Who are the Israelis?

Temple Mount Update | A Routine Day At The Temple Mount
Every day Jews ascend to the Temple Mount who come to thank God, to pray, to console a grieving person, God forbid, to rejoice before Him or just to stand in His holy place and worship.

Last week one of the regular visitors came to thank for a higher than usual income flow.

Every day, brides and grooms go up to the Temple Mount to celebrate Jerusalem with joy, mitzvah children and other happy people.


Rachel Sel'a ascended to the Temple Mount yesterday with her daughter-in-law and two grandsons and met there the Bar Chai family from Avney Eitan in the Golan, who ascended to honor the placing of Tefillin of the eldest son. They came with their 8 children, grandparents from both sides, and some cousins.

Elish'a, one of the regular visitors ascended, to console himself on the Temple Mount for the death of his brother.


The ascent to the Temple Mount is becoming natural and self-evident to a growing public,
and this is even before we have begun the practical building of the Temple...

The regular pilgrims to the Temple Mount say that every day they are moved anew, not only by the holiness of the place, but also by the variety of pilgrims to the Temple Mount, who testify more than anything to the return of the people of Israel to the courts of God's house.


HarHabait - Temple Mount Updates
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I did not see the term "Jew" in my post. At 74, there is one thing I have learned, there are Jews and there are Israrlis; they are not one and the same.
So you meant "Israelis" were called Chosen, were scattered, were given commandments. Is that a typo or are you just an idiot?
Bla, bla, bla, then I farted :)-
and that would be the most intelligent thing to come out of you.
RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTOPIC: What are the real issues of the day and who is using what tactics?
※→ et al,


The discussion accomplishes very little under the tactic of attacking the character of the Israelis or the motivations behind particular actions taken by the Israelis - without - addressing the political policy positions and the arguments that illuminate the reasoning for pushing the countermeasures against the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) that end up effecting all Arab Palestinians. The Arab-Israeli conflict is not of the same type and nature as that of a collegiate rivalry. Yet most of the commentary exchanges appear much like a gathering of people who want to show their support and enthusiasm for one side or the other. This is very true when describing many of the contributions (of little if any substance) that have been made.

Almost everyone understands that ethically the use of "Jihad" as a means of resistance is simply wrong. It is not the duty of the Arab Palestinian People to use Jihadism, Fedayeen Combat or Terrorist Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence as a means to secure a political end. In this regard, there are so many Arab Palestinians that think "Jihad" is the Right of the People they have lost sight that what they think of as Self-Defense is nothing more than "criminal acts" intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public of Israel. Jihad, in the effort to liberate the former territory once under the Mandate of Palestine, is not a legitimate right of the Arab Palestinians.

Before the negotiation of the Oslo Accords began (more than 30 years ago), a favorite political policy theme behind the HoAP was the mantra of the unrefined idea that self-sufficiency and self-determination were the endgames of the Arab Palestinians. This was gradually supplanted by the newer objective to liberate the former territory once under the Mandate of Palestine (under the Mantra: From the River to the Sea).

(∑ Ω)

Of course, there are more issues and concerns of the day. These are just but a few. However, the defensive posture and security countermeasures responding to the more than seven decades of armed attacks against the Jewish Nation and its citizenry are not in place or activated for the purpose of delegitimizing the Arab Palestinian People. They are a matter of protection and self-preservation.


Most Respectfully,


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RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTOPIC: What are the real issues of the day and who is using what tactics?
※→ et al,


The discussion accomplishes very little under the tactic of attacking the character of the Israelis or the motivations behind particular actions taken by the Israelis - without - addressing the political policy positions and the arguments that illuminate the reasoning for pushing the countermeasures against the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) that end up effecting all Arab Palestinians. The Arab-Israeli conflict is not of the same type and nature as that of a collegiate rivalry. Yet most of the commentary exchanges appear much like a gathering of people who want to show their support and enthusiasm for one side or the other. This is very true when describing many of the contributions (of little if any substance) that have been made.

