Who are the Israelis?

The answer to your question is:
The same people whose homes, farm and land has been stolen due to the policies of Israel's Right Wing "Settlers" and similar Zionist extremists.

The US Government's unconditional support of Israel's Right Wing extremists endangers America's G.I.s and America's best interest in the region.

I fully support Israel's right to exist and Israel's courageous peace seeking element but my first loyalty is to the US and America's best interests in the region which can only be served by an equitable Middle East policy.

Unfortunately, Israel's present Right Wing government does not want peace:

Israel Does Not Want Peace"

EXCERPT "Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs. There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this land is destined for the Jews alone.

Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides.

The single most overwhelming item of evidence of Israel’s rejection of peace is, of course, the settlements project. From the dawn of its existence, there has never been a more reliable or more precise litmus test for Israel’s true intentions than this particular enterprise. In plain words: The builders of settlements want to consolidate the occupation, and those who want to consolidate the occupation do not want peace. That’s the whole story in a nutshell." CONTINUED


The answer to your question is:
The same people whose homes, farm and land has been stolen due to the policies of Israel's Right Wing "Settlers" and similar Zionist extremists.

Why didn't Arafat make peace?
The answer to your question is:
The same people whose homes, farm and land has been stolen due to the policies of Israel's Right Wing "Settlers" and similar Zionist extremists.

Why didn't Arafat make peace?
This is the simplest conflict in the world.

Israel wants to keep everything it has stolen and the Palestinians want it back.
This is the simplest conflict in the world.

Israel wants to keep everything it has stolen and the Palestinians want it back.

The Palestinians never owned it.
The Ottomans lost it fair and square.
The Arabs could have had a portion, besides Jordan,
but they fucked up. Now they'll whine while
the potential Palestine gets smaller and smaller and smaller.
The Palestinians never owned it.
The Ottomans lost it fair and square.
The Arabs could have had a portion, besides Jordan,
but they fucked up. Now they'll whine while
the potential Palestine gets smaller and smaller and smaller.
Load of hooey.
The answer to your question is:
The same people whose homes, farm and land has been stolen due to the policies of Israel's Right Wing "Settlers" and similar Zionist extremists.

Why didn't Arafat make peace?

In addition to spending time in the Middle East, I've studied its conflicts closely since 1967.
I will admit that I have not studied each and every attempted peace negotiation but of the ones I have studied, the Israelis only offered the crumbs from the table.

The Right Wing Israelis have no incentive to make the concessions necessary for peace because they know that they will be rewarded every year with America's $ Billions no matter what they do or don't do.

What Arafat did or didn't do, back then, is meaningless today.

The elephant in the room, today, is Israel's criminal and provocative Settlements policy that make peace impossible and conflict inevitable. That same conflict seems to adversely affect at least a significant number of decent and peace seeking Israelis who oppose it (*)

To make matters even worse, the US is complicit in this criminal Settlements policy which provokes even more anti American enmity around the Islamic world.

Do you support Israel's Settlements program and if so, please clarify why?


(*). "More Israelis oppose West Bank annexation than support it — survey"​

EXCERPT "More Israelis oppose annexation of West Bank land than support it, and only 3.5% list it among their top priorities, according to a survey commissioned and published by the left-wing Geneva Initiative group.

The opinion poll showed that 41.7% of the public oppose annexation while 32.2% support it, the group said in a statement on Sunday, hours afterthousands rallied in Tel Aviv against the proposal." CONTINUED
In addition to spending time in the Middle East, I've studied its conflicts closely since 1967.
I will admit that I have not studied each and every attempted peace negotiation but of the ones I have studied, the Israelis only offered the crumbs from the table.

The Right Wing Israelis have no incentive to make the concessions necessary for peace because they know that they will be rewarded every year with America's $ Billions no matter what they do or don't do.

What Arafat did or didn't do, back then, is meaningless today.

The elephant in the room, today, is Israel's criminal and provocative Settlements policy that make peace impossible and conflict inevitable. That same conflict seems to adversely affect at least a significant number of decent and peace seeking Israelis who oppose it (*)

To make matters even worse, the US is complicit in this criminal Settlements policy which provokes even more anti American enmity around the Islamic world.

Do you support Israel's Settlements program and if so, please clarify why?


