Who Are The Palestinians " III "

When the Islamic terrorists burrow underground, there’s still no hiding from the sweeping hand of the anti gee-had forces.n

Disposable children groomed from an early age to die while attempting to kill Jews.

"Children" or "Terrorists"? PMW rejects BBC’s apology​

Itamar Marcus | Jul 6, 2023

The pally Islamic terrorists are granted an audience with their Shia master. They will bow before him and kiss the ring on his hand.

The absurdity of dumping welfare money on the islamic terrorists when they announce their intentions.

The PA has turned to Israel and the world asking for additional funding for its Security Forces to fight terror, while at the same time, both Fatah and the PA are boasting that those same PA Security Forces are playing a central role in terror. And while some terror groups are critical of the PA Security Forces, the PA and Fatah regularly publicize explicit evidence to back up their claims.​

Fatah: Forget security cooperation; PA police are leaders in terror​

Itamar Marcus | Jul 9, 2023
  • Fatah lauds 24 terrorist "Martyrs" for being members of the Western funded PA Security Forces
  • “Glory and eternity to the righteous Martyrs" – members of Security Forces who were killed fighting Israel
No more gee-had for this Islamic terrorist. His was the inevitable end of a short journey from childhood to adulthood that was a cradle to grave program of indoctrination into the Cult of pally’dom.

[ Two empty wishes. If only they wished for real peace, they might get one of them. Of being successful ]

Palestinian prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh spoke at an investment conference he set up, with about 45 Jordanian potential investors in attendance. It was at the Fourth Economic Empowerment Conference in Hebron.

His pitch was a little unconventional.

Usually, when speaking to foreign audiences, he emphasizes how difficult things are and how all of the Palestinian Authority problems are coming from Israel. He says how helpless they are and how they need more foreign aid because all of their money is being stolen by Israel. In other words, his usual message is one of pure victimhood and helplessness.

But to this audience, suddenly the Palestinian territories are a fertile ground for investment and a sure thing to make money.

"Despite the occupation and the challenges it poses, Palestine is full of promising investment opportunities in various commercial and industrial sectors, and it deserves a visit, solidarity and strengthening the steadfastness of its people, and it is an appropriate and feasible place for investment because it achieves a meaningful return for investors."

See? Things are great economically! It just depends on the audience!

The "moderate" PM then spoke about the supreme importance of "resistance." He continued, "For us, the government's strategy is based on several components, on top of which is strengthening the steadfastness of the resistance. This occupation cannot disappear unless it becomes costly, and when we succeed in the economy and promote it, the occupation becomes costly, and when the Arab countries embrace Palestine, the occupation becomes costly."

Just yesterday, the PA government rejected Israel's offerto help them out economically, if they would just reject funding terrorist families and stop inciting violence against Jews. That was not a good enough deal for the PA.

I wonder what the investors think about investing in a government that prefers antisemitism and terror to helping its own people.


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