Whitey doctor statue who did experimental surgery without anesthesia on enslaved black women be GONE

Lying, racist, moron. You are so biased, you don't even try to hide your bigotry. Anesthesia had just been discovered in 1842, around the same time, (ether) and wasn't even fully or widely accepted yet. What was their other options, hitting on head with hammer? Choking till unconscious? Frontal lobotomy? YOU SAID THERE WERE MANY. Name them with clear documentation to document your claims or STFU and crawl back into your damned hole.

Chloroform was around since 1831. Whitey Religious Doc saw these women as Live Stock and was not going to waste money on comforts.

WRONG AGAIN, Jackass. Do you ever have ANYTHING to say that isn't total bull? It wasn't until 1842 that Robert Mortimer Glover even discovered the anesthetic qualities of chloroform on laboratory animals in LONDON. And it was not until 1847 that Scottish obstetrician James Y. Simpson was the first to demonstrate the anesthetic properties of chloroform on humans and helped to popularize the drug for use in medicine. Then it wasn't until the 1850s, that chloroform was actually being produced on a commercial basis for widespread use.

Chloroform - Wikipedia

When did Sims begin his work in gynecology? The early 1840s.

Okay my bad, I was off a few years on when this Whitey Doc Abused His Human Live stocks.

But I know this painkiller was around. "sweet oil of vitriol" !

SOoooo... again! Whitey Religious Doc saw these women as Live Stock and was not going to waste money on comforts.
Let we just apply the facts on them times. Before Civil Rights and Black having equal full Whitey rights'.
Which still pissy- off All Levels and Brandings of the defective DOPer Class!
Whitey has talked you (or tricked you, if you're man enough to admit it) into achieving an all but zero negative growth rate. And you're doing it to yourselves.

Dat's some power he holds over you, right dere.
Dang? I see you're well trained in godly ways on Faux DOPers News Tee Vee!


Negative growth achieved in NYC...check

40% voluntary infanticide from 13% of race...check

Murders, health problems, accidents, etc...check

How's your maff, Einstein?
You know I'm White? Don't confuse me with defective Whitey DOPer WN types.

White, black, brown, doesn’t matter. You are still a racist idiot.
How so Gun Nutter?

How can I make this simple enough for even you to understand?

The racism is still racism no matter your color. That doesn’t change the definition. Perhaps you are just a liar, or perhaps you hate your own race. It is still stupidly racist.

Are you sure calling out the differences between White vs Whitey is racism?
Telling you White is not Black. Is not racism As they are different colors.
Telling you Light Black is not the same as Dark Black. Is not racism.
Oops.. Sorry, Black and White are not colors. If we want to be accurate.

White folks are rational vs Whitey Folks who are irrational DOPers!
And forget about those WN Whitey Folks, they be just SICK in the head more than DOPers are!

No you ignorant racist idiot. What you said is racist. You are too ignorant and racist to bother with. Dismissed.
LOL! Review post #60 again. Then get back to me..

That be Whitey National Tee Vee headquarters.
You know I'm White? Don't confuse me with defective Whitey DOPer WN types.

White, black, brown, doesn’t matter. You are still a racist idiot.
How so Gun Nutter?

How can I make this simple enough for even you to understand?

The racism is still racism no matter your color. That doesn’t change the definition. Perhaps you are just a liar, or perhaps you hate your own race. It is still stupidly racist.

Are you sure calling out the differences between White vs Whitey is racism?
Telling you White is not Black. Is not racism As they are different colors.
Telling you Light Black is not the same as Dark Black. Is not racism.
Oops.. Sorry, Black and White are not colors. If we want to be accurate.

White folks are rational vs Whitey Folks who are irrational DOPers!
And forget about those WN Whitey Folks, they be just SICK in the head more than DOPers are!

No you ignorant racist idiot. What you said is racist. You are too ignorant and racist to bother with. Dismissed.
Are you Claiming / Assuming ME as a white person, I have/hold racist views about the Whitey person?
Let you show the thread how you blunder into these mistakes.
Oops, Forget! Today's Great Orange Douche Moment FYI!


102 games in 445 days on the job!
Hmm? That be one game every 4.5 days. WOW!
Or 65 weeks on the job, playing one or two games
every weekend. And still, no 30-day plan to kill ISIS!

