Who Are The Palestinains?

OMG! You mean the Muslim Palestinians are the "indigenous" people of the land? How do ya like that? And here I actually believed Solomon's Temple predated the Al Asqa Mosque by well over 1000 years. Amazing what we can learn here. Heh Heh!

Oh, and, just to reboot the thread a bit...

The question framed in the OP is: "Who are the Palestinians"?

More to the point: "Why are the Palestinians" (still clinging to the delusion that they are a coherent and recognizable people with a future, when they are clearly not, and after 66 years of pretending)?

After 66 years of trying to eliminate them, the Jews haven't succeeded in doing so. They have a future. In the end they will win, colonial settlements do not thrive if they are unable to eliminate the indigenous populations, and Israeli Jews will not be able to eliminate the indigenous people.
Another moron that thinks the arab muslims have been around for 2000 years. Under the ottomans Palestine was devoid of arab muslims as the land was too hard for them to work.
Sorry buckwheat, you're wrong again!

The Palestinian people, are the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in Palestine over the centuries, and who today are largely culturally and linguistically Arab due to Arabization of the region.

Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times.
"Prehistoric times"!

That was definitely before the Ottoman's.

By the way have you read the Geneva conventions yet, when you do try reading the Maritime regulations to see who can stop a vessel suspected of smuggling contraband on the high seas.

A clue is in the fact that the USA does it in waters thousands of miles away from America to help in the control of drug smuggling and gun running.
Here's the actual law regarding drug smuggling...

Illicit traffic in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

1. All States shall cooperate in the suppression of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances engaged in by ships on the high seas contrary to international conventions.

2. Any State which has reasonable grounds for believing that a ship flying its flag is engaged in illicit traffic in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may request the cooperation of other States to suppress such traffic.
Which means, if Turkey didn't ask the Israeli's to stop its ship, Israel had no legal jurisdiction to do so.
"terrorist" is an Israeli propaganda campaign.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Groups who commit acts of terrorism are called terrorists.

What acts of terrorism are you talking about?

Murder if Athletes in Germany, hijacking of a plane, bombing of Israeli children, callous attacks on Israeli children, attacks on Jordanian civilians attacks on Lebanese civilians. How many more would you like, and remember that most civilised nations see hamas as a terrorist organisation

There was a time that everybody "knew" that the sun revolved around the earth.

Does the popularity of an opinion make it correct?

In truth, the only capability humans have is perception.
My current perception is that you're on the illogical, losing side of the discussion.

And nobody can say why Hamas is called terrorists.

Because they engage in terrorist activity, and profess to be engaging in terrorist activity in the future. THAT IS FACT THAT YOU CANT REFUTE
You are arguing the validity of a political opinion.

The truth is universal. Opinions flop around from person to person and place to place.

This opinion is far from universal.

Lol!!!! You obviously can't handle the fact that all thise countries list Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Why? It doesn't mean anything. It is just a political opinion.

Based on hard evidence of terror attacks and the words of hamas leaders saying that they will engage on more terror attacks
On his way from the Presidential Palace in Bethlehem to Manger Square, Pope Francis asked the driver of his Popemobile to stop, then went down and stood beneath an Israeli watchtower. In a move no pope has ever done, Pope Francis reached out and touched the metres-high concrete barrier.

Pope Francis lay his forehead on a section filled with graffiti saying "Free Palestine" and "Bethelehem look like Warsaw Ghetto."
Oh, and, just to reboot the thread a bit...

The question framed in the OP is: "Who are the Palestinians"?

More to the point: "Why are the Palestinians" (still clinging to the delusion that they are a coherent and recognizable people with a future, when they are clearly not, and after 66 years of pretending)?

After 66 years of trying to eliminate them, the Jews haven't succeeded in doing so. They have a future. In the end they will win, colonial settlements do not thrive if they are unable to eliminate the indigenous populations, and Israeli Jews will not be able to eliminate the indigenous people.

a) the Israelis have never really tried to eliminate the Palestinians and this is just ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and BLOOD LIBEL

b) the Palestinians are telling lies about the ethnic cleansing to cover up the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Christians
Another moron that thinks the arab muslims have been around for 2000 years. Under the ottomans Palestine was devoid of arab muslims as the land was too hard for them to work.
Sorry buckwheat, you're wrong again!

