Who are the Israelis?

Israeli settlers send a message to Muslims

YAWN, still whipping up hate,I see

You can't stand seeing people send a message of coexistence.

What's wrong with You?

What's Wrong With You...Co-Existence where one side the Zionist Trash want to eliminate the other and drive them into the sea...This is not co-existence...It is Ugly Damnation and Predudice and as I said...YAWN,not just continually whipping up Hate and blatant Lies as is seen continually by your and others HATEFUL POSTS...you are all Ugly Lying Shits,just admit it,,,and Please save us from your obsequeious slavery to your Zionist Cult

We are sick of your IGNORANCE,There is something wrong with You and it's BULLSHIT

by the way,The Real Invaders were the Israelites,who Slaughtered and Eliminated the Canaanites & Moabites and stole there Land...and you tried to do the same to the Palestinians/

You know not the minute nor the hour,you lying Zionist...HOW DARE YOU SPEAK

Do You usually curse when trying to look smart?
The only clear message I get from You is hate of Israel
and anyone sending a message of future coexistence.

As for Your permission to speak, You're probably confusing Israel with one of those Muslim shitholes where they actually take CJihadi princesses like You seriously.

You have to realize you’re trying to correspond with a piece of Garbage. His prior statement about the Israelis killing the Canaanites and the Moabites are mentioned in the Bible; he is too stupid to realize that not everything can be taken literally

Yet you base your existence on such texts,who is stupid now,DUH
Australia should not let any more Islamists in the country.

all these people claiming they belong there....

give me a break
The 21-year-old mother is in stable condition in the critical care unit after undergoing surgery and has yet to regain consciousness.

At least seven people were wounded Sunday by gunfire shot from a passing Palestinian vehicle near Ofra Junction in the West Bank: a 21-year-old pregnant woman was seriously wounded; her husband and another victim were moderately wounded; and four 16-year-old teens were lightly wounded

The shots were fired towards Israeli civilians who took part in a candle-lighting ceremony in memory of a car accident victim, at a bus station near the junction. IDF troops who were present nearby responded by firing towards the suspect vehicle, which fled.

Shooting attack in Ofra: at least 7 wounded, including a pregnant woman

UPDATE: An improvement in the condition of Shira Ish-Ran, the mother who was wounded in the attack in Ofra, and is now awake and communicating. The condition of her baby who was born is surgery continues to be very difficult.

Call for Help to All House of Israel !
It is important!! A Joint Psalms read for the quick and full recovery of Ish-Ran family.
Say their names before reading, so that each letter and verse we pronounce is accredited to the virtue of the baby and his family:

  • the baby son of Shira Ya'el,
  • Shira Ya'el bat Liora Sarah,
  • 'Amhai Yishay ben Feiga Gitl Glilah
When you finish reading, press the button to confirm "I finished reading the chapter" !! Their picture is here ... May they soon receive many joys!
*optional link Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 1
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Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

The 21-year-old mother is in stable condition in the critical care unit after undergoing surgery and has yet to regain consciousness.

At least seven people were wounded Sunday by gunfire shot from a passing Palestinian vehicle near Ofra Junction in the West Bank: a 21-year-old pregnant woman was seriously wounded; her husband and another victim were moderately wounded; and four 16-year-old teens were lightly wounded

The shots were fired towards Israeli civilians who took part in a candle-lighting ceremony in memory of a car accident victim, at a bus station near the junction. IDF troops who were present nearby responded by firing towards the suspect vehicle, which fled.

Shooting attack in Ofra: at least 7 wounded, including a pregnant woman

UPDATE: An improvement in the condition of Shira Ish-Ran, the mother who was wounded in the attack in Ofra, and is now awake and communicating. The condition of her baby who was born is surgery continues to be very difficult.

Call for Help to All House of Israel !
It is important!! A Joint Psalms read for the quick and full recovery of Ish-Ran family.
Say their names before reading, so that each letter and verse we pronounce is accredited to the virtue of the baby and his family:

  • the baby son of Shira Ya'el,
  • Shira Ya'el bat Liora Sarah,
  • 'Amhai Yishay ben Feiga Gitl Glilah
When you finish reading, press the button to confirm "I finished reading the chapter" !! Their picture is here ... May they soon receive many joys!
*optional link Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 1
And 100,000's of Palestinians have been SLAUGHTERED BY ZIONIST TERRORISTS you are the AGGESSORS AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN
The 21-year-old mother is in stable condition in the critical care unit after undergoing surgery and has yet to regain consciousness.

At least seven people were wounded Sunday by gunfire shot from a passing Palestinian vehicle near Ofra Junction in the West Bank: a 21-year-old pregnant woman was seriously wounded; her husband and another victim were moderately wounded; and four 16-year-old teens were lightly wounded

The shots were fired towards Israeli civilians who took part in a candle-lighting ceremony in memory of a car accident victim, at a bus station near the junction. IDF troops who were present nearby responded by firing towards the suspect vehicle, which fled.

Shooting attack in Ofra: at least 7 wounded, including a pregnant woman

UPDATE: An improvement in the condition of Shira Ish-Ran, the mother who was wounded in the attack in Ofra, and is now awake and communicating. The condition of her baby who was born is surgery continues to be very difficult.