(*). "More Israelis oppose West Bank annexation than support it — survey"​

EXCERPT "More Israelis oppose annexation of West Bank land than support it, and only 3.5% list it among their top priorities, according to a survey commissioned and published by the left-wing Geneva Initiative group.

The opinion poll showed that 41.7% of the public oppose annexation while 32.2% support it, the group said in a statement on Sunday, hours afterthousands rallied in Tel Aviv against the proposal." CONTINUED

but of the ones I have studied, the Israelis only offered the crumbs from the table.

He was offered basically all the land Israel won when it crushed Jordan in 1967.
Why not take that loaf instead of no loaf? Do you think Palestinian whining and terror attacks have any hope of achieving even a portion of what Arafat rejected?

Do you support Israel's Settlements program and if so, please clarify why?

Sure. Why wouldn't I? Israel is free to do what it wants with its land.
Meanwhile, any potential Palestinian state gets smaller every year.
I don't think that you fully understand my point.

You Israelis have plenty of reasons to be proud but perpetuating criminal Settlement policies and ethnic cleansing is neither in Israel's long term best interests nor America's best interests for bankrolling both criminal acts.

No, I don't believe that everyone who writes in support of Israel's Right Wing extremists is a paid, trained and scripted Hasbara troll but when so many of the insults, evasions, cliche's and falsehoods are all the same it's hard to dismiss as just coincidence.

Finally, what did I write that was false?

It is a fact that Israel's criminal "Settlements" prove that Israel's Right Wing regime has no interest in a just and durable peace.

It is a fact that almost half of Israel's Jews support ethnic cleansing of Palestine's native residents.

It's also a fact that IDF aids and abets psycho Settlers on their murderous, destruction of Palestinian olive groves, homes and farms.

I oppose those and other Right Wing Israeli crimes because the reflect poorly on the US Government and engender even more anti American sentiment around the Islamic world.

No, I think I understand more about your position, than you will be comfortable admitting.

It's framing Jewish existence in Judea as a crime, and holding Jews accountable -
for the Muslim hostility towards the West. And preach about "Right Wing extremism"
while demanding exclusive Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East and North Africa.

Fact is Arab supremacists call the entire state of Israel an "illegal settlement",
and regardless of any legal matter, you frame the crime by ethnicity,
call any Arab a "native" and any Jew an "illegal settler" even
when Ottoman and Jordanian records confirm ownership.

Fact is, Israelis proudly support defending their country against
hostile intruders who cannot even pronounce the name of the land,
and strap their children with explosives - for an afterlife of a brothel...

Pal-Arabs never wanted the responsibility of a state,
in fact, they wanted the land ceded to another prince,
from Mecca, it's only to prevent Jews from independence.

So it's not about any crime, but the very Jewish presence,
and since the Israeli Left won all the major wars, while
the Israeli right signed all the peace agreements with
the Arab world, your preaching about "extremism
and peace"
doesn't make any sense.

Do you actually have any constructive ideas to share,
that are not fake quotes to demonize Jews,
or is that "illegal"?
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Baba Sali Home in Rissani (Morocco)

Presented by Diarna (www.diarna.org): Enter the old mellah (Jewish quarter) of Rissani, a city in southeastern Morocco near the Algerian border, and explore its narrow alleyways in search of a famous home. Buried inside the mellah's labyrinth is the former home of the Baba Sali (Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira), an internationally renowned rabbi. Before he became an icon in Israel, France, and around the world, the Baba Sali lived on the edge of the Sahara desert in Morocco.

In 1912, his brother Rabbi David Abuhatzeirah Hy"d was murdered - strapped to a cannon and shot,
sacrificing his life to a local chieftain that the rest of the Jewish community could survive.

Baba Sali continued to lead the large Jewish community of the Tafilalet region of southern Morocco, training most of the rabbis in the area.

In 1950, he sold his home to a Muslim woman and left for Israel. After moving in, she recounts that the Baba Sali appeared to her in a dream and told her not to live in the house. She eventually vacated the home — which now sits empty — but opens it up so visitors can light candles by the well in the home's central courtyard.

This video begins with a walk into the mellah via the main gate, which for centuries was locked at night, enclosing the Jewish inhabitants. Visitors then proceed down a winding street until eventually arriving at the dark alleyway where the Baba Sali's home is located.

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