Who are the Israelis?

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?

This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.

And Mindy incredibly in Israel too...Anyone,please explain how this can happen and how can you deminish and murder Palestinians,your cousins...Yet allow ?Zionists,promote the Nazi Cult,the very people who wished and nearly succeeded in Exterminating the Jewish peoples...maybe a throw back to the Zionists who collaborated with Hitler and sent Jews to the Gas-Charnels...Zionists are a Disgrace and always have been and always will be...This Cult have committed Crimes against Humanity Jewish & Palestinian Humanity
Last edited:
Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

Says the guy with a swastika sticking out of his ass.
The whole Palestinian shtick was run by a known SS commander and his bourgeoisie family.

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
Bundestag is an illegally occupied mosque, and Berlin has always been a part of Arabia.

Now You know.

You have lost it mentally...Ry'l WTF are you saying now!!!!
Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.

German Jews, before the Holocaust, had a loyalty to Germany. Some had even fought for the country in WW1. Awarded the Iron Cross for it.

Look at the thanks they got for their patriotism in WW2.

Moreover the Zionist Collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for sending innocent Jews to the Charnels of DEATH...yet today these very people run Israel,what a horrible situation for Real Jewish Folk,,,Zionists have NO BIRTH RIGHT TO PALESTINE,AS THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OF THIS LAND,SECONDLY,ZIONISTS HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL BECAUSE THE ARE CONVERTS TO JUDIASM AND NOT JEWS AT ALL,AS THE ULTRA JEWS WILL TELL YOU...THEIR BIRTH RIGHT IS CENTRAL ASIA OR AFRICA....THESE ARE THE FACTS.AND NO AMOUNT OF ZIONIST CULT LYING CAN CHANGE THE TRUTH...steve

And the Palestinians originated from Egypt, Syria, Jordan anf so on. Arafat was not a Palestinian, now was he? Do you know where he was even born?...yet he fooled everyone to think he was something he could never really be...

I'm still waiting for you to start naking arguments which are not based on propaganda. I've heard all these rediculous unbased claims before. Think about something original.
I cannot understand why you have to fly the Star of David and others always promoting how great Israel is,it can be irritating,for example food and cusine(which actually are mostly Palestinian,Turkish a Bedouin) Solar(Australia) and Hygrology(Netherlands)

You do it to try to Legitimize Israel and or Zionism

You cannot understand because unlike with Israel,
there's no such thing as distinct Palestinian cuisine or any distinct Palestinian national symbol.
Jewish refugees kicked out of Arab lands

O those poor Jews


how about you being kicked out of Australia?

poor you

Because unlike you,I am not a Parasite

You're not? .
When was the last time an Islamist trash "contributed" anything to civilization?

Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.
OMG...yet another Weirdo,The Jewish People and Nation have been with us pleasingly and productively but much miligned and appaullingly treated for 4000 years

Zionism since circa 1880's a cult originated by a GAY(no big deal) Athiest(no big deal) Jew(none Zionist at the time)


I am an ardent and very proud Zionist. I happily throw my saddle in with the ideology that has done more to humiliate and debilitate the filthy, perverted ideology of Islam and its scumbag followers, than any other.
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.
OMG...yet another Weirdo,The Jewish People and Nation have been with us pleasingly and productively but much miligned and appaullingly treated for 4000 years

Zionism since circa 1880's a cult originated by a GAY(no big deal) Athiest(no big deal) Jew(none Zionist at the time)


I am an ardent and very proud Zionist. I happily throw my saddle in with the ideology that has done more to humiliate and debilitate the filthy, perverted ideology of Islam and its scumbag followers, than any other.
That is Typical of the Zionist Terrorist Cultist,the arrogance of your creed comes to the fore with your misplaced ideology...Yes we have witnessed your Humiliation,Debilitation,Murder and attempted Extermination of the Palestinian People,You Filth who calls yourself a Jew...You are a LIAR a Convert and the Killer of Real Jews as the Ultras will explain to you,they regard you as NON JEWS and they are correct.

I have found so many Zionists compared to the norm to be Perverted,I'm sure you are one,anyhow how is Downtown Palestine these days?,what you call Israel,the rest of the world call Zionstan.

