Whites have pointed to these things as Examples of Racial Division

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You miss the point. They DO appreciate what we have in America that is QUITE PRIVILEGED.
They DON'T appreciate being blamed for being white and associated with privilege by RACE.
They are arguing that is equally racist to keep framing them as "representing a larger group" based on skin color.
I think youre missing the point. Where in any of those topics are whites being framed? Are you claiming that merely stating historical facts is racist?

Dear Asclepias that's what people are saying about Black reactions to things as being racially biased
when they are meant as historical.
People on both sides are taking things to mean pushing a bias either for or against Whites.

Someone brought this up in church on Sunday. That supporting Black Lives Matter was seen as anti-white.

That is the reality we live in, that people on both sides have been jumping on each other this way.

Can't bring up Christianity without people attacking the history and biases associated with white privilege,
especially white men.

Can't bring up the Constitution or the Tea Party without bringing up white racists.

Can't bring up the issue of slavery and the unresolved issue of reparations without
bringing up complaints that Blacks are racist in blaming all Whites for slavery, etc.

Any thing we bring up in this context and the media we have today,
gets framed and answered in terms of the race-baiting politics.

Because we still haven't resolved those issues, so they are still being projected on anything that touches these subjects. Even the Gorilla incident brought up racial issues, and it was only because the animal rights concerns overshadowed everything else, that the race issue stayed minimal. Even with that incident, people projected their racial issues onto because of past fights over racial perceptions and blame projected in media.
I disagree. Saying Black slaves built the WH should have no bias either way. If you are perceiving a bias against or for whites then you have a perception issue and a issue with facts. The facts are that the bulk of the people that built the WH were indeed Black enslaved laborers. Someone getting their feelings hurt because the FLOTUS mentions this is silly beyond all reason.

Dear Asclepias consider the source and the history.

Obama deliberately targeted and blamed wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat.
He deliberately pushed for several laws from ACA mandates, to the LGBT agenda
with marriages and now public school bathroom policies,
KNOWING these violate the beliefs of "the opposition"

Neither Obama has tried to remedy this, but instead resorted
to acts of "REVENGE" to treat it as a war with the enemy by political bullying.

So Asclepias given that context of beliefs coming out of this White House they have expressed before,
THAT is why that comment is taken as negative!

Once you set up the sides to be hostile, anything said is going to be interpreted in that context. The Obama's
set it up that way to use this strategy politically. So once you choose that way of winning at the expense of demonizing another group, that is going to stay with you.
When did Obama target and blame wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat? If he did I agree but I dont recall him saying anything like that.

What does ACA and LGBT have to do with race directly?

No one set up anything to be hostile. As i recall Obama pledged to work across the aisle but white conservatives were instead hell bent on destroying him. Does the disrespectful phrase "you lie" ring any bells?

Here Asclepias I found a THIRD reference to this, the one he apologized for see below:
Obama seeks to blunt Republican attack over comment

I am able to find the reference to targeting rightwing extremists as more a dangerous threat than Jihadist terrorists

What I'm looking for is the reference to the wealthy conservatives, or maybe the wording was different.
I thought it had to do with Tea Party and Constitutionalists as enemies, but most of his comments taken as attacks "on the rich" are complaints that they don't pay their fair share in taxes where it is criminalizing wealth as bad. So maybe the references are a mix of those two contexts where he made remarks, I'll have to find them! If these are actually two separate references, there may be more than that. See the one below that he was called out on and apologized for demonizing and dividing the people he is supposed to be working with:

President Barack Obama said on Monday he should not have used the word "enemies" to describe his political opponents as Republicans sought to make an issue of the comment a day before congressional elections.

Obama, in an interview with talk radio host Michael Baisden, said, "I probably should have used the word 'opponents' instead of enemies."

He was backtracking from a comment he made a week ago in an interview with Univision radio in which he sought to persuade Hispanics to vote for Democratic candidates instead of Republicans.

"If Latinos sit out the election instead of, 'we're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us' -- if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's going to be harder," Obama had said.

Republicans in hot pursuit of control of the House of Representatives in Tuesday voting were drawing attention to Obama's "enemies" comment in hopes of encouraging more turnout by Republican voters.

Hammering home the issue was John Boehner, the Republican who would oust Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House speaker if Republicans win control of the House on Tuesday as most pollsters believe will happen.

"Today, sadly, we have president who uses the word 'enemy' for fellow Americans ... fellow citizens. He uses it for people who disagree with his agenda of bigger government ... people speaking out for a smaller, more accountable government that respects freedom and allows small businesses to create jobs," Boehner planned to say in Cincinnati.

