Who are the Israelis?

How many Americans support sending more American G.I.s to die for Israel?

Every loyal American should be seriously concerned about Israel's repeated provocations of Syria and its allies because it's just a matter of time before they shoot back.

Normally, that would be Israel's problem but somehow America has been put in a position by which American G.I.s will end up dying for Israel, again. (1)

How many Americans are in favor of sending American G.I.s to Israel to aid and abet its provocations, ethnic cleansing and illegal expansionism?

If so, please be aware that:

" US Third Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Richard Clark spelled out just such a scenario wherein US troops could be asked to fight and to die for defense of Israel – even to the point of being placed under Israeli commanders responsible for battlefield decision making." (2)


"But this is where Clark pushes far across the normative “military-to-military partnership” characteristic of joint drills with other allied nations. He says that US troops should be prepared to die for the Jewish State:"

How can any loyal American support sending more US Troops to risk their lives helping Israel further advance its criminal expansionism, ethnic cleansing and "Greater Israel?



AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

(2). "Top US General Says American Troops Must Be ‘Ready To Die For Israel’"​

Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian farmers and shepherds working on their land on the eastern outskirts of Gaza City, forcing them to leave the area.

According to the Wafa news agency, Israeli forces stationed in military watchtowers behind the fence separating the enclave from Israel, fired live ammunition and shot tear gas canisters at the farmers.

Such deadly harassment happens frequently as the Israelis seek to impose a buffer zone within Gaza. No casualties were reported among the farmers and the shepherds on this occasion.

Israeli occupation forces continue to restrict the movement of goods and people and prevent farmers from accessing their agricultural lands in the area near the Israel-Gaza fence. Moreover, they attack fishermen and prevent the entry of many raw materials, devices and equipment necessary for a number of sectors, and do not allow all the fruit harvested in Gaza out of the Strip.
My response to rylah:

Your powers of clairvoyance are failing you because you clearly do not understand my sentiments or have chosen to distort what I've written.

It's just that you contradict everything you write, and I'm not referring to "sentiment",
but the logical conclusion of your boldly racist position.

Let me explain -

First, I do not use "fake quotes" nor have I written anything that demonizes Jews. I know that Hasbara scripts rely heavily on false accusations so I dare you to find one "fake quote" or anywhere I have demonized the Jewish people.

Distorting my specific condemnation of Israel's Right Wing extremists, militant psycho Settlers and their ilk is not a general condemnation of the Jewish people and you know it.Conflating the two is just another lowly Hasbara ploy to deceive readers, distort my sentiments and, most important, to "score points". This is just one of many deliberate falsehoods you've written in an attempt to distort my sentiments.

Since you frame Jewish presence in Judea (and the rest of Israel) as a crime - this has nothing to do with Left or Right, but Jews in general regardless of their political preference, the origin of their parents or actual ownership, you broadly frame the presence of an entire ethnicity as a crime, and a scapegoat for all violence in the region, only because we're Jews in Judea.

Regardless how you try to wrap it - it's bold racism.

In post #8,107 you used a fake quote, to incite hostility to Israel,
and from your evasive response to the request to admit the mistake,
it's clear that it was knowingly; As much as broadly trashing of Israeli supporters,
while appealing to the credibility of anecdotes about your American patriotism and service,
as an excuse to hold only the accountable for all hostility - simply doesn't add up, demonstrating
the intent is to manipulate "the readers", instead of sincerely engaging in a discussion on any subject.

I dare you to show where I have ever demanded exclusive Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East and North Africa.
Since you can't, readers should be careful in believing anything you write.

When you criminalize the presence of Jews in Judea, and the very idea of non-Arab nationalism in the entire Levant,
demand 'Palestine' becomes another Arab League colony, what is the geographical outcome of that position?

Remember I've told you I understand your position more than you'll conveniently admit?
That's exactly the camel in the room you avoid, but it's the only logical conclusion of the
ideology you voice, not to mention it was openly declared by Arab imperialists,
such as Arafat the Egyptian boy lover himself -

Next, you either have a pitiful grasp of Levantine history or are still committed to misrepresent its realities.

Sure, the history of the Levant is a colorful and fascinating subject, that cannot be learned enough,
especially when you belong to the nation most associated with its history and the history of humanity universally.

