Who Are The Palestinians " III "

It's summer. Kids are out from school and some are going to camp where they can explore canoeing, swimming, archery, crafts... Record scratch sound effect

In the Islamic terrorist occupied territories, summer camp is all about the Islamic gee-had and Jew killing.

Well, while the IDF and settlers run roughshod over the West Bank, Gaza is different. No IDF and settlers there.
Cheap, plentiful and replaceable.

What the Islamic terrorists define as the children they push into the gee-had

Fatah is following in the footsteps of the Sunni Islamic terrorists occupying Gaza. They're going to beg and plead subservience to the Shia Mullocrats in exchange for welfare money.

The Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist organization has announced it is arming terror groups linked to the Palestinian Authority’s ruling Fatah faction.
The PA has a 50 man security force that is there to protect Israel. These people are starting to defect to the resistance. That is bad news for Israel.
To start them young on their journey to an early death for the glory of gee-had (and to maintain the status quo of the wealth and power accumulated by the dictators in Hamas and the PA), the youngest must be sacrificed,

So violent and intolerant that Arabs are defunding them (UNRWA is the UN entity for Palies)

Lovely, lovely folks.

The civil war that these retrogrades fought two decades ago never ended. It just smoldered like the Islamic gee-had has smoldered for 1,400 years with occasional flare ups.

It is only a matter of time before the power tools come out and these fine folks have some fun torturing and maiming each other.

Indoctrinated to sacrifice themselves for.... the presidential jet that Abbas thought he deserved.

For the glory of a young gee-had death.

The islamo-yutes are plentiful.

Some major anti gee-had operations taking place in Islamic terrorist occupied territories.

The Israeli military began what appears to be one of its most extensive operations in the territory in years with drone strikes early on Monday.
Nine Palestinians have been killed and 100 injured, health officials say.
Israel said it was putting a stop to Jenin being "a refuge for terrorism". Palestinians accused it of a war crime.
I’m not sure what point was made with this announcement.

The Abbas portion of the Pally Islamic terrorists has always been fighting with the Islamic terrorists.

Fatah announces it is fighting with the terrorists against Israel​

Itamar Marcus | Jul 3, 2023
As Israel attacks in the Palestinian city of Jenin to root out the central command of the terror cells that have launched dozens of terror attacks murdering over 50 Israelis in the last year, Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah has announced that they have joined the terrorists to counter the Israeli offensive.
Fatah announced on one of its Telegram channels today:
“The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (i.e., Fatah’s military wing) – Jenin:
With Allah’s help and might, our fighters are waging serious armed confrontations with the Zionist occupation forces in the surroundings of the Jenin [refugee] camp, and they are aiming large barrages of gunfire at them.”
[Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, July 3, 2023]

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