Who are the Israelis?

I really don't care what you think nor do I desire your "benefit of the doubt". As always, you will attack it and take it the wrong way because it's from a leftwing source. I'm sorry, but I find your rightwing sources equally offensive and dishonest. Perhaps we can leave it at that.

With these hypocrisy and self contradictions - you sure deserve no benefit of a doubt.
The usual "right/left" baiting won't cover your typical obsession to lie about Israel.
And while reserving to the usual equivalency nonesense when you can't refute a
single thing, have proven my point to the letter - you knew Haaretz is dishonest,
and thus you lie knowingly.

What I found refreshing about it was it was honest, it was the view of a broad spectrum of young people, it asked them what the were most concerned about and, that was it. There was no demonizing, no dehumanizing, and I often find the voices of young people to be refreshing - whether right or wrong, that is how THEY see the world that they will be inheriting. What's also refreshing is that there are certain themes and concerns that youths around the world share as well as those relevant to just Israel.

Honest? And how would you know? Are even capable of that?

All that pretentious virtue signaling - give me a break,
You don't really care what "THEY" think, or about their future,
only use it as a cynical excuse for your moral corruption - that stinks miles away.

Most are not even younger than 5-7 years than me, so don't pretend to care what we think.

It was an enjoyable read, but you, as you typically do with anything I post, took it completely wrong and went right in to attack the source.

I didn't get it wrong,
you weren't able to refute the facts - only evade and lie.

Most know full well who and what's your default mode of operation.

My advice to you? Go stuff it.

Sure, I'll stuff you with the rest of the filth that ever stood against Israel.

My advice to you?
And especially during these times,
look at the dust bin of history where all our adversaries ended,
next time mere thought of subverting against my people rises again,
remind yourself well what you and your kind will all eventually face - doubt not.
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They won't cover that on the TV channels - Yair Netanyahu helps with the distribution of dishes for the Holiday to the elders in the North.

Yep, quietly in near my town, with no showing off and zero headlines in MSM,
just a single short mention I coincidentally came up along in a local news portal.

'Am Yisrael Chai!

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A picture turned viral - Israeli medics put their pictures on the vests

An image that has gone viral abroad as well. Israeli doctors pasted pictures on their bodies so patients could see who was treating them.

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During the epidemic: Israel's aid to Africa continues

The global corona crisis could have serious consequences in Africa, and Israel is helping the continent prepare. 3D Print Printer Masks for Cameroon, Senegal will have advanced monitoring system and food and aid packages will also be distributed in Zambia, Rwanda and outside the continent.

When Golda Meir established Mashav, Israel's national foreign aid agency, in the 1950s, she did so in the view that even a small, young country could contribute to disadvantaged countries. The Foreign Ministry and its agency continue to assist various countries around the world.

The severe global shortage of medical equipment and protective equipment against the corona is felt to its fullest extent in Africa, where the spread of the virus is still in its early stages. According to various estimates, the spread of the virus in the poverty-stricken continent can have a far-reaching impact, leading to particularly high mortality rates.

As part of the continent's relief efforts, the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon has coordinated a donation of a file for printing face masks on a 3D printer, developed by Israeli developers. The masks will be printed at the Technological Training Center at Yaoundé Polytechnic School, the capital of Cameroon. The embassy also donated the cost of printing the first hundred masks, at $ 2,500. Sponsorship of the Israeli initiative was given by the UN. The masks, which are intended for medical teams, will be distributed in hospitals across the state - and also in the terror-infested north, where the murderous organization Boko Haram operates.

Cameroon Ambassador Izzy Yanuka said: "Israel does not forget its friendship in Africa and continues to help them even when we are all facing the Corona virus in Israel and need our own help. That the Corona crisis will be behind us. "

Also in Nepal, Rwanda, Zambia, Guatemala, Serbia and India, Israeli representatives donated medical equipment, protective equipment, food parcels and educational training aimed at preventing the infection of the Corona virus.

After the holiday, the Israeli Embassy in Senegal will launch a special aid and information project aimed at reducing the spread of the Corona virus across the state of West Africa. As part of the project, a team will be trained to distribute basic hygiene products, including soaps and alcohol, and produce digital content that will explain to the public how to avoid sticking as much as possible. In addition, printed media will be produced to be distributed at the Human Resource Center, and the Embassy will also hold a photo contest entitled "My routine against COVID-19 virus". The purpose of the competition will be to encourage people to document the preventive measures they are taking to prevent the spread of the virus.