And my knowledge is certainly lacking,
but I've talked to enough anti-Israel activists,
to recognize Edward Said's apologetics for Arab imperialism:

You write as if the Jewish people have been the sole occupants of Palestine since creation when even a casual student of history knows that numerous ancient people have made Palestine their home even before the Canaanites who were massacred by the ancient Hebrews.

As recently as 1880, the Jewish people comprised only about 5% of Palestine's population and there were almost 4 times as many Christians in Palestine as there were Jews.

All that was to change under the genocidal Nakba and Israel's blueprint for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Plan Dalet.
Invading Zionist terrorist gangs from Europe massacred, raped and mutilated pregnant women, men and children, destroyed their homes, robbed them of their possessions and stole their land.

The only ones denying the history and political rights of the VARIOUS cultures of Levant are - Arab imperialists.

One of the streams of Zionism were the 'Canaanites', an alternative narrative to unite the people
of the region under a common ideology, in terms of cultural revival and regional confederation,
as the Canaanite civilization - the Arabs refused, the only obstacle is Arab imperialism.

Before the invasion of Zionist terrorist gangs, Jews and Arabs got along quite well (1) until these same invading Zionist terrorist gangs expelled almost one million Palestinian Christians and Muslims using mass murder, torture and collective punishment.

Today, Israel's relentless expansionism takes the form of its illegal and provocative "Settlements" which harbor some of Israel's most hate filled and fanatical Right Wing extremists.

Even though Israel's criminal Settlements policy is guaranteed to provoke more violence and is in clear violation of international law, Israel's near omnipotent lobbies still manage to extract countless $ Billions from naive American taxpayers.

Israel's internationally condemned Settlements policy is proof that Israel's Right Wing has absolutely no interest in making peace because peace would require an end to the "Greater Israel" (aka Lebensraum) agenda.

The US Government's unconditional support for Israel's Right Wing extremists is neither in America's interest or Israel's long term best interests because it perpetuates cyclical violence that could more easily lead to a large scale war.

Zionism was actually initiated in response to the Arab pogroms in the Caliphate.
Most Israelis are descendants of refugees from Arab-Muslim colonies.

This kumbaya about 'peace before Zionism' and the sociopathic tendency to scapegoat Jews,
has nothing to do with either Israeli Left or Israeli Right, and rather demonstrates the reason
those "Arab Jews" you call "European settlers", gave their lives for Israel.

The only consistent thing in your position, is that the only people you frame accountable, not only for the casualties in the Levant,
but as a scapegoat for the anti-Western sentiment and the regional conflicts in general - are the Jews.

The rest, 99.9% of the region under Arab rule - not accountable for anything.

Is this what you call "more even-handed"?

I've already proposed some but what you consider "constructive" and I consider "constructive" are not likely to be the same.
Since I am an American Veteran whose first loyalty is to America, its citizens and G.I.s already in the Middle East to defend Israel (2), what I think would be most constructive is a more even handed US Middle East.
That would mean that America should only reward behavior that is most likely to serve the purposes of peace. For example, America should defund Israel until it abandons its illegal and provocative Settlements land grab.
Briefly put, the US should generally be more equitable in how it rewards and punishes around the region.
There can never be peace without a more just US Middle East policy.

(1). “Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

EXCERPT "Myth #1 – Jews and Arabs have always been in conflict in the region.

Although Arabs were a majority in Palestine prior to the creation of the state of Israel, there had always been a Jewish population, as well. For the most part, Jewish Palestinians got along with their Arab neighbors. This began to change with the onset of the Zionist movement, because the Zionists rejected the right of the Palestinians to self-determination and wanted Palestine for their own, to create a “Jewish State” in a region where Arabs were the majority and owned most of the land.

The British Hope-Simpson report of 1930 similarly noted that Jewish residents of non-Zionist communities in Palestine enjoyed friendship with their Arab neighbors. “It is quite a common sight to see an Arab sitting in the verandah of a Jewish house”, the report noted. “The position is entirely different in the Zionist colonies."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "American tactical officers take to the stage, and say they're here to defend the State of Israel and its sovereignty as if they were fighting for their own country. They say they'll do anything to defend Israel. It's moving," he said."CONTINUED

Look, I've asked you to share any constructive thoughts, hoping you articulate something original,
that would sound like a sincere normal person, an actual individual. Why can't you actually
say what you think and instead of dumping random links, address the conversation?

