Whites Must Do Their Part to End Racism

Actually you can't be too bright because this thread is about what whites can do to end racism in the white community not 50 excuses. And keep King out of this because you still deny that whites have been given what you think affirmative action is for nearly 246 years.

Congress has been the congressional white caucus for most of American history.

I don't have to look into my heart to end anything. Calling out white racism is the opposite of racism. You just don't want to face some inconvenient truths. Start with facing them and then you will see what needs to be done in the white community instead of lying to yourself and misusing one sentence from Dr. King.

I didn't misuse a sentence from Reverend King. I quoted it exactly and his intent was exactly what he said. You, and other black racists, despise Reverend King. You're a racist.

The only whites that you'll ever admit are not racist are those who bow down on their knees on the sidewalk begging BLM to forgive them for their sin of being born white.
Very interesting AP article fact checking this claim about Biden and Byrd.

Did I use the term, "grand wizard"? I didn't even say the world eulogize. Your response and link have nothing to do with what I posted but still proves my point.

Byrd was a leader in the West Virginia KKK. Hillary, Bill, Joe, all loved him. The Democrats loved him. The Democrats created the KKK, they were the KKK, they supported the KKK. They are the largest, most powerful, most damaging, anti-black organization in the history of the world.

You think there is a "queue" to be rewarded with prosperity, Joe? That it's given according to seniority? One of your more misguided posts.

Do you think people should get prosperity on the basis of their skin color? Because that is pretty much what happens in this country.

Heck, I'll be the first one to admit I've benefited from white privilege...
Do you think people should get prosperity on the basis of their skin color? Because that is pretty much what happens in this country.

Heck, I'll be the first one to admit I've benefited from white privilege...
Who do you think got prosperity on the basis of their skin color? Waves of immigrants moved here...were treated poorly by those already here REGARDLESS of their skin color...and worked their asses off to better themselves! Do I think that blacks had it harder than some other groups? Yes, I do! Do I think they still have that excuse in this day and age? No, I don't!
You made enough sense of it to respond

That would be nice, but several examples of war, and civil rights laws, tend to refute that, along with your secure the border claim.

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The government fails to dissipate the quest to populate the three branches of government with ideologically aligned personnel (partisan legislators, crony bureaucrats, and activist judges). The inadequate deployment of the incomplete Three-part Separation Theory prevents any one person from ascending to a dictatorship, but it does not prevent oligarchy. It may slow it down, but it does not prevent the approach to oligarchy.
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There is one situation that amendments cannot fix. Did you know the founders abandoned their commissions to amend the Articles of Confederation?
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More word salad.. Dissipate the quest to populate the three branches of government with ideologically aligned personnel? Seriously? If you're not Kamala then you must be writing her speeches.

I don't know why you include your vacation picture at the top of this post. Which one is you?

Your claim that the amendment process can't fix any flaw in the Constitution is a lie. There's nothing that couldn't be done through Article V.

I'd bet that I'm far more familiar with the history of the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation than you are. There were a number of reasons for the new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation, one significant reason was that modifying the Articles of Confederation required unanimous consent by all of the States; it was nearly impossible to do. That's why Article V works so well; it was a primary consideration in designing the new constitution. To compare the amendment process from the Constitution to the process from the Articles of Confederation demonstrates Kamala Harris level ignorance.

The separation of duties is actually very well, very clearly, stated in the Constitution. Though not perfectly, it worked reasonably well for 70 years.

The problem since then, of course, is not the Constitution; the problem is the people and the voters. Voters in Connecticut, for example, continued to vote for Joe Biden for 50 years. Voters in West Virginia continue to vote for Mitch McConnell even though he doesn't represent their views.

It's expected that politicians are going to be self-serving, working for reelection more than working for the people they are supposed to represent. For any representative government to succeed requires that the people be smart enough to recognize that and reject politicians who don't represents their values. There's no change to the Constitution that can be made that will make up for the damage done by greedy voters who can't see past whatever government handout bought their vote.

Your idea that if the US State Department had a better plan then things like happened in Afghanistan wouldn't occur is ludicrous. Nation building has always, and will always, fail. It was the determination and fighting spirit of our Founders and those who fought in the Revolution that brought us our republican form of government and our liberties. In each of these other countries, their people must determine for themselves that they want to fight for their own liberty. We can't fight for them. Nation building is an example of what the Founders feared would come from a standing army. There's nothing that can be fixed in the State Department to make nation building work.