Zionism "The Original and ever present Terrorist Organization" Should be Banned, You may be Ardent,Cultists Always Are...But how could any normal person be Proud of being a Zionist considering their Dreadful,Criminal past and present......Like many Zionists.you are Sexually Inadequate...When you make statements as you did always be prepared to be savaged by the Good and the Faithful to the Truth,I'm theliq Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Who are the Israelis? A wondrous, enterprising nation representing the highest echelon of Jewry, Jewish values and Jewish life.

They are also the archetypal arbiters of righteous retribution to mete out to Islamic Jihadists who surround them and endeavor for their destruction. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of the proverbial Israeli playbook vis-à-vis the Palestinians.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.
OMG...yet another Weirdo,The Jewish People and Nation have been with us pleasingly and productively but much miligned and appaullingly treated for 4000 years

Zionism since circa 1880's a cult originated by a GAY(no big deal) Athiest(no big deal) Jew(none Zionist at the time)


I am an ardent and very proud Zionist. I happily throw my saddle in with the ideology that has done more to humiliate and debilitate the filthy, perverted ideology of Islam and its scumbag followers, than any other.
That is Typical of the Zionist Terrorist Cultist,the arrogance of your creed comes to the fore with your misplaced ideology...Yes we have witnessed your Humiliation,Debilitation,Murder and attempted Extermination of the Palestinian People,You Filth who calls yourself a Jew...You are a LIAR a Convert and the Killer of Real Jews as the Ultras will explain to you,they regard you as NON JEWS and they are correct.

I have found so many Zionists compared to the norm to be Perverted,I'm sure you are one,anyhow how is Downtown Palestine these days?,what you call Israel,the rest of the world call Zionstan.

Zionism "The Original and ever present Terrorist Organization" Should be Banned, You may be Ardent,Cultists Always Are...But how could any normal person be Proud of being a Zionist considering their Dreadful,Criminal past and present......Like many Zionists.you are Sexually Inadequate...When you make statements as you did always be prepared to be savaged by the Good and the Faithful to the Truth,I'm theliq Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

The "Palestinians" you refer to are nothing more than the criminal Muslim Arab underbelly polluting Israeli society. Sadly the Christian Arabs get miscast with your ilk and also suffer collateral damage, but if anyone is to blame it is Muslims and their actions.

I'm not Jewish. I have never lived in Israel and don't plan on it- though I have visited before and came away loving it.

"Like many Zionists, you are sexually inadequate". Send your Muslimah mother, sisters, wives and daughters my way to test this theory out, why don't cha?

"TheLiq"? LOL. What a pansy.
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.
OMG...yet another Weirdo,The Jewish People and Nation have been with us pleasingly and productively but much miligned and appaullingly treated for 4000 years

Zionism since circa 1880's a cult originated by a GAY(no big deal) Athiest(no big deal) Jew(none Zionist at the time)


I am an ardent and very proud Zionist. I happily throw my saddle in with the ideology that has done more to humiliate and debilitate the filthy, perverted ideology of Islam and its scumbag followers, than any other.
That is Typical of the Zionist Terrorist Cultist,the arrogance of your creed comes to the fore with your misplaced ideology...Yes we have witnessed your Humiliation,Debilitation,Murder and attempted Extermination of the Palestinian People,You Filth who calls yourself a Jew...You are a LIAR a Convert and the Killer of Real Jews as the Ultras will explain to you,they regard you as NON JEWS and they are correct.

I have found so many Zionists compared to the norm to be Perverted,I'm sure you are one,anyhow how is Downtown Palestine these days?,what you call Israel,the rest of the world call Zionstan.

Zionism "The Original and ever present Terrorist Organization" Should be Banned, You may be Ardent,Cultists Always Are...But how could any normal person be Proud of being a Zionist considering their Dreadful,Criminal past and present......Like many Zionists.you are Sexually Inadequate...When you make statements as you did always be prepared to be savaged by the Good and the Faithful to the Truth,I'm theliq Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

The "Palestinians" you refer to are nothing more than the criminal Muslim Arab underbelly polluting Israeli society. Sadly the Christian Arabs get miscast with your ilk and also suffer collateral damage, but if anyone is to blame it is Muslims and their actions.

I'm not Jewish. I have never lived in Israel and don't plan on it- though I have visited before and came away loving it.

