Whites have pointed to these things as Examples of Racial Division

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There is a great racial divide and Donald John Trump is here to unite us...

He has started uniting the angry white voter while the rest of the United States has united against him...

United We Stand Behind Trump no matter for or against him...

Angry whites have always been united, and you're not being united by Trump in as much as you're being played again by not only him but the entire system.


You think I am a Trump voter don't ya?

Notice the last part of for or against him and I am against the nimrod and if you do not believe me then feel free to read my raving reviews about him and my adoring love for him or lack of it...
There is a great racial divide and Donald John Trump is here to unite us...

He has started uniting the angry white voter while the rest of the United States has united against him...

United We Stand Behind Trump no matter for or against him...

Angry whites have always been united, and you're not being united by Trump in as much as you're being played again by not only him but the entire system.


You think I am a Trump voter don't ya?

Notice the last part of for or against him and I am against the nimrod and if you do not believe me then feel free to read my raving reviews about him and my adoring love for him or lack of it...

I responded to your post pard, and that is all.
You're comparing Black Music Appreciation MONTH to St Patricks DAY?

The building was of the White House was ASSISTED by slavery, from what I've read.


Wasn't overly interested in the original, and tired of remakes.

If they had done it as a sequel, possibly.
The original was good. Did not watch the remake. And the libtard claims I am a racist because I didn't watch the remake. Wow. Day un.

Except no one said you were racist for not seeing a movie. Curious your 2nd post was this:
I am eating watermelon watching ewe laugh.
There is a great racial divide and Donald John Trump is here to unite us...

He has started uniting the angry white voter while the rest of the United States has united against him...

United We Stand Behind Trump no matter for or against him...

Angry whites have always been united, and you're not being united by Trump in as much as you're being played again by not only him but the entire system.


You think I am a Trump voter don't ya?

Notice the last part of for or against him and I am against the nimrod and if you do not believe me then feel free to read my raving reviews about him and my adoring love for him or lack of it...

I responded to your post pard, and that is all.

No, you grouped me into as being a Trump voter while missing the sarcasm in what I wrote. Not my problem if you can not understand sarcasm and need a warning label to know when it is being written..
The whites crying about racial division are like bratty kids. All you can do is educate them. if they chose to remain willfully ignorant then there is not much help for them available.

You miss the point. They DO appreciate what we have in America that is QUITE PRIVILEGED.
They DON'T appreciate being blamed for being white and associated with privilege by RACE.
They are arguing that is equally racist to keep framing them as "representing a larger group" based on skin color.
I think youre missing the point. Where in any of those topics are whites being framed? Are you claiming that merely stating historical facts is racist?

Dear Asclepias that's what people are saying about Black reactions to things as being racially biased
when they are meant as historical.
People on both sides are taking things to mean pushing a bias either for or against Whites.

Someone brought this up in church on Sunday. That supporting Black Lives Matter was seen as anti-white.

That is the reality we live in, that people on both sides have been jumping on each other this way.

Can't bring up Christianity without people attacking the history and biases associated with white privilege,
especially white men.

Can't bring up the Constitution or the Tea Party without bringing up white racists.

Can't bring up the issue of slavery and the unresolved issue of reparations without
bringing up complaints that Blacks are racist in blaming all Whites for slavery, etc.

Any thing we bring up in this context and the media we have today,
gets framed and answered in terms of the race-baiting politics.

Because we still haven't resolved those issues, so they are still being projected on anything that touches these subjects. Even the Gorilla incident brought up racial issues, and it was only because the animal rights concerns overshadowed everything else, that the race issue stayed minimal. Even with that incident, people projected their racial issues onto because of past fights over racial perceptions and blame projected in media.
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.

Dear ClosedCaption
I'd say the most critical division over race that affects our country today
is over property ownership and representation directly in govt instead of relying on party.

Instead of just dividing Black slaves as the poor field slaves vs. the privileged house slaves.
Partisan segregation has the entire country divided as rich vs. poor
with the poor blaming the rich and the rich blaming the poor.
The rich pushing perceptions that the poor are to blame for crimes
when being poor is not a crime but just associated with people in prisons.
The poor (fed by party politicians) are pushed to blame and punish the rich
when being rich is not a crime but just associated with corporate corruption of govt.

