Who are the Israelis?

First, I am no more anti Israel than I am anti American.

I made it clear that I opposed Israel's Right Wing, criminal expansionism as does Israel's courageous peace seeking element.

Next, recorded history is not an "assumption".

It is an irrefutable fact that murderous, Zionist terrorist gangs drove almost one million native Palestinians from their homes and slaughtered countless innocent men, women and children.

I met innumerable Nakba survivors, heard about their former homes and looked at their worn, old photos .

Why are their accounts any less valid than those of other survivors?

Where are their reparations for loosing everything?

Israel and its people are better than the "Settlers" and militant Right Wingers that perpetuate it's American funded infamy.

If you oppose Israeli right,
who do you think did the Nakba?

This has nothing to do with either Israeli right or left,
but loosing exclusive Arab domination over the M.East,
only for being a Jewish state, for which we're being singled out.
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Narkis - Im Savi (With My Grandfather)

As Avraham Avinu
Who counted stars at night,
Who called to his Creator from the furnace
Who bound his son - was my grandfather

The same complete faith
Inside the flame,
And the same dewy glance
And waves soft beard

Outside fell the snow
Outside they roared:
"There's no judgement and there's no judge"
And in his cracked room, the shattered
Angels sing about Jerusalem of the above

Avraham Tal - Avraham

If you think that is weird, what do Germans call Germany?

It's not that Germans can't pronounce the name of their country, that they call it several names.

Arabs, on the other hand,
simply can't pronounce 'P - alestine',
and that name has no meaning in Arabic.
First, I am no more anti Israel than I am anti American.
Then I assume you are not a fan of the US.
I made it clear that I opposed Israel's Right Wing, criminal expansionism as does Israel's courageous peace seeking element.
You have now shown not just a leaning or preference, but, through the use of labels in your language, a strong bias.
Next, recorded history is not an "assumption".
That's true. There is a lot of history recorded and much of it establishes the Jewish state as extant and historical.
It is an irrefutable fact that murderous, Zionist terrorist gangs drove almost one million native Palestinians from their homes and slaughtered countless innocent men, women and children.
whether or not that is irrefutable (it is refutable as many left at the encouragement of Arab leaders) the language of "native" or "slaughtered" or "innocent" betrays the operating principals you, a priori, presume. Do you have the same language for the similar number of Jews expelled from Arab countries, or killed in Pogroms in Israel and Arab countries? Do you march against all the nations that persecuted Jews and expelled them? Do you march for "Palestinian" rights in what is now Jordan? Or are you specifically focusing on Israel?
I met innumerable Nakba survivors, heard about their former homes and looked at their worn, old photos .
And many Jews who were kicked out of their homes during war time? You keep calling it "nakba" which is an Arab label. I call it "the War for Independence and survival" considering that Israel was attacked by masses of non-natives. Names create a sense and you have chosen a name for the event which shows the sense you adopted.
Israel and its people are better than the "Settlers" and militant Right Wingers that perpetuate it's American funded infamy.
This confirms my sense of your view of America.
Then I assume you are not a fan of the US.

You have now shown not just a leaning or preference, but, through the use of labels in your language, a strong bias.

That's true. There is a lot of history recorded and much of it establishes the Jewish state as extant and historical.

whether or not that is irrefutable (it is refutable as many left at the encouragement of Arab leaders) the language of "native" or "slaughtered" or "innocent" betrays the operating principals you, a priori, presume. Do you have the same language for the similar number of Jews expelled from Arab countries, or killed in Pogroms in Israel and Arab countries? Do you march against all the nations that persecuted Jews and expelled them? Do you march for "Palestinian" rights in what is now Jordan? Or are you specifically focusing on Israel?

And many Jews who were kicked out of their homes during war time? You keep calling it "nakba" which is an Arab label. I call it "the War for Independence and survival" considering that Israel was attacked by masses of non-natives. Names create a sense and you have chosen a name for the event which shows the sense you adopted.

This confirms my sense of your view of America.

Re:Then I assume you are not a fan of the US.

Then, you've demonstrated how faulty your powers of perception are concerning both my loyalty to the US and about my position concerning the state of Israel.
I've served in America's military and have supported what is in America's best interests for over 50 years.
What have you ever done that was in America's best interest?

Re:You have now shown not just a leaning or preference, but, through the use of labels in your language, a strong bias.

My views are far more objective and rational than the reams of scripted and snarky Hasbara drivel I've read attempting to obfuscate American funded land theft & ethnic cleansing.
I have chosen to focus on Middle East history and events because that is where most of America's blood and resources have been recently wasted attempting to preserve Israel's nuclear regional hegemony and what does the US get in return:

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.-- Benjamin Netanyahu

Re: That's true. There is a lot of history recorded and much of it establishes the Jewish state as extant and historical.

The Levant had been the home of countless occupiers and residents long before the Hebrews invaded and long after they were driven out.
Israel's current, foreign occupiers are no more related to those ancient Hebrew warriors than they are to the Eskimos.
Re: Or are you specifically focusing on Israel?

