Who are the Israelis?

You know, I've never met anyone that supports the obscene flow of US $ Billions to Israel who didn't complain about that Netanyahu quote:

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”(*)
so people complained about a quote that has no support for its existence. This quote is on many, many websites so it must be true.


There's still another Netanyahu quote that shows his eagerness to perpetuate Zionist parasitism by deceiving the gullible:

"My opinion of Christian Zionists? They're scum. But don't tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now."
-- Benjamin Netanyahu

Oh look. Another quote that makes the rounds of websites and yet none has an actual source for it

Somehow, I have a strong feeling that you would argue that the same quote(*) was completely valid if it had been said by an Arab leader.
It depends on whether I found an actual and confirmed source for it. That's what intellectual integrity is all about.
Finally, my point in citing the Netanyahu quotes is to illustrate the lopsided nature of the US - Israel alliance.
Then you should
A) start a thread which discusses what you perceive as an imbalance
B) use supporting material that is confirmable

Israeli settlers stop Palestinian farmers from working their land in front soldiers, Hebron district​


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