The saddest thing is that the rich are playing all the taxpayers by avoiding accountability.
As long as we divide by party, just like was done to slaves competing for more
privileges between field slaves and house slaves, we let the exploitation continue
at our expense. We do all the work, and our labor and tax money goes to other people.

That is the worst division going on today.
And it is made worse by tying race to it, and selling it to blacks and whites to keep the class wars going instead of working together and owning control of our own labor and programs we pay for.
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You're comparing Black Music Appreciation MONTH to St Patricks DAY?

The building was of the White House was ASSISTED by slavery, from what I've read.


Wasn't overly interested in the original, and tired of remakes.

If they had done it as a sequel, possibly.
The original was good. Did not watch the remake. And the libtard claims I am a racist because I didn't watch the remake. Wow. Day un.

Except no one said you were racist for not seeing a movie. Curious your 2nd post was this:
I am eating watermelon watching ewe laugh.
What? Watermelon is racist? Why?
The whites crying about racial division are like bratty kids. All you can do is educate them. if they chose to remain willfully ignorant then there is not much help for them available.

You miss the point. They DO appreciate what we have in America that is QUITE PRIVILEGED.
They DON'T appreciate being blamed for being white and associated with privilege by RACE.
They are arguing that is equally racist to keep framing them as "representing a larger group" based on skin color.
I think youre missing the point. Where in any of those topics are whites being framed? Are you claiming that merely stating historical facts is racist?

Dear Asclepias that's what people are saying about Black reactions to things as being racially biased
when they are meant as historical.
People on both sides are taking things to mean pushing a bias either for or against Whites.

Someone brought this up in church on Sunday. That supporting Black Lives Matter was seen as anti-white.

That is the reality we live in, that people on both sides have been jumping on each other this way.

Can't bring up Christianity without people attacking the history and biases associated with white privilege,
especially white men.

Can't bring up the Constitution or the Tea Party without bringing up white racists.

Can't bring up the issue of slavery and the unresolved issue of reparations without
bringing up complaints that Blacks are racist in blaming all Whites for slavery, etc.

Any thing we bring up in this context and the media we have today,
gets framed and answered in terms of the race-baiting politics.

Because we still haven't resolved those issues, so they are still being projected on anything that touches these subjects. Even the Gorilla incident brought up racial issues, and it was only because the animal rights concerns overshadowed everything else, that the race issue stayed minimal. Even with that incident, people projected their racial issues onto because of past fights over racial perceptions and blame projected in media.
I disagree. Saying Black slaves built the WH should have no bias either way. If you are perceiving a bias against or for whites then you have a perception issue and a issue with facts. The facts are that the bulk of the people that built the WH were indeed Black enslaved laborers. Someone getting their feelings hurt because the FLOTUS mentions this is silly beyond all reason.
You're comparing Black Music Appreciation MONTH to St Patricks DAY?

The building was of the White House was ASSISTED by slavery, from what I've read.


Wasn't overly interested in the original, and tired of remakes.

If they had done it as a sequel, possibly.
The original was good. Did not watch the remake. And the libtard claims I am a racist because I didn't watch the remake. Wow. Day un.

Except no one said you were racist for not seeing a movie. Curious your 2nd post was this:
I am eating watermelon watching ewe laugh.
What? Watermelon is racist? Why?
Its not but you inbred white vermin think it is somehow. Your intent is what matters.
You're comparing Black Music Appreciation MONTH to St Patricks DAY?

The building was of the White House was ASSISTED by slavery, from what I've read.


Wasn't overly interested in the original, and tired of remakes.

If they had done it as a sequel, possibly.
The original was good. Did not watch the remake. And the libtard claims I am a racist because I didn't watch the remake. Wow. Day un.

Except no one said you were racist for not seeing a movie. Curious your 2nd post was this:
I am eating watermelon watching ewe laugh.
What? Watermelon is racist? Why?

Aww, you're cute. Nice try tho
The whites crying about racial division are like bratty kids. All you can do is educate them. if they chose to remain willfully ignorant then there is not much help for them available.

You miss the point. They DO appreciate what we have in America that is QUITE PRIVILEGED.
They DON'T appreciate being blamed for being white and associated with privilege by RACE.
They are arguing that is equally racist to keep framing them as "representing a larger group" based on skin color.
I think youre missing the point. Where in any of those topics are whites being framed? Are you claiming that merely stating historical facts is racist?