For the matter of debate, I don't care who you are, as in opposing your person,
but the irrational hostility against my nation, and my country, my position is clear.
What I disrespect is the vulgar exploitation of the conflict and the people involved.
If you believe that your position is just, even if it's that of exclusive Arab hegemony,
you should be able to rationally justify it, and I would still oppose, but respect it more,
and frankly, Arab culture has, deserves better representation than anti-Jewish populism.

Therefore, again, I invite you to a rational discussion,
out of respect for both civilizations, respectfully disagree,
but also dare find complementary points of agreement and similarity.

What is constructive about scapegoating a minority for the problems of the entire region,
in what way is it beneficial to the wellbeing of anyone involved?
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Israeli Cultural Revolution - Passion For The Temple | The Imaginative Force | Prophetic Cinema

"Those of vast grasping,
their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook

At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking.
Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage,
and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting people
of such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people,
that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great ,
use it for these sacred purposes.".

Deep concern in the Arab world about the Red Heifer
Israeli report about progress in obtaining a kosher Red Heifer continues to cause a stir on Arab websites

Dr. Ayman Al-Raqab, a political science expert at Jerusalem's Al-Quds University, was quoted this week on an Arab website called "The Constitution" as claiming that the emergency summit held by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Jordanian King Abdullah and PA President Abu Mazen on in El Alamein in Egypt was intended, among other things, to coordinate positions regarding "the desire of Jewish extremists to slaughter the Red Heifer they brought from the United States inside the holy basin and burn it."

Another site, the "Palestinian Information Center", this month reviewed the article broadcast on News 12 about the heifer, under the title "The Legend of the Red Heifer: How does it threaten Al-Aqsa?". Reporter Ziad Abhays explained that the article in News 12 "focused on the five heifers brought by the Temple organization, and the extent to which they were relied upon to impose a new reality on Al-Aqsa Mosque." The Arab journalist went on to explain, that the Temple organizations, which he claims, are "the front of the religious Zionist movement".

He explained that religious Zionism was marginal during the "establishment of the Zionist movement and the establishment of the political entity", but this current "is expanding today and is becoming the vanguard fighting for settlement in Judea Samaria, the vanguard trying to resolve the religious identity of Jerusalem, and the middle ground between extreme secular nationalist forces such as the Likud party and between traditional religious forces such as Torah Judaism and the Shas party. This situation makes him the steering wheel in Benjamin Netanyahu's current ruling coalition, and the party most capable of imposing its policies. Since by its very nature religious Zionism is in the direction of redemption, it believes that human action is the source of redemption, or at least constitutes a necessary prelude to the salvation of God."

Read more on - Makor Rishon

Har HaBait - Temple Mount News

Last edited:
Narkis - Im Nin'alu

"If shut are the gates of the generous,
not shut are the gates of Heavens"

It's just that you contradict everything you write, and I'm not referring to "sentiment",
but the logical conclusion of your boldly racist position.

Let me explain -

Since you frame Jewish presence in Judea (and the rest of Israel) as a crime - this has nothing to do with Left or Right, but Jews in general regardless of their political preference, the origin of their parents or actual ownership, you broadly frame the presence of an entire ethnicity as a crime, and a scapegoat for all violence in the region, only because we're Jews in Judea.

Regardless how you try to wrap it - it's bold racism.

In post #8,107 you used a fake quote, to incite hostility to Israel,
and from your evasive response to the request to admit the mistake,
it's clear that it was knowingly; As much as broadly trashing of Israeli supporters,
while appealing to the credibility of anecdotes about your American patriotism and service,
as an excuse to hold only the accountable for all hostility - simply doesn't add up, demonstrating
the intent is to manipulate "the readers", instead of sincerely engaging in a discussion on any subject.

When you criminalize the presence of Jews in Judea, and the very idea of non-Arab nationalism in the entire Levant,
demand 'Palestine' becomes another Arab League colony, what is the geographical outcome of that position?

Remember I've told you I understand your position more than you'll conveniently admit?
That's exactly the camel in the room you avoid, but it's the only logical conclusion of the
ideology you voice, not to mention it was openly declared by Arab imperialists,
such as Arafat the Egyptian boy lover himself -

Sure, the history of the Levant is a colorful and fascinating subject, that cannot be learned enough,
especially when you belong to the nation most associated with its history and the history of humanity universally.