Trump Golf Count
Last edited:
But I know this painkiller was around. "sweet oil of vitriol" !

Hey French-Fries-For-Brains, you know what else was around then? Abstinence. If you can't have kids, if you can't afford a family, then try not getting pregnant. :1peleas:
Anesthesia wasn't yet fully accepted into surgical practice, and he was unaware of the use of ether at that time. Were it not for Sims, there would be no practice of gynecology today and millions of women would have suffered or died.

J. Marion Sims - Wikipedia

The OP is just a racist idiot.
You know I'm White? Don't confuse me with defective Whitey DOPer WN types.

White, black, brown, doesn’t matter. You are still a racist idiot.
How so Gun Nutter?

That's "firearms aficionado" to you, racist moron. I feel sad for you that you have the equivalent of a Troglodyte's understanding and appreciation for a well-built piece of machinery such as a fine piece of weaponry.

Go back to your rocks, sticks, and ape-like grunting to protect your family. We gun people being more advanced, refined, and civilized, will rely on our firearms to protect the ones we love.
Anesthesia wasn't yet fully accepted into surgical practice, and he was unaware of the use of ether at that time. Were it not for Sims, there would be no practice of gynecology today and millions of women would have suffered or died.

J. Marion Sims - Wikipedia

The OP is just a racist idiot.
You know I'm White? Don't confuse me with defective Whitey DOPer WN types.

White, black, brown, doesn’t matter. You are still a racist idiot.
How so Gun Nutter?

How can I make this simple enough for even you to understand?

The racism is still racism no matter your color. That doesn’t change the definition. Perhaps you are just a liar, or perhaps you hate your own race. It is still stupidly racist.

True. Simply being a non-white person or a female isn't a free pass from being a racist or a misogynist.
The OP is just a racist idiot.
You know I'm White? Don't confuse me with defective Whitey DOPer WN types.

White, black, brown, doesn’t matter. You are still a racist idiot.
How so Gun Nutter?

How can I make this simple enough for even you to understand?

The racism is still racism no matter your color. That doesn’t change the definition. Perhaps you are just a liar, or perhaps you hate your own race. It is still stupidly racist.

Are you sure calling out the differences between White vs Whitey is racism?
Telling you White is not Black. Is not racism As they are different colors.
Telling you Light Black is not the same as Dark Black. Is not racism.
Oops.. Sorry, Black and White are not colors. If we want to be accurate.

White folks are rational vs Whitey Folks who are irrational DOPers!
And forget about those WN Whitey Folks, they be just SICK in the head more than DOPers are!

Please lay off the crack pipe. That was completely unintelligible, even to someone who has a good amount of reading and comprehensive skills.
Let’s add to your joy and remove all vestiges to MLK on public property because he was a womanizing sexist and a Christian minister, thereby violating the separation of church and state.
Reconcile that one, hypocrite.
Let’s add to your joy and remove all vestiges to MLK on public property because he was a womanizing sexist and a Christian minister, thereby violating the separation of church and state.
Reconcile that one, hypocrite.
Why? Religions are Fake Scams abusing the gullible. Many make a good living using these scams on the stupids.
And womanizing and being a sexist is not illegal. Well, unless you live in a state that makes
that a jailable offense. Odds are that be a red state pimping these BS laws.
A bronze statue of a 19th-century doctor who did experimental surgery without anesthesia on enslaved black women was removed from Central Park on Tuesday. Controversial statue of J. Marion Sims removed from Central Park

DANG! Sims used a shoemaker's awl to pry the skull bones of enslaved women's babies into alignment. These experiments had a 100% fatality rate. Sims often performed autopsies on the corpses, which he kept for further research on the condition

(FFS! That's one way to assure a fresh free supply).

View attachment 188758

:11_2_1043:I have mixed feelings here. Most 18th-20th Century American Whitey's did Crimes Against Humanities crimes.
As America's first new 1%er overlords being now kings themselves etc.:dunno:

But I'm for women to have the best care possible. But doing thang this way is Pure Whitey ways for some Racist WN
type Bigots who follow their lords' false man-made SCAM!. Just more of the sickness of religions.
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