Who are the Israelis?

Similarities Between Hebrew and Aramaic

Similarities Between Hebrew and Arabic
What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?
What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.
And Mindy incredibly in Israel too...Anyone,please explain how this can happen and how can you deminish and murder Palestinians,your cousins...Yet allow ?Zionists,promote the Nazi Cult,the very people who wished and nearly succeeded in Exterminating the Jewish peoples...maybe a throw back to the Zionists who collaborated with Hitler and sent Jews to the Gas-Charnels...Zionists are a Disgrace and always have been and always will be...This Cult have committed Crimes against Humanity Jewish & Palestinian Humanity

You're channeling Ken Livingstone now, are you?
I agree with Rocco,Your comment is pretty funny but you should know me by now Mindie,all thought I speak is through life expeirences,not some Wailings of a two-bit British politician. Period

But I do love your expression of the word "Channeling" I just wish I had thought of it...LOL

You think I don't have life experience of Israel?

My children used to live there. And I visited them.

Then there were the business trips.

I've been to Bognor Regis too. Have you?
Royal Bognor Regis,Queen Victoria loved the place,hence the Regis...mind you I prefer Brighton up the Sussex coast,I played Soccer for Brighton & Hove Albion for three seasons,Mindie

I full well know you have life experience of/in Israel,why would you think I would not,can I be personal and ask why you say they,your children lived there and you visited them?you can tell me to STFU,,,You know I worked for EL AL...steve
I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.
And Mindy incredibly in Israel too...Anyone,please explain how this can happen and how can you deminish and murder Palestinians,your cousins...Yet allow ?Zionists,promote the Nazi Cult,the very people who wished and nearly succeeded in Exterminating the Jewish peoples...maybe a throw back to the Zionists who collaborated with Hitler and sent Jews to the Gas-Charnels...Zionists are a Disgrace and always have been and always will be...This Cult have committed Crimes against Humanity Jewish & Palestinian Humanity

You're channeling Ken Livingstone now, are you?
I agree with Rocco,Your comment is pretty funny but you should know me by now Mindie,all thought I speak is through life expeirences,not some Wailings of a two-bit British politician. Period

But I do love your expression of the word "Channeling" I just wish I had thought of it...LOL

You think I don't have life experience of Israel?

My children used to live there. And I visited them.

Then there were the business trips.

I've been to Bognor Regis too. Have you?
Royal Bognor Regis,Queen Victoria loved the place,hence the Regis...mind you I prefer Brighton up the Sussex coast,I played Soccer for Brighton & Hove Albion for three seasons,Mindie

I full well know you have life experience of/in Israel,why would you think I would not,can I be personal and ask why you say they,your children lived there and you visited them?you can tell me to STFU,,,You know I worked for EL AL...steve

Yes, you said.
Israeli Democracy Index 2018

The majority of the public (53%) sees Israel’s situation in a positive light and is proud to be Israeli (88% of Jews and 51% of Arabs); For the first time the #1 tension in Israeli society is the tension between Right and Left; Israel ranks high on international indicators of political participation.

Israeli Democracy Index 2018
According to Professor Sara Hirschhorn, Americans comprise about 15 percent of the settlement population. Americans have founded a number of settlements, including Efrat and Tekoa. Originally, Americans who settled in the West Bank were liberal Jews who thought they were trailblazing pioneers like the Jews who came to Palestine in the early 20th century. Later, Americans moving to the area were predominantly Orthodox Jews.

More on settlements:

Another charge is that settlements are “illegal.” The United States has never adopted this position and legal scholars have noted that a country acting in self-defense may seize and occupy territory when necessary to protect itself. Moreover, the occupying power may require, as a condition for its withdrawal, security measures designed to ensure its citizens are not menaced again from that territory.

According to Eugene Rostow, a former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in the Johnson Administration, Resolution 242gives Israel a legal right to be in the West Bank. The resolution “allows Israel to administer the territories” it won in 1967 “until ‘a just and lasting peace in the Middle East’ is achieved,” Rostow wrote in The New Republic (10/21/91). During the debate on the resolution, he added, “speaker after speaker made it clear that Israel was not to be forced back to the ‘fragile’ and ‘vulnerable’ [1949] Armistice Demarcation Lines.”
More on settlements:

Another charge is that settlements are “illegal.” The United States has never adopted this position and legal scholars have noted that a country acting in self-defense may seize and occupy territory when necessary to protect itself. Moreover, the occupying power may require, as a condition for its withdrawal, security measures designed to ensure its citizens are not menaced again from that territory.

