Whites Must Do Their Part to End Racism

I wasn’t writing to you and you need to check who I am writing too before you demand a thing from me at all!

My comment was too another poster making the false claim that Jim Crow laws did not exist in California and I am going to tell you one last time you do not demand anything because you have no right to demand anything at all!

You have been told many times racism will never end and it your ignorance that has caused you to deny this reality!

So now read who I wrote that too and learn you do not tell another poster what they must write about when you have introduced so much stuff on here from History to Japanese Americans and demanding money for something you may not be entitled too!
The point I was trying to make was that compared to the south there were no Jim Crow laws in California. Blacks could do pretty much the same as whites, they weren't restricted from attending schools. What restrictive laws existed were mostly aimed at Asians, especially Asian immigrants. Comparing forties California to say forties Alabama is like comparing a campfire to a forest fire.
This is so true. Also the same re "redistribution," giving all white money to blacks. In two years, whites would be rich again and blacks would be more drug-addicted than ever. There is a serious, intrinsic problem about the IQ difference, on average, between blacks and whites that makes this problem intractable. It was solved earlier by keeping blacks rigidly under control. Now that this good policy was abandoned for an impossible "equality," there is constant, rampant crime by blacks. This idea of preferring bad blacks, as with all the George Floyd types, at least is not the way to solve anything.
There are a lot of Black Americans that would get ahead. The majority of Black Americans DON'T live in the ghettos. They have made decent lives for themselves.
Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief.
Ah, here we have it. "Cleaning up the mess" means giving you money...

Get a job. It's amazing how many problems that can solve.
There are a lot of Black Americans that would get ahead. The majority of Black Americans DON'T live in the ghettos. They have made decent lives for themselves.
Well, I hope that's true. I can't say it's nearly obvious enough.
This thread is not about solving the black homicide rate. Whites like you ignore the crime in your community to try lecturing us. So it's like this, you either talk about what whites can do to end the racism in their community or leave.
The violence in the large urban areas of our biggest cites is being caught on cameras and is being broadcast on local and national news. Perhaps it is unfair but it paints blacks in the inner cites in a terrible light. Plus, we often see video footage of blacks entering stores and carrying off bags of merchandise.

We also watch on the nightly news Asian Americans being attacked by blacks on the street.

You are asking whites what they should do to reduce racism. Meanwhile you are ignoring what blacks should do to stop fostering racism in the white communities.

I would suggest you find a Bible and read Matthew 7:5.
if whites do not work to end racism, in a few short years when you are a minority, you will be made to.
That does not read like the end of racism, it reads like a threat of revenge using the power of the majority.

Why are you thinking that way?

Why are you not thinking about how to correctly adjust the erroneous establishment of justice?

If I read that wrong, and it was meant that a black majority will establish true justice, then why can't you take us to the promised land, now?

Why do you need a majority of black people to compose the establishment of true justice. If white people cannot stop you from writing and singing lyrcis suggesting white supremacy is ruining all your days of living, then I can guarantee you white people cannot stop you from composing the directive system needed for the establishment of true justice.
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The point I was trying to make was that compared to the south there were no Jim Crow laws in California. Blacks could do pretty much the same as whites, they weren't restricted from attending schools. What restrictive laws existed were mostly aimed at Asians, especially Asian immigrants. Comparing forties California to say forties Alabama is like comparing a campfire to a forest fire.
Again, the list is there and you can deny it all you want but it is there…
As we unpeel the layers of our complicity, the pain is deep. This is not to say that white pain is the same as the pain of people of color. It is not. But until whites learn to be with our own pain we will continue to enact racism.

You guys seem to have problems with doing the most obvious right thing in this situation. The has got to end.
What does the author mean by the following?

People of color also have work to do, but it is different work - healing from the trauma of oppression, dismantling internalized racism, building coalitions across racial identities and so on.
Are you on board with that? It sounds like an abreviation of the things white people are supposed to do with the addition of the trauma of oppression that you are not really experiencing - doesn't it???

You're not still traumatized by the oppression of black people, are you? It is amazing how well you do formulate commentaries and publish them for public review. I would be very surprized if a traumatized person could write as well as you do.
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In typical USMB fashion, the usual whites here don't want to look at their responsibility and would rather drone on and on off topic about black homicide when whites lead in 28 categories of crime as listed in the U.S Code.
Often while watching the news in today’s world whites see videos of blacks engaged in shootouts in the downtown areas of big cities, see organized gangs of blacks shoplifting expensive items from elite stores and see blacks attacking old people (especially Asians) on the streets without warning.

Obviously this leads people to be cautious around blacks in the downtown areas. Plus this bad behavior can lead to whites developing racist views.

I don’t in any way feel any responsibility for the shootouts that occur between street gangs. Nor do I feel I have done anything to cause blacks to go on organized shoplifting raids. I have never attacked another person without warning on a street and I can’t understand why the blacks are targeting old Asian women in this manner.

I don’t consider myself a racist by any means but this would be a much better nation if the bad element in the black community learned to behave in a civilized manner.

I fully support peaceful demonstrations but once the looting and burning starts I lose compassion for the rioters. Stealing a 60 inch TV from a store has nothing to do with stopping unnecessary violence by the police toward black individuals.

If you want people to view you in a favorable light you must first earn their respect. I feel we were making great progress in our nation in addressing racism but in recent years we have taken a number of steps backward.

