Whites Must Do Their Part to End Racism

That's why he has a black vice president.

Joe Biden campaigned for this guy. Did you?

Since that's not real...,

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden as he tweets 'to hell with libertarian ideology'​

  • Richard Spencer had previously announced his support for Joe Biden in August
  • He dropped his Support for Trump after the killing of Iranian Qassem Soleimani
  • Biden's campain manager rejected Spencer's support based on his past views
  • Uperturbed, Spencer showed a picture of his ballot on Tuesday, voting for Biden
Why would I? He lives in Virginia. Meanwhile trump was in with Oathkeepers, 3percenters, Proud Boys, etc.

And Biden is in with the KKK and neo-nazis like Richard Spencer. That was your choice. This is your fault.

You voted for the guy who said KKK leader Robert Byrd was a "good friend". I guess he would have been your good friend, too.
Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. It is that simple. Most whites who do not have racial problemscsee that and don't ask dumb questions about black crime and derail conversations by posting their racial hate filled false ooinions abjout blacks. Nor do they talk that you are a minority and you don't get to determine anytying right wing garbage.

They do this:

White urgency to end racism: why now?​

How can whites work against racism while also ensuring that we don’t re-center white supremacy in the process?

It’s important for white people to feel the deep pain of racism. As many racial justice leaders have pointed out, racism is not actually people of colors’ responsibility to end, though they bear the violent consequences of it. It is white people’s issue to dismantle.

Can we, as white people, bear that pain, including the pain of our complicity?

Because we are complicit as white people. Maybe we have laughed at racist jokes or haven’t interrupted them. Maybe we get angry when protesters shut down highways or otherwise inconvenience us. Maybe we take up a lot of space in meetings or talk over people of color. Maybe we haven’t noticed all the resources, opportunities, and safety granted to us and denied people of color.

Institutionalized racism is vast and deep, and it works in part because many of the ways of being that white people take for granted actually uphold racist structures. That means that those of us who are white participate in those structures, often without realizing it. White people’s work in racial justice means, in part, dismantling all the ways in which we participate.

As we unpeel the layers of our complicity, the pain is deep. This is not to say that white pain is the same as the pain of people of color. It is not. But until whites learn to be with our own pain we will continue to enact racism.

You guys seem to have problems with doing the most obvious right thing in this situation. The has got to end.
Why haven’t you ended all the black racism, hatred, crime in the black community?
This thread is not about the black community and there is no victimhood there.

I have not diverted shit. I reposted the first post. The question was asked, I explained what I was asked then said whites have a responsibility. I have the same first amendment right and I am saying that for racism to end whites must do their part. You talk shit, but if whites do not work to end racism, in a few short years when you are a minority, you will be made to.
Just how do you suppose that will happen?
Seems that for some reason, I can't post in a thread I started.

The question is asked why am I asking whites to help solve the race problem.

"Why do you keep turning to white people for solutions to America's racial problems?"

Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief. Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. Once that ends or is reduced to irrelevance the barriers and obstacles created by whites who have racist beliefs will be eliminated and groups of color will be able to reach their potential. You don't start a fire in your house the tell your neighbors how they need to put the fire out.

Do you have PROOF whites created racism?
According to the bible, GOD separated the races......therefore GOD created racism.
So, if GOD created racism, then you need to be taking it up with GOD, not white people.
Black killing each other don't have a damn thing to do with whites working in their communities to end racism. Blacks aren't killing each other in any unimaginable numbers and whites are killing each other in similar numbers while dying of overdoses and suicides at numbers that make black on black killing look tame. So again, instead of bringing up irrelevant off topic crap focus on the topic. Whites must begin working more earnestly to end the racism in white communities.

Um, okay, if you don't think the awful murder rates in the black community are a problem, that's kind of on you.

But here's the thing. We can tell our kids that it's wrong to use the N-word, to have all the white liberal politically correct views, but frankly, that doesn't solve the problem, does it?

When right wing whites can't debate racism and know the person of color is right, they accuse the person of color of being a racist.

Actually, left wing whites who refuse to engage in anything less than constant self-flagellation over race get called racist, I'm finding.

So most whites just avoid the topic altogether when it isn't something in their face like George Floyd.

If you want to have a "honest" conversation, then you need to at least listen to some valid arguments.

Affirmative Action promotes mediocrity and discriminates against people who try hard.
The "Welfare State" has done more to perpetuate poverty than cure it.
The disintegration of the family unit has done more damage to the black community that the Klan could ever hope to have done.

But you'll just whine how these things are racist! So what would be the point of having said discussion?
Rephrase your question. And the start talking about what whites can do to end racism in white communities. Reparations have nothing to do with that. Reparations would be funds paid into the black community and then we deal with how the funds are used.

Yes, I'm sure that couldn't possibly go wrong.

Hey, check this out, this is Jesse Jackson's house in Chicago.


It is currently valued at $703,000 according to Redfin.


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This is not about prior generations, you have been shown an example of that. Whites today benefit from what happened in prior generations. This thread is not about reparations nor am I going to allow it to be derailed by having a conversation on reparations. This thread is about what whites can do to end racism in their communities.

you work on the assumption that "ending racism" will make things better.

Short of doing this,

exactly what do you want white people to do, exactly?

If by White benefiting from what prior generations did, um, yeah, most of us came here as immigrants with not a lot of nothing, worked very hard to get what we have. My grandparents came here with the contents of a couple of steamer trunks. My grandfather worked very hard in a factory all of his life (losing a finger in an industrial accident.) My dad worked hard all of his life after serving in WWII, before succumbing to lung cancer at 56. I've worked hard all my life, and at 60, I am finally at the point where I am comfortable.

I've never owned a slave, never made anyone sit at the back of the bus, and on at least one occasion I know of, lost out on an opportunity due to an idiotic affirmative action hire.

So I really don't want to hear about how I benefited. I'm perfectly willing to go along with affirmative action, I think we need to invest more in education.
Okay, some thoughts on reparations...

Which means people who never owned slaves paying people who never were slaves because slavery was bad.

The comparison made is the compensation paid to Japanese Americans for internment during WWII.

That was $20,000 in 1980's dollars for a total of 3.67Billion to 82,819 surviving internees.

Well, simple solution. We can pay every surviving slave... which would be zero.
Dude, you brought up reparations in your original post! Duh?
Like I said, this discussion is not about reparations. Just because I said somebody else was paid reparations doesn't mean that I am talking about them. But you and the other usual suspect are looking for something to use to deflect. This thread title says that whites must do their part to end racism. Go into your community and work on ending white racism.
Like I said, this discussion is not about reparations. Just because I said somebody else was paid reparations doesn't mean that I am talking about them. But you and the other usual suspect are looking for something to use to deflect. This thread title says that whites must do their part to end racism. Go into your community and work on ending white racism.
If the discussion isn't about reparations then why did you bring them up in the OP? Pointing that out isn't a "deflection" as you claim...it's simply pointing out that your posts sooner or later always come back to you thinking whites owe money to blacks. In the case of this string...you brought it up in the very FIRST post you made!
If the discussion isn't about reparations then why did you bring them up in the OP? Pointing that out isn't a "deflection" as you claim...it's simply pointing out that your posts sooner or later always come back to you thinking whites owe money to blacks. In the case of this string...you brought it up in the very FIRST post you made!
The discussion is not about reparations. The thread title says this, now all you want to do is play the same stupid childish fucked up crap you racist motherfuckers always do. I don't think whites owe, I think this is a matter between the United States government and black people. So drop that dumb ass race baited white racist bullshit argument about whites owing and go start working in the white community to end racism. Start with yourself..

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