"Mr. President, there's a word for people who have the audacity to speak up in defense of freedom, the Constitution, and the values of limited government that made our country great. We don't call them 'enemies.' We call them 'patriots,'" he planned to say.

Obama told Baisden that he was talking about opponents of a comprehensive overhaul of the U.S. immigration system. Hispanics have been disappointed that Obama has not pushed ahead on immigration legislation, which Republicans oppose.
When Michelle Obama says that she is waking up in a house built by slaves she is proving herself to be a person with no class. The fact is, the taxpayers built the White House, and pay to maintain it, and feed her fancy banquests so she can keep all that "junk in the trunk" and her damn mother freeloader too.
I think youre missing the point. Where in any of those topics are whites being framed? Are you claiming that merely stating historical facts is racist?

Dear Asclepias that's what people are saying about Black reactions to things as being racially biased
when they are meant as historical.
People on both sides are taking things to mean pushing a bias either for or against Whites.

Someone brought this up in church on Sunday. That supporting Black Lives Matter was seen as anti-white.

That is the reality we live in, that people on both sides have been jumping on each other this way.

Can't bring up Christianity without people attacking the history and biases associated with white privilege,
especially white men.

Can't bring up the Constitution or the Tea Party without bringing up white racists.

Can't bring up the issue of slavery and the unresolved issue of reparations without
bringing up complaints that Blacks are racist in blaming all Whites for slavery, etc.

Any thing we bring up in this context and the media we have today,
gets framed and answered in terms of the race-baiting politics.

Because we still haven't resolved those issues, so they are still being projected on anything that touches these subjects. Even the Gorilla incident brought up racial issues, and it was only because the animal rights concerns overshadowed everything else, that the race issue stayed minimal. Even with that incident, people projected their racial issues onto because of past fights over racial perceptions and blame projected in media.
I disagree. Saying Black slaves built the WH should have no bias either way. If you are perceiving a bias against or for whites then you have a perception issue and a issue with facts. The facts are that the bulk of the people that built the WH were indeed Black enslaved laborers. Someone getting their feelings hurt because the FLOTUS mentions this is silly beyond all reason.

Dear Asclepias consider the source and the history.

Obama deliberately targeted and blamed wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat.
He deliberately pushed for several laws from ACA mandates, to the LGBT agenda
with marriages and now public school bathroom policies,
KNOWING these violate the beliefs of "the opposition"

Neither Obama has tried to remedy this, but instead resorted
to acts of "REVENGE" to treat it as a war with the enemy by political bullying.

So Asclepias given that context of beliefs coming out of this White House they have expressed before,
THAT is why that comment is taken as negative!

Once you set up the sides to be hostile, anything said is going to be interpreted in that context. The Obama's
set it up that way to use this strategy politically. So once you choose that way of winning at the expense of demonizing another group, that is going to stay with you.
When did Obama target and blame wealthy white conservatives as the greatest threat? If he did I agree but I dont recall him saying anything like that.

What does ACA and LGBT have to do with race directly?

No one set up anything to be hostile. As i recall Obama pledged to work across the aisle but white conservatives were instead hell bent on destroying him. Does the disrespectful phrase "you lie" ring any bells?

Here Asclepias I found a THIRD reference to this, the one he apologized for see below:
Obama seeks to blunt Republican attack over comment

I am able to find the reference to targeting rightwing extremists as more a dangerous threat than Jihadist terrorists

What I'm looking for is the reference to the wealthy conservatives, or maybe the wording was different.
I thought it had to do with Tea Party and Constitutionalists as enemies, but most of his comments taken as attacks "on the rich" are complaints that they don't pay their fair share in taxes where it is criminalizing wealth as bad. So maybe the references are a mix of those two contexts where he made remarks, I'll have to find them! If these are actually two separate references, there may be more than that. See the one below that he was called out on and apologized for demonizing and dividing the people he is supposed to be working with:

President Barack Obama said on Monday he should not have used the word "enemies" to describe his political opponents as Republicans sought to make an issue of the comment a day before congressional elections.

Obama, in an interview with talk radio host Michael Baisden, said, "I probably should have used the word 'opponents' instead of enemies."

He was backtracking from a comment he made a week ago in an interview with Univision radio in which he sought to persuade Hispanics to vote for Democratic candidates instead of Republicans.

"If Latinos sit out the election instead of, 'we're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us' -- if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's going to be harder," Obama had said.