The Palestinian people, are the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in Palestine over the centuries, and who today are largely culturally and linguistically Arab due to Arabization of the region.

Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times.
"Prehistoric times"!

That was definitely before the Ottoman's.

By the way have you read the Geneva conventions yet, when you do try reading the Maritime regulations to see who can stop a vessel suspected of smuggling contraband on the high seas.

A clue is in the fact that the USA does it in waters thousands of miles away from America to help in the control of drug smuggling and gun running.
Here's the actual law regarding drug smuggling...

Illicit traffic in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

1. All States shall cooperate in the suppression of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances engaged in by ships on the high seas contrary to international conventions.

2. Any State which has reasonable grounds for believing that a ship flying its flag is engaged in illicit traffic in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may request the cooperation of other States to suppress such traffic.
Which means, if Turkey didn't ask the Israeli's to stop its ship, Israel had no legal jurisdiction to do so.

1) No it is you that is wrong as islam was not invented until 627 C.E by one Mohamed an illiterate mentally defective camel herder.

2) That has been debunked because it is ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA written by an ISLAMONAZI who twisted the evidence. Most Christians in Palestine are migrants from Christian nations less that 1800 years ago. The true indigenous are the Jews who never left and lived in the area for 4,500 years, shown by a genetic marker known as the Cohen Gene that is not present in any arab muslims.

3) did you try and ignore the first clause, if so here it is for you

All States shall cooperate in the suppression of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances engaged in by ships on the high seas contrary to international conventions. Did you read that ALL STATES part.

Plus it does not say that other nations cant stop and search a vessel on the high seas does it. So because Turkey did not ask does not mean Israel cant stop a vessel suspected of gun running and drug smuggling.

You must try harder when it comes to International Law as you are a mere moron in these matters
On his way from the Presidential Palace in Bethlehem to Manger Square, Pope Francis asked the driver of his Popemobile to stop, then went down and stood beneath an Israeli watchtower. In a move no pope has ever done, Pope Francis reached out and touched the metres-high concrete barrier.

Pope Francis lay his forehead on a section filled with graffiti saying "Free Palestine" and "Bethelehem look like Warsaw Ghetto."

AND your point being ?
Oh, and, just to reboot the thread a bit...

The question framed in the OP is: "Who are the Palestinians"?

More to the point: "Why are the Palestinians" (still clinging to the delusion that they are a coherent and recognizable people with a future, when they are clearly not, and after 66 years of pretending)?

After 66 years of trying to eliminate them, the Jews haven't succeeded in doing so. They have a future. In the end they will win, colonial settlements do not thrive if they are unable to eliminate the indigenous populations, and Israeli Jews will not be able to eliminate the indigenous people.
The Israelis haven't been trying to eliminate the Palestinians for 66 years.

The Israelis tried to negotiate a peaceful co-existence with them for the first 20 of those 66 years.

After the 1967 War, they stopped trying as hard.

After Intifada I, they reduced their efforts even more.

After Intifada II, they just gave up on the mad-dog Palestinians.

And began herding them into rapidly-shrinking enclaves, scattered and disconnected and isolated - a process designed to eventually squeeze them out and make them want to leave.

The Israelis have never tried to "eliminate" the Palestinians.

Such an effort would require a few weeks of dedicated effort utilizing massively superior firepower and would leave very few Palestinians alive, other than those Palestinians who managed to flee across the Jordanian and Egyptian borders in time to avoid such a fate.

But the Jews are far more humane than the Palestinians, who have sworn to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean, and who have been trying to do so since 1948.

How's that working out for ya?

As to the Palestinians still holding on...

You can kick a dog a thousand times and he'll still "hold on" and show-up at meal-time...

That doesn't mean that the dog has any brains or any future.

They will win?

If this is "winning", I'd sure as hell hate to see "losing".

