Who Are The Palestinians " III "

The Islamic terrorist franchise in Abbas’istan is just a religious Cult that operates as a criminal enterprise.

Fatah tried to help terrorists escape after today’s terror attack​

Itamar Marcus | Jul 16, 2023
  • Following today’s attack, Fatah called to erase security cameras and fill streets with burning tires and garbage cans to slow down the army:
“In a simple step, do now: Delete the last 48 hours of recordings.”
“Close the streets with [garbage] containers and burning tires”

[Fatah Bethlehem, Telegram]
They use their ''holy places" to store weapons and explosives. Now it's using an ambulance to wage gee-had.


Unraveling the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:Celebrating the Culture of Palestine -Hussein and A.Musa​

In the Islamic terrorist enclaves, the worst elements of failure and degradation are presented as heroes.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: Arab Palestinian Expansionism (APE)
※→ Toddsterpatriot, et al,

Something on the order of an apocalyptic scale would have to occur. And while the entire Middle East will suffer greatly, the Arab Palestinians will once again become the pariah that they once were in the late 20th Century.

From the river to the sea.

Is geographically correct.
And it will never be a Palestinian nation.

The last time the Palestinians tried to portray themselves as some sort of modern-day patriot, they were terrorizing Olympians, killing men•women•children aboard buses, and highjacking planes. Even today, one of the great icons of the Palestinians is still Dalal Mughrabi. They are Palestinian Authority Shcool (
supported by the UNRWA and Donor Nations) that are named after Dalal Mughrabi.
And while we all know that the vast majority of Arab/Muslims are not a threat of any sort, the Palestinians created a very damaging mist of suspicion over the entire Arab/Muslim ethnic/religious group.

IMO < The members of the Arab League might not appreciate the Palestinians casting another shadow of apprehension over the Arab/Muslim ethnic/religious group. This might be especially true when the Arab Palestinians consider erroneously believing that they have some special dispensation to pursue a path of armed struggle. Now this path of is not at all a strict patriotic path. Senior members of the various Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters enjoy the income from the UN Channels, donor nations, and NGOs.

Most Respectfully,
It’s an unfortunate thing the entire focus of an Islamic terrorist enclave is devoted to producing child soldiers but this is the reality.


Finally, we are at the cusp of a major transition in Palestine; a new generation is trying to take the helm of the Palestinian cause. They have earned this right through their sacrifices, courage and unified action. We must make the right choice by joining them, and abandon old, tired and cliched references to a bygone era of Oslo, the "peace process" and all the rest.
The islamic terrorists abuse their children by putting them into the war zones they create.


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