Who Are The Palestinians " III "

There is no legal requirement for Palestine to divide their country or to accept a two state solution.
Pretty typical for the Islamic terrorist franchises to take credit for their Jew killing,

Fatah takes credit and celebrates murder of Israeli this morning​

Itamar Marcus | Aug 31, 2023
  • The murder was a “heroic operation”
  • The murderer is on his way to his “wedding” to be rewarded with virgins in Paradise

This morning an Israeli soldier was murdered and five other Israelis were wounded in a ramming attack by a Palestinian terrorist in a truck on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv rt. 443 highway.

In a number of different announcements, Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah has celebrated the murder and announced that the killer was a member of Fatah. These are two of them:
You tell’em, Abu.

Fatah Security Chief In Southern Lebanon Abu Iyad Shaalan: Islamic Terrorists Took Over UNRWA Schools, Turned Them Into Military Barracks; UNRWA Must Hand The Schools Back To The Lebanese Government​

Oops. The Islamic terrorists in the PA are really angry. It’s just more of the frantic wailing one would expect.

PA: The “covetous” Jews “defile” the Al-Aqsa Mosque, have begun preparing for “building the alleged Temple”​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Sep 6, 2023
  • PA Fatwa Council’s Antisemitism: Calls on “the covetous ones [the Jews] who seek a false history for themselves to wake up from their nightmare, as the Al-Aqsa Mosque (i.e., including the Temple Mount and Western Wall) is an Islamic waqf
  • PA: “The fascist [Israeli] government is giving its extremist settlers a free hand to defile the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and break into it (i.e., visit the Temple Mount)”
  • PA: “Our people… with its unity and resistance, will continue to stand firm and defend it with all meansuntil liberating all the Palestinian territories”
  • “This fire… is the fire of the Zionist plot to defile the mosque and Judaize Jerusalem.”
  • “All of their plans and dreams will be shattered on the rock of our people’s resolve and resistance.

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