Who Are The Palestinains?

The people, even in non self governing territories, have the right:

  • To self determination without external interference.

  • To independence and sovereignty.

  • To territorial integrity.
I merely reiterate international law.

What do you have?

What you 'have', has absolutely NOTHING to do with the discussion.

You keep bringing those points up as if they mean something.

How are my points irrelevant to the discussion?

The discussion started when you said Palestinians have never lost any land (which I will add to my list of things you were completely wrong about)

You always seem to bring up those same points as if they have any merit, but they don't.
By bozos, do mean unarmed civilians under military boot?

The unarmed civilians whose armed Fathers and Grandfathers threw down their rifles and participated in the Great Palestinian Arab Skeddadle of 1948.


Sign in a Cairo arms-market, late 1949...

"For Sale: 50,000 British Enfields, newly minted for our brave Palestinian fighting brothers. Like-new mint condition. Never fired, and only dropped once."

Do you mean all those unarmed farmers and store owners driven out of their homes at the point of mooched guns?
Them too.

The ones who had organized militias under the noses of the British, but whom listened to their Arab neighbor-countries and ran for the hills; letting the Other Guy do their fighting (and thinking) for them.

Not to mention being so incompetent that nobody thought to declare a State and Independence on the day of the Termination of the British Mandate.

Nobody except the Jews.

Who out-thought you.

Then out-fought you.

Then out-taught you, in conveying their side of the story to the world.

You were out-classed in a dozen different and decisively important ways.

Heckuva great story.
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I reside in a nation where I vote for a Representative.
In fact, most nations have that.
You, however, insist that each and every West Bank Jordanian gets to vote rather than having a duly elected Representative.
I say that if they haven't made either system work since 1948 they lose.

WTF :confused: You are not making any sense.

He's making perfect sense.

You know it as well as I do.

But I will wordsmith the key element.

"Every time that a poster serves-up an 'authority' of some kind purports to sign or agree to something on behalf of the Palestinian people, you come back and say that that person or group or polity is not empowered to do so, and that the Palestinian people were not asked - even though a clear representative agency relationship existed in a variety of circumstances, despite all revisionism and latter-day self-serving and disingenuous protestations to the contrary."

This sort of throwing-up of the hands and dismissing many of your claims is what you get for bleating that response, over and over again, across the months here, so that your colleagues get frustrated with you, when they serve-up legitimate representation involved in Treaty or Agreement A or B or C, and you poo-poo the idea, because it does not suit your agenda, nor that of your radical and intransigent mad-dog Hamas handlers.

What elected body of Palestinians has signed an agreement.
WTF :confused: You are not making any sense.

He's making perfect sense.

You know it as well as I do.

But I will wordsmith the key element.

"Every time that a poster serves-up an 'authority' of some kind purports to sign or agree to something on behalf of the Palestinian people, you come back and say that that person or group or polity is not empowered to do so, and that the Palestinian people were not asked - even though a clear representative agency relationship existed in a variety of circumstances, despite all revisionism and latter-day self-serving and disingenuous protestations to the contrary."

This sort of throwing-up of the hands and dismissing many of your claims is what you get for bleating that response, over and over again, across the months here, so that your colleagues get frustrated with you, when they serve-up legitimate representation involved in Treaty or Agreement A or B or C, and you poo-poo the idea, because it does not suit your agenda, nor that of your radical and intransigent mad-dog Hamas handlers.

What elected body of Palestinians has signed an agreement.
The PLO for starters.

Fatah as a chaser.

Both of whom you were delighted to have representing you at the time.

Until they began to approach a reasonable compromise with Israel, anyway.
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By bozos, do mean unarmed civilians under military boot?

As I have already stated a mere few postings ago, if the WBJs and the Gazans can't get their act together, they lose.
And yes, from a humanistic point of view, it's a tragedy.
But asking the rest of the world to put up with their terrorism because of their plight is even more inhumane.

