Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Heh. The Islamic terrorist franchises rekindling the internecine blood bath they fought decades ago.

They can’t help it. They hate themselves and they hate each other.

Islamists use their “holy places” to wage gee-had.

One of those quaint “cultural proclivities”.

Because there's no downside to deny it, the islamic terrorists nonchalantly announced what they are. That announcement will not change the truckloads of welfare money they receive so no point in denials.

Fatah: PA Security Forces are leading terror against Israel
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 28, 2023
63-65% of the dead terrorist “Martyrs” are from Fatah, “most are [PA] Security Forces officers” - Director of Palestinian Center for Strategic Studies

Fatah: “More than 355 of our prisoners are from the Palestinian [PA] Security Forces – in other words, the PA’s soldiers”

Fatah repeats statistics about dead terrorist “Martyrs”: “Two thirds belong to the Fatah Movement and the PA”

Fatah is directing the terror: “The armed resistance in the West Bank, the Fatah Movement is the one that is leading it”
They were offered 94 percent of the W Bank. In addition Olmert offered some of “ Israel Proper” to allow travel in between Gaza and the W Bank. Ask why this was rejected and there will not be a response
Throw the Palestinians some crumbs and expect then to buy it.
Throw the Palestinians some crumbs and expect then to buy it.
Please tell us what those “ some crumbs” were; 94 percent of the W Bank ?
Also; please tell us why Israel was “ obligated “ to give them land within the borders to allow for passage in between Gaza and the W Bank
Please tell us what those “ some crumbs” were; 94 percent of the W Bank ?
Also; please tell us why Israel was “ obligated “ to give them land within the borders to allow for passage in between Gaza and the W Bank
Israel has no land to give.
Agree! You are actually admitting that no matter what Israel does there will never be peace . So Israel doesn’t have to return to the borders that were NEVER recognized in the first place 👍
All of the maps show Israel inside of the armistice lines that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries.

If Israel had any land it would have real borders.
All of the maps show Israel inside of the armistice lines that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries.

If Israel had any land it would have real borders.
So the 67 Borders weren’t made to be official? Then Israel has every right to keep the land they won in the 67 War.

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