Who Are The Palestinians " III "

''Oh stop whining''. Oh Haniyeh and Oh Abbas have electricity and cooking gas.

Haven't these whiners heard? Cooking gas leads to global warming. ''Oh Moslems, where is your social, environmental conscience''. When you're killing each other in the streets, think about the environment, will ya'?

''Oh Haniyeh, oh Abbas, where is the electricity? Where is the cooking gas?"
“A young person died as a Martyr” and was “executed in cold blood” – that’s the way the PA routinely reports on dead terrorists who are killed while attacking Israelis.

Such a “young person” shot and wounded 6 Israelis outside a shopping mall in Ma’ale Adumim, east of Jerusalem. The attacker was 20-year-old terrorist Muhannad Al-Mazar’ah. An off-duty Israeli border police officer shot and killed him to end his attack.

Following his death, the PA had to juggle its narratives, simultaneously presenting him both as a victim whom Israel “claimed… shot at settlers,” yet also as a “resistance” member who had intended to carry out an attack and “die as a Martyr” all along.

While a newsreader on official PA TV described the terrorist as “a young person [who] was shot by the occupation and died as a Martyr,” a PA TV reporter colleague appearing in the same news broadcast explained that Al-Mazar’ah had stressed “his intention to die as a Martyr,” and had taken “a step towards the Palestinian resistance“ – a Palestinian euphemism for terror and violence against Israel:

(full article online)

  • Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has shown that he can include two lies in one short sentence.
  • During the meeting [with a US Democratic delegation], Shtayyeh blamed Israel for the fact that the Palestinians have not held general elections for nearly two decades. He also accused Israel of "attempting to combat the Palestinian democracy." Shtayyeh's remarks, reported by the Palestinians' official news agency Wafa, show that Palestinian leaders apparently think that many foreigners, especially Americans, are stupid enough to believe anything that comes out of their mouths.
  • Shtayyeh lied both when he claimed that Israel was responsible for obstructing Palestinian elections and that Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip enjoy democracy.
  • "The truth is Abbas canceled the elections because all credible public opinion polls showed that this month's legislative vote would have decimated the ruling clique of his Fatah party and ushered in a whole new politician configuration. This would have seen Abbas's rivals Marwan Barghouti and Nasser Al-Qidwah emerge as the new leaders of Fatah. If this scenario were to occur, a whole class of millionaires who turned the Palestinian struggle into a lucrative industry, generously funded by 'donor countries,' was at risk of losing everything. .... There is nothing that Abbas can say or do at this point to restore the people's confidence in his authority. Arguably, he never had their confidence in the first place. By canceling the elections, he has crossed a red line, thus placing himself and a few others around him as enemies of the Palestinian people, their democratic aspirations, and their hope for a better future." — Ramzy Baroud, editor of The Palestine Chronicle and author of five books,, arabnews.com, May 3, 2021.
  • So, evidently Abbas's decision to call off the elections really did have nothing to do with Israel. It was mainly the result of Abbas's totally justified fear that his divided Fatah faction would once again be trounced by Hamas.


The new Palestinian resistance groups in the Occupied West Bank | Al Jazeera World Documentary​

The civil war between the Islamic terrorist franchises is turning into internecine gee-had

I have long bemoaned the mainstream media’s constant puff fluff pieces on the Hamas-run Gaza, and here’s the latest: the place the haters love to compare to a “concentration camp” and “open air prison” now has a “cat cafe.”


The global cat cafe trend, where people pay to have coffee and hang out with cats, has finally come to the besieged Gaza Strip.

In the impoverished Palestinian enclave run by the Hamas militant group and crippled by a 17-year blockade, residents seeking to escape the territory’s troubles flocked on Thursday to the new Meow Cafe — Gaza City’s answer to the quirky concept tried successfully around the world.

The cafe’s founder, 52-year-old Naema Mabed, said she envisioned the spot as a unique escape from the pressures of life in Gaza — with its lack of recreational options, a youth unemployment rate of over 60% and frequent rounds of conflict with Israel since Hamas violently seized control of the strip in 2007.

At the cozy hang-out, Mabed offers a modest drink service and encourages guests to head straight to the cat corner to pet and play with furry friends. The rules of entry are simple: Visitors must cover their shoes with plastic and wash their hands before cuddling the cats.

I have long bemoaned the mainstream media’s constant puff fluff pieces on the Hamas-run Gaza, and here’s the latest: the place the haters love to compare to a “concentration camp” and “open air prison” now has a “cat cafe.”

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The global cat cafe trend, where people pay to have coffee and hang out with cats, has finally come to the besieged Gaza Strip.

In the impoverished Palestinian enclave run by the Hamas militant group and crippled by a 17-year blockade, residents seeking to escape the territory’s troubles flocked on Thursday to the new Meow Cafe — Gaza City’s answer to the quirky concept tried successfully around the world.

The cafe’s founder, 52-year-old Naema Mabed, said she envisioned the spot as a unique escape from the pressures of life in Gaza — with its lack of recreational options, a youth unemployment rate of over 60% and frequent rounds of conflict with Israel since Hamas violently seized control of the strip in 2007.

At the cozy hang-out, Mabed offers a modest drink service and encourages guests to head straight to the cat corner to pet and play with furry friends. The rules of entry are simple: Visitors must cover their shoes with plastic and wash their hands before cuddling the cats.

It’s Summer Fun time in that little slice of territory occupied by Islamic terrorists.

I suspect that at some point in time, we will be reading about one or more ‘graduates’ from the Islamic Terrorist summer school meeting an untimely death while trying to stab, shoot or plow a car into an Israeli.

Dead Islamic Terrorist walkin’

Fatah summer camp trains Palestinian teen soldiers​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Aug 17, 2023

Posting a video from the graduation ceremony of a Fatah summer camp for boys – “lion cubs” – Abbas’ Fatah Movement provided a glimpse of what goes on in these camps. The video from the camp for high school kids, which is accompanied by a song promoting “revolution and a rifle,” shows that masked teenage boys wearing yellow Fatah headbands were taught to handle and assemble Kalashnikov assault rifles, and were trained in close combat:

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