Almost everyone understands that ethically the use of "Jihad" as a means of resistance is simply wrong. It is not the duty of the Arab Palestinian People to use Jihadism, Fedayeen Combat or Terrorist Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence as a means to secure a political end. In this regard, there are so many Arab Palestinians that think "Jihad" is the Right of the People they have lost sight that what they think of as Self-Defense is nothing more than "criminal acts" intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public of Israel. Jihad, in the effort to liberate the former territory once under the Mandate of Palestine, is not a legitimate right of the Arab Palestinians.

Before the negotiation of the Oslo Accords began (more than 30 years ago), a favorite political policy theme behind the HoAP was the mantra of the unrefined idea that self-sufficiency and self-determination were the endgames of the Arab Palestinians. This was gradually supplanted by the newer objective to liberate the former territory once under the Mandate of Palestine (under the Mantra: From the River to the Sea).

(∑ Ω)

Of course, there are more issues and concerns of the day. These are just but a few. However, the defensive posture and security countermeasures responding to the more than seven decades of armed attacks against the Jewish Nation and its citizenry are not in place or activated for the purpose of delegitimizing the Arab Palestinian People. They are a matter of protection and self-preservation.

View attachment 801899
Most Respectfully,
the motivations behind particular actions taken by the Israelis
They are defending their illegitimate settler colonial project.
The Arab-Israeli conflict
It is not a conflict. A conflict has two sides. Settler colonialism is unilateral.
what they think of as Self-Defense is nothing more than "criminal acts"
Such as?
Sharing advanced healthcare techniques with Arabs from United Arab Emirates embassy in Israel

RE: Who are the Israelis?
SUBTOPIC: What are the real issues of the day and who is using what tactics?
※→ et al,


The discussion accomplishes very little under the tactic of attacking the character of the Israelis or the motivations behind particular actions taken by the Israelis - without - addressing the political policy positions and the arguments that illuminate the reasoning for pushing the countermeasures against the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) that end up effecting all Arab Palestinians. The Arab-Israeli conflict is not of the same type and nature as that of a collegiate rivalry. Yet most of the commentary exchanges appear much like a gathering of people who want to show their support and enthusiasm for one side or the other. This is very true when describing many of the contributions (of little if any substance) that have been made.

Almost everyone understands that ethically the use of "Jihad" as a means of resistance is simply wrong. It is not the duty of the Arab Palestinian People to use Jihadism, Fedayeen Combat or Terrorist Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence as a means to secure a political end. In this regard, there are so many Arab Palestinians that think "Jihad" is the Right of the People they have lost sight that what they think of as Self-Defense is nothing more than "criminal acts" intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public of Israel. Jihad, in the effort to liberate the former territory once under the Mandate of Palestine, is not a legitimate right of the Arab Palestinians.

Before the negotiation of the Oslo Accords began (more than 30 years ago), a favorite political policy theme behind the HoAP was the mantra of the unrefined idea that self-sufficiency and self-determination were the endgames of the Arab Palestinians. This was gradually supplanted by the newer objective to liberate the former territory once under the Mandate of Palestine (under the Mantra: From the River to the Sea).

(∑ Ω)

Of course, there are more issues and concerns of the day. These are just but a few. However, the defensive posture and security countermeasures responding to the more than seven decades of armed attacks against the Jewish Nation and its citizenry are not in place or activated for the purpose of delegitimizing the Arab Palestinian People. They are a matter of protection and self-preservation.

View attachment 801899
Most Respectfully,

Of course, the aim of Arab propaganda is to appeal to the lowest denominator of its target audience, and sabotage any rational conversation about this conflict as much as possible.

And although we can agree or disagree on details, or oppose ideologically,
eventually this bears a question - how much of that matters relative to
plainly revenge?

Because as far as I understand, this is how this operation is portrayed
to us Israelis, specifically for the 50 rockets and recent murders.
This is how we do it, for now.

So the question of revenge relative to any details or ideology,
which is a stronger motive to follow, and what place do
such goals have in military conduct?

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