Who Are The Palestinians " III "

  • PA education never fails: In 2002 and now, more than 20 years later, young Palestinian girls still see “Martyrdom-death” as an ideal
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Last month, 15-year-old Sadil Ghassan Naghnaghiya Turkeman – a female Palestinian terrorist and member of the Islamic Jihad terror organization –was killed during an Israeli counter-terror operation in Jenin.

Naghnaghiya was reportedly filming the exchanges of fire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian terrorists when she was shot. Israeli army officials said it was unlikely she was shot by Israeli forces.

Naghnaghiya's Facebook profile picture showed her holding an M16 assault rifle, and one of her posts read:

"We do not love Martyrdom-death, rather Martyrdom-death loves us...

[Website of The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center,
Israeli research institute, June 27, 2023]​

[Sadil Ghassan Naghnaghiya Turkeman, Facebook page,
accessed July 12, 2023​

(full article online)

While the Islamic terrorists want their women bagged-up in Shame Sacks, women are occasionally allowed to be hurt or killed in the gee-had.

More children who are groomed by the Islamic terrorists for an early death in service of luxury condominiums for Pally leadership the gee-had.


Caabu Patron Dr. Hanan Ashrawi on Israeli police brutality against Palestinians at Al Aqsa​

Heh. Gen-Z Islamic terrorists.

No different than the same Gen-Dead, Gen-Disposable Islamo bots who came before them.

Because teaching your children to die an early death for Mahmoud’s “presidential jet” and luxury condominiums in Lebanon for Gaza’s warlords is the ultimate gee-had sacrifice for Islamic terrorist children.

8-year-old congratulates 15-year old cousin on her “Martyrdom-death”: “1,000 times congratulations”​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jul 13, 2023
  • PA education never fails: In 2002 and now, more than 20 years later, young Palestinian girls still see “Martyrdom-death” as an ideal
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Last month, 15-year-old Sadil Ghassan Naghnaghiya Turkeman – a female Palestinian terrorist and member of the Islamic Jihad terror organization – was killed during an Israeli counter-terror operation in Jenin.
Naghnaghiya was reportedly filming the exchanges of fire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian terrorists when she was shot. Israeli army officials said it was unlikely she was shot by Israeli forces.
Naghnaghiya's Facebook profile picture showed her holding an M16 assault rifle, and one of her posts read:
"We do not love Martyrdom-death, rather Martyrdom-death loves us...

[Website of The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center,
Israeli research institute, June 27, 2023]​

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