ways than one, and trying to judge whos motives were pure or not is too difficult. The end result was the freedom of slaves.
All of the documents of the seceding southern states said keep slavery was the number one reason.
The North fought to preserve the union. That was the only way Lincoln could get people to fight.
The saddest thing about all this is that people like IM2, 500 years from now, will still be holding the white man responsible for their problems.
“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.

-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr

The saddest thing about people like you is that you ignore policies made by whites that have created the problems.
But, that's not how it went. During slavery, there was constant fighting and various methods used by blacks to revolt. In Africa there was a fight between blacks and whites that lasted 400 years. Quite a number of whites died trying to get slaves. You won't learn this at stormfront.

In America slaves would organize work stoppages and slowdowns as well as direct confrontation. Nat Turner was not the only black person to euthanize a slaveowner.

This video is the story of the great John Horse, a Black Seminole who was left out of the history books for a very good reason.

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons: - They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico."

Bub...John Brown tried to arm the slaves for a rebellion, but none would take up arms.

617a517e206258608e9b70647146afcd - Copy.jpg
Bub...John Brown tried to arm the slaves for a rebellion, but none would take up arms.

View attachment 818223
The picture shows your bias and you are wrong. Republicans are trying to destroy America but your America is whites only.

F--- John Brown. I'm talking about the history whites like you have kept hidden.

“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.

-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr

The saddest thing about people like you is that you ignore policies made by whites that have created the problems.
Those problems have been rectified.
The Africans ended up as a racial class of slaves legally, RGS, in all of the Americas.

African = slave in America legally unless noted individually otherwise.

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