Republicans in hot pursuit of control of the House of Representatives in Tuesday voting were drawing attention to Obama's "enemies" comment in hopes of encouraging more turnout by Republican voters.

Hammering home the issue was John Boehner, the Republican who would oust Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House speaker if Republicans win control of the House on Tuesday as most pollsters believe will happen.

"Today, sadly, we have president who uses the word 'enemy' for fellow Americans ... fellow citizens. He uses it for people who disagree with his agenda of bigger government ... people speaking out for a smaller, more accountable government that respects freedom and allows small businesses to create jobs," Boehner planned to say in Cincinnati.

"Mr. President, there's a word for people who have the audacity to speak up in defense of freedom, the Constitution, and the values of limited government that made our country great. We don't call them 'enemies.' We call them 'patriots,'" he planned to say.

Obama told Baisden that he was talking about opponents of a comprehensive overhaul of the U.S. immigration system. Hispanics have been disappointed that Obama has not pushed ahead on immigration legislation, which Republicans oppose.

Dear Asclepias I think the reference I was looking for was related to this:

Speaking in Elkhart, Indiana, the egotistical dictator "accused 'right wing' talk radio and cable channels like Fox News of angering white people in America about the economy...." He claims the economy is doing well under his administration. However, the majority of Americans would disagree.

In general, during this period there were a number of references made to businesses as "not building that themselves"
where Obama kept referring to wealthier taxpayers who 'aren't paying their fair share'
and pushing to penalize people just because they make more money.

Being rich is not a crime nor is being poor.
so the more he talks about "redistributing wealth" he divides people by class
and makes or reinforces "enemies" and then insults people by blaming this on others
instead of looking at his part in causing this divide.

If it is wrongful to blame people for social welfare because they are poor,
why isn't it wrongful to blame people for being successful, and getting tax breaks
because they run companies that generate enough revenue. When is it a crime
to keep more of the income earned by your own labor -- this is NOT the same
as earned income credit where someone receives more money that what they earned.

Aren't these BOTH distractions from going after the crooks, either rich OR poor, who ADD to the burden of taxpayers and make us pay for the damages of their crimes and corruptions.
It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, white or black, the issue should be that if you cost taxpayers money, the WRONGDOERS should pay it back not the taxpayers.

Not only are they blaming people by class,
but it is insulting and threatening to people's freedom and hard work
to see their hard earned money as "owed to the govt" where any money
they generate "but don't pay to the govt" is seen as taking money FROM taxpayers.
well, who earned that money to begin with?

This is where "demonizing the rich" appears as greed of its own and wanting to covet
what other people earn, and even judging people for being rich as being greedy.

So in general it was during these discussions that comments were said
back and forth, where Obama was either directly or indirectly blaming opponents,
the wealthier conservatives, and not taking EQUAL responsibility for the political division.

I will keep looking but it looks like a mix of comments Obama said here and there.
Last edited:
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.
Roots has a happy ending if you play it backwards.
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.
Roots has a happy ending if you play it backwards.

We have a funny/agree button,
but maybe we need one for funny/wrong!

Note on playing backwards: whenever I would play Monopoly with my little sister,
who was 4 years younger, to make it fair we'd play it forward, then go backwards:
Once somebody won, then we'd roll the dice and keep going around the board,
but reverse the rules, so whoever won the first time would lose the second time.
Last edited:
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.
Roots has a happy ending if you play it backwards.

We have a funny/agree button,
but maybe we need one for funny/wrong!

Note on playing backwards: whenever I would play Monopoly with my little sister,
who was 4 years younger, to make it fair we'd play it forward, then go backwards:
Once somebody won, then we'd roll the dice and keep going around the board,
but reverse the rules, so whoever won the first time would lose the second time.

We have a funny/agree button,
but maybe we need one for funny/wrong!

Sounds good
The whites crying about racial division are like bratty kids. All you can do is educate them. if they chose to remain willfully ignorant then there is not much help for them available.

At least we can be educated. Not so much for your kind.

Teaching your people to think they're owed something isn't educating them.
Black race baiters hijack a vigil for the Orlando massacre and promote further racial division.

The puppet masters are losing their strings.

That video just illustrates again that BLM are a race hate organisation, why haven't the SPLC got them listed as such already?

Oh that's right, I forgot :eusa_doh:
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.

The Left loves to focus on past injustices in order to divide people today and to justify new injustices, as payback.

What part of this seems good to you?
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.

The Left loves to focus on past injustices in order to divide people today and to justify new injustices, as payback.

What part of this seems good to you?