And my knowledge is certainly lacking,
but I've talked to enough anti-Israel activists,
to recognize Edward Said's apologetics for Arab imperialism:

The only ones denying the history and political rights of the VARIOUS cultures of Levant are - Arab imperialists.

One of the streams of Zionism were the 'Canaanites', an alternative narrative to unite the people
of the region under a common ideology, in terms of cultural revival and regional confederation,
as the Canaanite civilization - the Arabs refused, the only obstacle is Arab imperialism.

Zionism was actually initiated in response to the Arab pogroms in the Caliphate.
Most Israelis are descendants of refugees from Arab-Muslim colonies.

This kumbaya about 'peace before Zionism' and the sociopathic tendency to scapegoat Jews,
has nothing to do with either Israeli Left or Israeli Right, and rather demonstrates the reason
those "Arab Jews" you call "European settlers", gave their lives for Israel.

The only consistent thing in your position, is that the only people you frame accountable, not only for the casualties in the Levant,
but as a scapegoat for the anti-Western sentiment and the regional conflicts in general - are the Jews.

The rest, 99.9% of the region under Arab rule - not accountable for anything.

Is this what you call "more even-handed"?

Look, I've asked you to share any constructive thoughts, hoping you articulate something original,
that would sound like a sincere normal person, an actual individual. Why can't you actually
say what you think and instead of dumping random links, address the conversation?

For the matter of debate, I don't care who you are, as in opposing your person,
but the irrational hostility against my nation, and my country, my position is clear.
What I disrespect is the vulgar exploitation of the conflict and the people involved.
If you believe that your position is just, even if it's that of exclusive Arab hegemony,
you should be able to rationally justify it, and I would still oppose, but respect it more,
and frankly, Arab culture has, deserves better representation than anti-Jewish populism.

Therefore, again, I invite you to a rational discussion,
out of respect for both civilizations, respectfully disagree,
but also dare find complementary points of agreement and similarity.

What is constructive about scapegoating a minority for the problems of the entire region,
in what way is it beneficial to the wellbeing of anyone involved?


Re: It's just that you contradict everything you write, and I'm not referring to "sentiment",
but the logical conclusion of your boldly racist position.

What you are confusing as contradictions are my attempts to be open minded and see both sides of the conflict and I can't think of any form of racism that comes close to aiding and abetting ethnic cleansing.
Additionally, my sentiments are no more anti Israel / anti Jewish than the sentiments of Israeli members of groups like "B'Tselem", and "Breaking the Silence" etc who also oppose the illegal and counterproductive Settlements.

Since you frame Jewish presence in Judea (and the rest of Israel) as a crime.

I am far from alone in regarding Israel's illegal Occupation as both criminal and genocidal since antique UN Resolutions # 242 and # 338 make the region's boundaries clear.
You can call the occupied territories "Samaria", "Judea", "Greater Israel" or "Lebensraum", it is still Arab land according to International Law and the many peaceful Jews in Israel and around the world.

In fact, I am so far from alone in condemning Israel's illegal "Settlements" policy (aka Zionist Lebensraum) that Israel ranks down with N. Korea and Iran as most unpopular countries in the world. (1).
When you keep regarding those who oppose Israel's criminality as "racist", I am reminded of Shulamit Aloni's observations:

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....
And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

I've been following Middle East history and conflicts since the 1960 and am intimately familiar with "The Trick" and recognize it in your accusations.

Re: In post #8,107 you used a fake quote, to incite hostility to Israel,

I will openly admit my mistakes but the following quote to which you are referring is not fake:

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” -- Benjamin Netanyahu

The same quote can be found at numerous other sites including:

Of course those who are content with Americans sacrificing American blood and resources for "Greater Israel" are going to complain when Zionist parasitism is exposed.
I'm not ashamed to admit that my first loyalty is to the US just as your first loyalty is to Israel so, of course you want AIPAC to keep those $ Billions flowing.

When you criminalize the presence of Jews in Judea, and the very idea of non-Arab nationalism in the entire Levant,
demand 'Palestine' becomes another Arab League colony, what is the geographical outcome of that position?
You really mean is: If Israelis stayed in Israel, proper, what would happen?
First, there would be no occupation for Palestinians to resist and a better chance of stopping cyclical violence but Israel's Right Wing, Settler element wants a conflict from which only Israel benefits due to US funded, Israeli military superiority.

