Who are the Israelis?

Thanks for the video of Ms Aloni who is candid enough to reveal just a few tactics employed by Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls:

"How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.”

Campaign to infiltrate Wikipedia

CAMERA called for volunteers to secretly work on editing Wikipedia entries. It emphasized the importance of keeping the project secret. Volunteers were schooled in ways to elude detection. After they signed up as editors, they were to “avoid editing Israel-related articles for a short period of time.”CONTINUED

After I was discharged from the US Army where my last assignment was to be part of an Airborne Rapid Deployment Unit to defend Israel, I walked and hitch-hiked around the Islamic Middle East for 10 - 11 months. My interest in archeology took me throughout Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, & Lebanon.
I had intended to head South to Israel, Egypt etc but the '73 War broke out while I was in Lebanon and further travel wasn't possible.

While I didn't see as many archeological sites as I would have liked but I quickly learned about Islamic culture and customs.
Frequently I was "kidnapped" by some of my many Muslim hosts who insisted on treating me to meals and meeting his friends and family who had never seen a Westerner and wanted to know all about American life, music, cars, politics, history etc, the two questions I was asked most frequently were:
1. "Why do Americans suddenly hate Muslims?"
2. "Why does America help Israel murder Palestinians and steal their land?"

I tried to explain the toxic influence of powerful Zionist lobbies and the pervasive anti Islamic bias in much of Western MSM but they still couldn't understand how Americans whom they admired could be so easily deceived nor can I.

Thanks for the information you have posted and please keep up the good work.
Interesting. You have moved the goal post ftom "If and when the US starts to fund a country that persecuted Jews" to now a threshold of "half". And you continue to use loaded language and speak from biased ignorance. Not unexpected.

There aren't many Jews left in Afghanistan but the country is still antisemitic and receives more than Israel. Jordan gets more than half and life for Jews there isn't good. There are very few Jews there because, among other things, "Jews are prohibited under Jordanian law from owning property or acquiring citizenship." Dodging swastikas and Israel hate, Jordan’s secret Jews slip beneath the radar
By the way, is the money given other countries simple aid or is the country required to spend it in the US to create US jobs?

Again, I am not the topic of this thread and your insults reveal only that you are unable to refute the facts I relate.

It is a fact that Israel's expansionist "Settlements" policy is proof that Israel's Right Wing government prefers ethnic cleansing over a just and durable peace.

It is a fact that almost half of Israel's Jews support ethnic cleansing.

It is a fact that Israel's Right Wing government funds an army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls.
On page 8 of their Hasbara Handbook they are instructed to: "...give the appearance of rational debate, whilst avoiding genuine discussion." (1)

It is a fact that IDF aids and abets Israel's fanatic "Settlers" in their destruction and murderous brutality.

It is a fact that weaponry is one of Israel's major industries and that it uses captive Palestinians for experimental purposes:

“The Lab”: Israel Tests Weapons, Tactics On Captive Palestinian Population"

"The title relates to the film’s central argument: that Israel has rapidly come to rely on the continuing captivity of Palestinians in what are effectively the world’s largest open-air prisons.

The reason is that there are massive profits to be made from testing Israeli military innovations on the more than four million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."CONTINUED

These facts add up to the irrefutable conclusion that Israel's Right Wing government does not want an equitable peace.
It is clearly more interested in ethnic cleansing, land theft and manipulating the US into ensuring Israel's nuclear backed regional hegemony than a just and durable peace.

(1) "Hasbara Handbook
Like they do in the rest of the Arab world?

You probably mean Islamic world because "Arab world" is a misnomer; Iran is not "Arab".
Iran was democratic until the CIA and MI 6 overthrew their government, deposed their democratically elected PM Mosaddegh and imposed the Shah with his dreaded SAVAK.

The West doesn't generally care what sort of government the Muslims have as long as it can be manipulated and recognizes Israel's regional hegemony.
Again, I am not the topic of this thread and your insults reveal only that you are unable to refute the facts I relate.

It is a fact that Israel's expansionist "Settlements" policy is proof that Israel's Right Wing government prefers ethnic cleansing over a just and durable peace.

It is a fact that almost half of Israel's Jews support ethnic cleansing.

It is a fact that Israel's Right Wing government funds an army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls.
On page 8 of their Hasbara Handbook they are instructed to: "...give the appearance of rational debate, whilst avoiding genuine discussion." (1)

It is a fact that IDF aids and abets Israel's fanatic "Settlers" in their destruction and murderous brutality.

It is a fact that weaponry is one of Israel's major industries and that it uses captive Palestinians for experimental purposes:

“The Lab”: Israel Tests Weapons, Tactics On Captive Palestinian Population"

"The title relates to the film’s central argument: that Israel has rapidly come to rely on the continuing captivity of Palestinians in what are effectively the world’s largest open-air prisons.

The reason is that there are massive profits to be made from testing Israeli military innovations on the more than four million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."CONTINUED

These facts add up to the irrefutable conclusion that Israel's Right Wing government does not want an equitable peace.
It is clearly more interested in ethnic cleansing, land theft and manipulating the US into ensuring Israel's nuclear backed regional hegemony than a just and durable peace.

(1) "Hasbara Handbook
If only you honestly quoted from that hasbara book. Page describes styles of conversation and point scoring is one method, used in particular situations. Another method mentioned is "genuine debate." I notice you ignored that.
You probably mean Islamic world because "Arab world" is a misnomer; Iran is not "Arab".
Iran was democratic until the CIA and MI 6 overthrew their government, deposed their democratically elected PM Mosaddegh and imposed the Shah with his dreaded SAVAK.

The West doesn't generally care what sort of government the Muslims have as long as it can be manipulated and recognizes Israel's regional hegemony.

You probably mean Islamic world because "Arab world" is a misnomer;

No, I meant Arab, like the Palestinians are Arab.

Iran was democratic until the CIA and MI 6 overthrew their government, deposed their democratically elected PM Mosaddegh

Yeah, that was very sad. How many votes did Mosaddegh get when he was elected?

The West doesn't generally care what sort of government the Muslims have as long

As long as they don't slaughter their non-Muslim citizens or start wars with their non-Muslim neighbors.

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