Who are the 47% who pay no federal taxes?

How about complaining about the tax code and not the people who follow it? When it came to Romneys tax rate all I read was, he didn't break the law and of course he's going to try to pay as little taxes as possible. Why is it ok for Romney to follow the tax code, but poor people who get the dependant child credit are mooches?

I think the Tax Code is a Mockery, even so, how many in the lower 47% equal what Romney pays in real dollars? I'm for a Tax Code that is 50 Pages or less. I do not care how many Tax Accountants and Tax Lawyers it affects. Don't tell my Accountant I said that. ;) There is no substitute for living within your means, as best as you are able. That goes for both Rich and Poor. You really want to help the poor? Lower Credit Card Interest and Penalty. Raise the Interest on Real Savings Accounts. Lay off with Big Government running cover for the Big Monopolies.

I'm sorry but I dont play the "real dollars" game. $100 to mitt Romney is lunch, $100 to someone living off of a min wage job is 2 weeks worth of groceries.

Im for simplifing the tax code, and I'm for a flat tax with no deductions for anyone living above the poverty line. What I'm not for is blaming Americans for following the law. Whining that Mitt Romney paid 13% is just as silly as whining that average Americans take advantage of tax credits.

Didya feel that way while Congress STOLE excess FICA from the paychecks of the working poor for all those years? It affected THEM more than "the rich" didn't it? Yet -- we allowed the law to punitively target them and CURRENT INCOME TAX PAYERS will have to make up that stolen money in order for those "working poor" to even GET SS benefits...
This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?

I know I heard on the news somewhere that the reason that they don't have that liability is because of the tax policy of the ...................................previous Administration! :lol:

I'm glad you pointed that out.. Those Bush Tax cuts FOR THE RICH really did jerk more middle income filers into the "no tax" basket.. That's one of the reasons there's not a lot of True Conservative love for Bush Jr. And no acknowledgement that those tax cuts really were "across the board" from the left.

Yep, the truth is the truth.
They pay Social Security and Medicare

Which federal benefits are they recieving that you say they are not paying for?

If you have a family of four and make $25,000. What federal benefits are you getting that you don't pay for?

And they can receive those things... whether they should be receiving those things, or anyone should... or whether the government is charged to do such things is a whole other convo...

Are they paying for the things the rest of us are?? Defense, federal law enforcement, the federal courts, congress itself, federal aid systems (that many are probably receiving benefit from) etc?? No... they are not... and that is unequal treatment by government under law.... everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE who earns even $1 should be paying the same % on that dollar earned in federal income tax


Now we are getting somewhere

The 47% are not in fact being supported by the rest of us. However, they are not contributing to the Military, FBI, courts, congress etc

What that means is that our tax system acknowledges that they have a hard enough time paying for food, shelter and housing for their families and asking them to pay for the military, federal law enforcement etc is an unnecessary burden

Without looking it up, I suggest that a family of four with an income of $25K would be eligible for food stamps TANF (welfare) and subsidized housing.
How about the retired couple making $50,000 a year in social security and pension and takes the standard deduction and pay $0 in tax? Something about that is just wrong. I know I could always send in more but why when they would just waste it. Something is just wrong when almost half of us pay nothing.

You pay income taxes on pensions.

If you have other income besides your SS you may owe taxes on a portion of your SS benefits. If your income added to 1/2 of your SS benefit is more than the income limits. The limit for a single person is 25,000 for Married filing joint the limit is 32,000. Up to 85% of your SS benefits may be subject to tax.

Thank you Bill Clinton.
Are they counting people who get a refund from the government at the end of the year? Are they saying that those people don't pay taxes?


NO!!! getting a refund doesn't mean you didn't pay any Federal taxes. They are not counting REFUNDS -- they are counting NET INCOME tax. Not Fica.

By the way -- every SELF EMPLOYED person (and there is LOTS) gets to pay the ENTIRE 13% FICA tax by themselves. It's not a comp pkg.. It's REQUIRED of employers..

BTW --- "The RICH" ALREADY pay more for Social Sec/Medicare than ANY of the 47%.. And the left wants to tilt THAT "universal" program even more towards redistribution. A self-employed person making more than $130K is paying $13K into soc/sec.. A payrolll employee making $40K is only paying $2.4K.. Again, I'm NOT IMPRESSED that the 47% have to pay FICA taxes..

Whoever said the misinformation is dense on this thread is correct.