I will agree with your last meme, though. Checks and Balances is not working too well. If the Constitution is ignored, what changes can you make that will make it less ignored? That would be like passing a new gun law to prevent school shootings when they shooter is already ignoring the laws of God and man against murder. What's needed, and we may never get it, is for the people to vote intelligently. The 2022 version of this isn't on video yet, or at least I didn't find it; it's just as bad as this from 2017. And these people actually vote - mostly for Democrats:

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How about you go back and study history so that you learn just how much whites have been given by the government. Because everything you say here is wrong.
Everything I said is absolutely true. And I say the same about whites. The government should provide zero welfare to anyone for any reason. That's what family, church, and charity is for. I don't care if babies are starving, it's not the government's role to fix it. I'm not for babies starving; I'm all for families feeding their own and for churches and charities to help when there's legitimate reason a family cannot but I am 100% against government doing it for any one for any reason.
No it doesn't. Did the 3.4 billion a native american tribe get in 2008 for the Dawes Act of 1887 cause a racial divide? Were any of them alive in 1887? Were any whites at that time alive in 1887? You are full of garbage. Son, we had an AG named Kobach with ties to white supremacy. He tried running for senator. He was the republican nominee for governor. He's trying to run for governor again. You have all kinds of national republicans like that. So just quit lying.

White ..., don't tell me what I don't care about. Your white ass doesn't get to define black issue or the blacks I want to represent me. You have posted racist crap like most of the other republicans here but you steady try telling me how the democrats are the racists. It is republican policies that will harm black people. Get the racist belief out of your mind that blacks are dumb and only vote for democrats because they talk us into it. We see the policies, we see what your leaders propose.

I will not be voting republican any time soon. Not until the party purges itself of white supremacists.

First off, don't ever call me son. I am not your son and am, in fact, old enough to be your father. The insinuation against my mother of you, or anyone else not my father, calling me son would get you knocked on your ass if you were standing in front of me and did it twice.

As is your usual way, you make accusations against Kris Kobach without any documented evidence of white supremacy. Trump had to drop Kobach from some appointments only because the issue of white supremacy was raised by so many of Kobach's previous political opponents - none of which ever offered any evidence; it's just how elections are done these days. So rather than get into it, Trump dropped Kobach from consideration to head Homeland Security but there was never a single bit of evidence of white supremacy.

Which republican policy will harm black people? Which Democratic policy has helped them? Are you suggesting that the lives of black people have improved since 1965?
Okay, I'm going to put this in a metaphor that even you can understand.

Suppose you are in line, in the hot sun, waiting to buy refreshment. And people keep cutting in line ahead of you. And what should have been a ten minute wait in queue ends up being an hour, and when you finally get to the counter, they are all out of the good stuff. Would this piss you off?

So imagine black people, who have been in this line called American prosperity, and then the Irish cut in line ahead of them. Then the Italians. Then the Germans. Then the Poles... and if that isn't bad enough, then the Asians and Mexicans are cutting in line ahead of you, too.

That would be the fault of the racists in the Democrat party and self-serving black people whose power in life comes from the misery of other black people.

Secondly, as BackAgain said, that was then and this is now. And it's Biden and company putting the Mexicans and Latin Americans in front of black people and IM2 supports it. His happiness is in his misery and his misery requires that black people be treated as less than others by the Government and the Democrats give him exactly what he wants.
Who do you think got prosperity on the basis of their skin color? Waves of immigrants moved here...were treated poorly by those already here REGARDLESS of their skin color...and worked their asses off to better themselves! Do I think that blacks had it harder than some other groups? Yes, I do! Do I think they still have that excuse in this day and age? No, I don't!

Okay, let's look at that. As the son of an immigrant, I can answer that one pretty effectively.

There weren't Jim Crow laws against immigrants. True, the bigots have used anti-immigrant sentiment (and still do) to get stupid people to vote against their own economic interests. But there was nothing like Jim Crow for the German-Americans.

There were no "miscegenation" laws to keep immigrants from marrying Americans born here. (Thankfully, or I wouldn't be here if my Dad had to get a German girl.)

The thing about immigrants from Europe, at least, is that you were considered "White enough" to access the mainstream.

Racism is alive and well in this country. Not the over racism of these guys...


But the more subtle racism of an HR manager who will hire a fellow white person because they identify with said person.
That would be the fault of the racists in the Democrat party and self-serving black people whose power in life comes from the misery of other black people.

Secondly, as BackAgain said, that was then and this is now. And it's Biden and company putting the Mexicans and Latin Americans in front of black people and IM2 supports it. His happiness is in his misery and his misery requires that black people be treated as less than others by the Government and the Democrats give him exactly what he wants.

I've taken IM to task on his support of people like Jackson and Sharpton who make an industry of exploiting racial division.

But Racism is alive and well in the boardrooms and HR departments and admissions offices of this country, and only a complete idiot would deny it.
I've taken IM to task on his support of people like Jackson and Sharpton who make an industry of exploiting racial division.

