Who are the Israelis?


the conflict is about
Jewish nationalism versus Arab continental imperialism

What you are confusing as contradictions are my attempts to be open minded and see both sides of the conflict and I can't think of any form of racism that comes close to aiding and abetting ethnic cleansing.

The contradiction is obvious - if you oppose ethnic cleansing, why criminalize the presence of Jews?
Why demand exclusive Arab domination in the entire Middle East and North Africa?

The contradiction is the very position to your given reasoning,
if only for the fact of its existence as the only non-Arab state.

Israel is the only safeguard of ethnic diversity in the region.

Additionally, my sentiments are no more anti Israel / anti Jewish than the sentiments of Israeli members of groups like "B'Tselem", and "Breaking the Silence" etc who also oppose the illegal and counterproductive Settlements.

No more anti-Israel/Jewish, than blaming Jews to justify insurance fraud?

There's nothing illegal about Jewish presence in Judea,
in fact, international law declares Jewish settlement as "sacred trust of civilizations",
and the re-constitution of Israel is the most productive endeavor in the Middle East.

I am far from alone in regarding Israel's illegal Occupation as both criminal and genocidal since antique UN Resolutions # 242 and # 338 make the region's boundaries clear.

Arab supremacists can regard Jewish presence as a crime,
parrot their demagoguery in countless UN resolutions,
but there's a reason it's not the actual law.

The UN itself, as a body, is legally bound by international law inherited from
the League of Nations, recognizing the title for Jewish national re-constitution.

You can call the occupied territories "Samaria", "Judea", "Greater Israel" or "Lebensraum", it is still Arab land according to International Law and the many peaceful Jews in Israel and around the world.

Even Arabs call it the 'Jewish Desert',
they can't even pronounce 'P - alestine'.

Calling it "Arab land" confirms your position is not for a "Free Palestine",
nothing to do with the wellbeing of anyone involved, neither values,
but exploiting the conflict for the selfish greed of Arab imperialism.

The term "peaceful Jews" is perceived as a threat in this context.

In fact, I am so far from alone in condemning Israel's illegal "Settlements" policy (aka Zionist Lebensraum) that Israel ranks down with N. Korea and Iran as most unpopular countries in the world. (1).

Is that how Arabs excuse murdering their sisters as "honor killing"?

When you keep regarding those who oppose Israel's criminality as "racist", I am reminded of Shulamit Aloni's observations:

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....
And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

I've been following Middle East history and conflicts since the 1960 and am intimately familiar with "The Trick" and recognize it in your accusations.

Misquoting an old lady is what you call "familiar with the trick" or "following history"?

Shulamit Aloni was a radical Zionist,
she fought in the war of independence,
and captured in the defense of Jerusalem.

It has nothing to do with opposition or criticism,
but singling out Jewish presence and state as a crime.

I will openly admit my mistakes but the following quote to which you are referring is not fake:

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” -- Benjamin Netanyahu

The same quote can be found at numerous other sites including:

Even your source says it's a rumor attributed to a unanimous 3rd person,
perpetuating this charade and insisting otherwise, demonstrates the lack of integrity
and false pride in politics of insults, perpetuating mass ignorance of the 'Arab world'.

Of course those who are content with Americans sacrificing American blood and resources for "Greater Israel" are going to complain when Zionist parasitism is exposed.
I'm not ashamed to admit that my first loyalty is to the US just as your first loyalty is to Israel so, of course you want AIPAC to keep those $ Billions flowing. You really mean is: If Israelis stayed in Israel, proper, what would happen?
First, there would be no occupation for Palestinians to resist and a better chance of stopping cyclical violence but Israel's Right Wing, Settler element wants a conflict from which only Israel benefits due to US funded, Israeli military superiority. You can call the illegally occupied Palestinian land "Judea", "Samaria" or "New Khazaria" but as long as Israel remains in violation of international law, the Palestinians are as justified in resisting Israeli occupation as any brutally occupied people are in defending themselves against an expansionist aggressor.

