Who All Wants To Go To Disneyland!? :D

Okay, I'll cool with the thumbs down then, but somebody has to tell that to playtime as well.
there is nothing nice about Plaything, even a snake can seem harmless enough while it is already fed.

lol.................... i'll take that with all the CONsideration it deserves, toobs.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr even i give YOU a thumbs up when you come down to the word games when you grace us with yer stench. can't say you've ever done that in return, you deplorable little hypocrite, you.
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Okay, I'll cool with the thumbs down then, but somebody has to tell that to playtime as well.

A fact of life is that Leftist goons will use it and use it to disagree with you even when you state something where no disagreement is possible, like the Sun rising in the East.

Leftist-Progs live in a bubble universe where everything you say is false and fake even if you have an accredited expert who can testify to the veracity! But they can make any outlandish claim at all with no evidence or proof ever offered at all, then they will tell you that you're just too dumb to waste their time on explaining or proving anything.

Part of the reason why I'm working on a brain-eating parasite that only attacks progressive-socialists and can be sent out over the ethernet. :laugh2:

Translation: the only thing fair and reasonable about Lefties is that they are NEVER fair and reasonable, so you will quickly be able to tell here whom I respect and whom I have nothing but contempt for.

The best way to get even with these people is to take back the House and put another Republican in the WH-- -- --- preferably TRUMP because that would KILL them.

Then have Donald put another staunch constitutional conservative on the SCOTUS after Roberts retires. :SMILEW~130:
there is nothing nice about Plaything, even a snake can seem harmless enough while it is already fed.

lol.................... i'll take that with all the CONsideration it deserves, toobs.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr even i give YOU a thumbs up when you come down to the word games when you grace us with yer stench. can't say you've ever done that in return, you deplorable little hypocrite, you.

I don't want or need your thumbs up and that "stench" you smell is the sweet perfume of success. No wonder it smelled foreign to you.
there is nothing nice about Plaything, even a snake can seem harmless enough while it is already fed.

lol.................... i'll take that with all the CONsideration it deserves, toobs.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr even i give YOU a thumbs up when you come down to the word games when you grace us with yer stench. can't say you've ever done that in return, you deplorable little hypocrite, you.

I don't want or need your thumbs up and that "stench" you smell is the sweet perfume of success. No wonder it smelled foreign to you.


it only shows i am a bigger person than you tooberdude.

you wear perfume?

well, aren't you a dainty deplorable.
there is nothing nice about Plaything, even a snake can seem harmless enough while it is already fed.

lol.................... i'll take that with all the CONsideration it deserves, toobs.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr even i give YOU a thumbs up when you come down to the word games when you grace us with yer stench. can't say you've ever done that in return, you deplorable little hypocrite, you.

I don't want or need your thumbs up and that "stench" you smell is the sweet perfume of success. No wonder it smelled foreign to you.
it only shows i am a bigger person than you tooberdude.
By about 100 pounds I'm sure. :smoke: Hey, I HAVE been nice to you down below, Playtoy, don't say I never did it. But respect is EARNED and it begins by how you treat people even when no one is watching, and it ends by showing others there is actually a BRAIN somewhere in there and not just a partisan kneejerk TDS snowflake.

All ya gotta do is just say something half intelligent ONCE.
Okay, I'll cool with the thumbs down then, but somebody has to tell that to playtime as well.
ummm... i use the disagree button only when it's warranted.
Problem is that Progs think everything warrants it.

i never carpet bomb
Carpet bombing can and WILL be taken as Stalking by the Mods and dealt with accordingly.

exactly - which i don't do. do you know the limit for a thumbs down, toober? did you know that was even a thing?

lol ... now, knock off the nasties - cause this ain't the forum to do it. i just saw where we are.

or do you think you're above the 'law' too?
Alright I'm not sure what carpet bombing is but this time I actually agree more with playtime. I also thinking we should take this to a different topic as this isn't a debate thread.
how you treat people even when no one is watching,

oh ... you mean after potter mentioned me, you called me by yer go to label?

lol ... like that?

remember when i said you were a hypocrite?

now is a good time for my mic *drop*.
Okay, I'll cool with the thumbs down then, but somebody has to tell that to playtime as well.
ummm... i use the disagree button only when it's warranted.
Problem is that Progs think everything warrants it.

i never carpet bomb
Carpet bombing can and WILL be taken as Stalking by the Mods and dealt with accordingly.

exactly - which i don't do. do you know the limit for a thumbs down, toober? did you know that was even a thing?

lol ... now, knock off the nasties - cause this ain't the forum to do it. i just saw where we are.

or do you think you're above the 'law' too?

:smiliehug: :kissykissy2: :smoochEE:
Alright I'm not sure what carpet bombing is but this time I actually agree more with playtime. I also thinking we should take this to a different topic as this isn't a debate thread.
carpet bombing is exactly what it sounds like. just giving a thumbsdown all the time no matter what with the same person. boomboomboom.

i'm done, i'm outa here. just came in the door cause you dropped my name.
Okay, I'll cool with the thumbs down then, but somebody has to tell that to playtime as well.
ummm... i use the disagree button only when it's warranted.
Problem is that Progs think everything warrants it.

i never carpet bomb
Carpet bombing can and WILL be taken as Stalking by the Mods and dealt with accordingly.

exactly - which i don't do. do you know the limit for a thumbs down, toober? did you know that was even a thing?

lol ... now, knock off the nasties - cause this ain't the forum to do it. i just saw where we are.

or do you think you're above the 'law' too?