But Racism is alive and well in the boardrooms and HR departments and admissions offices of this country, and only a complete idiot would deny it.
We know that Harvard's and many other colleges admissions office are racist against Asians. But I have not seen any proof of any other racism happening in boardrooms or any systemic racism against blacks with the exception of Democratic Party policies and, now we're learning, the Biden Whitehouse:

We know that Harvard's and many other colleges admissions office are racist against Asians. But I have not seen any proof of any other racism happening in boardrooms or any systemic racism against blacks with the exception of Democratic Party policies and, now we're learning, the Biden Whitehouse:

If you are going to resort to partisan cheap shots, there's no point in taking you seriously.
Okay, I'm going to put this in a metaphor that even you can understand.

Suppose you are in line, in the hot sun, waiting to buy refreshment. And people keep cutting in line ahead of you. And what should have been a ten minute wait in queue ends up being an hour, and when you finally get to the counter, they are all out of the good stuff. Would this piss you off?

So imagine black people, who have been in this line called American prosperity, and then the Irish cut in line ahead of them. Then the Italians. Then the Germans. Then the Poles... and if that isn't bad enough, then the Asians and Mexicans are cutting in line ahead of you, too.
I am going to try to dumb this down so much that a dope like you has at least some chance of getting it. First, your use of analogy is weak. I’ve explained it better. It’s more like a game of Monopoly. If white players not only go first, but are entitled to go around the board at least two times each before a black player, all the good properties will be gone by that time.

If the game is then played strictly by the rules, it’s still unfair. I have long been aware of the concept known as “present day effects of past discrimination.” I get it and don’t need your feeble explanation of the problem. But

That problem has been officially removed. There is no longer any legal discrimination. Plus there has already been a lengthy period of time where our society made valiant efforts to make up for those present day effects of past racism. Just consider affirmative action, equal educational opportunity required by law. Then add in things like welfare. Then factor in the number of years these laws and programs have been in effect.

Only a dope would claim that all problems have thereby been completely fixed. But the again, seriously, only doors or slick operators would claim that there is more required. At some point, affirmative action becomes pure reverse discrimination. And suggesting that I ought to be required to pay the dependents of the slaves for the sin of slavery I had no hand in is facially absurd.

You can’t even answer the contention of some of those presently “demanding” things like “restitution” because objections get dismissed with a smear (bogus claims of “racism”). I’m not playing that game. Allegations of “racism” are simply and honestly denied and the whiners making such shit-ass claims are dismissed.

One does not defeat racism with more racism. And failure to refute it when it reads its ugly & dishonest head only encourages it.
Okay, buddy, you are almost making your claims that fetal globs of tissue should be treated like people seem cogent.

I am going to try to dumb this down so much that a dope like you has at least some chance of getting it. First, your use of analogy is weak. I’ve explained it better. It’s more like a game of Monopoly. If white players not only go first, but are entitled to go around the board at least two times each before a black player, all the good properties will be gone by that time.

If the game is then played strictly by the rules, it’s still unfair. I have long been aware of the concept known as “present day effects of past discrimination.” I get it and don’t need your feeble explanation of the problem. But

I don't think you do get it if you have to compare it to a game of Monopoly. The problem with Monopoly is the game ends and then you start a new game. The Game of American Prosperity never ends, it goes on for generations. And if for the first 250 turns you were slaves, and the next 100 turns, you had Jim Crow, and then only in the last 50 turns do you get a few extra Community Chest Cards after the white folks already have most of the money.


That problem has been officially removed. There is no longer any legal discrimination. Plus there has already been a lengthy period of time where our society made valiant efforts to make up for those present day effects of past racism. Just consider affirmative action, equal educational opportunity required by law. Then add in things like welfare. Then factor in the number of years these laws and programs have been in effect.

Except the problem hasn't been ACTUALLY removed. Sure there is no "official" discrimination. But when most of the decision makers are still white, then whites still have an advantage. It doesn't even have to be the outright bigots like yourself.

As far as "Welfare", most recipients of poverty relief programs are white, and we spend three times as much on "Middle Class Entitlements" (i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, FHA Loans) than we do on poverty relief programs such as SNAP or Section 8.

Only a dope would claim that all problems have thereby been completely fixed. But the again, seriously, only doors or slick operators would claim that there is more required. At some point, affirmative action becomes pure reverse discrimination. And suggesting that I ought to be required to pay the dependents of the slaves for the sin of slavery I had no hand in is facially absurd.

I would probably agree with you on reparations. As far as Affirmative Action, though, all the problems haven't been fixed. It should be pointed out that there are no "quotas". A company just has to show it considered black applicants before they gave the job to the Boss' idiot nephew.

You can’t even answer the contention of some of those presently “demanding” things like “restitution” because objections get dismissed with a smear (bogus claims of “racism”). I’m not playing that game. Allegations of “racism” are simply and honestly denied and the whiners making such shit-ass claims are dismissed.

