Who are the job creators?

That is why the idiot just ignored it and just went on spewing shit... it's one thing to be wrong.. it is another to be obtuse like this asshole

That's why I have a hard time being civil with these morons. It really doesn't matter how devastating your logic and facts are, they will continue to spew their idiocies and bullshit. Ridicule is what they deserve.

Civil - lol.

Logic - lol.


Anyone who demands that you produce a black Camero that isn't black is not qualified to speak on the subject of logic.
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BriPat is a funny guy. When he tries to make an example it only disproves his own point. So he makes a new example, but the same thing happens. So then he complains that there is no example that he can give because it's all some sort of trick. It never dawns on him that there is no example he can give that proves his point, because perhaps his point is severely flawed.

Your delusions of grandeur are entertaining.
Jobs aren't created without demand. Consumers create the demand. Therefore, consumers are the job creators.

As I've already explained, that's dead wrong. Consumers create jobs no more than rain creates umbrellas.

I'm in the home remodeling industry and their is plenty of demand. There just isn't any financing available. Has not a lot to do with a lack of consumers. Many people want to hire me but can't because they can't finance their project.

I'm sure my situation isn't the sole reason but it is a valid one and it has nothing to do with consumer demand.
Jobs aren't created without demand. Consumers create the demand. Therefore, consumers are the job creators.

As I've already explained, that's dead wrong. Consumers create jobs no more than rain creates umbrellas.

Rain creates the need, or demand, for umbrellas.

Would Ford for example put on extra people to ramp up production of their trucks, let's say,

if consumers weren't buying trucks, and Ford's inventory was up? Of course not. Consumers create demand, therefore consumers create the need for jobs.
Jobs aren't created without demand. Consumers create the demand. Therefore, consumers are the job creators.

As I've already explained, that's dead wrong. Consumers create jobs no more than rain creates umbrellas.

I'm in the home remodeling industry and their is plenty of demand. There just isn't any financing available. Has not a lot to do with a lack of consumers. Many people want to hire me but can't because they can't finance their project.

I'm sure my situation isn't the sole reason but it is a valid one and it has nothing to do with consumer demand.

From a purely economic POV that is another example of a lack of demand.

No doubt if there was money in the pockets of yiour customers, or money to borrow, there'd be demand, but since they are broke or unable to borrow, there is no demand.

Semantics, I realize, but using semantics of dicipline one is discussing seems like a pretty good idea.

Basically demand only exists when a buyer are ready, willing and ABLE to buy.
Jobs aren't created without demand. Consumers create the demand. Therefore, consumers are the job creators.

As I've already explained, that's dead wrong. Consumers create jobs no more than rain creates umbrellas.

I'm in the home remodeling industry and their is plenty of demand. There just isn't any financing available. Has not a lot to do with a lack of consumers. Many people want to hire me but can't because they can't finance their project.

I'm sure my situation isn't the sole reason but it is a valid one and it has nothing to do with consumer demand.

That's directly related to consumer demand, the ability to pay for what you want. You're really off base with that one.
But jobs create the need for consumers. So all we need to do is to take money from people and give it to other people and then the pie gets bigger.
Nonsense. Demand and ability are two different things.

I'm not claiming demand isn't a factor but I'm also not so ideologically bound to realize that many of these factors all play a roll.
Also many potential customers won't spend savings out of fear of our current economic situation.

You can label that demand too if you like but those of us who aren't stupid realize the facts aren't as simple as some of you want to believe.
Jobs aren't created without demand. Consumers create the demand. Therefore, consumers are the job creators.

And sometimes the business creates the demand.

There was no demand for an ipod before it was invented. Once invented and made available the demand grew and jobs were created to meet the demand . . . that the business created.

Why is it 'either/or'? Seems to me it's a 'both'. Sometimes consumers create demand and sometimes business creates demand.
Nonsense. Demand and ability are two different things.

I'm not claiming demand isn't a factor but I'm also not so ideologically bound to realize that many of these factors all play a roll.

