Who are the Israelis?


Name calling, the lowest form of debate, seems to comprise the bulk of each and every comment attempting to excuse the inexcusable ethnic cleansing of former Palestine.

It is a fact that only 5% of Palestine's population was Jewish in 1880 and it's not anti Semitic to say so.

It is a fact that early European Zionist Gangs drove Palestine's existing residents from their homes of generations using murder, rape and torture to do so.(1)
The Nakba is a fact and facts are not anti Semitic.

Subsequent wars, acts of terrorism by both sides, land theft, vandalism and UN Resolution violations later we find that peace is impossible as long as Israel's Right Wing extremists remain in power building thousands of illegal "Settlements".

Saying that Israel's Settlements policy is proof that the ruling Israeli party does not want peace is not "anti Semitic", it's a fact even supported by Israeli media:

"Israel Does Not Want Peace"

EXCERPT "Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs. There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this land is destined for the Jews alone.

Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides." CONTINUED

Opposing internationally condemned Settlement Sprawl is not anti Semitic nor does it mean that Jews don't deserve their own state. It simply means that Israelis are not above the law. That's all.

Apparently, expecting Israelis to abide by international law is "anti Semitic" to those Israelis who feel that they are entitled to everything and guilty of nothing.

"An antisemite used to be someone who hates Jews;
nowadays an antisemite is someone Jews hate.”

- Gilad Atzmon, Jewish musician and author, 2011

(1). Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED

Name calling, the lowest form of debate, seems to comprise the bulk of each and every comment attempting to excuse the inexcusable ethnic cleansing of former Palestine.

It is a fact that only 5% of Palestine's population was Jewish in 1880 and it's not anti Semitic to say so.

It is a fact that early European Zionist Gangs drove Palestine's existing residents from their homes of generations using murder, rape and torture to do so.(1)
The Nakba is a fact and facts are not anti Semitic.

Subsequent wars, acts of terrorism by both sides, land theft, vandalism and UN Resolution violations later we find that peace is impossible as long as Israel's Right Wing extremists remain in power building thousands of illegal "Settlements".

Saying that Israel's Settlements policy is proof that the ruling Israeli party does not want peace is not "anti Semitic", it's a fact even supported by Israeli media:

"Israel Does Not Want Peace"

EXCERPT "Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs. There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this land is destined for the Jews alone.

Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides." CONTINUED

Opposing internationally condemned Settlement Sprawl is not anti Semitic nor does it mean that Jews don't deserve their own state. It simply means that Israelis are not above the law. That's all.

Apparently, expecting Israelis to abide by international law is "anti Semitic" to those Israelis who feel that they are entitled to everything and guilty of nothing.

"An antisemite used to be someone who hates Jews;
nowadays an antisemite is someone Jews hate.”

- Gilad Atzmon, Jewish musician and author, 2011

(1). Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED

Good example, of how the Arab reliance on exaggerated rumors and politics of insults,
to brainwash the masses in order to recruit support - results in their own defeat.

Jerusalem Today - Slihot at the Western Wall (7 hours ago)

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Beit Avi Chai - I'll Come In Might

In the tender time between the mundane and the holy, we join the circle of the year to receive Shabbat and another year: traditional Shabbat acceptance songs, Eretz Yisrael songs in special arrangements, Tishrei poetry in the Sephardic and Ashkenazi style, modern Hebrew poetry that captures the spirit of the times, and pieces of instruction, midrash and conversation for the month of Elul. A musical-literary meeting of hope, forgiveness and prayer for a new beginning:

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Good example, of how the Arab reliance on exaggerated rumors and politics of insults,
to brainwash the masses in order to recruit support - results in their own defeat.

I believe in your Post # 8,276, you wrote:
Wow, that afraid of discussion,
must prevent posts by other posters?

Repeatedly posting Nakba denial You-Tubes from Hasbara studios is not a rebuttal to what I wrote.

I wrote about the tiresome transparency of howling "anti Semite" over and over again when you can't refute the facts about Zionist terrorism.

The lowly tactic of name calling ( "Jew hater", "neo-Nazi", "anti Semite" etc) is what the Hasbara crowd has been trained to do when they can't refute legitimate condemnation of Zionist crimes and atrocities that prohibit peace for anybody.

Currently, Israel's internationally condemned and illegal "Settlements" policy is a deliberate strategy to sabotage any sort of peace that may inhibit Zionist Lebensraum / "Greater Israel".

The primary differences between the Nakba and the Holocaust are that the Holocaust lasted only a few brief years and its survivors have gotten $ Billions in reparations.

The Nakba, however, continues to this day and the survivors who lost everything get nothing because they have nothing like the Holocaust Industry to extort $ Billions for them.

