Whitest House Advisers Fight To Scale Back The Stupidity Spread In Press Briefings


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Whitest House Advisers Fight To Scale Back The Stupidity Spread In Press Briefings

Plans to change the format of the briefings are nothing more than to curtail the impeached president trump's role and he dies not appreciate their efforts.

Advisers have continually argued that while the briefings may appeal to his devoted fanatics, the impeached president trump’s constant regurgitation of misinformation could be alienating retired boomers worried about their health.

If advisers are successful, only time will tell if they can muzzle the impeached president trump permanently. This is not likely. knowing how very much the impeached president trump loves to lie and say just plain stupid things.

Truth is a b!tch as we'll see when the message board censors condemn this OP, which paraphrases the article, and banish it to some obscure location.

White House could alter virus briefings to limit Trump role

Whitest House Advisers Fight To Scale Back The Stupidity Spread In Press Briefings

Plans to change the format of the briefings are nothing more than to curtail the impeached president trump's role and he dies not appreciate their efforts.

Advisers have continually argued that while the briefings may appeal to his devoted fanatics, the impeached president trump’s constant regurgitation of misinformation could be alienating retired boomers worried about their health.

If advisers are successful, only time will tell if they can muzzle the impeached president trump permanently. This is not likely. knowing how very much the impeached president trump loves to lie and say just plain stupid things.

Truth is a b!tch as we'll see when the message board censors condemn this OP, which paraphrases the article, and banish it to some obscure location.

White House could alter virus briefings to limit Trump role

He-he, you ARE a loon! Thanks for the laughs EVERY time you post, ya knucklehead.
Trump seems to enjoy reducing the fake news down to runny shit.... he's ballsy and humorous to say the least. And he IS the most powerful man in the world, dealing with shitstains that aren't even the most important people in their trailer park.
Trump seems to enjoy reducing the fake news down to runny shit.... he's ballsy and humorous to say the least. And he IS the most powerful man in the world, dealing with shitstains that aren't even the most important people in their trailer park.
He wasn't being humorous. He was being stupid.

Another reason to elect Joe Biden:
From the O.P.

"...retired boomers worried about their health".

I am one of those. Also have one of the medical conditions that heightens my chance of dying if I get the Virus the Chinese sent us and lied to us about. And so the Honey and I are careful and stay home pretty much all the time. It's what the old and sick do most of the time anyway.

And, I'll take such risk as come my way rather than watch the greatest county in history dissolve in chaos and bankruptcy...and in Snowflake Hysteria stoked by Liberals-turned-Bolsheviks...because its an election year and Orange Man Bad.

The random testing being done...as opposed to those who show up at Doctor's offices sick...show that many many people have or have had this virus without even knowing they are sick!

This means that, while it may be more contagious than the flu, it might be even less deadly, and certainly is less deadly too all but the old and sick.


For those under 50 years of age in the state of New York, the death rate is slightly under 5 per 100,000.

That isn't a disaster. That isn't a plague or a calamity.

Five per 100,000 is half the rate of suicides per 100,000 annually among the 50 and under population. It is a small fraction of the 90 deaths per 100,000 annually that occur for all kinds of reasons: accidents and illnesses—including suicide.

You would not, in the slightest, in any kind of sane world, shut down an entire economy and lock down everything when you have a 5 per 100,000 death rate for the overwhelming share of the population.

("The Ripple-Effects Of The Government Lockdown Are Only Starting To Take Shape...")
The common sense answer is thus:

1) The old and sick need to stay close to home for a good while longer; and

2) You healthy young people, even Snowflakes and those with TDS---need to get back to work. You haven't stopped fucking have you?
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Trump seems to enjoy reducing the fake news down to runny shit.... he's ballsy and humorous to say the least. And he IS the most powerful man in the world, dealing with shitstains that aren't even the most important people in their trailer park.
He wasn't being humorous. He was being stupid.

Another reason to elect Joe Biden:
View attachment 327634
Relax, have a tRumptini.


