Who are the Israelis?

You are actually funny! Please tell us why it was FORMALLY RECOGNIZED that the W Bank and E Jerusalem became part of Jordan and why INTERNATIONAL LAW accepted that Egypt had control of Gaza
You ought to be VERY careful what you post;
Safeguarding the rights of foreigners and minorities, protect the Holy Places and guarantee freedom of worship to ALL communities “ yet the PLO has FORMALLY stated that Jews would not be allowed at the Western Wall , yet you can’t “ understand “ why Israel would give up any rights to worship where they want? Are you THAT delusional or THAT desperate??
Please tell us why it was FORMALLY RECOGNIZED that the W Bank and E Jerusalem became part of Jordan
Only Britain and Pakistan recognized Jordan's attempt to annex the West Bank.
The land was ceded to Palestine by the Treaty of Lausanne in 1924. Nobody should question that.

No land has ever been ceded to Israel. That is why Israel has no borders.
Tell that to the UN. I’m sure they would love to hear from you. 🥱

"The Palestine Laboratory": Antony Loewenstein on How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation​

The land was ceded to Palestine by the Treaty of Lausanne in 1924. Nobody should question that.

No land has ever been ceded to Israel. That is why Israel has no borders.

The land was ceded to Palestine by the Treaty of Lausanne in 1924.

Who were the leaders of Palestine in 1924? Who signed the Treaty?

"The Palestine Laboratory": Antony Loewenstein on How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation​

She forgot to mention that Israelis kill Palestinian children and use their blood 🩸 in their Matzah. “ Occupation since 1948?” That says it all

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