"Like many Zionists, you are sexually inadequate". Send your Muslimah mother, sisters, wives and daughters my way to test this theory out, why don't cha?

"TheLiq"? LOL. What a pansy.
Well I drew you out quickly enough,nothing you said really rang true,I know and understand Zionists

Well they don't want Sexually Inadequates like you...but Wank On and Wank Off...TRUE SS,that's is what you are a member of the SS
Like this guy?

This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

Like this guy?


This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.

And Mindy incredibly in Israel too...Anyone,please explain how this can happen and how can you deminish and murder Palestinians,your cousins...Yet allow ?Zionists,promote the Nazi Cult,the very people who wished and nearly succeeded in Exterminating the Jewish peoples...maybe a throw back to the Zionists who collaborated with Hitler and sent Jews to the Gas-Charnels...Zionists are a Disgrace and always have been and always will be...This Cult have committed Crimes against Humanity Jewish & Palestinian Humanity

You're channeling Ken Livingstone now, are you?
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ theliq, et al,

The term "Arab" and its origin is NOT (I thought - I could be wrong) as obvious as one might think. It was a term the Assyrian Royalty used (nearly 3000 years ago) to describe the followers and people of "Gindibu the Aribi."

Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

Gindibu the "Aribi," was one of the 12 Kings that aligned against the Assyrians (inhabitant of ancient Assyria). The original Assyrians are not the same as Arabs.

I once ran into a DSS Agent who, when asked, called herself an Assyrian, to mask the fact that she was really Iraqi. Assyrians are not Arabs.

While in modern times, we consider most of the Middle East to be Arab, originally → it was part of Assyria. That is why (I think - again I could be wrong) you hear older and the more educated Arab Palestinians making a distinction. However, over time, the distinction has become mute, as centuries of assimilation and re-assimilation has evolved into the political landscape we've come to know today.

❖ Example: Palestinian Arab
Palestinian Arab Official Admits Killing Israelis is not terror said:
This is why peace is impossible with the fake people who claim they are “Palestinians.” All they want to do is murder Jews and destroy Israel. An official of the Palestinian Authority said this. He works right under PA leader Abbas.
SOURCE: Israel News (IsraelUnwired) Palestinian Arab Official Admits “Killing Israelis is not Terror, it’s Legitimate” By: Avi Abelow, September 24, 2018
❖ Example: Arabs of Palestine used by the Arab Higher Committee
Paragraph 13 - Arab Palestinian Threat Document Before Independence A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948 said:
(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.
SOURCE: UNPC A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948.

Most Respectfully,
This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

This guy and the rest of the neanderthals who run the Palestinian show.

Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.

And Mindy incredibly in Israel too...Anyone,please explain how this can happen and how can you deminish and murder Palestinians,your cousins...Yet allow ?Zionists,promote the Nazi Cult,the very people who wished and nearly succeeded in Exterminating the Jewish peoples...maybe a throw back to the Zionists who collaborated with Hitler and sent Jews to the Gas-Charnels...Zionists are a Disgrace and always have been and always will be...This Cult have committed Crimes against Humanity Jewish & Palestinian Humanity

You're channeling Ken Livingstone now, are you?

I agree with Rocco,Your comment is pretty funny but you should know me by now Mindie,all thought I speak is through life expeirences,not some Wailings of a two-bit British politician. Period

But I do love your expression of the word "Channeling" I just wish I had thought of it...LOL
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ theliq, et al,

The term "Arab" and its origin is NOT (I thought - I could be wrong) as obvious as one might think. It was a term the Assyrian Royalty used (nearly 3000 years ago) to describe the followers and people of "Gindibu the Aribi."

Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

Gindibu the "Aribi," was one of the 12 Kings that aligned against the Assyrians (inhabitant of ancient Assyria). The original Assyrians are not the same as Arabs.
I once ran into a DSS Agent who, when asked, called herself an Assyrian, to mask the fact that she was really Iraqi. Assyrians are not Arabs.

While in modern times, we consider most of the Middle East to be Arab, originally → it was part of Assyria. That is why (I think - again I could be wrong) you hear older and the more educated Arab Palestinians making a distinction. However, over time, the distinction has become mute, as centuries of assimilation and re-assimilation has evolved into the political landscape we've come to know today.