Courtesy of President tide pod.
Trump seems to enjoy reducing the fake news down to runny shit.... he's ballsy and humorous to say the least. And he IS the most powerful man in the world, dealing with shitstains that aren't even the most important people in their trailer park.
He wasn't being humorous. He was being stupid.

Another reason to elect Joe Biden:
View attachment 327634
Relax, have a tRumptini.

View attachment 327643

Courtesy of President tide pod.
As expected from a leftist braintard with nothing of value to say, other than some jackass moronic comment.

Take a break snowflake, your dumbass is really showing.
If Trump loses in November, day one, it's on. Day one.

This absolute crap show today, during a pandemic, when clumsy wording was all it took, was the absolute last straw for me.

We will destroy your president just like you destroyed Trump, and may the devil take the hindmost.
Do you HONESTLY think that creepy uncle quid pro quo gropper joe with his whoever radical leftist female VP pick is going to beat Trump?

Don't let the democrat propaganda wing even begin to let you think that's going to happen. Biden has no chance in HELL, period.

What you should keep your eyes open for though is MASSIVE CHEATING. They've been working on ways to CHEAT since 2016.
If Trump loses in November, day one, it's on. Day one.

This absolute crap show today, during a pandemic, when clumsy wording was all it took, was the absolute last straw for me.

We will destroy your president just like you destroyed Trump, and may the devil take the hindmost.
Do you HONESTLY think that creepy uncle quid pro quo gropper joe with his whoever radical leftist female VP pick is going to beat Trump?

Don't let the democrat propaganda wing even begin to let you think that's going to happen. Biden has no chance in HELL, period.


And if so, begin to let them think about the consequences of their actions. They never do, heaven knows. They start the games. They never think what happens at the end.
  • Thanks
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If Trump loses in November, day one, it's on. Day one.

This absolute crap show today, during a pandemic, when clumsy wording was all it took, was the absolute last straw for me.

We will destroy your president just like you destroyed Trump, and may the devil take the hindmost.
Do you HONESTLY think that creepy uncle quid pro quo gropper joe with his whoever radical leftist female VP pick is going to beat Trump?

Don't let the democrat propaganda wing even begin to let you think that's going to happen. Biden has no chance in HELL, period.


And if so, begin to let them think about the consequences of their actions. They never do, heaven knows. They start the games. They never think what happens at the end.
Exactly. They live in their BUBBLE, their ECHO CHAMBER, and their hate and unhinged delusion prohibits them from even coming close to reality. The vast majority of Americans find the new radical democrat party to be pack of repulsive, corrupt, apoplectic ass clowns, but they don't think so... they're off on planet demtard and have no clue.
Trump ended the briefings because reporters would not behave themselves. What he should do is film the briefings so that reporters stop mooning the television audience.
Whitest House Advisers Fight To Scale Back The Stupidity Spread In Press Briefings
Plans to change the format of the briefings are nothing more than to curtail the impeached president trump's role and he dies not appreciate their efforts.
Advisers have continually argued that while the briefings may appeal to his devoted fanatics, the impeached president trump’s constant regurgitation of misinformation could be alienating retired boomers worried about their health.
If advisers are successful, only time will tell if they can muzzle the impeached president trump permanently. This is not likely. knowing how very much the impeached president trump loves to lie and say just plain stupid things.
Truth is a b!tch as we'll see when the message board censors condemn this OP, which paraphrases the article, and banish it to some obscure location.
White House could alter virus briefings to limit Trump role.
Once again, the stupid shitcup contradicts himself, first bitching for the past month that Trump should step aside and let the medical experts talk even though all the fake media from CBS and China ask to see and hear straight from the President, then when he tries to do that and put the focus more on the front line people actually expert in and dealing with the problem, you still whine like a little child!
For those under 50 years of age in the state of New York, the death rate is slightly under 5 per 100,000. That isn't a disaster. That isn't a plague or a calamity.
Hell, that is a best case scenario, and for New York? That amounts to only 0.005% You have worst odds of being killed by a lightning bolt!

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