Israeli Ambassador to Senegal Roy Rosenblit says: "The Israeli Embassy in Dakar is currently in coordination with the Senegal Ministry of Health and Planning, with the aim of installing the GIS system, which can monitor the disease status in Senegal on a daily or hourly basis. "The amount of resources directed to each center and various sections, such as the gender and age of the infected. The system will be donated by the Israeli Mitrali company. In addition, Mitralli donates masks and protective kits to the medical team."


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Chief of Staff Kohavi will make the Seder Night
in the field with the soldiers at the Golan Heights

Ko havi Chief of Staff will make the Golan Heights Seder in the field tomorrow with the armor and artillery fighters and not his family. A worthy personal example

Tsahi Dabush on Twitter

Tonight and on the Seder Night - Super Moon

Tonight and the Seder Night - super moon The full moon that will look tonight and tomorrow, will also be a few hours away from the closest point in orbit to earth. The Moon will be full tomorrow morning, so it will look harvest both tonight and Seder Night. Due to the fact that he will also be near the near point in its orbit to earth, it will look greater than average at about 7 percent and shine in about 15 percent of average.


I really don't care what you think nor do I desire your "benefit of the doubt". As always, you will attack it and take it the wrong way because it's from a leftwing source. I'm sorry, but I find your rightwing sources equally offensive and dishonest. Perhaps we can leave it at that.

With these hypocrisy and self contradictions - you sure deserve no benefit of a doubt.
The usual "right/left" baiting won't cover your typical obsession to lie about Israel.
And while reserving to the usual equivalency nonesense when you can't refute a
single thing, have proven my point to the letter - you knew Haaretz is dishonest,
and thus you lie knowingly.

What I found refreshing about it was it was honest, it was the view of a broad spectrum of young people, it asked them what the were most concerned about and, that was it. There was no demonizing, no dehumanizing, and I often find the voices of young people to be refreshing - whether right or wrong, that is how THEY see the world that they will be inheriting. What's also refreshing is that there are certain themes and concerns that youths around the world share as well as those relevant to just Israel.

Honest? And how would you know? Are even capable of that?

All that pretentious virtue signaling - give me a break,
You don't really care what "THEY" think, or about their future,
only use it as a cynical excuse for your moral corruption - that stinks miles away.

Most are not even younger than 5-7 years than me, so don't pretend to care what we think.

It was an enjoyable read, but you, as you typically do with anything I post, took it completely wrong and went right in to attack the source.

I didn't get it wrong,
you weren't able to refute the facts - only evade and lie.

Most know full well who and what's your default mode of operation.

My advice to you? Go stuff it.

Sure, I'll stuff you with the rest of the filth that ever stood against Israel.

My advice to you?
And especially during these times,
look at the dust bin of history where all our adversaries ended,
next time mere thought of subverting against my people rises again,
remind yourself well what you and your kind will all eventually face - doubt not.

My advice to you? Stuff it.

You are incapable of decent discussion and just like you did with the election thread I started (which you have now taken over) you attack me over it. You didn't refute anything these young people said, you probably didn't even bother to read the entire article, all you did was attack the source and attack me. Unlike you, I don't just post here, I look at what happens elsewhere and in other countries and I am interested in what people say and think.

Go back to spewing your pro-Israeli propaganda and promoting outright lies, like Obama is a Muslim. It's what you do best.
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I really don't care what you think nor do I desire your "benefit of the doubt". As always, you will attack it and take it the wrong way because it's from a leftwing source. I'm sorry, but I find your rightwing sources equally offensive and dishonest. Perhaps we can leave it at that.

With these hypocrisy and self contradictions - you sure deserve no benefit of a doubt.
The usual "right/left" baiting won't cover your typical obsession to lie about Israel.
And while reserving to the usual equivalency nonesense when you can't refute a
single thing, have proven my point to the letter - you knew Haaretz is dishonest,
and thus you lie knowingly.

What I found refreshing about it was it was honest, it was the view of a broad spectrum of young people, it asked them what the were most concerned about and, that was it. There was no demonizing, no dehumanizing, and I often find the voices of young people to be refreshing - whether right or wrong, that is how THEY see the world that they will be inheriting. What's also refreshing is that there are certain themes and concerns that youths around the world share as well as those relevant to just Israel.