:smiliehug: :kissykissy2: :smoochEE:

Ah well okay,.. for the record I never do that as a personal thing against that person.
Ah well okay,.. for the record I never do that as a personal thing against that person.

See what you're dealing with, PH? First Plaything says she's out of here (a lie), then she signals all is love and kisses between us, then she comes back and rather than PROVE she's right by posting an EXAMPLE of my hypocrisy, good luck on that, she just gives me a thumbs down because she knows she can't.

That is what you are up against. That is called mudslinging or hit and run.

And in the process, she derailed the entire thread.

But that's OK, Plaything isn't generally all that bad as far as Progs go, which is why she has escaped my IGNORE list. Even if she is a hypocrite (just proven by her own actions!).
Ah well okay,.. for the record I never do that as a personal thing against that person.

See what you're dealing with, PH? First Plaything says she's out of here (a lie),

i want to be, & i never intended to stay until after i read potter's tag. i was never part of this thread until that happened.

then she signals all is love and kisses between us,

lol... that's a bit over the top.

then she comes back and rather than PROVE she's right by posting an EXAMPLE of my hypocrisy,

auCONtraire tooberdude. i dun did...

good luck on that, she just gives me a thumbs down because she knows she can't.

never EVER say i can't. i always back up what i say.

That is what you are up against. That is called mudslinging or hit and run.

i don't do that.

And in the process, she derailed the entire thread.

lol... oh where's the mirror?????

But that's OK, Plaything isn't generally all that bad as far as Progs go, which is why she has escaped my IGNORE list.

i'm flattered. /sarcasm.

Even if she is a hypocrite (just proven by her own actions!).

wait for it....................

The Disagree button is incendiary to the point that the option was removed for years and many fought its return because of the feuds and weaponization it can cause, and there is nothing nice about Plaything, even a snake can seem harmless enough while it is already fed.

^^^ that's what you wrote ' when i wasn't looking. ' i wasn't even on this thread ... but YOU were. b4 me.... what was that about EARNING respect?

Ah well okay,.. for the record I never do that as a personal thing against that person.

See what you're dealing with, PH? First Plaything says she's out of here (a lie),

i want to be, & i never intended to stay until after i read potter's tag. i was never part of this thread until that happened.

then she signals all is love and kisses between us,

lol... that's a bit over the top.

then she comes back and rather than PROVE she's right by posting an EXAMPLE of my hypocrisy,

auCONtraire tooberdude. i dun did...

good luck on that, she just gives me a thumbs down because she knows she can't.

never EVER say i can't. i always back up what i say.

That is what you are up against. That is called mudslinging or hit and run.

i don't do that.

And in the process, she derailed the entire thread.

lol... oh where's the mirror?????

But that's OK, Plaything isn't generally all that bad as far as Progs go, which is why she has escaped my IGNORE list.

i'm flattered. /sarcasm.

Even if she is a hypocrite (just proven by her own actions!).

wait for it....................

The Disagree button is incendiary to the point that the option was removed for years and many fought its return because of the feuds and weaponization it can cause, and there is nothing nice about Plaything, even a snake can seem harmless enough while it is already fed.

^^^ that's what you wrote ' when i wasn't looking. ' i wasn't even on this thread ... but YOU were. b4 me.... what was that about EARNING respect?


Thanks for proving you're not really all that nice. Your actions speak for themselves. But to be fair Playtime, I'm talking to you, I have about 60 Progs on IGNORE and even a few on the Right because the Right has its share of crackpots too, but not you. I put people on IGNORE as a last resort when upon repeated attempts, I find no redeeming value to anything they say and just a total waste of my time. We may not agree most of the time, but at least we can debate and converse and I hope, argue legitimate points supported by evidence rather than a war of insults and Funnies, like many on the Left.
Ah well okay,.. for the record I never do that as a personal thing against that person.

See what you're dealing with, PH? First Plaything says she's out of here (a lie),

i want to be, & i never intended to stay until after i read potter's tag. i was never part of this thread until that happened.

then she signals all is love and kisses between us,

lol... that's a bit over the top.

then she comes back and rather than PROVE she's right by posting an EXAMPLE of my hypocrisy,

auCONtraire tooberdude. i dun did...

good luck on that, she just gives me a thumbs down because she knows she can't.

never EVER say i can't. i always back up what i say.

That is what you are up against. That is called mudslinging or hit and run.

i don't do that.

And in the process, she derailed the entire thread.

lol... oh where's the mirror?????

But that's OK, Plaything isn't generally all that bad as far as Progs go, which is why she has escaped my IGNORE list.

i'm flattered. /sarcasm.

Even if she is a hypocrite (just proven by her own actions!).

wait for it....................

The Disagree button is incendiary to the point that the option was removed for years and many fought its return because of the feuds and weaponization it can cause, and there is nothing nice about Plaything, even a snake can seem harmless enough while it is already fed.

^^^ that's what you wrote ' when i wasn't looking. ' i wasn't even on this thread ... but YOU were. b4 me.... what was that about EARNING respect?


Thanks for proving you're not really all that nice. Your actions speak for themselves. But to be fair Playtime, I'm talking to you, I have about 60 Progs on IGNORE and even a few on the Right because the Right has its share of crackpots too, but not you. I put people on IGNORE as a last resort when upon repeated attempts, I find no redeeming value to anything they say and just a total waste of my time. We may not agree most of the time, but at least we can debate and converse and I hope, argue legitimate points supported by evidence rather than a war of insults and Funnies, like many on the Left.

i am nice. to those that deserve it. so, you think it isn't nice to call you out?

here? when i wasn't looking? c'mon, at least man up & admit you did that.

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