Yes, as long as AIPAC and similar Right Wing Zionist lobbies dominate America's Foreign policy, extort countless $ Billions and send young Americans to die for "Greater Israel", I will oppose what is destructive to America and, ultimate, Israel itself.


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

Do you have the same language for the similar number of Jews expelled from Arab countries,

If and when the US starts to fund a country that persecuted Jews, I'll be among the loudest critics, meanwhile, "whataboutery" is both off topic and a poor excuse for ethnic cleansing going on now.
Then, you've demonstrated how faulty your powers of perception are concerning both my loyalty to the US and about my position concerning the state of Israel.
I've served in America's military and have supported what is in America's best interests for over 50 years.
What have you ever done that was in America's best interest?

My views are far more objective and rational than the reams of scripted and snarky Hasbara drivel I've read attempting to obfuscate American funded land theft & ethnic cleansing.
I have chosen to focus on Middle East history and events because that is where most of America's blood and resources have been recently wasted attempting to preserve Israel's nuclear regional hegemony and what does the US get in return:

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.-- Benjamin Netanyahu

The Levant had been the home of countless occupiers and residents long before the Hebrews invaded and long after they were driven out.
Israel's current, foreign occupiers are no more related to those ancient Hebrew warriors than they are to the Eskimos.

Yes, as long as AIPAC and similar Right Wing Zionist lobbies dominate America's Foreign policy, extort countless $ Billions and send young Americans to die for "Greater Israel", I will oppose what is destructive to America and, ultimate, Israel itself.


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003


If and when the US starts to fund a country that persecuted Jews, I'll be among the loudest critics, meanwhile, "whataboutery" is both off topic and a poor excuse for ethnic cleansing going on now.

Arab imperialism is mass degeneracy.

Nothing you say addresses or explains the deeply rooted
hatred among Arab supremacists towards Jews and other minoritie, before Israel,

Resorting to personal anecdotes and fake quotes only confirm
your inability to rationally justify your position.

Why don't you say what you really want?

The more you w
Then, you've demonstrated how faulty your powers of perception are concerning both my loyalty to the US and about my position concerning the state of Israel.
I've served in America's military and have supported what is in America's best interests for over 50 years.
What have you ever done that was in America's best interest?

My views are far more objective and rational than the reams of scripted and snarky Hasbara drivel I've read attempting to obfuscate American funded land theft & ethnic cleansing.
I have chosen to focus on Middle East history and events because that is where most of America's blood and resources have been recently wasted attempting to preserve Israel's nuclear regional hegemony and what does the US get in return:

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.-- Benjamin Netanyahu

The Levant had been the home of countless occupiers and residents long before the Hebrews invaded and long after they were driven out.
Israel's current, foreign occupiers are no more related to those ancient Hebrew warriors than they are to the Eskimos.

Yes, as long as AIPAC and similar Right Wing Zionist lobbies dominate America's Foreign policy, extort countless $ Billions and send young Americans to die for "Greater Israel", I will oppose what is destructive to America and, ultimate, Israel itself.


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003


If and when the US starts to fund a country that persecuted Jews, I'll be among the loudest critics, meanwhile, "whataboutery" is both off topic and a poor excuse for ethnic cleansing going on now.
The more you write the more you firmly entrench yourself as a blinded, biased conspiracy theorist. The US funds plenty of nations that have and do persecute Jews. That you can even make that conditional shows the depths of your ignorance. Your adopting certain words and phrases reflects that your position is preformed and not based on any rigorous and objective study of either the history or the current situation.

Best of luck to you and your biases.
For the same reason you can't commemorate the victory of any country as defeat.
They can commemorate that in the East Bank for now, and if so pleased,
will add reasons to make the celebration more memorable.

Arabs think they know revenge,
but they fear a Jewish king,
that was a preview.
That is proof Arab-Israelis do not have the same rights as Jewish-Israelis. They are treated like 2nd class citizens. You have an apartheid government!
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That is proof Arab-Israelis do not have the same rights as Jewish-Israelis. They are treated like 2nd class citizens. You have an apartheid government!
Yes, Arab Israelis should be required to serve in the army just as Jewish Israelis are. End the apartheid of the draft now!
Arab imperialism is mass degeneracy.

Nothing you say addresses or explains the deeply rooted
hatred among Arab supremacists towards Jews and other minoritie, before Israel,

Resorting to personal anecdotes and fake quotes only confirm
your inability to rationally justify your position.

Why don't you say what you really want?

If you're going to accuse me of using "fake quotes", the ethical thing to do would be to prove that it's indeed fake.
How about some proof instead of more hyperbolic Hasbara cut-and-paste?
I've seen it before.

Nothing you say addresses or explains the deeply rooted
hatred among Arab supremacists towards Jews and other minoritie, before Israel,

Thats because the title of this thread is: "Who are the Israelis."

