Who are the Israelis?

Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?

Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
I cannot understand why you have to fly the Star of David and others always promoting how great Israel is,it can be irritating,for example food and cusine(which actually are mostly Palestinian,Turkish a Bedouin) Solar(Australia) and Hygrology(Netherlands)

You do it to try to Legitimize Israel and or Zionism

You cannot understand because unlike with Israel,
there's no such thing as distinct Palestinian cuisine or any distinct Palestinian national symbol.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

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Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?
Jewish refugees kicked out of Arab lands

O those poor Jews


how about you being kicked out of Australia?

poor you

Because unlike you,I am not a Parasite

You're not? .
What did the Islamist trash ever "contributed" to the world except for suicide bombing?

Latest one here in Europe. Not far from me.

Did Europe already send a formal apology?
German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
Bundestag is an illegally occupied mosque, and Berlin has always been a part of Arabia.

Now You know.
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Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
OK Lipbrush this is the most Original and Truthful thing I can say...You are not a Pure Race and were never the ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF WHAT TODAY YOU CALL ISRAEL....AND LIKE ALL OF YOU ABRAHAM WAS NOT BORN A JEW BUT LIKE YOU WAS A CONVERT...in fact all people who call themselves Jews are converts....remember in your seminal years you started as Arabs...and diverged...but like anyone and everyone, Arabs too, can still today convert to a Jew...Now Bow To Me
Arabs originated from an Egyptian maidservant.
Usually it's the sons of the maidservants who bow down to royalty.
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Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.

What difference does it make if German police can't prevent the actual attacks.
Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.

What difference does it make if German police can't prevent the actual attacks.

None, I suppose.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?
I hear this propaganda argument all the time. Arafat's father was a Palestinian who happened to be working in Egypt at the time. His siblings were born in Palestine.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada. John McCain was born in Panama. Both qualified to run for President of the US as natural born citizens.

Actually Arafat family on both sides comes from Arabian royalty.
Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

People usually think that anyone living in the middle east is supposed to be an Arab.
That's of course convenient after they've erased 95% of non-Arabs in the whole region and forced their culture down the throat of the remaining 5% indigenous populations.
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The Israel-Palestine Conflict: The Islamic War on Israel

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Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
I cannot understand why you have to fly the Star of David and others always promoting how great Israel is,it can be irritating,for example food and cusine(which actually are mostly Palestinian,Turkish a Bedouin) Solar(Australia) and Hygrology(Netherlands)

You do it to try to Legitimize Israel and or Zionism

You cannot understand because unlike with Israel,
there's no such thing as distinct Palestinian cuisine or any distinct Palestinian national symbol.
Lets start with Falafael sic then you give me an authentic Israeli middle eastern dish
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Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

People usually think that anyone living in the middle east is supposed to be an Arab.
That's of course convenient after they've erased 95% of non-Arabs in the whole region and forced their culture down the throat of the remaining 5% indigenous populations.
Wrong the Israeites,started this by ELIMINATED THE MOABITES,then if you wish I will continue all the peoples you have eliminated from the Earth...I hope you have your Armour handy because this will be a fight to the Death,,,and I don't lose as you know
Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
OK Lipbrush this is the most Original and Truthful thing I can say...You are not a Pure Race and were never the ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF WHAT TODAY YOU CALL ISRAEL....AND LIKE ALL OF YOU ABRAHAM WAS NOT BORN A JEW BUT LIKE YOU WAS A CONVERT...in fact all people who call themselves Jews are converts....remember in your seminal years you started as Arabs...and diverged...but like anyone and everyone, Arabs too, can still today convert to a Jew...Now Bow To Me
Arabs originated from an Egyptian maidservant.
Usually it's the sons of the maidservants who bow down to royalty.
NO Like you and I they come from a peoples out of Tanzania(today) No matter what you are and where you are from on the Earth,we all have this seminal DNA...FACT
Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
OK Lipbrush this is the most Original and Truthful thing I can say...You are not a Pure Race and were never the ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF WHAT TODAY YOU CALL ISRAEL....AND LIKE ALL OF YOU ABRAHAM WAS NOT BORN A JEW BUT LIKE YOU WAS A CONVERT...in fact all people who call themselves Jews are converts....remember in your seminal years you started as Arabs...and diverged...but like anyone and everyone, Arabs too, can still today convert to a Jew...Now Bow To Me
Arabs originated from an Egyptian maidservant.
Usually it's the sons of the maidservants who bow down to royalty.

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