You're delusional... as are the mad-dogs you advocate for.
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Typical Tinmore playing stupid when he has no argument

The same duck you always use when you don't know the answer.

Not quite it is more a case of seeing if you know the answer, in this case you obviously don't see the use of illegal weapons and targeting unarmed civilians as terrorism

What illegal weapons are you talking about?

Israel kills 10 times more unarmed civilians. What is your point?

Hamas made an offer to Israel that both sides stop killing civilians. Israel refused the offer.

Remember, it is Israel that is the aggressor in this war.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Groups who commit acts of terrorism are called terrorists.

What acts of terrorism are you talking about?

Murder if Athletes in Germany, hijacking of a plane,
Not Hamas.

bombing of Israeli children, callous attacks on Israeli children,
Vague. Specific incidents?

attacks on Jordanian civilians attacks on Lebanese civilians.
Again, vague.

How many more would you like, and remember that most civilised nations see hamas as a terrorist organisation
If there is to be peace, those Zionists in Israel must stop provoking the Palestinians into violence & terrorism with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect they are so well accustomed to. And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
The same duck you always use when you don't know the answer.

Not quite it is more a case of seeing if you know the answer, in this case you obviously don't see the use of illegal weapons and targeting unarmed civilians as terrorism

What illegal weapons are you talking about?

Israel kills 10 times more unarmed civilians. What is your point?

Hamas made an offer to Israel that both sides stop killing civilians. Israel refused the offer.

Remember, it is Israel that is the aggressor in this war.

Rockets containing chemical and biological substances.

No it is the P.A. that murders the Palestinian civilians by putting them in harms way. Force the terrorists to use the unpopulated areas of gaza to fire the rockets from and stop using unarmed civilians as human shields and the death toll will drop to zero.

Evidence from a verified source as I can not remember hamas doing any such thing. They entered into a ceasefire agreement and broke it before the ink was even dry.

No it is the Palestinian as they declared war not the Israelis
What acts of terrorism are you talking about?

Murder if Athletes in Germany, hijacking of a plane,
Not Hamas.

Vague. Specific incidents?

attacks on Jordanian civilians attacks on Lebanese civilians.
Again, vague.

How many more would you like, and remember that most civilised nations see hamas as a terrorist organisation

Still Palestinians though who later became hamas

They are specific, specific enough for the Jordanian forces to kill 50,000 Palestinians for their terrorism. Specific enough for the Lebanese to kill thousands of Palestinians for their terrorism.
Murder if Athletes in Germany, hijacking of a plane,
Not Hamas.

Vague. Specific incidents?

Again, vague.

How many more would you like, and remember that most civilised nations see hamas as a terrorist organisation

Still Palestinians though who later became hamas
I don't think so. I think that was the PFLP, a Christian group.

They are specific, specific enough for the Jordanian forces to kill 50,000 Palestinians for their terrorism. Specific enough for the Lebanese to kill thousands of Palestinians for their terrorism.

That was a complicated event involving many people, and many countries, for many reasons.

The bottom line, though, is that none of it would have happened without Israel.
Not Hamas.

Vague. Specific incidents?

Again, vague.

Still Palestinians though who later became hamas
I don't think so. I think that was the PFLP, a Christian group.

They are specific, specific enough for the Jordanian forces to kill 50,000 Palestinians for their terrorism. Specific enough for the Lebanese to kill thousands of Palestinians for their terrorism.

That was a complicated event involving many people, and many countries, for many reasons.

The bottom line, though, is that none of it would have happened without Israel.

And your proof of that is what, some twisted ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST that says the blame is all Israel's for daring to be better than the muslims. The fact is islam has been engaging in terrorism since Mohamed invented it, and he altered parts of the Koran to bring in more barbaric arabs. Just look at the satanic verses that were written to appease a certain group of arabs that worshipped 3 goddesses. Or the "strike their head from their shoulder" command to appease another group of arabs that did just that to their enemies. So were was Israel while all this was going on, and were was Israel in 1929 when the arab muslims mass murdered Jews in Hebron on the say so of the grand mufti Husseini .

As I keep saying try harder as your ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA is easily proven false.

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