Dear Asclepias that's what people are saying about Black reactions to things as being racially biased
when they are meant as historical.
People on both sides are taking things to mean pushing a bias either for or against Whites.

Someone brought this up in church on Sunday. That supporting Black Lives Matter was seen as anti-white.

That is the reality we live in, that people on both sides have been jumping on each other this way.

Can't bring up Christianity without people attacking the history and biases associated with white privilege,
especially white men.

Can't bring up the Constitution or the Tea Party without bringing up white racists.

Can't bring up the issue of slavery and the unresolved issue of reparations without
bringing up complaints that Blacks are racist in blaming all Whites for slavery, etc.

Any thing we bring up in this context and the media we have today,
gets framed and answered in terms of the race-baiting politics.

Because we still haven't resolved those issues, so they are still being projected on anything that touches these subjects. Even the Gorilla incident brought up racial issues, and it was only because the animal rights concerns overshadowed everything else, that the race issue stayed minimal. Even with that incident, people projected their racial issues onto because of past fights over racial perceptions and blame projected in media.
I disagree. Saying Black slaves built the WH should have no bias either way. If you are perceiving a bias against or for whites then you have a perception issue and a issue with facts. The facts are that the bulk of the people that built the WH were indeed Black enslaved laborers. Someone getting their feelings hurt because the FLOTUS mentions this is silly beyond all reason.

Dear Asclepias consider the source and the history.

Obama deliberately targeted and blamed wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat.
He deliberately pushed for several laws from ACA mandates, to the LGBT agenda
with marriages and now public school bathroom policies,
KNOWING these violate the beliefs of "the opposition"

Neither Obama has tried to remedy this, but instead resorted
to acts of "REVENGE" to treat it as a war with the enemy by political bullying.

So Asclepias given that context of beliefs coming out of this White House they have expressed before,
THAT is why that comment is taken as negative!

Once you set up the sides to be hostile, anything said is going to be interpreted in that context. The Obama's
set it up that way to use this strategy politically. So once you choose that way of winning at the expense of demonizing another group, that is going to stay with you.
You're comparing Black Music Appreciation MONTH to St Patricks DAY?

The building was of the White House was ASSISTED by slavery, from what I've read.


Wasn't overly interested in the original, and tired of remakes.

If they had done it as a sequel, possibly.
The original was good. Did not watch the remake. And the libtard claims I am a racist because I didn't watch the remake. Wow. Day un.

Except no one said you were racist for not seeing a movie. Curious your 2nd post was this:
I am eating watermelon watching ewe laugh.
What? Watermelon is racist? Why?

Aww, you're cute. Nice try tho

And you complain about white's when a white can't even say she's eating watermelon without a libtard screaming racism. I rest my case. Point made.
Not enough singin' and dancin' when they're in chains, but I'm only through episode 4.
You're comparing Black Music Appreciation MONTH to St Patricks DAY?

The building was of the White House was ASSISTED by slavery, from what I've read.


Wasn't overly interested in the original, and tired of remakes.

If they had done it as a sequel, possibly.
The original was good. Did not watch the remake. And the libtard claims I am a racist because I didn't watch the remake. Wow. Day un.

Except no one said you were racist for not seeing a movie. Curious your 2nd post was this:
I am eating watermelon watching ewe laugh.
What? Watermelon is racist? Why?

Aww, you're cute. Nice try tho

And you complain about white's when a white can't even say she's eating watermelon without a libtard screaming racism. I rest my case. Point made.

You tried it, but failed boo hoo
The whites crying about racial division are like bratty kids. All you can do is educate them. if they chose to remain willfully ignorant then there is not much help for them available.

You miss the point. They DO appreciate what we have in America that is QUITE PRIVILEGED.
They DON'T appreciate being blamed for being white and associated with privilege by RACE.
They are arguing that is equally racist to keep framing them as "representing a larger group" based on skin color.
I think youre missing the point. Where in any of those topics are whites being framed? Are you claiming that merely stating historical facts is racist?

Dear Asclepias that's what people are saying about Black reactions to things as being racially biased
when they are meant as historical.
People on both sides are taking things to mean pushing a bias either for or against Whites.