“Testimonies From the Censored Deir Yassin Massacre: 'They Piled Bodies and Burned Them’”

EXCERPT “Another harsh account was provided by Prof. Mordechai Gichon, a lieutenant colonel in the Israel Defense Forces reserves, who was a Haganah intelligence officer sent to Deir Yassin when the battle ended.

“To me it looked a bit like a pogrom,” said Gichon, who died about a year ago. “If you’re occupying an army position – it’s not a pogrom, even if a hundred people are killed. But if you are coming into a civilian locale and dead people are scattered around in it – then it looks like a pogrom. When the Cossacks burst into Jewish neighborhoods, then that should have looked something like this.”

According to Gichon, “There was a feeling of considerable slaughter and it was hard for me to explain it to myself as having been done in self-defense. My impression was more of a massacre than anything else. If it is a matter of killing innocent civilians, then it can be called a massacre.” CONTINUED
I believe in your Post # 8,276, you wrote:

Repeatedly posting Nakba denial You-Tubes from Hasbara studios is not a rebuttal to what I wrote.

I wrote about the tiresome transparency of howling "anti Semite" over and over again when you can't refute the facts about Zionist terrorism.

The lowly tactic of name calling ( "Jew hater", "neo-Nazi", "anti Semite" etc) is what the Hasbara crowd has been trained to do when they can't refute legitimate condemnation of Zionist crimes and atrocities that prohibit peace for anybody.

Currently, Israel's internationally condemned and illegal "Settlements" policy is a deliberate strategy to sabotage any sort of peace that may inhibit Zionist Lebensraum / "Greater Israel".

The primary differences between the Nakba and the Holocaust are that the Holocaust lasted only a few brief years and its survivors have gotten $ Billions in reparations.

The Nakba, however, continues to this day and the survivors who lost everything get nothing because they have nothing like the Holocaust Industry to extort $ Billions for them.

“Testimonies From the Censored Deir Yassin Massacre: 'They Piled Bodies and Burned Them’”

EXCERPT “Another harsh account was provided by Prof. Mordechai Gichon, a lieutenant colonel in the Israel Defense Forces reserves, who was a Haganah intelligence officer sent to Deir Yassin when the battle ended.

“To me it looked a bit like a pogrom,” said Gichon, who died about a year ago. “If you’re occupying an army position – it’s not a pogrom, even if a hundred people are killed. But if you are coming into a civilian locale and dead people are scattered around in it – then it looks like a pogrom. When the Cossacks burst into Jewish neighborhoods, then that should have looked something like this.”

According to Gichon, “There was a feeling of considerable slaughter and it was hard for me to explain it to myself as having been done in self-defense. My impression was more of a massacre than anything else. If it is a matter of killing innocent civilians, then it can be called a massacre.” CONTINUED

Holocaust ridicule shows the nature of your hostility, not only towards Jews, but in general.

The lack of intent for a rational discourse to defend your position, proves its very weakness.
But it's good that it bothers you to be called out on your racist drivel, maybe learn how
to communicate in a more respectful manner, or does that hurt your cause?

Talking about 'Lebensraum', what do you call an agenda of exclusive
Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East and Africa?


Narkis - "I believe the new Temple will be built, and imagine myself singing there"


On the occasion of her 41st birthday, which fell a day before Tisha B'Av, the singer Narkis congratulated herself, thanked her loved ones and imagined the coming days of the Messiah

The singer Narkis celebrated her 41st birthday yesterday, a day before Tisha B'av. In her opinion it is no coincidence because she believes that the Temple will be rebuilt and she will sing there. In the post that the singer published on the occasion of her birthday, she referred to the special day and congratulated herself on the occasion of her birthday.

I will Bring Him

We have already passed over the great sea
And where are You hiding when the desert closes on us?

You have promised us a country, and we came towards You
And where are You going around when the horses are ready for war?

I will, I will bring Him the air of mountains
I will bring Him the laughter of children
I will bring Him fire and wine

Shall come, shall come my beloved
Heard shall be my cry
The day I call

Holocaust ridicule shows the nature of your hostility, not only towards Jews, but in general.

The lack of intent for a rational discourse to defend your position, proves its very weakness.
But it's good that it bothers you to be called out on your racist drivel, maybe learn how
to communicate in a more respectful manner, or does that hurt your cause?

Talking about 'Lebensraum', what do you call an agenda of exclusive
Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East and Africa?

Are you kidding?!
Every one of your rants, to me at least, is just brimming with hate, hostility and ad hominem slurs like this one.
Please calm down and try to communicate as an Israeli to a well meaning American.

First of all, what "Holocaust ridicule" are you talking about and how many other forum members frequently close their Posts with a "Thanks"?
Is that what you mean by my "hostility"?