Call for Help to All House of Israel !
It is important!! A Joint Psalms read for the quick and full recovery of Ish-Ran family.
Say their names before reading, so that each letter and verse we pronounce is accredited to the virtue of the baby and his family:

  • the baby son of Shira Ya'el,
  • Shira Ya'el bat Liora Sarah,
  • 'Amhai Yishay ben Feiga Gitl Glilah
When you finish reading, press the button to confirm "I finished reading the chapter" !! Their picture is here ... May they soon receive many joys!
*optional link Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 1
And 100,000's of Palestinians have been SLAUGHTERED BY ZIONIST TERRORISTS you are the AGGESSORS AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN

They brought it on themselves. You don't start a war you cannot possibly win and then complain once you lose. Did we force them to shoot the first fire back in 1948?
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
The 21-year-old mother is in stable condition in the critical care unit after undergoing surgery and has yet to regain consciousness.

At least seven people were wounded Sunday by gunfire shot from a passing Palestinian vehicle near Ofra Junction in the West Bank: a 21-year-old pregnant woman was seriously wounded; her husband and another victim were moderately wounded; and four 16-year-old teens were lightly wounded

The shots were fired towards Israeli civilians who took part in a candle-lighting ceremony in memory of a car accident victim, at a bus station near the junction. IDF troops who were present nearby responded by firing towards the suspect vehicle, which fled.

Shooting attack in Ofra: at least 7 wounded, including a pregnant woman

UPDATE: An improvement in the condition of Shira Ish-Ran, the mother who was wounded in the attack in Ofra, and is now awake and communicating. The condition of her baby who was born is surgery continues to be very difficult.

Call for Help to All House of Israel !
It is important!! A Joint Psalms read for the quick and full recovery of Ish-Ran family.
Say their names before reading, so that each letter and verse we pronounce is accredited to the virtue of the baby and his family:

  • the baby son of Shira Ya'el,
  • Shira Ya'el bat Liora Sarah,
  • 'Amhai Yishay ben Feiga Gitl Glilah
When you finish reading, press the button to confirm "I finished reading the chapter" !! Their picture is here ... May they soon receive many joys!
*optional link Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 1
And 100,000's of Palestinians have been SLAUGHTERED BY ZIONIST TERRORISTS you are the AGGESSORS AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN

They brought it on themselves. You don't start a war you cannot possibly win and then complain once you lose. Did we force them to shoot the first fire back in 1948?
Your Zionist distortion of history demean you as a human being,even your Zionist leaders admit there position way back to the 1920's of the Aggessor and their desire to take Palestine and the Elimination of the Palestinian Nation...WHY...moreover virtually all of your Prime Ministers have been Zionists FIRST and Jews SECOND...just STOP bloody LYING in an effort to give yourselves Legitamacy...IT'S SICK
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
OK Lipbrush this is the most Original and Truthful thing I can say...You are not a Pure Race and were never the ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF WHAT TODAY YOU CALL ISRAEL....AND LIKE ALL OF YOU ABRAHAM WAS NOT BORN A JEW BUT LIKE YOU WAS A CONVERT...in fact all people who call themselves Jews are converts....remember in your seminal years you started as Arabs...and diverged...but like anyone and everyone, Arabs too, can still today convert to a Jew...Now Bow To Me
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
OK Lipbrush this is the most Original and Truthful thing I can say...You are not a Pure Race and were never the ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF WHAT TODAY YOU CALL ISRAEL....AND LIKE ALL OF YOU ABRAHAM WAS NOT BORN A JEW BUT LIKE YOU WAS A CONVERT...in fact all people who call themselves Jews are converts....remember in your seminal years you started as Arabs...and diverged...but like anyone and everyone, Arabs can still today convert to a Jew...Now Bow To Me

Why do you talk like this?
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.
OMG...yet another Weirdo,The Jewish People and Nation have been with us pleasingly and productively but much miligned and appaullingly treated for 4000 years

Zionism since circa 1880's a cult originated by a GAY(no big deal) Athiest(no big deal) Jew(none Zionist at the time)

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Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
OK Lipbrush this is the most Original and Truthful thing I can say...You are not a Pure Race and were never the ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF WHAT TODAY YOU CALL ISRAEL....AND LIKE ALL OF YOU ABRAHAM WAS NOT BORN A JEW BUT LIKE YOU WAS A CONVERT...in fact all people who call themselves Jews are converts....remember in your seminal years you started as Arabs...and diverged...but like anyone and everyone, Arabs can still today convert to a Jew...Now Bow To Me

Why do you talk like this?
Because...I like to speak the truth in a morass of Bullshit,to be truthful,Truthful with much Respect to You Lady...steve
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?
I hear this propaganda argument all the time. Arafat's father was a Palestinian who happened to be working in Egypt at the time. His siblings were born in Palestine.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada. John McCain was born in Panama. Both qualified to run for President of the US as natural born citizens.
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
I cannot understand why you have to fly the Star of David and others always promoting how great Israel is,it can be irritating,for example food and cusine(which actually are mostly Palestinian,Turkish a Bedouin) Solar(Australia) and Hygrology(Netherlands)

You do it to try to Legitimize Israel and or Zionism
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve
Is it any wonder why Islamists perpetuate such ridiculous distortions of facts?

The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander who is responsible for extermination of Jews both in Europe and Arab countries.
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