❖ Example: Palestinian Arab
Palestinian Arab Official Admits Killing Israelis is not terror said:
This is why peace is impossible with the fake people who claim they are “Palestinians.” All they want to do is murder Jews and destroy Israel. An official of the Palestinian Authority said this. He works right under PA leader Abbas.
SOURCE: Israel News (IsraelUnwired) Palestinian Arab Official Admits “Killing Israelis is not Terror, it’s Legitimate” By: Avi Abelow, September 24, 2018
❖ Example: Arabs of Palestine used by the Arab Higher Committee
Paragraph 13 - Arab Palestinian Threat Document Before Independence A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948 said:
(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.
SOURCE: UNPC A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you so much Rocco for your intelligent exposea on those Mighty Assyians who had an incredible Empire,In fact it was them after their defeat of Nebukanesser sic,forced the early Jews out of Mesopetamia also sic.

Why should the Palestinians have meekly given up their Land Rocco, on an arbitary decision by the UN moreover which was underhand...No like you they would fight for their Land...As for your inflammatory statement "Killing Israelis ect,."
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE ZIONISTS SAID PRIOR TO AND AFTER 1948 TOWARDS THE PALESTINIANS...You can at times be very disingenerous sic at times Rocco,saying that I find you one of the most intresting and intelligent persons on here...With Respect(when you are Fair and Objective from both sides) excuse my grammar and spelling tonight,,,steve
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ theliq, et al,

The term "Arab" and its origin is NOT (I thought - I could be wrong) as obvious as one might think. It was a term the Assyrian Royalty used (nearly 3000 years ago) to describe the followers and people of "Gindibu the Aribi."

Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

Gindibu the "Aribi," was one of the 12 Kings that aligned against the Assyrians (inhabitant of ancient Assyria). The original Assyrians are not the same as Arabs.
I once ran into a DSS Agent who, when asked, called herself an Assyrian, to mask the fact that she was really Iraqi. Assyrians are not Arabs.

While in modern times, we consider most of the Middle East to be Arab, originally → it was part of Assyria. That is why (I think - again I could be wrong) you hear older and the more educated Arab Palestinians making a distinction. However, over time, the distinction has become mute, as centuries of assimilation and re-assimilation has evolved into the political landscape we've come to know today.

❖ Example: Palestinian Arab
Palestinian Arab Official Admits Killing Israelis is not terror said:
This is why peace is impossible with the fake people who claim they are “Palestinians.” All they want to do is murder Jews and destroy Israel. An official of the Palestinian Authority said this. He works right under PA leader Abbas.
SOURCE: Israel News (IsraelUnwired) Palestinian Arab Official Admits “Killing Israelis is not Terror, it’s Legitimate” By: Avi Abelow, September 24, 2018
❖ Example: Arabs of Palestine used by the Arab Higher Committee
Paragraph 13 - Arab Palestinian Threat Document Before Independence A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948 said:
(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.
SOURCE: UNPC A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you so much Rocco for your intelligent exposea on those Mighty Assyians who had an incredible Empire,In fact it was them after their defeat of Nebukanesser sic,forced the early Jews out of Mesopetamia also sic.

Why should the Palestinians have meekly given up their Land Rocco, on an arbitary decision by the UN moreover which was underhand...No like you they would fight for their Land...As for your inflammatory statement "Killing Israelis ect,."
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE ZIONISTS SAID PRIOR TO AND AFTER 1948 TOWARDS THE PALESTINIANS...You can at times be very disingenerous sic at times Rocco,saying that I find you one of the most intresting and intelligent persons on here...With Respect(when you are Fair and Objective from both sides) excuse my grammar and spelling tonight,,,steve
ps Much of what the Assyians invented (Achiemedies Screw for one) was incorrectly claimed by the Greeks,Typical of the Bubble and Squeaks(Cockney Slang for Greeks) st
Nice to see such IDIOCY in Print...you mean't Zionism/ists...you should never use the words Zionist and Jew in the same sentence....For obvious reasons,which you personally seem incapable of understanding

Zionism is the Jewish idea that they have a birthright claim on the land of Israel.

