Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Until the Islamic terrorist enclaves finally shrivel into nonexistence, Israeli forces will need to continue their efforts at managing the Islamic terrorists by regularly targeting their infrastructure erasing the leadership on an as-needed basis.

IDF: The only force against Palestinian terrorism and Iranian hegemony - opinion

Israel cannot sit by and watch the West Bank become another full-fledged base of Iranian military operations against Israel, like Gaza and Lebanon.​

A part of the Islamic terrorist program of grooming their children for the gee-had is to falsely label defeat and humiliation as 'victory'.

The usual failed gee-had

Parading a body in the street after another failed gee-had.

Lovely folks.


The forces of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Transjordan suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Israeli military which was a combination of Jewish militias, such as the right-wing Irgun Tzvei Le’umi and the more extreme Stern Gang.

The reasons behind the crushing defeat are still the subjects of many heated debates.
Losers at everything celebrating the dictators who rule them.

Lovely, lovely folks.

leading the gee-had in the Islamic terrorist enclaves from the safety and comfort of Ireland.

"As-salamu Alaikum, rubes. Go a'splode yourselves while I have tea and crumpets.''

Ireland-Based Exiled Fatah Militant Jihad Jara: Fatah's Military Wing, The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Must Return To Fray 'In Full Force'; Palestinian Authority Security Forces Led And Still Lead The Intifada​

Early childhood development in the Islamic terrorist enclaves occupied by the religiously insane.

Mahmoud (Dictator for Life) Abbas is scheduling a photo-op in an islamic terrorist enclave.

Likely just another opportunity to beg for more welfare money.

Happy-fun time for losers.

Incompetent at their day jobs so they will pout and cry.


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