My position is that Israel's Right Wing Settler element makes a peaceful resolution impossible and perpetuates cyclical violence by expanding Settlement Sprawl.

I don't know to whom I have to defend my position since it is already widely supported around the world by Jews and non Jews as well as U.N.:

"Settlement Expansion Fuelling Violence in Occupied Palestinian Territory, Middle East Peace Process Special Coordinator Warns Security Council"​

Talking about 'Lebensraum', what do you call an agenda of exclusive
Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East and Africa?

Please tell me when a Muslim country has tried to expand beyond its borders in violation of International Law.
I believe that the last one to try was Saddam and I hope you see what happens to Arab - Islamic countries who violate International law.
This double standard was not lost on the rest of the world.

Finally, my criticism of Israel' Right Wing Settlers and their theft of "contested" land has nothing to do the Jewish people as a whole.
I know that since you cannot justify such blatantly counterproductive machinations as land theft, you stuck with only snarky ad hominems like "anti Semite" etc

My "cause" is the same that it always has been.
Are you kidding?!
Every one of your rants, to me at least, is just brimming with hate, hostility and ad hominem slurs like this one. Please calm down and try to communicate as an Israeli to a well meaning American.

Do you think "parasitic psychopaths" and "fake Jews" fits the definition of hate?

I'm being very specific and straightforward, your communication gives it away.
Because superlatives in your posts exceed the content in each sentence,
and pointing to the inherent contradictions in your racist drivel,
isn't hate, so don't pretend to be insulted.

If you think by repeating "well-meaning American" justifies guilt-tripping
America and Israel for the violence of everyone else in the Middle East,
then I'm not buying your flying carpets.

When criminalizing Jewish presence in Judea, thinking it appears as criticism
of the right wing, maybe you expect me to thank you for the "favor" -
then it's not about either right or left, but Jews in general.

First of all, what "Holocaust ridicule" are you talking about

Holocaust ridicule - comparing the Arab-Israeli conflict to the Holocaust.

This demonstrates the intent to rather fuel the conflict and insult Jews in general,
instead of a rational discourse, any values or interest in the wellbeing of anyone involved.

And how many other forum members frequently close their Posts with a "Thanks"?
Is that what you mean by my "hostility"?

It's like Arab music,
lots of ornaments for every word,
at the expense of content, and usually vulgar.

Do you think loaded rhetoric of 'Arab doves and evil Jews' ever helped
the Arab leadership long run, or is it a more general symptom of the
political culture and conflicts among the Arab states?

For example, I'm an Israeli who's voted for a right wing party, and instead of addressing
my arguments, you prefer attacking Jews for antisemitism as sort of Jewish conspiracy,
and the Israeli right as the source of all evil - does that fit the definition of hate,
according to American law?

I don't know to whom I have to defend my position since it is already widely supported around the world by Jews and non Jews as well as U.N.:

"Settlement Expansion Fuelling Violence in Occupied Palestinian Territory, Middle East Peace Process Special Coordinator Warns Security Council"​

Popularity of an opinion doesn't make it right.

Jewish presence in Judea was never an obstacle to peace, in fact,
the peace process itself proves it, that long term compromise
and withdrawal of Jewish communities - invite more hostility.

The Arab-Muslim majority can exploit the UN as an outlet
to scapegoat Israel for their problems, if a Jew agrees,
or says he's a table, it doesn't make it more correct.

My position is that Israel's Right Wing Settler element makes a peaceful resolution impossible and perpetuates cyclical violence by expanding Settlement Sprawl.

Then your position is in contradiction with the peaceful Arab states.

Israeli right has brought most of the peace agreements,
if peace interests you, you side with me.

Please tell me when a Muslim country has tried to expand beyond its borders in violation of International Law.
I believe that the last one to try was Saddam and I hope you see what happens to Arab - Islamic countries who violate International law.
This double standard was not lost on the rest of the world.

Finally, my criticism of Israel' Right Wing Settlers and their theft of "contested" land has nothing to do the Jewish people as a whole.
I know that since you cannot justify such blatantly counterproductive machinations as land theft, you stuck with only snarky ad hominems like "anti Semite" etc

My "cause" is the same that it always has been.

Good question,

The 22 Arab League colonies spreading
from the south of the Arabian Peninsula to Western Africa,

are at constant territorial and ethnic conflicts, with each, resulting in
more casualties, than the losses of the entire Arab-Israeli conflict, both sides.

Then what is a greater cause of instability, than the greed of Arab imperialism?

Do you think "parasitic psychopaths" and "fake Jews" fits the definition of hate?

I'm being very specific and straightforward, your communication gives it away.
Because superlatives in your posts exceed the content in each sentence,
and pointing to the inherent contradictions in your racist drivel,
isn't hate, so don't pretend to be insulted.