One of the big things we can do to reduce racism is to improve our school systems.

When I graduated from High School in the 1960s, I and all of my classmates were proficient in reading and could do basic math without any problem. Few of my classmates dropped out of school and I don’t remember any pregnant female students. We also had a fair grasp of world and American History as well as Ohio history. We had taken Civics class so we had some understanding of government and how it works. I had learned how to speak French fluently (should have taken Latin). Plus I was good at algebra, and basic geometry and familiar with trigonometry and solid geometry. I had also taken classes on chemistry, science and physics.

Today in many large cities high school grads can’t read, write or do simple math.

Students today are just a smart as students were when I went to high school. Given good instruction they can master learning. Plus race doesn’t matter. Blacks are just as smart as whites.

The St. Augustine High School class of 2022 celebrates more than just their graduation.

A viral tweet posted by a parent of a graduate shows the graduating class of 100 students dancing and rejoicing in the streets outside the church that held their commencement ceremony.

According to Twitter user @Kay_Jeaux, the graduating class has received college acceptances and accumulated over 9 million dollars in scholarships.

“It’s late but I don’t care. The world deserves to see this black boy joy. Congratulations to THE St. Augustine High School class of 2022,” She said. “100% college acceptance. $9.2M in scholarships. Straight out of the 7th ward of New Orleans. Let that make headlines! Dance



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“100% college acceptance. $9.2M in scholarships. Straight out of the 7th ward of New Orleans. Let that make headlines! Dance


Something's fishy here.

A segregated private school - safe space for brilliant black boys to concentrate on academics and merit organization free from gangster intimidation. Right???

So we follow all 100 for the next twenty years. We got their names, education and intelligence profiles.

The pressure is on. The parents and school are trying to establish something.
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Seems that for some reason, I can't post in a thread I started.

The question is asked why am I asking whites to help solve the race problem.

"Why do you keep turning to white people for solutions to America's racial problems?"

Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief. Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. Once that ends or is reduced to irrelevance the barriers and obstacles created by whites who have racist beliefs will be eliminated and groups of color will be able to reach their potential. You don't start a fire in your house the tell your neighbors how they need to put the fire out.

Since Whites are the majority we should just send people like you back to Africa.
So I am supposed to suggest what whites need to do in order to do their part to end racism.
It would be helpful since you are not getting what you want to see from whites.

How about beginning by not making excuses about what you cannot do?

The claim of taking on bigotry creates more bigotry and allows such bigotry to grow and get worse. Whites must take on the bigots in the white community.
I'll grow tired of their bigotry, and disconnect from them if they have nothing else to offer that may interest me. I am dedicated to progressing my campaign for a constitutional convention to solve all of our social problems, and I really don't spend much time with anyone, because I do not have access to the smart people who could possibly help me.

I'll bet that you spend a lot of time in the barber shop contemplating brilliant ideas with the guys - don't you. But you guys never tolerate bigotry among yourselves - am I right???

Accept that you have a responsibility to end the racism in your community.
The government is supposed to do that for me, and the reason it does not is because it is erroneous, because it was designed by racists and white supremacists who did not know how to subdivide the three parts of government.

Stop talking about black crime when the issue is the white community.
There is only one way to prove that black people know how to do community better than white people.

Stop making false equivalences instead of looking at the problem of racism in your community. What most of you call black racism is the response of blacks to the racism we face from whites. Now I am telling you that as a black person and not some right-wing white with an opinion who reads Thomas Sowell.
There is no false equivalence. White people's government is erroneous, and it guides society into this disorderliness we endure. You see the inadequacies as the "systemic biases."

Blacks should not be shouldering the responsibility of telling whites how to end racism in the white community.
We can clearly see that blacks do not want that responsibility.

Racism is not just a black or issue for people of color since whites are the ones primarily are the ones practicing racism.
If a white person had a practical solution to the racism problem, as you describe it, that it is a white people's problem to be solved by white people without interference from black people's protests and stupid bullshit . . .

We would probably offer segregated states as the most practical solution.

People are allowed to be racists, as long as they do not violate the constituent civil rights laws.
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Again, I'm done talking about reparations. Start a thread if you want to discuss it. I already know what your argument is because if you start that thread it will probably be the thousanth thread started by a white person whining about why blacks should not get reparations while everyone else the government damaged did. Your post is full of b.s, all of it based on emotions and feelings instead of fact.

For racism to end whites like you need to go back and study government and public policies at every level.

DidYa miss my post where I pointed out that YOUR very Opening Post in this thread talks about reparations? That's the scope of discussion you laid out.
DidYa miss my post where I pointed out that YOUR very Opening Post in this thread talks about reparations? That's the scope of discussion you laid out.
My post was in response to a question. I wrote one sentence did not say blacks should get reparations and then stated that whites need to do their part to end racism. The discussion was never about reparations but the racists decided they wanted to make it an idssue and you want tonlet them. This thread is about what whites need ti=o do, now the white racist objection to reparations. I've said that over and over and since I am the OP, I do believe I determine what the discussion is. This is not about reparation, black crime or any of the bullshit you have allowed people to get away with.

Repaations was not the scope and so don't use that excuse to let your racist buddies hijack this thread. Besides I had at least 2 other threads on the same topic that did not start with that and you closed them or made it so I could not respond. So YOU picked this one to open. Reparations is not the discussion here.

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