Someone brought this up in church on Sunday. That supporting Black Lives Matter was seen as anti-white.

That is the reality we live in, that people on both sides have been jumping on each other this way.

Can't bring up Christianity without people attacking the history and biases associated with white privilege,
especially white men.

Can't bring up the Constitution or the Tea Party without bringing up white racists.

Can't bring up the issue of slavery and the unresolved issue of reparations without
bringing up complaints that Blacks are racist in blaming all Whites for slavery, etc.

Any thing we bring up in this context and the media we have today,
gets framed and answered in terms of the race-baiting politics.

Because we still haven't resolved those issues, so they are still being projected on anything that touches these subjects. Even the Gorilla incident brought up racial issues, and it was only because the animal rights concerns overshadowed everything else, that the race issue stayed minimal. Even with that incident, people projected their racial issues onto because of past fights over racial perceptions and blame projected in media.
I disagree. Saying Black slaves built the WH should have no bias either way. If you are perceiving a bias against or for whites then you have a perception issue and a issue with facts. The facts are that the bulk of the people that built the WH were indeed Black enslaved laborers. Someone getting their feelings hurt because the FLOTUS mentions this is silly beyond all reason.

Dear Asclepias consider the source and the history.

Obama deliberately targeted and blamed wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat.
He deliberately pushed for several laws from ACA mandates, to the LGBT agenda
with marriages and now public school bathroom policies,
KNOWING these violate the beliefs of "the opposition"

Neither Obama has tried to remedy this, but instead resorted
to acts of "REVENGE" to treat it as a war with the enemy by political bullying.

So Asclepias given that context of beliefs coming out of this White House they have expressed before,
THAT is why that comment is taken as negative!

Once you set up the sides to be hostile, anything said is going to be interpreted in that context. The Obama's
set it up that way to use this strategy politically. So once you choose that way of winning at the expense of demonizing another group, that is going to stay with you.
When did Obama target and blame wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat? If he did I agree but I dont recall him saying anything like that.

What does ACA and LGBT have to do with race directly?

No one set up anything to be hostile. As i recall Obama pledged to work across the aisle but white conservatives were instead hell bent on destroying him. Does the disrespectful phrase "you lie" ring any bells?
The original was good. Did not watch the remake. And the libtard claims I am a racist because I didn't watch the remake. Wow. Day un.

Except no one said you were racist for not seeing a movie. Curious your 2nd post was this:
I am eating watermelon watching ewe laugh.
What? Watermelon is racist? Why?

Aww, you're cute. Nice try tho

And you complain about white's when a white can't even say she's eating watermelon without a libtard screaming racism. I rest my case. Point made.

You tried it, but failed boo hoo
I love watermelon. Sue me.
Except no one said you were racist for not seeing a movie. Curious your 2nd post was this:
What? Watermelon is racist? Why?

Aww, you're cute. Nice try tho

And you complain about white's when a white can't even say she's eating watermelon without a libtard screaming racism. I rest my case. Point made.

You tried it, but failed boo hoo
I love watermelon. Sue me.
I bet you cant do without RID either?

You miss the point. They DO appreciate what we have in America that is QUITE PRIVILEGED.
They DON'T appreciate being blamed for being white and associated with privilege by RACE.
They are arguing that is equally racist to keep framing them as "representing a larger group" based on skin color.
I think youre missing the point. Where in any of those topics are whites being framed? Are you claiming that merely stating historical facts is racist?

Dear Asclepias that's what people are saying about Black reactions to things as being racially biased
when they are meant as historical.
People on both sides are taking things to mean pushing a bias either for or against Whites.

Someone brought this up in church on Sunday. That supporting Black Lives Matter was seen as anti-white.

That is the reality we live in, that people on both sides have been jumping on each other this way.

Can't bring up Christianity without people attacking the history and biases associated with white privilege,
especially white men.

Can't bring up the Constitution or the Tea Party without bringing up white racists.

Can't bring up the issue of slavery and the unresolved issue of reparations without
bringing up complaints that Blacks are racist in blaming all Whites for slavery, etc.

Any thing we bring up in this context and the media we have today,
gets framed and answered in terms of the race-baiting politics.