Palestine was born under illegal foreign military occupation that remains today.

They have no choice about anything.

You are playing the terrorist card. That is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Terrorist card?? What does that even mean? Calling terrorisfs organizations terrorists is just stating a fact. Why it offends you so much is beyond me.

And when you say 'when Palestine was born', when was that exactly?
WTF :confused: You are not making any sense.

He's making perfect sense.

You know it as well as I do.

But I will wordsmith the key element.

"Every time that a poster serves-up an 'authority' of some kind purports to sign or agree to something on behalf of the Palestinian people, you come back and say that that person or group or polity is not empowered to do so, and that the Palestinian people were not asked - even though a clear representative agency relationship existed in a variety of circumstances, despite all revisionism and latter-day self-serving and disingenuous protestations to the contrary."

This sort of throwing-up of the hands and dismissing many of your claims is what you get for bleating that response, over and over again, across the months here, so that your colleagues get frustrated with you, when they serve-up legitimate representation involved in Treaty or Agreement A or B or C, and you poo-poo the idea, because it does not suit your agenda, nor that of your radical and intransigent mad-dog Hamas handlers.

What elected body of Palestinians has signed an agreement.

Whao! Here come Duh Deer In The Headlights!
Watch the Deer DIE!
What you 'have', has absolutely NOTHING to do with the discussion.

You keep bringing those points up as if they mean something.

How are my points irrelevant to the discussion?

The discussion started when you said Palestinians have never lost any land (which I will add to my list of things you were completely wrong about)

You always seem to bring up those same points as if they have any merit, but they don't.

When Palestinian land became occupied is well known and undisputed.

When Palestinians legally lost land is completely unknown.
How are my points irrelevant to the discussion?

The discussion started when you said Palestinians have never lost any land (which I will add to my list of things you were completely wrong about)

You always seem to bring up those same points as if they have any merit, but they don't.

When Palestinian land became occupied is well known and undisputed.

When Palestinians legally lost land is completely unknown.

Only I know when I took my last piss.
As I have already stated a mere few postings ago, if the WBJs and the Gazans can't get their act together, they lose.
And yes, from a humanistic point of view, it's a tragedy.
But asking the rest of the world to put up with their terrorism because of their plight is even more inhumane.

Palestine was born under illegal foreign military occupation that remains today.

They have no choice about anything.

You are playing the terrorist card. That is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Terrorist card?? What does that even mean? Calling terrorisfs organizations terrorists is just stating a fact. Why it offends you so much is beyond me.

And when you say 'when Palestine was born', when was that exactly?

"terrorist" is an Israeli propaganda campaign.

Palestine was born under illegal foreign military occupation that remains today.

They have no choice about anything.

You are playing the terrorist card. That is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Terrorist card?? What does that even mean? Calling terrorisfs organizations terrorists is just stating a fact. Why it offends you so much is beyond me.

And when you say 'when Palestine was born', when was that exactly?

"terrorist" is an Israeli propaganda campaign.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Groups who commit acts of terrorism are called terrorists.
Palestine was born under illegal foreign military occupation that remains today.

They have no choice about anything.

You are playing the terrorist card. That is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Terrorist card?? What does that even mean? Calling terrorisfs organizations terrorists is just stating a fact. Why it offends you so much is beyond me.

And when you say 'when Palestine was born', when was that exactly?

"terrorist" is an Israeli propaganda campaign.


Hamas = Terrorist
Terrorist card?? What does that even mean? Calling terrorisfs organizations terrorists is just stating a fact. Why it offends you so much is beyond me.

And when you say 'when Palestine was born', when was that exactly?

"terrorist" is an Israeli propaganda campaign.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Groups who commit acts of terrorism are called terrorists.

What acts of terrorism are you talking about?

Hamas = Terrorist

So says the propagandists.

And Canada, U.S, Australia, Japan, U.K and the E.U ( which consists of 28 states)
Plus they've been banned in Egypt and Jordan :lol:

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