During the entire 10 - 11 months I spent by myself in the Islamic Middle East, I never heard the level of bigoted hatred directed at Jews as I have fanatic hatred of Arabs written by Zionist extremists in US Media and forums like this.

In other words, the everyday, working Arab with a family who would give me rides, feed me, introduce me to his friends, provide shelter expressed far less hatred of Jews than you imagine.

Re: Arab imperialism is mass degeneracy.

It's really hard to take extremist pronouncements like that seriously when Israel has a regional monopoly on nuclear weaponry and is the country with the expansionist Yinon Plan for a "Greater Israel".

Re: Why don't you say what you really want?

That's easy: A just and durable peace which can only come when there is an equitable American Middle East Policy without unconditional US support for each and every Israeli crime and atrocity.

History has shown that repeatedly rewarding Zionist extremism and blatant land theft with countless US $ Billions only emboldens Israel's Right Wing extremists and confirms what Muslims say about AIPAC running US Foreign policy.

I hope we can agree that the present situation is unsustainable.

Unfortunately, it is Israel Right Wing government that shows even hostility to a just and durable peace because the Palestinians have nothing left to give, the Right Wing Israeli government just approved plans to build thousands more illegal and provocative "Settlements" and almost half of Jewish Israelis support ethnic cleansing.

“Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

Criticizing Israel's Right Wing extremists and their "Greater Israel" agenda is not "anti Semitic".

As a matter of fact, Israel's former Education minister confessed that repeatedly howling "anti Semite" and exploiting the Holocaust to silence justified condemnation was called "The Trick":

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

Shulamit Aloni
The more you w

The more you write the more you firmly entrench yourself as a blinded, biased conspiracy theorist. The US funds plenty of nations that have and do persecute Jews. That you can even make that conditional shows the depths of your ignorance. Your adopting certain words and phrases reflects that your position is preformed and not based on any rigorous and objective study of either the history or the current situation.

Best of luck to you and your biases.

I fully expected a pompous and puerile off topic personal attack.
After all, what's left when the facts are against you.

I'll bet you can't name one, single country that persecutes Jews and receives half of what the Right Wing Israeli lobbies have been able to extort.
Arab imperialism is mass degeneracy.

Nothing you say addresses or explains the deeply rooted
hatred among Arab supremacists towards Jews and other minoritie, before Israel,

Resorting to personal anecdotes and fake quotes only confirm
your inability to rationally justify your position.

Why don't you say what you really want?

If you're going to accuse me of using "fake quotes", the ethical thing to do would be to prove that it's indeed fake.
How about some proof instead of more hyperbolic Hasbara cut-and-paste?
I've seen it before.

Thats because the title of this thread is: "Who are the Israelis."

During the entire 10 - 11 months I spent by myself in the Islamic Middle East, I never heard the level of bigoted hatred directed at Jews as I have fanatic hatred of Arabs written by Zionist extremists in US Media and forums like this.

In other words, the everyday, working Arab with a family who would give me rides, feed me, introduce me to his friends, provide shelter expressed far less hatred of Jews than you imagine.

It's really hard to take extremist pronouncements like that seriously when Israel has a regional monopoly on nuclear weaponry and is the country with the expansionist Yinon Plan for a "Greater Israel".

That's easy: A just and durable peace which can only come when there is an equitable American Middle East Policy without unconditional US support for each and every Israeli crime and atrocity.

History has shown that repeatedly rewarding Zionist extremism and blatant land theft with countless US $ Billions only emboldens Israel's Right Wing extremists and confirms what Muslims say about AIPAC running US Foreign policy.

I hope we can agree that the present situation is unsustainable.

Unfortunately, it is Israel Right Wing government that shows even hostility to a just and durable peace because the Palestinians have nothing left to give, the Right Wing Israeli government just approved plans to build thousands more illegal and provocative "Settlements" and almost half of Jewish Israelis support ethnic cleansing.

“Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

Criticizing Israel's Right Wing extremists and their "Greater Israel" agenda is not "anti Semitic".

As a matter of fact, Israel's former Education minister confessed that repeatedly howling "anti Semite" and exploiting the Holocaust to silence justified condemnation was called "The Trick":

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

Shulamit Aloni

I fully expected a pompous and puerile off topic personal attack.
After all, what's left when the facts are against you.

I'll bet you can't name one, single country that persecutes Jews and receives half of what the Right Wing Israeli lobbies have been able to extort.
Interesting. You have moved the goal post ftom "If and when the US starts to fund a country that persecuted Jews" to now a threshold of "half". And you continue to use loaded language and speak from biased ignorance. Not unexpected.

There aren't many Jews left in Afghanistan but the country is still antisemitic and receives more than Israel. Jordan gets more than half and life for Jews there isn't good. There are very few Jews there because, among other things, "Jews are prohibited under Jordanian law from owning property or acquiring citizenship." Dodging swastikas and Israel hate, Jordan’s secret Jews slip beneath the radar
By the way, is the money given other countries simple aid or is the country required to spend it in the US to create US jobs?

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