Who Are The Palestinians " III "


Graduation photo of Mahmoud abu Sa'an, killed by the Israeli miliary on August 4 in Nur Shams refugee camp in the West Bank. (Photo: Family album, via WAFA)

Who did he point a gun at?
The documentary illustrates the espionage enterprise, which involved six Palestinian fighters and was part of the wider ‘Wahda al-Sahat (Unity of the Squares) operation, launched by the Islamic Jihad in 2022.

The Palestinian agents reportedly baited a number of Israeli officers into revealing secret methods and procedures.

According to the documentary, the Palestinian move led to the detention of several agents working for Israel, and the dismantling of at least three Israeli spying centers.
It kinda' goes without saying that Islamic terrorists whose sole purpose in life being to kill Jews suggests that 'trust' is not an attribute to extend to the pally wearing a bomb vest or carrying a knife.


‘A quarter of my neighbourhood gone’: Palestinian artist Malak Mattar confronts trauma through art​

The Islamic terrorists routinely express their revulsion for the Great Satan even when they’re begging for welfare handouts.

Look what the PA is hiding from the US and Britain​

Itamar Marcus | Aug 4, 2023
Mahmoud Abbas:
  • The US and Britain are colonialist states
  • The PA is planning legal action against the United States and Britain
  • The Jews had “no right” to a state
  • The fate of the “hated Israeli occupation of our homeland" is to “pass.”

It was an Islamic terrorist free-for-all, (day three), as the antagonistic gangs of allah’s warriors slammed away at each other.

Lebanon is so lucky to be hosting the Islamo-Games.

Islamic terrorist franchises have ‘Generals’. Who knew?

It was an Islamic terrorist free-for-all, (day three), as the antagonistic gangs of allah’s warriors slammed away at each other.

Lebanon is so lucky to be hosting the Islamo-Games.

Islamic terrorist franchises have ‘Generals’. Who knew?

Interesting. They were unclear as to the number of casualties on each side.

I didn't know that Fatah attempts to rule the camps outside of Palestine. Fatah works for Israel so these clashes will probably increase.
The Islamic terrorists are nearing a “kill’em where you see ‘em”, civil war.

The Iranian Mullocrats must be delighted their occupation armies are making themselves welcome by bringing their Islamist terrorist proclivities to that little slice of islamo-Hell.

When you open your borders to the Islamic terrorists avowed to kill you, the results are predictable.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960
※→ Hollie, et al,

The "Special Committee on Decolonization" (or the "C-24") identified 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGT). None of the NSGTs were located in the Middle East•North African Region.

The Islamic terrorists routinely express their revulsion for the Great Satan even when they’re begging for welfare handouts.

Look what the PA is hiding from the US and Britain

Itamar Marcus | Aug 4, 2023
Mahmoud Abbas:

  • The US and Britain are colonialist states
  • The PA is planning legal action against the United States and Britain
  • The Jews had “no right” to a state
  • The fate of the “hated Israeli occupation of our homeland" is to “pass.”

I am not saying that the US and UK are not Colonialist States, because, on a whim, the C-24 can change that definition. But the Arab Palestinians (who voted to support terrorist organizations in government) are clearly in Left Field on the idea that they have any standing in any of the 17 NSGTs. Certainly, none of the (often called incorrectly) occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) are not now, nor have they ever been, under colonial rule by the US and UK.

Whether or not the Jews had the right to establish a state is irrelevant. There is no jurisdiction on Earth that has the right to disband the Jewish State of Israel, no matter what wrong they might have committed. And there is no jurisdiction on Earth that has the right to initiate an Armed International Conflict (AIC) which would open UN Charter Article 51 action (“
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations"). Israel has been an independent state since 1948 (three-quarters of a Century).

Whether or not the Israelis make some sort of a special accommodation to some third party - is a decision of theirs and theirs alone.

No Arab Palestinian rhetoric can dispute this.


Most Respectfully,

Last edited:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960
※→ Hollie, et al,

The "Special Committee on Decolonization" (or the "C-24") identified 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGT). None of the NSGTs were located in the Middle East•North African Region.


I am not saying that the US and UK are not Colonialist States, because, on a whim, the C-24 can change that definition. But the Arab Palestinians (who voted to support terrorist organizations in government) are clearly in Left Field on the idea that they have any standing in any of the 17 NSGTs. Certainly, none of the (often called incorrectly) occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) are not now, nor have they ever been, under colonial rule by the US and UK.

Whether or not the Jews had the right to establish a state is irrelevant. There is no jurisdiction on Earth that has the right to disband the Jewish State of Israel, no matter what wrong they might have committed. And there is no jurisdiction on Earth that has the right to initiate an Armed International Conflict (AIC) which would open UN Charter Article 51 action (“
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations"). Israel has been an independent state since 1948 (three-quarters of a Century).

Whether or not the Israelis make some sort of a special accommodation to some third party - is a decision of theirs and theirs alone.

No Arab Palestinian rhetoric can dispute this.


Most Respectfully,


Great commentary, Rocco. I don’t see the Israelis making any special accommodations to a third party or the Arab Pals. Ultimately, the Arab Pals in Gaza and the West Bank will never accept a Jewish State. While Israel has been persuaded in the past to try and settle with the Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank by way of the so called “land for peace” exercise, that has always failed. The problem with that approach has been such that the land given up by Israel serves as a new base from which the Arabs attack Israel.

Putting aside the politico-religious ideology of the Arabs as it relates to their “animosity” toward the Jewish people, that wasn’t, in isolation, a reason to abandon the concept of a two-state solution. There are other reasons, not the least of which are political and economic. Neither the West Bank nor Gaza has shown any sign of developing a sustainable social order or a self-sufficient economy. The two entities are utterly antagonistic to each other and the lack of economic viability would keep the people of both areas as ‘never-haves’, and just as dependent on foreign aid for survival as they are now. This would continue to generate animosity toward Israel with its relatively vibrant economy.

The State of Israel is developing generational success and familial heritage as the Arab Pals are fighting internecine wars and falling further behind in any ability to build a workable society. It’s unlikely that any of the surrounding Arab countries would assimilate the Arab Pals and my opinion is that all would reject any notion of that happening.

Where does that leave “us” as observers? I’m pessimistic about any negotiated solution. Arab dictators don’t play well with negotiations. The dictators in Gaza and the West Bank, by most metrics, have money, power and influence they have no reason to risk losing. The status quo works in their favor so I tend to see continuing conflict with a continually shrinking land area controlled by the Gaza and West Bank dictators.

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