I don't care if EVERY ONE of these 47% has to pay FICA tax. That's the definition of UNIVERSAL programs. Soc Sec/Medicare IS NOT welfare -- it's forced Insurance. And it applies TO EVERYONE.

I'm not impressed that poor workers have to pay for it. I AM IMPRESSED that they haven't marched on Wash DC with pitchforks to avenge the ROBBERY of their FICA surplus out of the paycheck for decades...
Here here

the self employed pay TWICE the fica and TWICE the mediscare as the average employee.

guess they need to negotiate a better 'package'. :lol:
Yep sure does...bury your head in your ass some more there moron...pretty soon ya won't have any reputation left so no one will take ya seriously....like I said taxation is theft...don't like it tough shit.
How about complaining about the tax code and not the people who follow it? When it came to Romneys tax rate all I read was, he didn't break the law and of course he's going to try to pay as little taxes as possible. Why is it ok for Romney to follow the tax code, but poor people who get the dependant child credit are mooches?

I think the Tax Code is a Mockery, even so, how many in the lower 47% equal what Romney pays in real dollars? I'm for a Tax Code that is 50 Pages or less. I do not care how many Tax Accountants and Tax Lawyers it affects. Don't tell my Accountant I said that. ;) There is no substitute for living within your means, as best as you are able. That goes for both Rich and Poor. You really want to help the poor? Lower Credit Card Interest and Penalty. Raise the Interest on Real Savings Accounts. Lay off with Big Government running cover for the Big Monopolies.

I'm sorry but I dont play the "real dollars" game. $100 to mitt Romney is lunch, $100 to someone living off of a min wage job is 2 weeks worth of groceries.

Im for simplifing the tax code, and I'm for a flat tax with no deductions for anyone living above the poverty line. What I'm not for is blaming Americans for following the law. Whining that Mitt Romney paid 13% is just as silly as whining that average Americans take advantage of tax credits.

Damn,. hats off to you if you can buy two weeks of groceries for $100.00 in the suck ass obama economy.
I think the Tax Code is a Mockery, even so, how many in the lower 47% equal what Romney pays in real dollars? I'm for a Tax Code that is 50 Pages or less. I do not care how many Tax Accountants and Tax Lawyers it affects. Don't tell my Accountant I said that. ;) There is no substitute for living within your means, as best as you are able. That goes for both Rich and Poor. You really want to help the poor? Lower Credit Card Interest and Penalty. Raise the Interest on Real Savings Accounts. Lay off with Big Government running cover for the Big Monopolies.

I'm sorry but I dont play the "real dollars" game. $100 to mitt Romney is lunch, $100 to someone living off of a min wage job is 2 weeks worth of groceries.

Im for simplifing the tax code, and I'm for a flat tax with no deductions for anyone living above the poverty line. What I'm not for is blaming Americans for following the law. Whining that Mitt Romney paid 13% is just as silly as whining that average Americans take advantage of tax credits.

Damn,. hats off to you if you can buy two weeks of groceries for $100.00 in the suck ass obama economy.

Hell, the price of lettuce is obama fault too?
I'm sorry but I dont play the "real dollars" game. $100 to mitt Romney is lunch, $100 to someone living off of a min wage job is 2 weeks worth of groceries.

Im for simplifing the tax code, and I'm for a flat tax with no deductions for anyone living above the poverty line. What I'm not for is blaming Americans for following the law. Whining that Mitt Romney paid 13% is just as silly as whining that average Americans take advantage of tax credits.

Damn,. hats off to you if you can buy two weeks of groceries for $100.00 in the suck ass obama economy.

Hell, the price of lettuce is obama fault too?

don't like it? don't dish it.
Those who created the 47% is not complaining and they are the same one who gave us the welfare,etc. Anti-Poverty Program. Earned Income Tax program. Retires and military and disabled military. Lazy moochers? Romney's loop holes a government freebie?
The 47 percent: Here's who pays no federal income tax - Economy Watch

Just who are the 47 percent?

The Tax Policy Center researchers found that about half of the group is basically exempt from federal income taxes because they are low income and also may have a large family.

In a blog released not long after its report, the TPC explained that "a couple with two children earning less than $26,400 will pay no federal income tax this year because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 each reduce their taxable income to zero."

The other half are zeroing out their federal income tax bill with other provisions, such as itemized deductions or the child tax credit. Some are seniors who are living off Social Security.

To be clear, the people in this group are still paying taxes. They are subject to payroll taxes for things like Medicare and Social Security, federal excise taxes on things like gasoline and state and local taxes including sales taxes on items they purchase.