Because we still haven't resolved those issues, so they are still being projected on anything that touches these subjects. Even the Gorilla incident brought up racial issues, and it was only because the animal rights concerns overshadowed everything else, that the race issue stayed minimal. Even with that incident, people projected their racial issues onto because of past fights over racial perceptions and blame projected in media.
I disagree. Saying Black slaves built the WH should have no bias either way. If you are perceiving a bias against or for whites then you have a perception issue and a issue with facts. The facts are that the bulk of the people that built the WH were indeed Black enslaved laborers. Someone getting their feelings hurt because the FLOTUS mentions this is silly beyond all reason.

Dear Asclepias consider the source and the history.

Obama deliberately targeted and blamed wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat.
He deliberately pushed for several laws from ACA mandates, to the LGBT agenda
with marriages and now public school bathroom policies,
KNOWING these violate the beliefs of "the opposition"

Neither Obama has tried to remedy this, but instead resorted
to acts of "REVENGE" to treat it as a war with the enemy by political bullying.

So Asclepias given that context of beliefs coming out of this White House they have expressed before,
THAT is why that comment is taken as negative!

Once you set up the sides to be hostile, anything said is going to be interpreted in that context. The Obama's
set it up that way to use this strategy politically. So once you choose that way of winning at the expense of demonizing another group, that is going to stay with you.
When did Obama target and blame wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat? If he did I agree but I dont recall him saying anything like that.

What does ACA and LGBT have to do with race directly?

No one set up anything to be hostile. As i recall Obama pledged to work across the aisle but white conservatives were instead hell bent on destroying him. Does the disrespectful phrase "you lie" ring any bells?

1. He "lied" by saying he would work across the aisle and support consensus,
but then he pushed ACA against the express dissent of half of Congress and the nation
representing creeds he excluded and penalized with the mandates that were clearly contested.
So he either "lied" or changed his mind and used political strategy to coerce, instead of real consensus.

2. There were at least references, maybe I combined them as one
a. one is the reference to rightwing extremists being more of a threat to the nation that Jihadist terrorists

CNN reports the Obama administration has named a national security threat it believes is more dangerous than even the Islamic State terrorists beheading, crucifying and burning innocent human beings: Right-wing extremists.

b. The other was a softer reference to wealthy conservatives being the enemy

He even apologized when he was criticized for alienating and demonizing fellow citizens as enemies.
I will try to look that one up. He did acknowledge and apologize, but actions speak louder than words.

The hostility and damage done is two sided, and is not something you can just blame on the people
reacting to him and his actions. The most conciliatory remarks I have heard him say is asking fellow
liberals to be considerate of the gun culture that is a strong tradition in this country and to respect that.

Those words went overlooked as Bush when he addressed the need to support former inmates assimilating back into society who deserved support to become productive citizens. Whenever these Presidents have said something on the side of common ground, somehow that gets overrun by all the polarizing politics.

Not backing down on ACA and failing to recognize the fatal flaws with those mandates
was not only partisan politicking but a breach of Constitutional duty to protect rights beliefs
and liberties of all citizens equally. That breach has not ever been acknowledged much less
corrected; and even the Conservatives called out Judge Roberts for not striking that down.

So Obama made "enemies" all right, but by his own actions in office, and has not been
seen except as pushing political agenda instead of putting Constitutional duty first.

Whatever you paint that bias with, blaming it on his Black, liberal, Democratic, Muslim,
Communist influences etc., it was his own failure to enforce Constitutional protections of citizens
that got him so divided from the conservatives who were betrayed even by their own reps
in Congress and Courts, they are not going to come back from that until these issues are resolved.

the context is already set up to fail, Asclepias and these conflicts would have to be
resolved directly between parties to stop the war of words and ideology in the media over these things.
Alex Haley's Roots was an attempt to show his, albeit sketchy, genealogy. It was well done, it didn't spare whitie's feelings, displayed the horrors of slavery and portrayed a family journey.

I watch the second roots and felt it had a race baiting agenda, rather than a remake. I didn't bother with the after discussion, because I assumed it would be more of the same. There was no need for a discussion after the first Roots.

Rather than a remake, I would liked to have watched a documentary on blacks from various countries, including Africa, banded together to save the black girls that were kidnapped and sold into slavery in 2014. All I saw was Obama's wife holding a sign, #bring the girls home. Makes me suspicious of the real intent for the race baiting here in America.
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