All true Jews are Zionists.
OMG...yet another Weirdo,The Jewish People and Nation have been with us pleasingly and productively but much miligned and appaullingly treated for 4000 years

Zionism since circa 1880's a cult originated by a GAY(no big deal) Athiest(no big deal) Jew(none Zionist at the time)


I am an ardent and very proud Zionist. I happily throw my saddle in with the ideology that has done more to humiliate and debilitate the filthy, perverted ideology of Islam and its scumbag followers, than any other.
That is Typical of the Zionist Terrorist Cultist,the arrogance of your creed comes to the fore with your misplaced ideology...Yes we have witnessed your Humiliation,Debilitation,Murder and attempted Extermination of the Palestinian People,You Filth who calls yourself a Jew...You are a LIAR a Convert and the Killer of Real Jews as the Ultras will explain to you,they regard you as NON JEWS and they are correct.

I have found so many Zionists compared to the norm to be Perverted,I'm sure you are one,anyhow how is Downtown Palestine these days?,what you call Israel,the rest of the world call Zionstan.

Zionism "The Original and ever present Terrorist Organization" Should be Banned, You may be Ardent,Cultists Always Are...But how could any normal person be Proud of being a Zionist considering their Dreadful,Criminal past and present......Like many Zionists.you are Sexually Inadequate...When you make statements as you did always be prepared to be savaged by the Good and the Faithful to the Truth,I'm theliq Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

The "Palestinians" you refer to are nothing more than the criminal Muslim Arab underbelly polluting Israeli society. Sadly the Christian Arabs get miscast with your ilk and also suffer collateral damage, but if anyone is to blame it is Muslims and their actions.

I'm not Jewish. I have never lived in Israel and don't plan on it- though I have visited before and came away loving it.

"Like many Zionists, you are sexually inadequate". Send your Muslimah mother, sisters, wives and daughters my way to test this theory out, why don't cha?

"TheLiq"? LOL. What a pansy.
Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?
Where was that? Germany?

What Germany?
You mean the colonial entity that occupies Islam's holy city of Berlin?

I mean, that to invoke Hitler and the 'salute' is against the law in Germany.

But that lot seemed to get away with it.
And Mindy incredibly in Israel too...Anyone,please explain how this can happen and how can you deminish and murder Palestinians,your cousins...Yet allow ?Zionists,promote the Nazi Cult,the very people who wished and nearly succeeded in Exterminating the Jewish peoples...maybe a throw back to the Zionists who collaborated with Hitler and sent Jews to the Gas-Charnels...Zionists are a Disgrace and always have been and always will be...This Cult have committed Crimes against Humanity Jewish & Palestinian Humanity

You're channeling Ken Livingstone now, are you?
I agree with Rocco,Your comment is pretty funny but you should know me by now Mindie,all thought I speak is through life expeirences,not some Wailings of a two-bit British politician. Period

But I do love your expression of the word "Channeling" I just wish I had thought of it...LOL

You think I don't have life experience of Israel?

My children used to live there. And I visited them.

Then there were the business trips.

I've been to Bognor Regis too. Have you?
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ theliq, et al,

The term "Arab" and its origin is NOT (I thought - I could be wrong) as obvious as one might think. It was a term the Assyrian Royalty used (nearly 3000 years ago) to describe the followers and people of "Gindibu the Aribi."

Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

Gindibu the "Aribi," was one of the 12 Kings that aligned against the Assyrians (inhabitant of ancient Assyria). The original Assyrians are not the same as Arabs.
I once ran into a DSS Agent who, when asked, called herself an Assyrian, to mask the fact that she was really Iraqi. Assyrians are not Arabs.

While in modern times, we consider most of the Middle East to be Arab, originally → it was part of Assyria. That is why (I think - again I could be wrong) you hear older and the more educated Arab Palestinians making a distinction. However, over time, the distinction has become mute, as centuries of assimilation and re-assimilation has evolved into the political landscape we've come to know today.

❖ Example: Palestinian Arab
Palestinian Arab Official Admits Killing Israelis is not terror said:
This is why peace is impossible with the fake people who claim they are “Palestinians.” All they want to do is murder Jews and destroy Israel. An official of the Palestinian Authority said this. He works right under PA leader Abbas.
SOURCE: Israel News (IsraelUnwired) Palestinian Arab Official Admits “Killing Israelis is not Terror, it’s Legitimate” By: Avi Abelow, September 24, 2018
❖ Example: Arabs of Palestine used by the Arab Higher Committee
Paragraph 13 - Arab Palestinian Threat Document Before Independence A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948 said:
(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.
SOURCE: UNPC A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948.