Honest? And how would you know? Are even capable of that?

All that pretentious virtue signaling - give me a break,
You don't really care what "THEY" think, or about their future,
only use it as a cynical excuse for your moral corruption - that stinks miles away.

Most are not even younger than 5-7 years than me, so don't pretend to care what we think.

It was an enjoyable read, but you, as you typically do with anything I post, took it completely wrong and went right in to attack the source.

I didn't get it wrong,
you weren't able to refute the facts - only evade and lie.

Most know full well who and what's your default mode of operation.

My advice to you? Go stuff it.

Sure, I'll stuff you with the rest of the filth that ever stood against Israel.

My advice to you?
And especially during these times,
look at the dust bin of history where all our adversaries ended,
next time mere thought of subverting against my people rises again,
remind yourself well what you and your kind will all eventually face - doubt not.

My advice to you? Stuff it.

You are incapable of decent discussion and just like you did with the election thread I started (which you have now taken over) you attack me over it. You didn't refute anything these young people said, you probably didn't even bother to read the entire article, all you did was attack the source and attack me. Unlike you, I don't just post here, I look at what happens elsewhere and in other countries and I am interested in what people say and think.

Go back to spewing your pro-Israeli propaganda and promoting outright lies, like Obama is a Muslim. It's what you do best.

Wow that's rich!
You go all about "I'm interested in what young Israelis think"
But let a young Israeli post in the Israeli elections thread and "it's a take over!"... :cuckoo:

Seriously, if it's not the epitome of hypocrisy, it's sure the stupid comment of the month.

You've posted an opinion piece from a source that you admitted knowing to be dishonest,
which was all about pushing the most typical Soviet diversion tactics of identity politics,
personal family stories and meaningless general statements true for any country,
rather than anything resembling facts.

So what did you want me to refute?
All you did was cynically quote statements with negative connotation.

I've refuted your claims of ability to judge anything about honesty - based on facts.
I've refuted publication's clearly false and misleading statement - based on facts.

Now, instead of addressing these facts,
all you do is the reserve to off-topic baiting and play the 'Crying Cossack'.

Whom do you think you're fooling?
Maybe we should have a "decent discussion" about that thread of yours,
in which you suggest a tissue in response to the Swastika on the Palestinian flag?
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Diagnosed with Corona - how soldiers surprised him?

After a week of having the entire family being diagnosed with the virus, amid the closure
worrying about the groceries for the Holiday celebrations...Shim'on tells the story:
"Two soldiers walk up the stairs of the house with crates in their hands,
and tell me: It's - yours!"

'Am Yisrael Chai!

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Pop singer Justin Bieber live on social networks surprised fans with: "Shema'a Yisrael"

Thrill the Web: International pop singer Justin Bieber - surprised his fans around the world when he filmed himself saying "Shema Yisrael" during a live broadcast on social networks.

This happened last Thursday, when Justin went live on Instagram, and spoke Hebrew with his fans from Israel. 131 million followers saw how the singer says the verse: "Hear O Israel! Hashem is our G-d, G-d is One".

Although Justin himself is not a Jew, his agent - Scooter Brown, is a Jew, and about six years ago when Brown married his partner at a kosher ceremony by the law of Mosheh and Israel - Justin attended the wedding. In the video, Justin is seen asking one of the viewers where she is, and she replies 'from Israel'. When Justin hears this he says the verse of "Shema Yisrael," and immediately adds: "This is my Hebrew, that's all I really know."

In an interview with the US JTA website, Brown has spoken in the past and said that since discovering what's behind audio calling and why Jews are so strict about it - he has used to say the verse before every performance.

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Jerusalem Orchestra East & West Performs New Piece

i24NEWS DESK | The Jerusalem Orchestra East & West conducted by Maestro Tom Cohen performs "Darbuka la Corona", an ode to lift spirit amid coronavirus outbreak.

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Israeli wine map

Grapes are a native Levantine fruit that grow all over the land of Israel. Archeologists have found dozens of ancient Judean vineyards dating back thousands of years. Makes sense, since wine is fundamentally rooted within Jewish culture, just as Jews are eternally rooted to their ancestral homeland.


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