You can call the illegally occupied Palestinian land "Judea", "Samaria" or "New Khazaria" but as long as Israel remains in violation of international law, the Palestinians are as justified in resisting Israeli occupation as any brutally occupied people are in defending themselves against an expansionist aggressor.

Israel is the region's only nuclear armed super power and even has American G.I.s stationed in Israel to die for Israel.
Israel's security is not going to suffer by adhering to UN Resolutions # 242 and # 338 and dismantling illegal settlements.

Re: Remember I've told you I understand your position more than you'll conveniently admit?

If you had the powers of clairvoyance that you claim to have you wouldn't spend your time trying to justify ethnic cleansing and the oldest, most ruthless foreign funded occupation in modern history.
I've been listening to Zionists try to justify the unjustifiable probably since before you were born.

Re: The only ones denying the history and political rights of the VARIOUS cultures of Levant are - Arab imperialists.

That's just your opinion but it's a fact that American blood and resources are being wasted helping to secure Zionist regional hegemony.
How much of a military presence did the US have in the Middle East before Israel was founded?
How much of a military presence does the US have in the Middle East now?

Re: Zionism was actually initiated in response to the Arab pogroms in the Caliphate.
Most Israelis are descendants of refugees from Arab-Muslim colonies.

The following is a more accurate synopsis of Zionism's origin:

EXCERPT "This movement [Zionism] emerged from and is rooted in political developments in Europe, but it changed and developed as it evolved from a political movement in Europe to a settlement and nation-building project in Palestine. Thus, we need to step outside the physical context of the Middle East to understand a force that ultimately changed the Middle East. "CONTINUED (2)

Re: Look, I've asked you to share any constructive thoughts, hoping you articulate something original,
that would sound like a sincere normal person, an actual individual. Why can't you actually
say what you think and instead of dumping random links, address the conversation?

I genuinely appreciate your taking the time to explain your point of view. I watched the videos you posted on Post #8,185 and believe that Israel is a vibrant, fascinating and advanced country with countless hard working, innovative and creative people. I was genuinely looking forward to going to Israel when I was in S. Lebanon but the '73 War broke out.
I suppose the main question I have is why are Israeli hawks puzzled when the Palestinians strike back after being treated like they are in the next Post # 8,186 (Re: Masafer Yatta)?

Do you believe that Israel's government is engaged in ethnic cleansing? I posted an article from Haaretz that stated that almost half of Israel's Jewish population supported ethnic cleansing.

I am not trying to offend you and know that my government has committed countless international crimes.
You asked that I sound like a " sincere, normal person..." so I will be sincere and will work on the "normal" part.

I have to close for now and am happy to answer any questions you have.

(1). “BBC Poll: Israel Among World's Least Popular Nations”

EXCERPT“The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.”CONTINUED

(2). "Origins and Evolution of Zionism"
I posted that link as it discusses the quote that you insist is real.

OK, now I remember.

There are several sources that cite that quote. I listed that one as it gives some background to the quote.

Another link cites the same quote:

And another:

And yet another:

EXCERPT "U.S. intelligence sources report that the one Israeli who is considered an extreme threat to U.S. national security is former prime minister and current prime minister hopeful Binyamin Netanyahu. Not only has Netanyahu visited convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in his North Carolina prison cell and advocated strenuously for his release, but he was once overheard by an ex-CIA agent as saying to a group of his supporters, "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." Considering the damage the neocons and their Israeli facilitators are causing for U.S. national security, Netanyahu may soon have his wish." CONTINUED

Some search engines will reveal the article and some can't find it. Thats why I copied the last paragraph.

I don't think that all Israelis feel the same way as Netanyahu does but there are clearly some who are committed to extracting as much American blood and money as possible.
OK, now I remember.

There are several sources that cite that quote. I listed that one as it gives some background to the quote.

Another link cites the same quote:

And another:

And yet another:

EXCERPT "U.S. intelligence sources report that the one Israeli who is considered an extreme threat to U.S. national security is former prime minister and current prime minister hopeful Binyamin Netanyahu. Not only has Netanyahu visited convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in his North Carolina prison cell and advocated strenuously for his release, but he was once overheard by an ex-CIA agent as saying to a group of his supporters, "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." Considering the damage the neocons and their Israeli facilitators are causing for U.S. national security, Netanyahu may soon have his wish." CONTINUED

Some search engines will reveal the article and some can't find it. Thats why I copied the last paragraph.