Most Respectfully,

They all came from the Arabian Peninsula, I believe. Expanding here there and everywhere with Mohammed's religious colonisations. I read his biography.
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ theliq, et al,

The term "Arab" and its origin is NOT (I thought - I could be wrong) as obvious as one might think. It was a term the Assyrian Royalty used (nearly 3000 years ago) to describe the followers and people of "Gindibu the Aribi."

Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

Gindibu the "Aribi," was one of the 12 Kings that aligned against the Assyrians (inhabitant of ancient Assyria). The original Assyrians are not the same as Arabs.
I once ran into a DSS Agent who, when asked, called herself an Assyrian, to mask the fact that she was really Iraqi. Assyrians are not Arabs.

While in modern times, we consider most of the Middle East to be Arab, originally → it was part of Assyria. That is why (I think - again I could be wrong) you hear older and the more educated Arab Palestinians making a distinction. However, over time, the distinction has become mute, as centuries of assimilation and re-assimilation has evolved into the political landscape we've come to know today.

❖ Example: Palestinian Arab
Palestinian Arab Official Admits Killing Israelis is not terror said:
This is why peace is impossible with the fake people who claim they are “Palestinians.” All they want to do is murder Jews and destroy Israel. An official of the Palestinian Authority said this. He works right under PA leader Abbas.
SOURCE: Israel News (IsraelUnwired) Palestinian Arab Official Admits “Killing Israelis is not Terror, it’s Legitimate” By: Avi Abelow, September 24, 2018
❖ Example: Arabs of Palestine used by the Arab Higher Committee
Paragraph 13 - Arab Palestinian Threat Document Before Independence A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948 said:
(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.
SOURCE: UNPC A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948.

Most Respectfully,

They all came from the Arabian Peninsula, I believe. Expanding here there and everywhere with Mohammed's religious colonisations. I read his biography.

Arabs are essentially Bedouins, tent tribe people like Israel, except that Bedouins are more of a desert hunters rather than dwellers of green valleys. A tent in Hebrew, and the expression"simple man sitting in tents" (Bereshit 25), all mean- a beit midrash, Jewish school.

(I haven't been to Iran or the Gulf states, but I know Babylon is not much better, in spite of the rivers their climate is a disaster, with the exception of Persia, the Levant area is the best and greenest place in the whole of the middle east)

Now it really doesn't matter if desert Bedouins now identify as Greek "sea people", it doesn't matter if Hussein was really a Babylonian or a Bedouin when he identified as Nebuchadnezzar - the point is that once You've taken the part You get to play the role, and Israel will see all of its' enemies go down in a great spectacle of historic justice. Babylonians destroyed Beit Mikdash, Philistines stole the Aron haKodesh, it's not a business between us and them anymore, who ever plays the part receives the historic payment.

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RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ theliq, et al,

The term "Arab" and its origin is NOT (I thought - I could be wrong) as obvious as one might think. It was a term the Assyrian Royalty used (nearly 3000 years ago) to describe the followers and people of "Gindibu the Aribi."

Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

Gindibu the "Aribi," was one of the 12 Kings that aligned against the Assyrians (inhabitant of ancient Assyria). The original Assyrians are not the same as Arabs.
I once ran into a DSS Agent who, when asked, called herself an Assyrian, to mask the fact that she was really Iraqi. Assyrians are not Arabs.

While in modern times, we consider most of the Middle East to be Arab, originally → it was part of Assyria. That is why (I think - again I could be wrong) you hear older and the more educated Arab Palestinians making a distinction. However, over time, the distinction has become mute, as centuries of assimilation and re-assimilation has evolved into the political landscape we've come to know today.

❖ Example: Palestinian Arab
Palestinian Arab Official Admits Killing Israelis is not terror said:
This is why peace is impossible with the fake people who claim they are “Palestinians.” All they want to do is murder Jews and destroy Israel. An official of the Palestinian Authority said this. He works right under PA leader Abbas.
SOURCE: Israel News (IsraelUnwired) Palestinian Arab Official Admits “Killing Israelis is not Terror, it’s Legitimate” By: Avi Abelow, September 24, 2018
❖ Example: Arabs of Palestine used by the Arab Higher Committee
Paragraph 13 - Arab Palestinian Threat Document Before Independence A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948 said:
(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.
SOURCE: UNPC A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948.