One does not defeat racism with more racism. And failure to refute it when it reads its ugly & dishonest head only encourages it.

As I've said. I once lost out on a full-time opportunity because someone decided to fill a quota. (Actually, it's happened twice, but the other time was a white woman.) But this funny thing... I still had a lot more opportunities being a white male, and being college educated and a veteran were just icing on the cake.

Fixing the problem is actually in all of our best interests. Get rid of poverty, you get rid of crime, you reduce taxes, and so on. It's why the government spends so much on middle class entitlements, as stated above. We don't want the middle class becoming poor, despite the best efforts of the one percent to dismantle it.

It's like the old joke... A rich person, a middle class person and a poor person go into a restaurant. The waiter brings out ten cookies, the rich person wolfs down nine of them and says to the middle class person, "That poor person wants half your cookie!" The rich have been playing this game for centuries. It's how they got stupid inbred southerners to take bullets for them during the Civil War while they all stayed on their plantations. And you are still falling for it.

Okay, let's look at that. As the son of an immigrant, I can answer that one pretty effectively.

There weren't Jim Crow laws against immigrants. True, the bigots have used anti-immigrant sentiment (and still do) to get stupid people to vote against their own economic interests. But there was nothing like Jim Crow for the German-Americans.

There were no "miscegenation" laws to keep immigrants from marrying Americans born here. (Thankfully, or I wouldn't be here if my Dad had to get a German girl.)

The thing about immigrants from Europe, at least, is that you were considered "White enough" to access the mainstream.

Racism is alive and well in this country. Not the over racism of these guys...

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But the more subtle racism of an HR manager who will hire a fellow white person because they identify with said person.
You really don't know your history, Joey. Do a little research into how the Chinese that were brought in to build our railroads were treated.
Okay, buddy, you are almost making your claims that fetal globs of tissue should be treated like people seem cogent.

I don't think you do get it if you have to compare it to a game of Monopoly. The problem with Monopoly is the game ends and then you start a new game. The Game of American Prosperity never ends, it goes on for generations. And if for the first 250 turns you were slaves, and the next 100 turns, you had Jim Crow, and then only in the last 50 turns do you get a few extra Community Chest Cards after the white folks already have most of the money.

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Except the problem hasn't been ACTUALLY removed. Sure there is no "official" discrimination. But when most of the decision makers are still white, then whites still have an advantage. It doesn't even have to be the outright bigots like yourself.

As far as "Welfare", most recipients of poverty relief programs are white, and we spend three times as much on "Middle Class Entitlements" (i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, FHA Loans) than we do on poverty relief programs such as SNAP or Section 8.

I would probably agree with you on reparations. As far as Affirmative Action, though, all the problems haven't been fixed. It should be pointed out that there are no "quotas". A company just has to show it considered black applicants before they gave the job to the Boss' idiot nephew.

As I've said. I once lost out on a full-time opportunity because someone decided to fill a quota. (Actually, it's happened twice, but the other time was a white woman.) But this funny thing... I still had a lot more opportunities being a white male, and being college educated and a veteran were just icing on the cake.

Fixing the problem is actually in all of our best interests. Get rid of poverty, you get rid of crime, you reduce taxes, and so on. It's why the government spends so much on middle class entitlements, as stated above. We don't want the middle class becoming poor, despite the best efforts of the one percent to dismantle it.

It's like the old joke... A rich person, a middle class person and a poor person go into a restaurant. The waiter brings out ten cookies, the rich person wolfs down nine of them and says to the middle class person, "That poor person wants half your cookie!" The rich have been playing this game for centuries. It's how they got stupid inbred southerners to take bullets for them during the Civil War while they all stayed on their plantations. And you are still falling for it.

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You’re a retard. Thanks for the confirmation. You used a simplistic analogy which was lame like you. I made a better analogy. Didn’t claim it was perfect, you nitwit. As I said, I was trying to dumb things down for you. And you’re still too dumb. That’s on you, ya jerkoff.

By the way, let’s focus your diminutive little brain. Nobody reads a wall of words. Try to make a point at all. Then try for brevity and clarity. Also, try to follow along. It will help. It really will. Until then, embrace your unmitigated stupidity and the fact that you’re a fail.
Very interesting AP article fact checking this claim about Biden and Byrd.

Hahahaha! Only the corporate media would "fact check" Byrd's job title in the KKK. Fucking fascists.
You’re a retard. Thanks for the confirmation. You used a simplistic analogy which was lame like you. I made a better analogy. Didn’t claim it was perfect, you nitwit. As I said, I was trying to dumb things down for you. And you’re still too dumb. That’s on you, ya jerkoff.

My analogy was perfect... yours was silly.

By the way, let’s focus your diminutive little brain. Nobody reads a wall of words.

Well, clearly you don't, you are barely literate.

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