I don't think that all Israelis feel the same way as Netanyahu does but there are clearly some who are committed to extracting as much American blood and money as possible.
Citing the uses doesn't provide a source. That final paragraph attributes it anecdotally to an unnamed person. With no real corroborated source and an unconfirmed and unconformable origin claim (by someone whose own bias is on full display) that quote has no useful provenance. Your assumption of its truth and value displays your wishful thinking.

I could just as easily post a web page and include any fictitious quote. Others, liking the political value would then copy my invention and people like you would cite it as true because it supports your belief. That's not intellectually rigorous nor does it reflect any integrity.
Citing the uses doesn't provide a source. That final paragraph attributes it anecdotally to an unnamed person. With no real corroborated source and an unconfirmed and unconformable origin claim (by someone whose own bias is on full display) that quote has no useful provenance. Your assumption of its truth and value displays your wishful thinking.

I could just as easily post a web page and include any fictitious quote. Others, liking the political value would then copy my invention and people like you would cite it as true because it supports your belief. That's not intellectually rigorous nor does it reflect any integrity.

I've provided more evidence that the Netanyahu quote is valid than you have that it is not valid.

Additionally, your inability to provide any evidence that the quote is fake doesn't reflect well on your own intellectual rigor or integrity.

Even more evidence that the quote is valid is what Netanyahu has said earlier:

EXCERPT “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out this widely held perception.
“I know what America is,” Netanyahu, told the settlers. “America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction.” CONTINUED (1)

(1). “What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.”

EXCERPT "Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people.

“Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lifshitz, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”

“Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.” CONTINUED
I've provided more evidence that the Netanyahu quote is valid than you have that it is not valid.
What did you provide? The website I brought up which ascribes the quote to an unnamed third hand source with no corroboration? That makes a quote valid to you?
Additionally, your inability to provide any evidence that the quote is fake doesn't reflect well on your own intellectual rigor or integrity.
I brought up the information that shows that there is no actual source or citation other than that anonymous retelling referenced by someone with a particular agenda. That is plenty of evidence that the quote has no basis in corroborated fact.
Even more evidence that the quote is valid is what Netanyahu has said earlier:

EXCERPT “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out this widely held perception.
“I know what America is,” Netanyahu, told the settlers. “America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction.” CONTINUED (1)
Netanyahu has said a lot of things. If you want to take one thing he said and use that to justify your belief in another, unsourced quote, go ahead. But don't pretend that that's how quotes are validated.
(1). “What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.”

EXCERPT "Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people.

“Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lifshitz, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”

“Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.” CONTINUED
And if you want to cite Eretz Nehederet, you should know that you are citing a very funny and satirical sketch comedy show. If you want to see that as a reflection of reality then go ahead. We all know that "Friends" was a documentary, right?
What did you provide? The website I brought up which ascribes the quote to an unnamed third hand source with no corroboration? That makes a quote valid to you?

I brought up the information that shows that there is no actual source or citation other than that anonymous retelling referenced by someone with a particular agenda. That is plenty of evidence that the quote has no basis in corroborated fact.

Netanyahu has said a lot of things. If you want to take one thing he said and use that to justify your belief in another, unsourced quote, go ahead. But don't pretend that that's how quotes are validated.

And if you want to cite Eretz Nehederet, you should know that you are citing a very funny and satirical sketch comedy show. If you want to see that as a reflection of reality then go ahead. We all know that "Friends" was a documentary, right?

You know, I've never met anyone that supports the obscene flow of US $ Billions to Israel who didn't complain about that Netanyahu quote:

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”(*)

There's still another Netanyahu quote that shows his eagerness to perpetuate Zionist parasitism by deceiving the gullible:

"My opinion of Christian Zionists? They're scum. But don't tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now."
-- Benjamin Netanyahu

Somehow, I have a strong feeling that you would argue that the same quote(*) was completely valid if it had been said by an Arab leader.

Finally, my point in citing the Netanyahu quotes is to illustrate the lopsided nature of the US - Israel alliance.

Unconditional US funding of illegal settlements and ethnic cleansing is neither in America's or Israel's best long term interests just as 80 more years of cyclical violence is unsustainable.


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