Most Respectfully,

They all came from the Arabian Peninsula, I believe. Expanding here there and everywhere with Mohammed's religious colonisations. I read his biography.

Arabs are essentially Bedouins, tent tribe people like Israel, except that Bedouins are more of a desert hunters rather than dwellers of green valleys. A tent in Hebrew, and the expression"simple man sitting in tents" (Bereshit 25), all mean- a beit midrash, Jewish school.

(I haven't been to Iran or the Gulf states, but I know Babylon is not much better, in spite of the rivers their climate is a disaster, with the exception of Persia, the Levant area is the best and greenest place in the whole of the middle east)

Now it really doesn't matter if desert Bedouins now identify as Greek "sea people", it doesn't matter if Hussein was really a Babylonian or a Bedouin when he identified as Nebuchadnezzar - the point is that once You've taken the part You get to play the role, and Israel will see all of its' enemies go down in a great spectacle of historic justice. Babylonians destroyed Beit Mikdash, Philistines stole the Aron haKodesh, it's not a business between us and them anymore, who ever plays the part receives the historic payment.


I should have liked to have seen the Hanging Gardens.
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ theliq, et al,

The term "Arab" and its origin is NOT (I thought - I could be wrong) as obvious as one might think. It was a term the Assyrian Royalty used (nearly 3000 years ago) to describe the followers and people of "Gindibu the Aribi."

Do people think the Palestinians are NOT Arabs?

Gindibu the "Aribi," was one of the 12 Kings that aligned against the Assyrians (inhabitant of ancient Assyria). The original Assyrians are not the same as Arabs.
I once ran into a DSS Agent who, when asked, called herself an Assyrian, to mask the fact that she was really Iraqi. Assyrians are not Arabs.

While in modern times, we consider most of the Middle East to be Arab, originally → it was part of Assyria. That is why (I think - again I could be wrong) you hear older and the more educated Arab Palestinians making a distinction. However, over time, the distinction has become mute, as centuries of assimilation and re-assimilation has evolved into the political landscape we've come to know today.

❖ Example: Palestinian Arab
Palestinian Arab Official Admits Killing Israelis is not terror said:
This is why peace is impossible with the fake people who claim they are “Palestinians.” All they want to do is murder Jews and destroy Israel. An official of the Palestinian Authority said this. He works right under PA leader Abbas.
SOURCE: Israel News (IsraelUnwired) Palestinian Arab Official Admits “Killing Israelis is not Terror, it’s Legitimate” By: Avi Abelow, September 24, 2018
❖ Example: Arabs of Palestine used by the Arab Higher Committee
Paragraph 13 - Arab Palestinian Threat Document Before Independence A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948 said:
(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.
SOURCE: UNPC A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948.

Most Respectfully,

They all came from the Arabian Peninsula, I believe. Expanding here there and everywhere with Mohammed's religious colonisations. I read his biography.

Arabs are essentially Bedouins, tent tribe people like Israel, except that Bedouins are more of a desert hunters rather than dwellers of green valleys. A tent in Hebrew, and the expression"simple man sitting in tents" (Bereshit 25), all mean- a beit midrash, Jewish school.

(I haven't been to Iran or the Gulf states, but I know Babylon is not much better, in spite of the rivers their climate is a disaster, with the exception of Persia, the Levant area is the best and greenest place in the whole of the middle east)

Now it really doesn't matter if desert Bedouins now identify as Greek "sea people", it doesn't matter if Hussein was really a Babylonian or a Bedouin when he identified as Nebuchadnezzar - the point is that once You've taken the part You get to play the role, and Israel will see all of its' enemies go down in a great spectacle of historic justice. Babylonians destroyed Beit Mikdash, Philistines stole the Aron haKodesh, it's not a business between us and them anymore, who ever plays the part receives the historic payment.


I should have liked to have seen the Hanging Gardens.

The gardens are a symbol of Babylon, they were a wonder because temperature reaches 50dc,
lots of various tribes and a very heavy attitude to life.

The Levant is in itself a big garden, with a taste of each of the extremes the entire middle east can offer, set in the most elegant transition between several climate regions. True pearl of creation.

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