Who Are The Palestinians " III "

RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: Undefined Allegation of Substance
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

At this point in the discussion, I am at a loss as to what you now have as a complaint.

Remember, the current situation in the Non-International Armed Conflict (NIAC) between the State of Israel and the various State Sponsored Terrorist Groups (SSTGs) [and the supporting Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) + Independent Operating Armed Aggressors (IOAs), including Covertly assisted Subversive Groups (CASGs)] has significantly altered and expanded the Field of Threat Considerations (FOTC) that embraces a wide range of actors (including Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters). This range of actors evolves and begins to use methods of operation normally associated with national intelligence assets. While this description is normally presented to cover material acquisition and monetary management-banking-transmission, as well as signal security measures. These actors are also involved in generational state-sponsored offensive civil affairs operations and behind the scene international propaganda activities.

The intrepid Israelis are exposed to a considerable and persistent set of anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli, and pro-Arab Palestinian threats, tripwires, and harrowing experience generators that have brought donor nations to heel. Because of the number of Arab immigrants, these donor nations have accepted, these donors turn a blind eye to the vocal, written, and taught intentions to harm (the Israelis) in the everyday arena because of the vulnerabilities and unknown response that immigrant fifth columnists might bring to bear. This intimidates donor nations and international support from denouncing and reporting on the hostile activities of the various Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), that have significant influence over the Gaza and Rahmalla governments, conducted against Israel.

Donor Nations are oblivious to Anti-Israeli actors, Pro-Arab Palestinians, and Anti-Semitic promoters that some possibility of a future peace where today's HoAPs and Israelis can live in peace together completely ignore that for several generations the UNRWA uses school textbooks that contain promotes the hatred of Jews. That many schools are named after terrorists and have in the past provided storage for terrorist weapons. These very same donor nations that condemn Israel are totally oblivious to the sheer number of rockets (something like ≈ 4000) that were launched against Israel that precipitated the 2014 incursions into the Gaza Strip.

From a practical standpoint, absent induced fear from HoAP reprisal, the Israeli attitude towards the Arab Palestinians. The Israel Government's first concern is focused on its own and acts in the best interest of its own. It may not be pretty, but then, they did experience 20000 HoAP trying to rush their border.

OK, I'm off the soap box - fire away...


Most Respectfully,
Such is the short life of a child indoctrinated from an early age into the Islamic terrorist Death Cult.

15-year-old terrorist proclaimed his choice to die for Allah just hours before his terror attack​

Itamar Marcus | Aug 7, 2023
  • 15-year-old Palestinian: “Only Martyrdom is fitting for the life of a Jihad fighter”
15-year-old terrorist Muhammad Al-Za’arir tried to stab and kill two Israeli soldiers, just hours after he had praised death as a “Martyr” on Facebook:

Only Martyrdom is fitting for the life of a Jihad fighter
[Terrorist Muhammad Al-Za’arir, Facebook page, Aug. 1, 2023]​
RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: Misleading Claims to Growth
※→ et al,

Fifty years ago, I know I'm dating myself, Layfayette Park was a fun place to go. There were always some organization or another protesting. And my father, told me that in the days of Women's Suffrage, the same was true even then.

Layfayette Park.png

But this is a picture of a shriveled up group. In and around the White House it is great sport to protest. But this showing is simply laughable. You can get more of a turn-out if you protested against the poor quality of toilet paper in Port-Potties.

Befor I retired for the third time, the last anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Protest I saw in down-town DC, the Americanized students from Palestine could not really decide if if they were protesting against Palestinian Authority, Hamas, or the end fighting between political factions. The only thing they could agree on is their hatred against the Jewish State and the American involvement. Of course, the one observation I did notice was that there was a very significant number of Palestinians present in the protest that were either not American, never participated in the service of America, or were just out and about to be a part of something.

When the narrator of this new segment says a "growing number" - what does that mean?

Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 7.04.42 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 7.06.25 AM.png

OK, even if you don't understand these graphs, it is immediately obvious that the Blue Line on top (be support for Israel) beats the Green Line towards the bottom (the support for Palestinians). I mean, for heaven sakes, the gap is huge. yes, the numbers fluctuate so at any one time, you can say that the numbers show growth or the numbers show a decline, but in the end, the propaganda effort on the part of the anti-Israel and pro-Palestinians efforts indicate that the Palestinians are still being very deceptive about the nature of the conflict and intensity of Palestinian attacks. They are not being truthful when they make accusations of Apartheid, and are not honest about why the theft and destruction of Palestinian homes.

The Israelis are not prefect. No nation is prefect. They all have faults. And the Israelis never claimed to be prefect. But I cannot remember last when the Palestinians ever admitted being wrong. But you don't have to be a Rhodes Scholarship as an international postgraduate to know that it is near impossible for any nation to have such clean hands to be a victim of every single dispubte in the conflict.

What does it tell you about the Arab Palestinian when the City of Hebron in the West Bank named its Elementary Scholl after Dalal Mughrabi. There are two dozen schools in the West Bank named after various Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.


Most Respectfully,
Things didn’t go well for the Islamic terrorists during anti gee-had operations.

Clashes erupted in the town of Tulkarem, where Israeli forces were carrying out a counter-terrorism operation

A Palestinian terrorist was killed and four others were injured in clashes on Friday morning with Israeli soldiers in Tulkarem, in the West Bank.
Palestinian media reports stated that Israeli forces, who were carrying out an anti-terrorist operation in the city, fatally wounded 23-year-old Mahmoud Jihad Jarad, a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade.
Things didn’t go well for the Islamic terrorists during anti gee-had operations.

Clashes erupted in the town of Tulkarem, where Israeli forces were carrying out a counter-terrorism operation

A Palestinian terrorist was killed and four others were injured in clashes on Friday morning with Israeli soldiers in Tulkarem, in the West Bank.
Palestinian media reports stated that Israeli forces, who were carrying out an anti-terrorist operation in the city, fatally wounded 23-year-old Mahmoud Jihad Jarad, a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade.
Ahhh, the terrorist lady posts again.

Why is it that Palestinians always get shot and Israelis never do? It sounds more like assinations than clashes.

Another term for an Islamic terrorist who was “gee-had denied”

The Islamic terrorists sure do like to parade those bodies around.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: Poor form of verbal hostile behavior and aggravating insinuations...
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The answer to this question rests in the effective enforcement of laws against the illicit smuggling of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW).

Why is it that Palestinians always get shot and Israelis never do? It sounds more like assinations than clashes.

The fact that the Israelis are able to protect their citizens from harm presented by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is a measure of success.
The question should be, why anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian advocates want to see more Israelis "get shot?"
Conflict is not about giving a Hostile Opponent a chance to succeed in any armed confrontation. It is about the neutralization of any opposing force. It is the responsibility of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) to use its "Qualitative Military Edge" (QME) to defend its nation from all comers; including challenges from any member of the HoAP contingent.

Q: Why is it that Palestinians always get shot?...
A: The Israelis have a QME in personnel, equipment, and training.

Is there anyone who objects?

Most Respectfully,
No Caliph for Amir.

The cradle to grave program of indoctrination that creates Islamic terrorists also creates young, dead Islamic terrorists.


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