Not everyone who pays no federal income tax is in the lower income brackets. A separate report released last spring by the Internal Revenue Service found more than 35,000 people who made more than $200,000 in 2009 also managed to zero out their tax bills. That report noted that it generally takes a number of different credits and deductions for wealthy people to not pay any federal income taxes.

They pay Social Security and Medicare

Which federal benefits are they recieving that you say they are not paying for?

If you have a family of four and make $25,000. What federal benefits are you getting that you don't pay for?

Let's take a closer look at your "typical" family making $26,400 per year with two kids. Your source indicates that they will pay no federal income tax but will pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. This is not the case. A family of four filing jointly earning $26,400 will indeed owe no income tax, but in addition, they will qualify for a $4,132 earned income credit and $2,000 child credit, and receive a refund (tax free) of $6,132. Since the withholding for SS/Medicare would only be $1,492, they have a net federal benefit of $4,640, and have therefore not paid SS/Medicare, and the $4,640 net refund in most cases would subsidize all other taxes paid at any level. They will also most likely qualify for other non-tax related federal assistance. In fact, your family of four will not pay any federal income tax until their earnings exceed $45,750; hardly poverty level. To go a step further, the same family with four children earning the $26,400 will receive a $8,281 refund and a net tax benefit after SS/Medicare of $6,789. That family can earn up to $48,000 and their federal income tax refundable credits will still exceed their SS/Medicare taxes withheld, and will pay no federal income tax until earnings exceed $66,100.

In all the rhetoric about "fair share", the dirty little secret is that over 3/4 of the benefits derived from the "Bush" tax cuts were for the middle class; that amount has increased under the current administration.

Damn...it pays to be poor

That is why we probably have so many poor people

poor people with cable TV, computers, cell phones, houses, cars, washers and dryers, microwaves, x-box, air conditioning, money for booze, cigs and weed?

Those poor?
In the eight years of Bush, the Republicans managed to put the nation into dire economic straits, almost another Great Depression. Now slowly recovering the Republicans have the audacity to claim that because of those Bush years, people's income have dropped so low that 47% do not have to pay taxes on that income, and worse, the Republicans make it sound as if the American people want it that way so they can get food stamps. At long last have the Republicans no shame?
I don't pay federal taxes and never will no matter how much I make. Taxation is theft.

His mommy supports him

So You Don't Like Paying Taxes...


Right WingNut, Not paying taxes is stealing from those who do pay taxes.

No no...I DON'T Pay taxes and I never will. It's bad enough taxes are stolen from me from my paycheck and when I buy things.

Let's take a closer look at your "typical" family making $26,400 per year with two kids. Your source indicates that they will pay no federal income tax but will pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. This is not the case. A family of four filing jointly earning $26,400 will indeed owe no income tax, but in addition, they will qualify for a $4,132 earned income credit and $2,000 child credit, and receive a refund (tax free) of $6,132. Since the withholding for SS/Medicare would only be $1,492, they have a net federal benefit of $4,640, and have therefore not paid SS/Medicare, and the $4,640 net refund in most cases would subsidize all other taxes paid at any level. They will also most likely qualify for other non-tax related federal assistance. In fact, your family of four will not pay any federal income tax until their earnings exceed $45,750; hardly poverty level. To go a step further, the same family with four children earning the $26,400 will receive a $8,281 refund and a net tax benefit after SS/Medicare of $6,789. That family can earn up to $48,000 and their federal income tax refundable credits will still exceed their SS/Medicare taxes withheld, and will pay no federal income tax until earnings exceed $66,100.

In all the rhetoric about "fair share", the dirty little secret is that over 3/4 of the benefits derived from the "Bush" tax cuts were for the middle class; that amount has increased under the current administration.

Damn...it pays to be poor

That is why we probably have so many poor people

poor people with cable TV, computers, cell phones, houses, cars, washers and dryers, microwaves, x-box, air conditioning, money for booze, cigs and weed?

Those poor?
I am poor so lets see

Yep got cable yep got a used computer I have had for ohhh 2 years or so it was handed down to me from my mother when she got a new one and our laptop we got with our income tax refund last year,cell phone yes pay 35$ a month for basic service aka emergencies,don't own a house,1 vehicle that is 13 years old again purchased with income tax refund,yep used washer and dryer from thrift store,microwave from thrift store,no x box,ac yes our apartment has it,I don't drink or smoke ciggs or weed...we are poor really poor actually but my kids never go without and we make ends meet somehow...

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