I am able to demand lots of stuff. My every desire creates its own demand. And when other people give me stuff, I am smart enough to demand more. Next thing you know, there is full employment. See how this works?
Jobs aren't created without demand. Consumers create the demand. Therefore, consumers are the job creators.

And sometimes the business creates the demand.

There was no demand for an ipod before it was invented. Once invented and made available the demand grew and jobs were created to meet the demand . . . that the business created.

Why is it 'either/or'? Seems to me it's a 'both'. Sometimes consumers create demand and sometimes business creates demand.

Consumers ALWAYS create the demand. Tell me one instance where there was a need for a product and someone didn't try to meet that need.

On the other hand, business sometimes creates the demand through innovation, but there are enough failed products that should tell you that business can't always create a demand.
Jobs aren't created without demand. Consumers create the demand. Therefore, consumers are the job creators.

And sometimes the business creates the demand.

There was no demand for an ipod before it was invented. Once invented and made available the demand grew and jobs were created to meet the demand . . . that the business created.

Why is it 'either/or'? Seems to me it's a 'both'. Sometimes consumers create demand and sometimes business creates demand.

Consumers ALWAYS create the demand. Tell me one instance where there was a need for a product and someone didn't try to meet that need.

Well, we need an honest Government.
Nonsense. Demand and ability are two different things.

I'm not claiming demand isn't a factor but I'm also not so ideologically bound to realize that many of these factors all play a roll.

That just goes back to my original post. If consumers don't have funds, they can't fuel the supply. Sure you may have potential customers who want your services but if they have no money to purchase then the whole process comes to a halt. Demand is illustrated through spending.

It's the consumer purchasing power that drives the economic cycle and as consumer purchasing power goes, so does the economy.
And sometimes the business creates the demand.

There was no demand for an ipod before it was invented. Once invented and made available the demand grew and jobs were created to meet the demand . . . that the business created.

Why is it 'either/or'? Seems to me it's a 'both'. Sometimes consumers create demand and sometimes business creates demand.

Consumers ALWAYS create the demand. Tell me one instance where there was a need for a product and someone didn't try to meet that need.

Well, we need an honest Government.

All the money in the world wouldn't get you that. Actually probably the opposite. The only way we will ever have an "honest" government is if there were no such thing as money.
Nonsense. Demand and ability are two different things.

I'm not claiming demand isn't a factor but I'm also not so ideologically bound to realize that many of these factors all play a roll.

That just goes back to my original post. If consumers don't have funds, they can't fuel the supply. Sure you may have potential customers who want your services but if they have no money to purchase then the whole process comes to a halt. Demand is illustrated through spending.

It's the consumer purchasing power that drives the economic cycle and as consumer purchasing power goes, so does the economy.

It's a cycle that includes all things not just demand. You can have all the demand you want but if a service isn't available or inadequate then the cycle is broken.
Consumers ALWAYS create the demand. Tell me one instance where there was a need for a product and someone didn't try to meet that need.

Well, we need an honest Government.

All the money in the world wouldn't get you that. Actually probably the opposite. The only way we will ever have an "honest" government is if there were no such thing as money.

Don't be silly. Money makes trading stuff easier. If I have an extra cow, and you have an extra iphone, but don't need a cow, we can still trade using money. That way, you don't need to spend the extra time trying to off load the cow on someone who needs a cow, and I still get the iphone.
Nonsense. Demand and ability are two different things.

I'm not claiming demand isn't a factor but I'm also not so ideologically bound to realize that many of these factors all play a roll.

That just goes back to my original post. If consumers don't have funds, they can't fuel the supply. Sure you may have potential customers who want your services but if they have no money to purchase then the whole process comes to a halt. Demand is illustrated through spending.

It's the consumer purchasing power that drives the economic cycle and as consumer purchasing power goes, so does the economy.

It's a cycle that includes all things not just demand. You can have all the demand you want but if a service isn't available or inadequate then the cycle is broken.

Is it? Again, where has there ever been a demand that someone or some business didn't try to meet that demand?

Yes, it is a cycle, but if the demand side slows down to inability to purchase then the supply side will be left without customers. All the supply in the world can't force the ability to purchase by the consumers.

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