The good part of that is how good you are at making up motivations for covering historical events. Thats cool, I guess history should all be happy go lucky stuff so you dont get offended and claim its everyone else who is divisive not your own sensitivity.

Recently on FB some people changed their profile pic to the gay flag. My friend goes "WHY NOT THE AMERICAN FLAG?? THEY ARE SO DIVISIVE"

Its the same thing...The gay flag is only divisive to those who think it should be another flag. History is only divisive to people who think they should tell nice stories like chopping down a cherry tree. Thats YOUR issue, not everyone elses.
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.

The Left loves to focus on past injustices in order to divide people today and to justify new injustices, as payback.

What part of this seems good to you?

The good part of that is how good you are at making up motivations for covering historical events. Thats cool, I guess history should all be happy go lucky stuff so you dont get offended and claim its everyone else who is divisive not your own sensitivity.

Recently on FB some people changed their profile pic to the gay flag. My friend goes "WHY NOT THE AMERICAN FLAG?? THEY ARE SO DIVISIVE"

Its the same thing...The gay flag is only divisive to those who think it should be another flag. History is only divisive to people who think they should tell nice stories like chopping down a cherry tree. Thats YOUR issue, not everyone elses.

Why do the gays have their own flag?
"You don't know....because you're white."

What a lousy ****. Deport her back home where she can be surrounded by people who look just like her.

I hate these people.
I am eating watermelon watching ewe laugh.

Nah, you're still shatting yourself cuz a half black guy is your president and your fellow citizens elected him twice.
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.

I would have thought that living in the White House built by slaves would have been something to brag about if I were a black person.
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.

The Left loves to focus on past injustices in order to divide people today and to justify new injustices, as payback.

What part of this seems good to you?

The good part of that is how good you are at making up motivations for covering historical events. Thats cool, I guess history should all be happy go lucky stuff so you dont get offended and claim its everyone else who is divisive not your own sensitivity.

Recently on FB some people changed their profile pic to the gay flag. My friend goes "WHY NOT THE AMERICAN FLAG?? THEY ARE SO DIVISIVE"

Its the same thing...The gay flag is only divisive to those who think it should be another flag. History is only divisive to people who think they should tell nice stories like chopping down a cherry tree. Thats YOUR issue, not everyone elses.

Why do the gays have their own flag?

The Confederate flag is banned because it is offensive to black people. I would think that the gay flag would be banned since it offends a lot of people, both black and white.
There has been a number of threads recently where whites have pointed to them as examples of dividing the races more than they have ever been. What are those threads? What could be the topic that causes so much strife in the white community? Here they are

Roots: The remake of the Movie Roots made several people angry before they even saw it. They “Trumped it” meaning they didn’t see it or know anything about the remake but have determined saying “failure” “awful” etc then that means something. Or they have determined like many old people do “It wasn’t as good as the first one”


"Roots" Remake

Did Anyone Watch Roots Part 1 earlier this evening?

Gracie was even so taken aback at the mention that Africans had Universities she flat out turned it off saying “Did they have the correct Century?” lol

Black Music Appreciation Month: Continuing the horrific examples that whites have to deal with comes this extraordinary example of whites plight in America. They Complained about how unfair it was. Some people actually wondering aloud what an Appreciation day solves obviously mixing up Appreciation day with Solutions Day. No mention of St Patricks Day and what it solves.

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

I weep for thee

“The White house was built by Slaves”: Everyone knows the White House was built by slaves but goddammit what is the point of saying it out loud? I’ll tell you the point. Michelle hates white people!!!! SO DOES HISTORY!! Or something.

Race Baiting Michelle Obama- I Wake Everyday in a House Slaves Built

So here I am, a black guy thinking that white people have it pretty swell considering they are the majority and in positions of power. But boy was I wrong, after reviewing some of the complaints levied on these super serious issues of the day.

The Left loves to focus on past injustices in order to divide people today and to justify new injustices, as payback.

What part of this seems good to you?

The good part of that is how good you are at making up motivations for covering historical events. Thats cool, I guess history should all be happy go lucky stuff so you dont get offended and claim its everyone else who is divisive not your own sensitivity.

Recently on FB some people changed their profile pic to the gay flag. My friend goes "WHY NOT THE AMERICAN FLAG?? THEY ARE SO DIVISIVE"

Its the same thing...The gay flag is only divisive to those who think it should be another flag. History is only divisive to people who think they should tell nice stories like chopping down a cherry tree. Thats YOUR issue, not everyone elses.

Why do the gays have their own flag?

Why does anyone have their own flag?
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