Whitey doctor statue who did experimental surgery without anesthesia on enslaved black women be GONE

Anesthesia wasn't yet fully accepted into surgical practice, and he was unaware of the use of ether at that time. Were it not for Sims, there would be no practice of gynecology today and millions of women would have suffered or died.

J. Marion Sims - Wikipedia

The OP is just a racist idiot.
You know I'm White? Don't confuse me with defective Whitey DOPer WN types.
A bronze statue of a 19th-century doctor who did experimental surgery without anesthesia on enslaved black women was removed from Central Park on Tuesday. Controversial statue of J. Marion Sims removed from Central Park

DANG! Sims used a shoemaker's awl to pry the skull bones of enslaved women's babies into alignment. These experiments had a 100% fatality rate. Sims often performed autopsies on the corpses, which he kept for further research on the condition

(FFS! That's one way to assure a fresh free supply).

View attachment 188758

:11_2_1043:I have mixed feelings here. Most 18th-20th Century American Whitey's did Crimes Against Humanities crimes.
As America's first new 1%er overlords being now kings themselves etc.:dunno:

But I'm for women to have the best care possible. But doing thang this way is Pure Whitey ways for some Racist WN
type Bigots who follow their lords' false man-made SCAM!. Just more of the sickness of religions.

Another Progressive Success Story

So if Gynecology is now "racist", I suggest all women abstain from that.
No, this one used slaves. I see no Whites, lessor Whitey's, Brown, Yellow or Orange were used
Pretty clear it saw blacks as cattle from bible training
LOL. Women can abort or keep. It's their business.

Baking bread is not an eatable bread loaf.
Baking Live Goo in the oven is not a Live Born Baby.

The Words Birth/Born! Means getting a label and Paperwork called Live Birth Cert.
Goo in the Oven is Goo till it breaks out the womb. Or we need to charge these female with a crime.
Killing their baby goo before born by way of natural events..
We don't give points in football unless the ball passes the goal line.

See how simple this is?

You probably sat there thinking to yourself...."wow!...what a clever post I just made"......didn't you?
Your correlation of the miracle of birth and conception to baking bread is rather.....lame.

In your tiny progressively demented mind, I'm sure it's simple....like your racist though processes.

Speaking of life altering "surgery"....
Would you consent to my repetitious closed handed contact with your cranial region until such time as clarity and intelligence descended upon you? I really think it would make a better person of you.
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And yet the OP recently stated his adoration for Planned Parenthood in another thread........

If he could get away with it...he'd probably enjoy butchering whiteys babies.

LOL. Women can abort or keep. It's their business.

Baking bread is not an eatable bread loaf.
Baking Live Goo in the oven is not a Live Born Baby.

The Words Birth/Born! Means getting a label and Paperwork called Live Birth Cert.
Goo in the Oven is Goo till it breaks out the womb. Or we need to charge these female with a crime.
Killing their baby goo before born by way of natural events..
We don't give points in football unless the ball passes the goal line.

See how simple this is?

How about this: Go kill a pregnant woman and see if you don't get charged with two murders.

Not that I'm suggesting that, but you seem to be stupid enough to try that.
LOL. Women can abort or keep. It's their business.

Baking bread is not an eatable bread loaf.
Baking Live Goo in the oven is not a Live Born Baby.

The Words Birth/Born! Means getting a label and Paperwork called Live Birth Cert.
Goo in the Oven is Goo till it breaks out the womb. Or we need to charge these female with a crime.
Killing their baby goo before born by way of natural events..
We don't give points in football unless the ball passes the goal line.

See how simple this is?

You probably sat there thinking to yourself...."wow!...what a clever post I just made"......didn't you?
Your correlation of the miracle of birth and conception to baking bread is rather.....lame.

In your tiny progressively demented mind, I'm sure it's simple....like your racist though processes.

As I read you can't address my point. Is clearly my point again.
Your kinds will never understand rational freedoms and rights' for women.
Your defective thinkings would be different if you gave birth. 86% of all
American will allow abortions. For few or many reasons. If you can allow
for a few reasons. Just means your a moron Hypnotic to allow whatever the
women wants with help by Doc's to make sure she does not harm herself
eradicating goo from the oven. If it's in the oven, it's not a live born baby who
fully made it. Glad we have more medical treatment to help them along if they
can't do it on their own.
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Anesthesia wasn't yet fully accepted into surgical practice, and he was unaware of the use of ether at that time. Were it not for Sims, there would be no practice of gynecology today and millions of women would have suffered or died.

J. Marion Sims - Wikipedia

The OP is just a racist idiot.
You know I'm White? Don't confuse me with defective Whitey DOPer WN types.
Those experiments were 1845 - 1849. During the Civil War 20 years later soldiers were told to "bite the bullet" as bullets were dug out of their bodies.

Go fuck yourself race pimp.
And yet the OP recently stated his adoration for Planned Parenthood in another thread........

If he could get away with it...he'd probably enjoy butchering whiteys babies.

LOL. Women can abort or keep. It's their business.

Baking bread is not an eatable bread loaf.
Baking Live Goo in the oven is not a Live Born Baby.

The Words Birth/Born! Means getting a label and Paperwork called Live Birth Cert.
Goo in the Oven is Goo till it breaks out the womb. Or we need to charge these female with a crime.
Killing their baby goo before born by way of natural events..
We don't give points in football unless the ball passes the goal line.

See how simple this is?

How about this: Go kill a pregnant woman and see if you don't get charged with two murders.

Not that I'm suggesting that, but you seem to be stupid enough to try that.
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act BS that Dubya signed is not enforced in all states by far.
Roe v Wade decision said that the human fetus is not a "person" under the
4th Anal-medment to the Constipation. (yes spelled right)
So I see you don't give a shit about the Constitutional Constipation here. Oops? The 2nd is the only one you care about.
seems like a smear job on a doctor who actually did good things------
What are we going to do? Just not use the results? FFS! no.
But we can clear up history books on the good and bad so others can learn.
We use all the data and results recorded from Josef Mengele tests. Some got us to the moon.
A bronze statue of a 19th-century doctor who did experimental surgery without anesthesia on enslaved black women was removed from Central Park on Tuesday. Controversial statue of J. Marion Sims removed from Central Park

DANG! Sims used a shoemaker's awl to pry the skull bones of enslaved women's babies into alignment. These experiments had a 100% fatality rate. Sims often performed autopsies on the corpses, which he kept for further research on the condition

(FFS! That's one way to assure a fresh free supply).

View attachment 188758

:11_2_1043:I have mixed feelings here. Most 18th-20th Century American Whitey's did Crimes Against Humanities crimes.
As America's first new 1%er overlords being now kings themselves etc.:dunno:

But I'm for women to have the best care possible. But doing thang this way is Pure Whitey ways for some Racist WN
type Bigots who follow their lords' false man-made SCAM!. Just more of the sickness of religions.

Whitey? Yeah, nothing racist there..
I'm proud to be white. Black, Brown and yellow can be as well.

But FFS! Who want's to be Whitey or FFS Orange. Yep, That be our American WN DOPers.
Some in the old GOP white section are not to bad.
I'm proud to be white. Black, Brown and yellow can be as well.

But FFS! Who want's to be Whitey or FFS Orange. Yep, That be our American WN DOPers.
Some in the old GOP white section are not to bad.
Are you proud to be a low-life scumbag too?

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