Who are the Israelis?

Accepting seven Noahide laws and One God of Israel

Pledge in front of Beit-Din. India. 8.2023

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8-year-old Bo'az Yachin came from the north to ascend the Temple Mount,
and finish the Terumot tractate of the 'Daily Yerushalmi Page' study

Temple Mount Update | Finishing the 'Book of Proof and Response of the Humiliated Faith'

Groom's celebration - ascending the Temple Mount

Rosh Hodesh Elul - Rahel Sel'a on the prophecy of Haggai

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Israelis: If you are not religious, why live in Israel?

What makes You a Jew?


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Post from rylan:

"No, I think I understand more about your position, than you will be comfortable admitting.

It's framing Jewish existence in Judea as a crime, and holding Jews accountable -
for the Muslim hostility towards the West. And preach about "Right Wing extremism"
while demanding exclusive Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East and North Africa.

Fact is Arab supremacists call the entire state of Israel an "illegal settlement",
and regardless of any legal matter, you frame the crime by ethnicity,
call any Arab a "native" and any Jew an "illegal settler" even
when Ottoman and Jordanian records confirm ownership.

Fact is, Israelis proudly support defending their country against
hostile intruders who cannot even pronounce the name of the land,
and strap their children with explosives - for an afterlife of a brothel...

Pal-Arabs never wanted the responsibility of a state,
in fact, they wanted the land ceded to another prince,
from Mecca, it's only to prevent Jews from independence.

So it's not about any crime, but the very Jewish presence,
and since the Israeli Left won all the major wars, while
the Israeli right signed all the peace agreements with
the Arab world, your preaching about "extremism
and peace"
doesn't make any sense.

Do you actually have any constructive ideas to share,
that are not fake quotes to demonize Jews,
or is that "illegal"?"

My response to rylah:

Your powers of clairvoyance are failing you because you clearly do not understand my sentiments or have chosen to distort what I've written.

First, I do not use "fake quotes" nor have I written anything that demonizes Jews. I know that Hasbara scripts rely heavily on false accusations so I dare you to find one "fake quote" or anywhere I have demonized the Jewish people.

Distorting my specific condemnation of Israel's Right Wing extremists, militant psycho Settlers and their ilk is not a general condemnation of the Jewish people and you know it.

Conflating the two is just another lowly Hasbara ploy to deceive readers, distort my sentiments and, most important, to "score points".

Re: ...while demanding exclusive Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East and North Africa.
This is just one of many deliberate falsehoods you've written in an attempt to distort my sentiments.

I dare you to show where I have ever demanded exclusive Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East and North Africa.
Since you can't, readers should be careful in believing anything you write.

Next, you either have a pitiful grasp of Levantine history or are still committed to misrepresent its realities.
You write as if the Jewish people have been the sole occupants of Palestine since creation when even a casual student of history knows that numerous ancient people have made Palestine their home even before the Canaanites who were massacred by the ancient Hebrews.

As recently as 1880, the Jewish people comprised only about 5% of Palestine's population and there were almost 4 times as many Christians in Palestine as there were Jews.

All that was to change under the genocidal Nakba and Israel's blueprint for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Plan Dalet.
Invading Zionist terrorist gangs from Europe massacred, raped and mutilated pregnant women, men and children, destroyed their homes, robbed them of their possessions and stole their land.

Before the invasion of Zionist terrorist gangs, Jews and Arabs got along quite well (1) until these same invading Zionist terrorist gangs expelled almost one million Palestinian Christians and Muslims using mass murder, torture and collective punishment.

Today, Israel's relentless expansionism takes the form of its illegal and provocative "Settlements" which harbor some of Israel's most hate filled and fanatical Right Wing extremists.

Even though Israel's criminal Settlements policy is guaranteed to provoke more violence and is in clear violation of international law, Israel's near omnipotent lobbies still manage to extract countless $ Billions from naive American taxpayers.

Israel's internationally condemned Settlements policy is proof that Israel's Right Wing has absolutely no interest in making peace because peace would require an end to the "Greater Israel" (aka Lebensraum) agenda.

The US Government's unconditional support for Israel's Right Wing extremists is neither in America's interest or Israel's long term best interests because it perpetuates cyclical violence that could more easily lead to a large scale war.

Re: Do you actually have any constructive ideas to share,

I've already proposed some but what you consider "constructive" and I consider "constructive" are not likely to be the same.
Since I am an American Veteran whose first loyalty is to America, its citizens and G.I.s already in the Middle East to defend Israel (2), what I think would be most constructive is a more even handed US Middle East.
That would mean that America should only reward behavior that is most likely to serve the purposes of peace. For example, America should defund Israel until it abandons its illegal and provocative Settlements land grab.
Briefly put, the US should generally be more equitable in how it rewards and punishes around the region.
There can never be peace without a more just US Middle East policy.

(1). “Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

EXCERPT "Myth #1 – Jews and Arabs have always been in conflict in the region.

Although Arabs were a majority in Palestine prior to the creation of the state of Israel, there had always been a Jewish population, as well. For the most part, Jewish Palestinians got along with their Arab neighbors. This began to change with the onset of the Zionist movement, because the Zionists rejected the right of the Palestinians to self-determination and wanted Palestine for their own, to create a “Jewish State” in a region where Arabs were the majority and owned most of the land.

The British Hope-Simpson report of 1930 similarly noted that Jewish residents of non-Zionist communities in Palestine enjoyed friendship with their Arab neighbors. “It is quite a common sight to see an Arab sitting in the verandah of a Jewish house”, the report noted. “The position is entirely different in the Zionist colonies."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "American tactical officers take to the stage, and say they're here to defend the State of Israel and its sovereignty as if they were fighting for their own country. They say they'll do anything to defend Israel. It's moving," he said."CONTINUED
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Thanks for posting the informative tweets.

Apparently, shooting children for fun is hardly a new thing in the Occupied Territories and America's unconditional aid only emboldens the Aggressor / Occupier:

“Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.

Four soldiers lay on their chests on a rooftop. In the same shot, we see what appear to be two Palestinian children playing on a rooftop. One of the soldiers takes aim and shoots one of the Palestinians on the roof, clearly hitting him in the thigh.

The soldiers then celebrate. One imitates the flailing actions of the wounded Palestinian, while others shake the hand of the ‘successful’ sniper.

Facebook users attempting to share the video from the Scriptonite Daily Facebook page, reported being unable to share the video.”CONTINUED

As of 2 August, IDF and Israeli authorities have killed 37 Palestinian children, some of them so badly mutilated that Israel refuses to release the bodies to the families. (1)

There is no other recipient of US aid that targets children or maintains the longest and most brutal foreign funded Occupation in modern history.


(1). "Israeli forces kill, withhold body of 15-year-old Palestinian boy"​

EXCERPT "Israeli authorities’ practice of confiscating and withholding Palestinian bodies is a violation of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, which include absolute prohibitions on cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, as well as stipulate that parties of an armed conflict must bury the deceased in an honorable way. For families, the practice amounts to collective punishment in violation of international humanitarian law. " CONTINUED

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