Israel is the region's only nuclear armed super power and even has American G.I.s stationed in Israel to die for Israel.
Israel's security is not going to suffer by adhering to UN Resolutions # 242 and # 338 and dismantling illegal settlements.

If you had the powers of clairvoyance that you claim to have you wouldn't spend your time trying to justify ethnic cleansing and the oldest, most ruthless foreign funded occupation in modern history.
I've been listening to Zionists try to justify the unjustifiable probably since before you were born.

Nothing American or mature about your communication.

Do derogatory reference to Jews and American support for Israel,
demonstrate your loyalty to the US, or justify Arab intolerance of minorities?

Like "if only Israelis stayed out of Gaza, there's instant peace and all the Islamists turn doves,
stop shooting rockets in all directions, end public executions of women and gays,
along with 'suspects of collaboration with Jews' in the square,
maybe it even ends slavery today in Arab states..."

In reality,

the one consistent factor,

in all Middle East conflicts is - Arab imperialism.

That's just your opinion but it's a fact that American blood and resources are being wasted helping to secure Zionist regional hegemony.
How much of a military presence did the US have in the Middle East before Israel was founded?
How much of a military presence does the US have in the Middle East now?

It's cheap racist demagoguery contradicting basic sense and arithmetic.

Does that mean all Arab League progress is thanks to Israel,
or only the things you feel too ashamed to admit,
like a humiliating defeat against a minority?

Fact is, support for Zionism is support for regional diversity.
Is there a rational reason you believe regional diversity is a waste of resources?

The following is a more accurate synopsis of Zionism's origin:

EXCERPT "This movement [Zionism] emerged from and is rooted in political developments in Europe, but it changed and developed as it evolved from a political movement in Europe to a settlement and nation-building project in Palestine. Thus, we need to step outside the physical context of the Middle East to understand a force that ultimately changed the Middle East. "CONTINUED (2)

This is a narrow narrative you only prefer to avoid the nature and role
of Arab pogroms, in the emergence of Zionism in the Middle East.

I genuinely appreciate your taking the time to explain your point of view. I watched the videos you posted on Post #8,185 and believe that Israel is a vibrant, fascinating and advanced country with countless hard working, innovative and creative people. I was genuinely looking forward to going to Israel when I was in S. Lebanon but the '73 War broke out.

The '73 war "broke out",

or you can't admit Arab armies were humiliated in trying
to gang up on Jews during the biggest holiday of the year?

I suppose the main question I have is why are Israeli hawks puzzled when the Palestinians strike back after being treated like they are in the next Post # 8,186 (Re: Masafer Yatta)?

Arab hostility towards Jews proceeded the re-constitution of Israel,
most Israelis are descendant of refugees from Arab states.

What you call Masafer Yatta is a 20 y.o. Bedouin dump,
Unless you think I'm a blender - no one is puzzled.

Do you believe that Israel's government is engaged in ethnic cleansing? I posted an article from Haaretz that stated that almost half of Israel's Jewish population supported ethnic cleansing

How can I believe such a thing, when the non-Jewish population of Israel,
is growing bigger than under any rule in the history of the region?

Al Ard doesn't represent anyone, there's a reason
it has no subscription base in Israel.

I am not trying to offend you and know that my government has committed countless international crimes.
You asked that I sound like a " sincere, normal person..." so I will be sincere and will work on the "normal" part.

I have to close for now and am happy to answer any questions you have.

Inciting violence against a minority is an offense.

What is normal about proclaiming loyalty to America,
to excuse any accountability for the other 99% involved in the conflict?

“BBC Poll: Israel Among World's Least Popular Nations”

EXCERPT“The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.”CONTINUED

Can populism turn the earth flat back again?

Resorting to numeric advantage against minority rights,
is rather a weakness that keeps the Arab world backwards.

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