Who are the Israelis?

Israeli Border Police officer, IDF Soldier Hit by Molotov Cocktails in Clashes​


Instant Karma: Israeli Army vs. Palestinian Tire: 0-1​

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Israeli Soldiers gas themselves.

Israeli Border Police officer, IDF Soldier Hit by Molotov Cocktails in Clashes​

Palestinian Rioters Hurl Firebombs at IDF Troops near Ramallah​

When these are your victories...

Is that why your buddies murder people in restaurants,
because they wronged them in any way?

The last intifada is Jewish.
He will rationalize a reason why the Sbarro Pizza Shop Bombing happened in West Jerusalem. It has nothing to do with “ occupation “
Peace with Israel

It is said, constantly, that the Palestinians reject peace with Israel. What does that mean?

What about those who owned orange groves in Jaffa? Or factories in Haifa? Or farms in Najd? Or homes and commercial properties in Jerusalem?

What does peace with Israel mean for them?

Peace is a treaty between nations,
not individuals with claims to property.

What it means to those people, first to put the
life of all involved, above their selfish grievances.

It also means that their struggle is personal rather than national.

I await your response.

I knew you were going to dance around my post.
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

When ridiculing the response before reading it,
means the question is all about you,
or the subject of the conversation?

It's obvious that the Palestinians feel that the killing of innocent Israelis INCLUDING CHILDREN are considered " Universal Values" and part of their heritage.

It's obvious that the Palestinians feel that the killing of innocent Israelis INCLUDING CHILDREN are considered " Universal Values" and part of their heritage.
Illegal settlers living on stolen land are innocent?

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