Whitmer, Who Rushed to Condemn Kavanaugh, Now Says, ‘I Really Resent’ Having to Talk About Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Don’t ever ask me again about Biden, you plebes.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) weighed in on the sexual assault claim against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden on Sunday. Comparing the claims against Biden to those against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Whitmer said that not every claim is “equal.” She also told CNN’s Jake Tapper that she resented always getting asked about sexual assault claims, saying the issue reopens “old wounds.” Yet she did not hesitate to reopen those wounds when Christine Blasey Ford accused then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

As Tapper asked about the claims against Biden and those against Kavanaugh, he noted that Ford did not have the same contemporaneous reports to prove that she told others about the alleged assault shortly after it happened. “You have spoken movingly that you’re a survivor of sexual assault yourself. Why do you believe Biden and not Kavanaugh? Are they not both entitled to the same presumption of innocence, regardless of their political views?” he asked.

“You know, Jake, as a survivor and as a feminist, I’ll say this: We need to give people an opportunity to tell their story. But then we have a duty to vet it. And just because you’re a survivor doesn’t mean that every claim is equal,” the governor responded.

“It means we give them the ability to make their case, and the other side as well, and then make a judgment that is informed,” Whitmer said. She went on to insist that Biden doesn’t have a “pattern” of sexual assault. “I think that for these reasons, I’m very comfortable that Joe Biden is who he says he is.”

“I am very comfortable that Joe Biden is who he says he is … and that’s all I’m going to say about it,” she said, shooting down any further questions on the subject.

The governor even suggested that Tapper was forcing her to relive her own experience of sexual assault by asking her questions about Biden.

Read it all.

Conservatives should adore Status Quo Joe. He promised the same billionaires that pay for Republican politician’s campaigns that, if he is elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.”

Of course, this would include all programs cut, added, and/or modified by the impeached president trump. Status Quo Joe also vowed, “No one’s standard of living will change,” offering billionaires his assurance their wealth will continue to grow, while the families of the working poor will see the ongoing decline in their standard of living remain steady.

Finally, to the joy of all assembled, Status Quo Joe pledged to speak only lovingly about billionaires and with praise for the civility of racists.

Now we understand the reason for Status Quo Joe’s popularity among Democratic voters, whose need, like centrists and conservatives, for political experience in their candidates vastly outweighs their contempt for corruption.

And this says nothing about Status Quo Joe’s overwhelming similarity to the impeached president trump's disgusting sexual attacks on women. Hey Joe, who paid your hush money?

Conservatives should adore Status Quo Joe. He promised the same billionaires that pay for Republican politician’s campaigns that, if he is elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.”
I expect Trump to easily defeat Biden, but I will give credit to most Democrats for rejecting Sanders and Warren. We can't afford all the "free" giveaways promised by Sanders and Warren.
lady justice wears a blindfold for a reason. and doesn't wear a corona mask, by the way, my friends!
It may not be as entertaining as a Saturday afternoon watching a football game between the Georgia Bulldogs and the Michigan State Spartans, but the competition between Kemp and Whitmer will be far more important to the nation as a whole, my friends
Don’t ever ask me again about Biden, you plebes.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) weighed in on the sexual assault claim against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden on Sunday. Comparing the claims against Biden to those against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Whitmer said that not every claim is “equal.” She also told CNN’s Jake Tapper that she resented always getting asked about sexual assault claims, saying the issue reopens “old wounds.” Yet she did not hesitate to reopen those wounds when Christine Blasey Ford accused then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

As Tapper asked about the claims against Biden and those against Kavanaugh, he noted that Ford did not have the same contemporaneous reports to prove that she told others about the alleged assault shortly after it happened. “You have spoken movingly that you’re a survivor of sexual assault yourself. Why do you believe Biden and not Kavanaugh? Are they not both entitled to the same presumption of innocence, regardless of their political views?” he asked.

“You know, Jake, as a survivor and as a feminist, I’ll say this: We need to give people an opportunity to tell their story. But then we have a duty to vet it. And just because you’re a survivor doesn’t mean that every claim is equal,” the governor responded.

“It means we give them the ability to make their case, and the other side as well, and then make a judgment that is informed,” Whitmer said. She went on to insist that Biden doesn’t have a “pattern” of sexual assault. “I think that for these reasons, I’m very comfortable that Joe Biden is who he says he is.”

“I am very comfortable that Joe Biden is who he says he is … and that’s all I’m going to say about it,” she said, shooting down any further questions on the subject.

The governor even suggested that Tapper was forcing her to relive her own experience of sexual assault by asking her questions about Biden.

Read it all.

That idiot needs to have her ass tossed to the curb. As I recall Michigan has a recall law, they should use it and toss this idiotic bitch out on her ass.
Ironically, these flimsy and unprovable accusations against Biden are protecting him, by distracting attention from his corruption, lack of accomplishment, and dreadful positions on the most important issues of the day (immigration, healthcare, abortion, taxes, Federal Courts, etc.).

He should be grateful.

But as an aside, we Republicans can enjoy watching the Leftists twist themselves into logical knots, trying to defend the indefensible.
Did anyone NOT see this coming while the Democrats were smearing Kavanaugh? You live by the sword...you die by the sword! We now live in the age of the internet where every statement made by a politician can be brought up and held against them! The things that Democrats were saying when they were trying their best to keep Trump from seating a conservative Supreme Court Justice are now being used against them when they try and claim that Joe Biden shouldn't be treated to the same level of scrutiny as Kavanaugh was!
I can't help but chuckle when I watch someone like Nancy Pelosi perform contortions of logic to explain why what was "proper" two years ago...isn't "proper" now!

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