If you think by repeating "well-meaning American" justifies guilt-tripping
America and Israel for the violence of everyone else in the Middle East,
then I'm not buying your flying carpets.

When criminalizing Jewish presence in Judea, thinking it appears as criticism
of the right wing, maybe you expect me to thank you for the "favor" -
then it's not about either right or left, but Jews in general.

Holocaust ridicule - comparing the Arab-Israeli conflict to the Holocaust.

This demonstrates the intent to rather fuel the conflict and insult Jews in general,
instead of a rational discourse, any values or interest in the wellbeing of anyone involved.

It's like Arab music,
lots of ornaments for every word,
at the expense of content, and usually vulgar.

Do you think loaded rhetoric of 'Arab doves and evil Jews' ever helped
the Arab leadership long run, or is it a more general symptom of the
political culture and conflicts among the Arab states?

For example, I'm an Israeli who's voted for a right wing party, and instead of addressing
my arguments, you prefer attacking Jews for antisemitism as sort of Jewish conspiracy,
and the Israeli right as the source of all evil - does that fit the definition of hate,
according to American law?

Popularity of an opinion doesn't make it right.

Jewish presence in Judea was never an obstacle to peace, in fact,
the peace process itself proves it, that long term compromise
and withdrawal of Jewish communities - invite more hostility.

The Arab-Muslim majority can exploit the UN as an outlet
to scapegoat Israel for their problems, if a Jew agrees,
or says he's a table, it doesn't make it more correct.

Then your position is in contradiction with the peaceful Arab states.

Israeli right has brought most of the peace agreements,
if peace interests you, you side with me.

Good question,

The 22 Arab League colonies spreading
from the south of the Arabian Peninsula to Western Africa,

are at constant territorial and ethnic conflicts, with each, resulting in
more casualties, than the losses of the entire Arab-Israeli conflict, both sides.

Then what is a greater cause of instability, than the greed of Arab imperialism?


Do you think "parasitic psychopaths" and "fake Jews" fits the definition of hate?

The fact that I have never used those term only shows that your confusion is rivaled only by your pathetic powers of clairvoyance that have not improved since last time.

I am trying to be specific in condemning Israel's right wing Settlement expansionism but your obvious agenda works this way.
In order to justify the Right Wing / Settler criminality, your only hope is to paint me as an "anti Semite" in spite of the fact that I am specifically condemning the behavior of a very small part of the world's Jews.

When criminalizing Jewish presence in Judea, thinking it appears as criticism
of the right wing, maybe you expect me to thank you for the "favor" -
then it's not about either right or left, but Jews in general.

In spite of ancient Hebrew mythology, Judea and Samaria, exist only on old maps and the minds of delusional, grasping and murderous fanatics.

In order to avoid a world of chaos, there must be some form of International Law with countries respecting legal boundaries.

History has shown what happens when land grabbers are ignored or attempted to be appeased. They just keep grabbing until they are forced to comply with international law. Until then, criminal regimes like the one you support deserve no peace.

No, my criticism of Israel's Right Wing Settler element is specific to just those few, specific criminal Jews but since you've been trained to slander any critic of any Israeli crime as an "anti Semite", your lowly slur about my condemnation of "...Jews in general" was fully expected so, I dare you to show anywhere I have slandered Jewish people in general.

I don't believe that any race, religion, nationality or ethnic group is any more good or evil than another and I don't deny that the Jewish people have suffered at the hands of the Arabs.
I am trying to be specific to the Settlements because Israel's right to exist is guaranteed.

Holocaust ridicule - comparing the Arab-Israeli conflict to the Holocaust.

This demonstrates the intent to rather fuel the conflict and insult Jews in general,
instead of a rational discourse, any values or interest in the wellbeing of anyone involved.

I'm fully aware that teaching about the Nakba in Israel is prohibited at the same time Holocaust brainwashing is mandatory and any open discussion about the Holocaust is forbidden.

Even though you are, apparently, so full of hate toward the Arabs that you can't even write the word "Nakba" and your schools engage in Nakba denial, the Nakba is / was as much of an attempt to kill and expel Arabs as the Holocaust was an attempt to kill and expel most Jews.

I was in Southern Lebanon 50 years ago and spent time by a Palestinian refugee camp where I had a chance to see photographs of old homes and farms belonging to Nakba survivors whose stories are every bit as valid as any Holocaust survivor.

I assume that you are what would be considered right wing Settler element and I assume you support more Settlements on what is called "Contested Territory" and formerly Arab land but what confuses me and most of the Western world is why do you hate people for living on land that you want?
Please clarify,

Finally, I don't know why we can't be civil and disagree about this topic.


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