According to Eugene Rostow, a former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in the Johnson Administration, Resolution 242gives Israel a legal right to be in the West Bank. The resolution “allows Israel to administer the territories” it won in 1967 “until ‘a just and lasting peace in the Middle East’ is achieved,” Rostow wrote in The New Republic (10/21/91). During the debate on the resolution, he added, “speaker after speaker made it clear that Israel was not to be forced back to the ‘fragile’ and ‘vulnerable’ [1949] Armistice Demarcation Lines.”
Rostow was obviously a Zionist then,Mindie
More on settlements:

Another charge is that settlements are “illegal.” The United States has never adopted this position and legal scholars have noted that a country acting in self-defense may seize and occupy territory when necessary to protect itself. Moreover, the occupying power may require, as a condition for its withdrawal, security measures designed to ensure its citizens are not menaced again from that territory.

According to Eugene Rostow, a former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in the Johnson Administration, Resolution 242gives Israel a legal right to be in the West Bank. The resolution “allows Israel to administer the territories” it won in 1967 “until ‘a just and lasting peace in the Middle East’ is achieved,” Rostow wrote in The New Republic (10/21/91). During the debate on the resolution, he added, “speaker after speaker made it clear that Israel was not to be forced back to the ‘fragile’ and ‘vulnerable’ [1949] Armistice Demarcation Lines.”
Rostow was obviously a Zionist then,Mindie

You're obsessed.
So I wasn't here for quiet some time, during which many interesting things happened in Israel.
Look for the links on Your own, I'll just sum up th story, maybe later will bring the links...

One of the stories has to do with the city of Haifa:
Those who followed may remember, we had municipal elections a month a go.
Haifa is one of Israel's key cities, a port city and a cultural center with a significant Arab population.
Under the last mayor, who was obsessed with affirmative action - Hamas flags were found in Haifa university lockers, Arabs were allowed to organize demonstrations shouting genocidal slogans, Jewish Orthodox community was abandoned, ethnic tension rose, vandalism of Jewish houses became a norm (as a tactic for lowering the prices of certain apartment buildings) pollution not treated, a city that was the first high-tech capital of Israel became a total mess.

In reality he left the city with a program of 1937, failing every task put before him during his 2 terms.

Enters the new mayor, a candidate who was initially supported by the orthodox community, and as she enters office, her vice opens his mouth in support of Hezballah and Hamas. When people demanded he withdrew it and apologize - he refuses. Things go viral, Knesset members and even the PM protest. The mayor stands by her vice claiming she signed an agreement she can't break and it goes back and forth for several weeks.

So what happens next? I receive a message on Whatsapp "Tomorrow in such and such time and place - TAKE YOUR CARS AND BLOCK THE ROADS!"

The next day he pronounced his resignation...:scared1:
Last edited:
Oh yes and by the way - Israel is going into parliamentary elections March 2019.
Rains of Blessing - watch the full flow of the rivers of Israel
This is how it looks in streams throughout our beautiful country: full and strong flow following the rains in recent days.

The rain is expected to fall in the coming days as well. During the Sabbath the rain is expected to weaken and diminish but on Sunday it will return strongly, together with snow that is expected to descend on Mount Hermon.

(Banias - Vitaly Grander photography)
Record exports from Israel: more than $ 110 billion in 2018
A jump of 8% compared with 2017 • Exports to Asia jumped, but its share in the US declined • Export Institute CEO: "World trade war will challenge us significantly in 2019"

"The government's goal was to cross the $ 120 billion mark in 2020, but by 2018 the Israeli economy had broken a new record and amounted to more than $ 110 billion," Eli Cohen, the minister of economy and industry, told Israel Today.

After rising by 8% in 2017 and amounting to $ 103 billion, Israel's exports are expected to grow by an additional 8%, to a total of more than $ 110 billion in the past year. This emerges from a preliminary summary of total export data for 2018 conducted by the Export Institute and the Ministry of Economics and Industry. This is a rate of growth significantly higher than the rate of growth in world trade, which is expected to stand at 4.2% in 2018.

(ELECTIONS) - A day after retirement: the surveys are published
Is the retirement of Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked from the Jewish Home party changing the political map? The surveys of the three major channels are published with the answers to the intriguing puzzle

The main question is how many seats the new right-wing party wins, and is the connection between Ganz-Ya'alon worthwhile?

In a survey published in the main edition of the news agency by the sample institute in cooperation with iPanel of Dr. Mina Tzemach and Mano Geva among 510 respondents, it would be found that if the elections were held today, the results would be:

The Likud 28
Resilience to Israel headed by Benny Gantz 14
There is a future 12
Shared List 12
The Zionist Camp 9
United Torah Judaism 9
Shas 6
Meretz 6
The New Right, headed by Ayelet Shaked and Naftali Bennett 6
We are all 6
Israel Our Home 5
Bridge headed by Orly Levy 5
The Jewish Home - National Union 4

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