Who are the Israelis?

Temple Mount Update | Finishing the 'Book of Proof and Response of the Humiliated Faith'

Groom's celebration - ascending the Temple Mount

Rosh Hodesh Elul - Rahel Sel'a on the prophecy of Haggai

Temple Mount Update | 'Nitzavim - VaYelech' - Torah that is rooted in reality, the covenant of body and spirit

Weekly Torah portion: Nitzavim and VaYelech - two opposite messages • Nitzavim - standing, and VaYelech - progressing • Two covenants: circumcision - the covenant in the body of every Jew, the Torah covenant - the spiritual covenant • Mosheh reveals to the people of Israel the matter of repentance • Mosheh announces that the curses will come, but also the return (also splendor of old age) • The ascension to the Temple Mount out of great love • Rabbi Yehudah Shlush • Parashat Nitzavim - VaYelech at the Temple Mount


The Portion of the Temple - The Torah in the Holy of Hollies compared to the Torah of all Israel


Temple Mount News

A memorial on the Temple Mount for Yizhak and Taliah Eames HY"D,
with Rabbi Yosef Elbum, the Eames family and friends



Har HaBait - Temple Mount News
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the united nations did grant the right to exist in palestine. i'm not sure that oppression of the existing palestinians was anticipated.
I would suggest that, at the time, the meaning of the term "existing Palestinians" was different from how you are using it.

The Eritrean Riots and Why Israel Should Care About Africa | The Caroline Glick Show

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Why not unless you feel that the suffering of some people is more profound because of their particular racial, national, religious or ethnic group?

It's been 50 years ago, exactly, since I was in Southern Lebanon because I remember being stuck there due to the '73 War.

Because the borders were closed, I couldn't visit Israel as I had planned but I had plenty of time to talk to Palestinians who lost everything that they couldn't carry and they considered themselves lucky.

Why would you consider their stories any less credible than those of Holocaust survivors?

I'm curious.

Because the borders were closed, I couldn't visit Israel as I had planned but I had plenty of time to talk to Palestinians who lost everything that they couldn't carry and they considered themselves lucky.

They were lucky. These people were queuing up to go into the gas chambers. After losing everything.

They were lucky. These people were queuing up to go into the gas chambers. After losing everything.

View attachment 826596

How do you know?
Where are the striped uniforms?

Even though the German word "Gaskammer" means "gas chamber" it was actually for delousing clothes blankets etc.

"Auschwitz Expert: Blueprints Found in Berlin Not of Death Camp"
Auschwitz expert: Blueprints found in Berlin not of death camp

EXCERPT "Prof. Robert Jan van Pelt, a internationally acknowledged expert on the planning and construction of Auschwitz,

Van Pelt, an architectural historian, said that copies of the plans of the stages of the camp's construction were also in the archive of the Polish National Museum at Auschwitz and in an archive in Moscow.

Van Pelt said he also doubted the authenticity of the signature of the SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, since such a high-ranking officer would not have signed such plans, and none of the copies he had ever seen bore such a signature.

Van Pelt also said the words "gas chamber" on one of the drawings meant a room in which disinfection of clothing was done by means of gas, and that the sketch is not of an extermination camp established in 1942, but rather of earlier plans for a huge concentration camp in which a force of 130,000 slave laborers was intended to work.

Van Pelt suggested the plans might be fakes, motivated by the lucrative market in Nazi memorabilia and documents."CONTINUED

As Van Pelt mentions, there are no shortages of fake WW 2 and Holocaust era fake photos and documents.

For example:

“Soviet’s Anti-Nazi Propaganda, Fake Pictures during World War”
www.hoaxorfact.com| 502: Bad gateway

EXCERPT “The Soviets and the rest of the allies were in fact faking hundreds of pictures during and after the World war, as a part of psychological warfare against the German people and propagandize their own people.

However, in later years, with the user of computers and the internet, the usage of those hundreds of images were proved to be faked during and after World War Two, which also intended to demonize Hitler and the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).”CONTINUED

I'm not claiming that your photos are fakes, it's just that they don't prove anything but they are still interesting.

How do you know?
Where are the striped uniforms?

Even though the German word "Gaskammer" means "gas chamber" it was actually for delousing clothes blankets etc.

"Auschwitz Expert: Blueprints Found in Berlin Not of Death Camp"
Auschwitz expert: Blueprints found in Berlin not of death camp

EXCERPT "Prof. Robert Jan van Pelt, a internationally acknowledged expert on the planning and construction of Auschwitz,

Van Pelt, an architectural historian, said that copies of the plans of the stages of the camp's construction were also in the archive of the Polish National Museum at Auschwitz and in an archive in Moscow.

Van Pelt said he also doubted the authenticity of the signature of the SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, since such a high-ranking officer would not have signed such plans, and none of the copies he had ever seen bore such a signature.

Van Pelt also said the words "gas chamber" on one of the drawings meant a room in which disinfection of clothing was done by means of gas, and that the sketch is not of an extermination camp established in 1942, but rather of earlier plans for a huge concentration camp in which a force of 130,000 slave laborers was intended to work.

Van Pelt suggested the plans might be fakes, motivated by the lucrative market in Nazi memorabilia and documents."CONTINUED

As Van Pelt mentions, there are no shortages of fake WW 2 and Holocaust era fake photos and documents.

For example:

“Soviet’s Anti-Nazi Propaganda, Fake Pictures during World War”
www.hoaxorfact.com| 502: Bad gateway

EXCERPT “The Soviets and the rest of the allies were in fact faking hundreds of pictures during and after the World war, as a part of psychological warfare against the German people and propagandize their own people.

However, in later years, with the user of computers and the internet, the usage of those hundreds of images were proved to be faked during and after World War Two, which also intended to demonize Hitler and the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).”CONTINUED

I'm not claiming that your photos are fakes, it's just that they don't prove anything but they are still interesting.


Whatever. :rolleyes:

Perhaps after the Arabs who call themselves 'Palestinian' decide to exist next to the Jews, they can then focus and become the next Dubai/Qatar.

Meanwhile, the racist P.F. and his ilk will continue to demand that the Israelis be flushed into the sea.

🇵🇸 Khan al-Ahmar: No reprieve for Palestinian school | Al Jazeera English​

Arab refers to any of the largely nomadic Semitic inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula.


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