Who Are The Palestinians " III "

The Islamic terrorists abandoned the gee-had in the blink of an eye.

Volcanoes of fire™ and open the gates of hell™ were replaced by the sound of clucking chickens.

Thousands said to flee fighting in West Bank city’s refugee camp as Israeli officials deny ordering evacuation, back further crackdown on terror groups

Just guessing here, but I’m guessing the Islamic terrorist “leadership” are safely ensconced in their luxury condo’s in neighboring Lebanon, Egypt, UAE, etc.

Gee-had, virgins and Jail are for the lowly minions.

Dozens of Palestinian terrorists arrested as Day #2 of IDF's Jenin operation continues

Humanitarian benefits extended to Islamic terrorists and Israelis are attacked.

A “holy site” is an obvious place for weapons storage. We routinely see how the Islamic terrorists use mosques as places for gee-had planning and operations.


‘The Making of Hamas's Foreign Policy’ Palestine Chronicle TV Hosts Daud Abdullah & Na’eem Jeenah​

Yeah, the Islamic terrorists have a “metro” system. It’s the system you would expect from Islamic terrorists as opposed to a legitimate, functioning transportation system.

These are the Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians".



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